Does tone mapping make games look better?

Does tone mapping make games look better?

Attached: tonemap.jpg (1600x1760, 220K)

Attached: 1553497276856.gif (286x210, 2.17M)

upper one looks vibrant, realistic and as if it has better quality.
lower one just looks like a bland piece of shit with bad color scheme and terribly looking ambient fog.

Any game with gamma correction has tone mapping OP

HDR is also tone mapping

Attached: 1544025661615.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

bottom looks better

>see this gif posted so many times i forgot what the original even looked like

>upper one is realistic
lol where in real life does the fog from low visibility look so bright blue? the sky is also near black in the top image. the tone map also added some more contrast to the mountains, e.g. lower right side is visibly lit now.

not to mention that this would obviously be in the background of the game so you wouldn't want it to be the most vibrant part. just look how high up they have the camera. thats why you can barely see shit because its all so far away.

Gamma correction isn't the same as tone mapping, it's actually the reverse; mapping non-linear to linear.
If you insist, top is linear tone mapping.

>Black sky
It's near the border of space.

t. retard

the sun is out. sky should be blue right there.

>The sun is out
So? Space isn't blue even when the sun is out.
The higher up you get, the thinner the atmosphere.

wikipedia says non-linear functions count as tone maps. unless you mean going from linear space to nonlinear space is different somehow

the game isn't simulating space travel retard the sky is supposed to look like you are looking at it from the ground.

Attached: types_2.png (1107x579, 549K)

what game is that? Sage engine?

>the game isn't simulating space travel
Do you even know what game it is?

They're both tone mapping by the simple fact that an HDR image was turned into a LDR one. The bottom has additional filtering.

the picture says uncharted 2 you absolute illiterate mong.

Holy shit, you're a fucking brainlet.
That's the name of the technology, not the game itself. See It's Space Engineers, fucking idiot.

uncharted 2 tone map is objectively best here. reinhard is one of the simplest tone maps you could use so i would hope a massive company making a movie game could do better. the uncharted 2 map preserves the color while it gets rid of the overexposure. Reinhard lost the color.

sky is still pretty dark in bottom image and even has visible stars, just not as dark as the top image. bottom is more realistic looking especially in regard to the distance fog. if they want the sky even darker they can easily fix that while still using the bottom tone map.

The contention of the image is not the darkness, the muted colors is.

Attached: uCvQb.jpg (977x653, 123K)

what conclusion am i supposed to draw from this image? the left looks more colorful.

the only muted colors in OP image was the way excessively bright distance fog. the mountains got more vibrant in places.

I am not saying either is better, but the desaturated fog is a property worth taking into consideration.

the image you posted obviously shows that it doesn't desaturate all colors. i don't know why you think fog glows a bright blue.

It glows because it refracts the sunlight?
It's a post-process filter after all, so neither are unrealistic per se. It's like comparing two different cameras.