why would someone play this shid?
Why would someone play this shid?
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because runescape 3 doesnt get updates
because its the only mmo worth anything right now
imagine paying 10+ dollars a fucking month for this
if it was free my life wwould be overcome by it. thank christ they put a ridiculous price tag on it
take that back
they don't
osrs is dead
Retards, RS3 is better in every single way except for the microtransactions.
10+ dollars
or 6-7 million ingame gp which is nothing
>which is nothing
I played for years and at most I had like 1.5M
how anyone managed to get so much money is beyond me
Game is shit. Most fun runescape was early 2011 when nex was released
>nex/nex sets
>soul wars/stealing creation/ fist of guthix
>hybriding was actually fun
>best graphics 618 revision
>lying on the internet
For what purpose?
even my ironman has 1.5 billion bank and the account is barely 2 years old
get good
I literally made more than that in a few days picking shit up around lumby and putting it on the GB when I started playing
how? has the economy changed in the last 8 years?
>get good
no longer playing
osrs isnt even 8 years old
what kind of shit? was there several drop parties?
I don't think "economy" matters as user said ironman.
Cow shit
>tfw no redberry pie
I was playing RS (2)
it was much easier to get gp in pre-eoc (8 years ago) than it is in osrs today
I can see why people like the grind and seeing numbers go up, but it's not for me. A guide on 3 tick fishing for 99 says it will take 220-250 hours of time, which in my opinion for one of dozens of skills (mind you barb fishing is fast as fuck) is ridiculous. I absolutely loved Runescape's quests and environments but at the end of the day 80% of your time is spent standing in one area watching your numbers go up like an idle game. I mean people literally play it as such, afking to do other things. My friend convinced me to play again a few months back and it felt like a slog to me. Also, no one really talks anymore and if they do it's either bank standing or tips/bragging about high numbers.
Membership counts for both games, so it's actually like 5.50$ per month per game.
>A magical force stops you from moving.
>A magical force stops you from moving.
>A magical force stops you from moving.
>A magical force stops you from moving.
yeah except you cant be on both games at the same time with the same account so its actually 11
I never understood why they call it old school runescape when its not the classic
To differentiate it from Classic retard.
Classic used to be a thing, they're not gonna call Classic mode 2 different names, and they're not gonna name 2 different games Classic.
They already used the name runescape classic and RS2 was a lot more popular than RSC. More people are nostalgic for that than RSC.
looting on a pvp world is my guess
I honestly believe RS was the best game I've ever played as a child.
I remember thinking about coming home from school to play. I enjoyed exploring the vast and varied world, doing the quest and an occasional grinding session.
Same. It’s the game I have the most hours on. If I include private servers, it’s probably around 10k hours. I only played from 2007-2012. Didn’t bother with osrs. If a version from 2010-2011 released, I’d play it
why 2010-2011, though? I was a bit sad with the graphics update of 2008 (and the music update)
because 2010-11 is objectively the best period in rs history
t. played since 2004 all the way until eoc came out
>bragging about being 'skilled' in EZscape07
game has gotten so much easier than it was originally, so don't act big lmao
I remember that being introduced. I stopped playing shortly after
bit insecure huh
No one talking is probably what I hate the most about rs now. It's all discord/clan chat/socially awkward. Back then you could walk up to anyone and be friends. I've met some of the best friends I've ever known because we would chop yews in the same world at the same time.
What's dead should stay dead.
Barb assault helmets are the sex.
yeah, you are
best songs incoming
reminiscing the good old days
>all osrs songs
you zoomers missed out on some good shit
I'm sorry?
>the new draynor songs
Best wildy song
>yeah except you cant be on both games at the same time with the same account so its actually 11
you mean
>except no one actually plays rs3 so it's actually 11
I god damn wish.
Fuck these ugly little neopets and FUCK THE GRAND EXCHANGE
RS3 ironman is fununtil you realize you're stuck doing dailies forever
bro ive made that much in birdhouse runs that only take like 1 minute tops every 50 minutes. ive barely played the game
>no principality
>released september 2017
long after I had quit
Good fucking love every last desert themed song in this game. It gives off such a grand Lawrence of Arabia and oriental mysticism vibes.
>A teleport block has been cast on you!
osrs is zoomer meme streamer shit
rs3 is autistic furry pvm no-lifer shit
I just live off my memories of RS2 at this point
thats a lot of buzzwords
I'm willing to die on the hill that Stealing Creation was the best RS minigame. PvP, actually using skills for something, and the points system heavily encouraged teamwork.
