When did you realize this is GOTY?

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probably not in december when I'll have forgotten it existed

after beating oniwa. I actually said "wow"

It might be GOTY. I finished NG+ and have no desire to replay it though. DMC5 will probably be my GOTY after the update drops on Monday though.

It's GOTY so far but it's a solid 7/10 game.


the combat makes this game pretty replayable to me, it's so fucking satisfying. I'd also like to do all the endings

Sorry but The Last of Us 2 will be considered GOTY if it comes out this year and will be considered the best game ever made by every single gaming journalist out there

>made by a company that literally says "no fun allowed"

It's good but not good enough to go through the mob encounters again imo. They're just a waste of time for the most part. if Miyazaki patched in a boss rush or boss select I'd play it a lot more. But as things are it'll probably be a "once-a-year" kind of game for me.

It's a pretty close call between REmake 2, DMC 5 and Sekiro for me.
Is there even anything else coming out this year that could top them?

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FPBP. Shitkiro is a 4/10 at best

SJW2 of Us will steal it for their SJW agenda

that's unironically a good thing

but it'll still be shit

I can understand that, it's definitely the least replayable modern fromsoft game
>boss rush
that would make my dick hard

as good as sekiro is, it cannot possibly hope to beat a game which is literally pandering to doomers

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Once I beat Lady Butterfly and Seven Spears and my heart was pounding. Also once I got to zip around the rooftops of Ashina Castle. And then also once I started to see the weather patterns change. And just the various characters and dialogue you discover (especially by sharing sake).

The game is a masterpiece and how fitting that they made it about Japan (as it should be). You can see the love and soul oozing from it.

REmake 2 would be a candidate for me too if it wasn't for how insanely short it is

What is unseen aid and what happens if it reaches zero percent?

I realized it was trash after 5 hours and refunded

Platinum has Astral Chain coming out but given their recent track record for anything other than Nier (which had questionable combat at best) I'm not hyped for it. Shenmue 3 is also coming out this year. Oh, and there's Code Vein and maybe a new Animal Crossing.

I don't think any of them will top the ones you mentioned though, or come close.

Why don't you just play the game to find out?

your save file gets deleted

Unseen Aid is the probability you won't lose your shit when you have a real (red) death. It goes down as you get dragonrot. Once it's 0, you will always lose half your shit on death. That said it doesn't really matter, you can just grind.

Fuck I'm at 12%

DMC5 all the way user.

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Around the


That's not ROR2

If I keep dying what happens to the npcs do they die or what?

nothing happens, it merely pauses their questlines until they're cured. it's a huge wasted opportunity

>Japanese Dark Souls
>except when it tries desperately to be something else
The fact they got rid of soul grinding to filter out casuals is rad, but the game has identity crisis and it shows the longer you play.

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literally nothing

literally the opposite

Just beat it a few hours ago it was meh I don't think DMC5 is GOTY material I liked more AC7 and Sekiro

this is definitely a big plus for Sekiro over Souls games. It's nice to have some over-the-top shit instead of how muted Souls is. Even Sekiro's own dialogue, what little he has, is pretty cool.

no more spoonfeeding shitters that can't even read in game prompts

Bannerlord is literally coming out this year

this but the opposite, will probably replay DMC5 all year but after NG+ I'm burned out of Sekiro for awhile.

can you explain? I don't understand why you would think this

north EU

user the Japanese are the only devs that give half a shit about video game craftsmanship.

>not going for the hardest mode to master the combat
Do you even action game user?

after opening the shorcut to outskirts after the headless fight
by that point I already knew the game would have a world to rival the DaS with a ton of hidden shit by the end of it and I was correct

It's march

So I progressed blackhats quest to the point where he's visiting the grave and then says he'll go back to ashina. I went there and there's just blood and no sign of him, did I fuck something up or is he elsewhere?

Risk of Rain 2 is my goty so far