Does Yea Forums like puzzle games?
>white makes one move and black resigned
Does Yea Forums like puzzle games?
>white makes one move and black resigned
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>Noob who think its bishop
Queen to E8
He can take the pawn
enough of this boomer garbage
Never mind i am an idiot
lol bishop moves one position upper left
i don't even play chess
>lol bishop moves one position upper left
Then the rook takes it for free. Why would this harm black?
ur right
so there is no move
Black rook can just take the queen.
Losing the queen is part of the plan
I don't think you can move other pieces when you are in check
You can, as long as it makes you no longer in check.
u r dum
>so there is no move
This is a real game. Fischer (white) made one move, Pal Benko thought for a minute, and then resigned because white is now super, ultra winning. This is the last puzzle/lesson in "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess".
The only winning move is not to play
He's right.
>White Queen to E8
>Rook to E8 (take Queen)
White Bishop to D5, check.
There are then a couple of options for black, he could:
>Rook to E6 (block the bishop)
But then the pawn can take the rook and advance, putting the Black King in a situation where he has two pawns, one of which will become a queen, and he is powerless to stop them.
He could use his queen to wipe out the bishop, but then the same happens more or less.
queen E8
rook takes queen
bishop D5 checkmate
It's not a checkmate, but it's still a losing position for black
Pawn at A2 moves up one square
That isn't checkmate.
But OP said one move.
There can be a check in a few moves, but not one move.
rook block bishop
pawn takes rook
queen takes pawn
bishop takes queen
king would have nowhere to go
knight blocks queen what now bitch boy
>But OP said one move.
reap the OP again.
>white makes one move and black resigned
It doesn't say black was checkmated in one move.
>i was just pretending to be retarded to gotcha in my ruse
He could take pawn
This is how
>red is the move
>blue is the reason why
no he couldn't because he'd still be in check by white rook
already solved it faggot
now give me a real challenge
It's obvious why white is winning this position. >White to QE8
>Black to RE8
>White to BD5 check
Best move is black to RE6 and then bishop takes E6 with check, forking the queen and king. Only legal move is for the queen to take bishop on E6, and it's all over for black as White is up the exchange, a queen, and 2 pawns.
You're actually fucking retarded
How? Even if the pawn attempts to block the bishop, it would get taken and the King wouldn't be able to move because of where the Queen is. Retard
>playing an outdated TBS game
>white makes one move and black resigned
Pretty easy game desu
He wasnt pretending anything, you just mistunderatood the OP
>queen takes pawn
The queen doesn't have to take the pawn, because black isn't in check as you just blocked the diagonal to the king. Now you're giving black a chance to reposition his queen and just gave away your own queen for nothing.
This. If black takes the queen with his rook, white will checkmate him with his bishop.
>and it's all over for black as White is up the exchange, a queen, and 2 pawns.
White loses his queen (rook takes on e8).
This is the only correct answer.
To settle this matter for all I put this position in an engine on Here it is.
It's forced mate in 14 moves.
On bishop D5 rook simply takes, use your brain.
I'm really bad at chess
It's no fun if you look up the answer or use a chess engine.
pawns cant move diagonally like that unless taking pieces
*buzz* wrong again retard
>This. If black takes the queen with his rook, white will checkmate him with his bishop.
He can interpose with both his rook and queen on the e6 square. It's not checkmate.
Just a simple mistake in counting of the material. Everything else I said is correct.
Never mind, this is bait. Or you don't understand that sacrificing the queen is the point.
Yeah, wrong wording. My bad. Basically white forces black to kill his Queen and rook defending himself, And ends up with material advantage.
Then he uses his passed pawn that killed the queen/rook and its game over.
I'm good at most most puzzle games I play but I can't even beat a level 2 Chess bot. How do I get better
Watch chess videos on youtube. ChessNetwork is a good channel, so is John Bartholomew.
Actually sub 70 IQ.
this game needs anime girls and less rules and it would be perfect, maybe add more pieces to it too
How did we go from Bobby Fischer to THIS?
He never said that, he said you have no read comprehension, kumquat on toast.
I actually agree with this post
maybe make the board bigger too
Don't worry, this is just Carlsen virtue signaling. You can't be a super genius like him and not be racist.
Why the fuck is the white king that far up?
Queen takes knight.
user, the white king is at the bottom right. How is that far up? The piece on G6 is the queen.
Carlsen isn't a genius, he's an idiot savant who has no intelligence outside of his specific abilities in chess.
>lose your queen-tier
Queen e8.
>good tier
pawn h5, pawn h6. (now you can move your queen and rook elsewhere).
>great tier
rook e1. You now have a double attack on the e8 square when your bishop moves.
>elder god tier
bishop b7, forking his weak pawn and queen. If he takes with queen, you've removed a defender on the 8th rank.
>bishop b7, forking his weak pawn and queen. If he takes with queen, you've removed a defender on the 8th rank.
>How do I get better
Study the games of grandmasters.
That's true though. Tell me how the queen is supposed to defend from b7.
here, i didnt expect idiots to post bishop moves in this thread after i posted
stop pulling shit out from deep in your rectum mate
Just take the bishop, what's white going to do about it?
If you're in check, you only have three options, move the king out of check, take the piece putting you in check or move a piece to shield your king.
Brainlets itt
>anyone who didn't memorize all the rules of some random board game for no reason is a brainlet
The rules require two seconds to learn
Either way you have to be a brainlet to not know them and despite that enter this thread.
>The rules require two seconds to learn
Most people still screw up castling and en passant captures.
No, they dont
>memorize all the rules
what a fucking idiot do you actually have to be to even say this? the rules are learned in mere minutes.
what you're talking about are certain executions, but not even that sticks because for the most part its about using your head to predict and look for patterns to exploit.
Yes, they do.
What said.
Explain what makes them so hard to understand.
How is the king supposed to move up and to the left while the enemy queen is there? It's an illegal move to put your king in danger.
>Explain what makes them so hard to understand.
I don't have to explain anything, I'm telling you an observation taken from real life players who get confused when you tell them they can't castle because one of the squares getting passed through is attacked.
I mean even Grandmasters have been confused by the rules. In the 1974 Candidates Match between Viktor Korchnoi and Anatoly Karpov, Korchnoi famously pulled the arbiter aside and asked "can I castle?" when he saw his kingside rook was under attack.
user, that's the queen!!!!
yeah there can, are you stupid?
Pretty mannish for the queen innit
>rook takes queen E8
>bishop to D5
if black defends with rook, its mate
if black defends with queen, he loses queen and white pawn is in great position to become queen
>Yea Forums can't handle the best game ever created
I'm out of here
Bet most the people in this thread think pawns are the least valuable piece on the board
>if black defends with rook, its mate
No, his queen can capture the white bishop.
that's followed by Bishop to D5, nerd
you take with pawn, the queen then either takes pawn, followed by mate, or if he does anything else you move pawn for a mate
Fair, you made your point.
Four seconds to learn the rules.
The pawn is special and a trip to the castling FAQ.
you shouldn't fucking need to it's a rudimentary puzzle
it's literally less difficult than this one.
white to move, mate in 2
pawn takes pawn
Chess is inherently unbalanced. Shit game.
bishop takes pawn. wrong answer.
the imbalance would be negligible if people didn't suck shit at defending
wait no, is it rook to A6?
let pawn take, then pawn to mate?
Who here /bloodbath/?
Rook A6.
The Fischer "puzzle" is like checkmate in 10 and involves a queen sacrifice, and that puzzle is checkmate in 2 with almost no pieces on the board.
How in your brain is the Fischer game simpler to figure out?
>some random board game
lichess daily puzzle. took me 10 seconds.
intuitive vs unintiutive
fischer puzzle is intuitive because you can clearly see how the queen and rook stack against the king and how the bishop could deliver mate if it weren't blocked by the rook on D5.
a lot of my victories come from intuiting a win well in advance of forming a concrete path to victory
what's the context here, black to move and what?
doesn't look like a mate
i'd play knight to B7
black to move for overwhelming advantage.
HINT: white's move was a blunder
forgot to mention that knight to B7 is incorrect
i'm an idiot lol, i said B7 but i meant the opposite, G2
i'm guessing you're supposed to pin the queen? i don't see it, i haven't played chess in a long ass time
bishop b4, pinning the queen
queen captures bishop, knight d3 for a royal fork
oh that's a good one
i was thinking it involved the bishop, but i didnt see the step after that one
does anyone here play backgammon?
I am trying to get into baord games that are not chess, I do know rules of chess but its really hard, I have also recently started learning riichi mahjong. what are some other good board games that are played a lot and are not hard to find players to play with?
What's your FIDE rating (or Lichess rating if you stick to online)?
bishop b4
queen takes
knight d3
>but its really hard
I don't know the correct answer but this is not it because bishop is free to move
>go to lichess to play against computer
>lvl 1 50/50
>lvl 2 DESTROYS me
Rook a2
Only legal move for black is to move the bishop
Rook takes on a7 for mate
Black could play pawn to a6
>messing up castling and en passant
Literally who?
i could never break 2000 blitz on lichess due to people mysteriously playing absolute perfect games against me fucking faggots, stopped playing online regularly about a year ago. don't play irl in tournaments because i'd just get nervous
im not good at planning ahead but i am good at pattern recognition and intuitive play which is why I play blitz
bishop moves away and rook captures a7- checkmate
black can push pawns unless you meant a6 instead of a2
user don't worry for some reason Level 2 is broken. It plays a bunch of perfect moves in a row then blunders a piece randomly Try level 4 I find it's most balanced.
it is, I play fighting games with my neighbor, most of the time its 3rd strike but in almost all fighting games I beat the shit out of him and at end he opens his chess board and to this day I haven't won one game against him, and he scold me for being stupid in it, its heart breaking to lose because there is no execution or anykind of random chance, there is no training mode to practice your skill at, I don't know what you are supposed to grind. I don't know what things to practice other than just being good from the start
>Literally who?
>I don't know what you are supposed to grind
is this a joke post
Lichess is full of autistic cheaters. I'm about 1700 rated and I was playing on a smurf against 1200 rated players and almost all of them were using an engine. In between each move even obvious moves they would waste the same amount of time before moving(obviously checking the engine and recording the moves). When they were losing they would start making insane 7+ move inhuman calculations like it was nothing. As I rose through the ladder consistently it actually got easier because less people were cheating, but I know it gets even worse higher up.
That's why online chess is a meme.
Johnny playing a game of chess with his grandpa may have never heard of casting but this rabble of the general public is not "most people who play chess". Amateurs who try to improve their game wouldn't get confused on the rules. Sure my aunt would but most people who actually play, even ifmtheymare amateurs, know better.
I would definitely agree with you if you said that most chess players have difficulty remembering the rules on drawing games, because some situations that lead to draws seldom come up in regular play that you can forget about it easily
Play with a real human bean. I'm rather low rated (1200) so you probably have fair odds against me.
t. fellow brainlet.
I actually got Elo points "refunded" to me because apparently Lichess detects when shit players are using an engine.
I don't even know why people do that. Literally what's the point?
gibs me dat free pawn on H2 im not very good at this
White king to D7
Are any movies about chess or famous players/matches any good?
no I am serious, I mean after learning the rules what do you have except playing online? how does one practice or hone his play? how does one sharpen his gameplan and strategy.
I hope one day I will be able to play online chess or some other nice board and be free of internet problems one have to suffer to properly play any online game.
What other timeless games should go on this list?
play against a computer and study moves online
there are tons of resources on learning chess
backgammon, pong, monopoly, risk, blackjack, stratego, checkers
Stopped reading there
Dr. Mario
rock paper scissors
mahjong, riichi is really fun
street fighter ii - this is a fighting game which I think would never be forgotton, ofcourse I am talking about super turbo.
probably reversi too, its not all that much played but its also one of few board games entirely skill based
>stopped reading at the end of post
This, people think chess is calculating like a computer all the lines, but that's not how humans play most of a chess game. Like everything humans do, we get shortcuts by recognizing themes and motifs that come up over and over, so it comes to pass that the hardest puzzles are the ones where the solution involves doing something that goes against the patterns that we've taught ourselves. We train ourselves, especially in puzzles to suspect a sacrifice, so much that the sacrifice becomes banal, but to lose a major piece for nothing at all is a harder pill to swallow
G1 to E1
pawn sacrifice it's pretty good
I'm 1800 in classical but can't break 1500 in blitz. I just like my time to think I guess
Not to be autistic but lichess doesn't use elo
need big brain spectators to shitpost advice
im shit at thinking
if i dont know the answer immediately i wont figure it out
D8 to D7
how do i chat
guess it doesnt let spectators chat :^(
Anyone else think chess is fucking stupid? The only way to play the game is memorizing strategies and executing. Anything else is ineffective and a sure loss. There's no thinking involved.
You have to be signed in to chat
you put your knight into a kinda shitty position, your white bishop is blocked by that shit pawn
Move queen down 1
this. pretty much like playing league at e-sport level while knowing the basic roles and thats it.
Only classic is like that
Yes, but just remember that once you recognize something as not theory, you've got to prove why right there in a position you've never seen before, and just because something isn't the best move in theory doesn't mean what they did isn't playable or a big blunder.
You are right to an extent but it is not so simple
traded shitty knight for strong bishop
Easy there
>Queen to E8, check. Obviously this forces the Rock to move E8 and eat the queen
>However, the D collumn is the one the bishop displays his true strenght, so he moves to d5, check. As you can see, the king has nowhere else to go, and his knight cannot protect him. So the only way to prevent checkmate here is to block the way of the bishop, with either the rock, or the queen
>Moving the rock to E6 means that in the next move, the bishop can do a scissors attack, atacking both the king and the queen at once, while protected by the pawn. Eating the bishop would result in the pawn eating the queen, now being one step closer to recover the white queen, and end the game
>Defending the king with the queen yields a similar result, the key here being that the knight cannot move at all, and the pawn at G7 is protected at all times by the rock
At this point you'd have to be braindead to lose the game against blacks, regardless of what he does, you'd get a queen in the next 2 moves or so
user, your objective is to get a rook to the 2nd rank and target his weak G pawn with your terrific lightsquare bishop. Do you copy?
roger roger
wouldnt rook a1 to c1 have been better than b1?
I dont get it, just slid the rook. Black cant do ANYTHING that wont lose him the game eventually and if he doesn't do anything this crates a check mate sequence on your next turn
>white guy playing black pieces goes first
that fucking takeback request made me chuckle
but mfw when he accepted it
my brain is melting
this works too
b1 to c1
I want to see if its a good move
White queen is now stuck protecting the pawn on G7
ill show you one move *unzips dick*
Bro, look out!
Youre fucked
Nevermind, gg, no re
h-he's fast!
I flip over the board and challenge my opponent to naked wrestling
i live in Manhattan, chess here is cheesy because everyone here is like a semi pro or people who play just play for money like dominos. but theres a ton of parks where you can play chess for free and dont be nervous its pretty fun, going from exclusive online chess to in person chess is pretty different
Pawn to h2 and it's a checkmate, isn't it?
>missing mate in 1
>he didnt play bf6
>has checkmate in one move
>Rock G3
Whites choking you have a chance user
Yes, h3 would have been mate.
I’m new to chess. If the Bishop put the Ling in check, couldn’t the King move forward to take the pawn in front of him to escape check if the white queen was taken by the rook earlier?
There's a white rook way back protecting the pawn
You're missing rook on b1.
I never see 5SF around here. Nice choice.
>4 minutes left for whites
White cant focus with seven spectators.
It's time for a draw.
Not videogames
this is a draw lads start a new game
Okay I see it now. I was only looking at what was within the immediate area of the King and didn’t notice the Rook on the same column as the Pawn.
new game
Don't choke again whiteboi
Same opponent?
Trap that bishop
better idea in mind
Black done goofed
He can save the bishop by pushing his h pawn
Should have kept the good bishop instead of the knight just my opinion
you dont have to protect it, at the end of the exchange you have a queen and he has a horse
jesus christ reading some of the replies, how do you guys even remember to breathe?
Play with me, fellow brainlets ONLY
>this fucking game
Take a pawn with check first?
Not that user but just copy the pros at chess cause I try and I end up doing worse against the bots
>white missing a mate
It's any because Black had to take a shit and couldn't hold it in anymore
Rook check, promote with checkmate?
Missed this, user, if he takes the bishop with his queen you simply take back with your queen, and he can't recapture without getting checkmated on the back rank by the rook.
damn nice
i got overwhelmed by the options
when he took your pawn with his rook, you could have forced a draw black or taken all his pieces. You fucked up moving that pawn forward and check mating yourself faggot.
Gg user, wp
Blacks not from here.
Nice of you to point me to that site OP. I just played a random match, I made two blunders early and managed to make a comeback. I won. And am now literally sitting here with shaky hands and adrinaline surging thanks to the intensity of the game. Good stuff.
analysis board tells me that white's move was best
You should try playing over the board. Same feeling magnified by a factor of 10.
because AI doesn't play to draw
AI will play to draw if the other option is playing disadvantaged
*blocks your path*
You ARE playing the latest version of Chess, right?
Don't tell me you're stuck on an obsolete, limited version.
Yeah apparently it actually makes very little diffference whether you put the queen or rook on D3. Though my engine prefers the rook by 2 points. Seems more natural to use the rook.
no smart poeple pls
The hell is that rook queen hybrid looking piece?
>7 people were watching me and user blunder heavily in chess
At least we had an even score.
lichess would be so much more entertaining if it had a chat system.
Black nigger, develop your pieces.
it does
Was this game salvageable at all for white? The game isnt completely after after queen to e8. If black rook takes white queen. White bisop to d5. Black queen to e7. If white takes the queen with bishop or f5 pawn, you can still create a situation to prevent checkmate. The game is still in heavily in whites favor, but it doesnt seem impossible to win
salvageable for *black.
You just fucked up white
Bishop D5. King forced to move or lose queen for free then be forced to move anyway. Promote Pawn, Checkmate.
can't see how
t. white
why is he such an asshole?
I think if white goes pawn A4, he will at least have a square for his knight where it isn't hanging, and give him a queenside attack. That's the only choice I see.
use your knight to be annoying man
I thought queen to h8 because that'd allow me to get a new queen by pushing the pawn to g8 and promoting
only possibility for the opponent is to escape with the king
Megaman X on the SNES
You could have done knight to c6 and then gotten the bishop for free
oh and it'd be forced checkmate because the new queen can force itself to g7 and the king has to be at h6 so it's checkmate
RIP in fucking pieces
I'm sorry user but you're brain dead stupid.
Are the pieces in the back artillery?
Reminder that the bishop is the best piece. Nobody expects you to swooce right in diagonally.
Good game, user!
Good checkmate white.
white to mate in three
if you say so
Black fucked up
I don't think this position could appear while playing a game of chess
Chess still isn't a solved game. Theories are still being challenged today.
>this video is not available
Lets go again!
this is impossible
D2 Pawn to D3
E2 Pawn to E3
Done in two.
are you retarded
I'd move the rook to C8 personally but I'm terrible at chess
queen to h7 would be pretty devastating too if you think it through
See and/or
should've taken with the pawn
White Rook is free kill
Where the fuck are all the stupid people??
Got bored
Someone needs to STOP White before he hurts himself
>no timer
in to the trash
based hungry horse
Bishop to D5 is checkmate
Still waiting for someone to solve this.
See pic related for why that would not work. I am almost convinced it is impossible.
>6 move checkmate
mate in 2 is impossible
mate in 3 is possible with d4
Pawn D4
King moves to either G4 or H5
Pawn E4 King has to go back to H4
Either knight to F3 or pawn G3
oh fug now I have to sudoku
Does anyone know of good PC chess games? I'd like to polish off my skills against an AI.
Chess is only interesting between two creative amateurs. The moment you jump into the meta is the moment chess loses its fun.
You made the same mistake I did. King can go to G6 from H5.
GG you made some weird moves
I keep losing, fuck chess..
Shit, you're right
let's put this to the test
join if ur not a pussy
highly recommend watching too
could have escaped by doing pic related
that challenge is fucking impossible and no one can convince me otherwise
Whoever thinks this challenge is impossible (pic related), come face me, I'll prove it isn't
challenge is: white mates in 3
Come user. Show me the extent of your power.
>this thread hasn't been deleted
but vidya girl abs isn't okay? Fucking nerds
someone with high IQ, join this
not again...
It's okay user, the more you play the more you learn so you're already getting better!
That game was especially embarrassing
Are you black or white?
oh my god user you can't just ask someone if they're black or white
What does that have to do with his chess skill, bigot?
I'm black
Is this game just you two drawing battle lines?
Stop posting Kuro, my blood is flowing to my dick when I need it flowing to my brain to win the game
This is cheating.
You can do it user! Show those whitoid scum the power of kangs.
Rook g4, and imprison his pawn
Black knight to b4 bro and attack the white bishop, if he moves then pawn advance and check.
>Won several local tournaments
>Thought I would be hot shot and make a living playing chess
>Pass high school and went into chess full time
>Go into the capital to compete
>Did not even qualify for the tournament and went out like a loser through the sorting
>Won 1 of three games
>Decide to get good and roll in a club
>Basically low tier shitter and can barely win against old people
>Become a NEET and been that way for a decade
Big fish in a small pond and woke up that I am a loser.
>Chess match isnt timed
God dammit why didnt you play d3 christ
it's not looking good fellas...
US Chess Championship is live right now btw.
This thread was great
Goodbye Black
Qh6 is what he has to play right?
Qh7. King can't run and can't kill the queen without getting BISHOP'd
animeposter is not so good at chess.
Last one then I'm off to bed
Completely new to chess, but trying to progress. Come at me lads I picked black
animeposter is cute and fun to play with
Qe8+! Rxe8
Bd5+ Re6
Bxd6+ Qxe6
Black is now fucked as he cannot stop pawn promotion
Sorry my phone terminated the app here we go again
Your turn dog
Here's where I'm confused and maybe I've just always played Chess wrong. There's no doubt that white will eventually win so it's fine to surrender at that time, but there are moves that can be made to extend the game.
Queen moves, rook takes, Bishop to D5, rook intercepts, Bishop takes Rook, Queen takes bishop, pawn takes queen. We're all agreed on this. Now he claims there are no moves, but can't the Black Knight jump to F8, get taken by the pawn at G7 which is then promoted, but taken by the Black King? Now Black only has pawns and a King left against white's pawns, rook, and king putting him at a severe disadvantage, but not entirely checkmate. Perhaps it's a fool's errand to continue playing at this point as White only has to systematically use his rook to take the rest of the pieces and protect his pawns looking to promote themselves, but the earlier moves wouldn't be a definite checkmate.
Every time chess noobs castle they're just setting themselves up for a loss. They're wrapping the king up in a nice box for the opponent to murder. You guys should probably aim to not castle at all.
come on someone!
Keep practicing
Wtf I'm a grandmaster now
Castling is a mid game move to reposition the board to your liking. Niggas who move to castle as soon as possible are just looking to get boxed in. There's a place for it, but a novice won't know when to do it properly.
Nigger white
I should go back reading the rules and practicing. But having a timer to make moves is a little stressful
he went offline, new one
I'm going to bed, good luck user!
join me sweetie
>White playing with NO FEAR marching pawns to their death
What's his endgame
Queen to H6 and take a free pawn at F4
what? I got this....
tfw I bought a cheap Go/Weiqi board and a handbook, but I am too lazy to learn properly.
white about to dab on this motherfucker
>take back declined
>asking for a take back
Are you a child?
that feel when you play by using AI parroting its moves against anons to get a sweet win win, it's so pathetic what you guys are playing against AI and don't even know about it
This taught me an important lesson
didn't see the bishop taking the rook
less fun than gitting gud
*blocks your path*
Fucking casual.
>if he does anything else you move pawn for a mate
Like... queen to d8, to threaten the bishop?
if black moves the queen out of the way, the pawn is at E7. Then next move the queen has to take the bishop, and the pawn moves up and becomes a queen. Then he loses
Thanks all, had fun!
>watching chess
>watching a lie stream
That's like double the boring
White, you need to stop fucking around and play 'that' move
The one that moves like a bishop or knight, I think. Only piece capable of check-mating on its own
some crazy jew magic going on here
Why do they have women's chess? It's not like other sports where men have a physical advantage. Why can't women play in the same league as men?
Because if you didn't put them apart they wouldn't even qualify
part 2!
Yeah but why?
You’re a fucking moron
Explain how black retaliates then
There are less of them to begin with. I have no idea if something also makes them inferior at chess or if it's just the low sample
That's what I get for not having played in months. Wasn't expecting the queen to come out that early or offensively, and once he had my king on the run it was all just a matter of time.
Thanks for the lesson m8
Alright you morons here's how it goes
Qe8!, Rxe8
Bd5!, Qe6
Bxe6!, Rxe6
And then white wins because he's up a rook and a passed pawn against a stuck king and knight.
Go is better.
Chess is pretty good though.
I’m kinda interested in Go but I’m also afraid of starting cause I feel you have to study to be even semi-okay. I was never really great at Chess but I could do okay in my very weak scene back in HS years back.
Good god are there no chess players on this board? Read the first 10 replys and stoped there - shaking my head here like never before! Obviously it's Queen take the knigth on h7.
Go on OP, but give something harder now.
>tfw father spent years winning game after game after game against me in poker, blackjack, chess and every other skill based game we had access to
>only 12 channels of cable TV, a ps2 with twisted metal, and shitty pirate satellite dial-up internet to entertain myself otherwise so I dealt with it
>finally had enough one day and practiced endlessly against myself in chess using guidebooks I picked up at the library
>the next game we played I just barely won
>game after that I crushed him
>did it again in checkers
>he still kicked my ass in poker
>"Alright, you're good to go now"
>we never played a physical game together ever again
>the entire time he was teaching me how to lose and how to improve myself
I need to practice as blacks, join whoever feels like it
>took the rook
How is my hand faster than my brain.
>beat my father and grandfather in chess after years of getting styled on like a noob
>winning isn't even fun I just like playing with my family
god damn it i wanted to enjoy being smug it wasnt supposed to be like this
The only puzzle is to understand what the fuck EYE is about
it's like 200 IQ requirement
I still need to practice as blacks
>Beat dad at something he whoops your ass at
>Push him to be even better
>Perpetual battle of equal wit
>When some new blood enters the fray and gets absolutely ass smashed by both of you
the promoted pawn just gets taken, it ends up bishop vs queen lol
>finally beat dad at chess
>realise they were a casual who just knew the rules
come play a genuine GM, niggers
Third time's a charm?
Fuck off Caruana no one likes you
I hate bishop pawn end games.