>Want to try rs3 ironman as playing it blind sounds fun
>UI is horribly scaled down and my shit vision cant see the icons clear enough to comfortably play
If runelite didn't have UI scale I prob would quit osrs desu
why don't you get glasses, user?
literally everything in the rs3 is fully customizeable and resizeable user
rs3 hud i mean
I'm sorry, friend
Every HUD element is resizeable iirc
OSRS in fullscreen looks like such dogshit, I don't understand why people play it that way.
what's those cyan squares? visual aids?
there are entire clients built for disabled players who can't stand normal osrs
How do I get into this game? It feels like everything is behind a huge paywall and my only memories of it are playing it at school
I've been tempted to come back, but I'm still burned by their godawful account security. Max characters on passwords, no special characters, 2fa can be disabled with no cooldown or notification, etc. Your account at any time can be hijacked via basic brute forcing or by account recovery (now that one of the most important pieces of information for it is literally publicly available for anyone who knows your username), disabled 2fa on the website (again with no cooldown or notification) and they are swift to ban whatever Russian used years-outdated macros on your account, and now there is fuck all you can do about it.
>11$ is a huge paywall
>no RS3 songs
coming from someone who quit around 17/18 I'd say you're too late. The community has changed. If you want to play for the sake of nostalgia, go for osrs
The RS3 hug is totally customizable
Why would you in particular be hacked?
bad choice of words
I meant a majority of the content is behind a pay wall
I like this music even tho it's very weird. It fits the boss
never played RS3 so that's the reason
Never know, but I had 2fa and 2fa on the email associated with the account and still got "hacked" and the account was banned before I even got back from work the day it happened. It was that fast with no appeal, emails ignored.
there's some RS3 music. It's one of the God Wars Dungeon 2 bosses
Man hearing the musical evolution of this game really is insane.
That sucks, man. How great was your loss?
Not great compared to a lot of people, I think about 1750 total. It wouldn't take long to get all that I had back not that I know what I'm doing, but I just really hate doing RS quests for some reason and the thought of doing the ones
I had again makes me want to die.
Yeah it does. We got a yuge mining and smithing rework a couple of months ago. And a big dungeon full of bosses and shit last month.
Well it's just cuz he's Sliske's Champion in GWD2. Seren's boss has mystical sounding musi for example
Fletching is now F2P
Entire Wilderness is F2P
Mining and Smithing reworked completely, now you can smith weapons and armors from 1 defence all the way to 92 with appropiate mining smithing levels
I'd be devestated if it happened to me. The thought of doing monkey madness and the one with prisms and lights inside of a pyramid again would be horrible
In RS3 there's a new "Mournings End Part 2" type quest everyone hates.
It's a 3 hour long giant maze + a really insanely hard boss fight
My stats were massively above my quest progress as a result of me not like them. However, I had just done Regicide and Desert Treasure like 2 days before.
Literally any garbage you find on the floor has a price on the bazaar
Sounds lovely
People are content watching arbitrary numbers increase, and they feel good when they can make them increase faster. OSRS has the same appeal as Cookie Clicker.
this game is really fun if you ignore efficiency completely and just wander around and explore at a natural pace. I mainly just walk around and do whatever content I come across. Yesterday I spent an hour fighting gnomes and knights on that battlefield by the maze.
wtf. this is literal dubstep. in runescape?
how good are t92 armor made by smithing in comparison to boss/minigame armor?
sounds based. mournings end pt 2 is some babby shit.osrs needs hard quests
I'm the same way. That's basically how the game was meant to be played. It's Ultima+point and click adventure+optional multiplayer features. But 2003 was a long time ago, and catering to addicts is what sells nowadays
it's a shame so much of rs3's soundtrack is overlooked
menaphos in particular had a lot of great tracks
Its very easy to do that if its your first time playing it, but for most of us that first time was a decade+ ago
anyone who just tried to play runescape like a completionist likely had no life and that's why they took the game so seriously
who wants to be like them?
I loved the shit out of rs3 music when I binged it last summer. Unfortunately I stopped playing because the dailies become too much. Perhaps I'll return some day.
You just tell yourself that because your experience of the game has changed from enjoyment to compulsion, like people who play clicker games on their phones
I've been playing this game since 2005. Why keep on the grind after all these years? It's way more fun to immerse yourself in the RPG elements of the game. Talk to random NPCs, kill whatever weird creatures you come across, go into quests totally blind, discover new areas by accident. That's what got everyone into the game back in the day, and all these years later the magic is still kind of there, you just have to commit to the slower pace
imagine being so poor that you let 10 dollars stop you from enjoying something that is in your eyes "life consuming"
not to mention you could farm for 1-2 days a month and pay for your mems that way
I don't even play the game anymore.
Because aside from very, very recently released content, there are no new areas we don't know, we've probably all done 90% of the quests in the game at least twice, etc. The weird creatures thing is true though, I think some youtuber posted a thing recently about how these mobs in the swamp area had dramatically wrong drop tables on the wiki because just no one does them.
>have to commit to the slower pace
if only it were that easy and they didn't punish you for going slower. Literally all new content is geared towards ultra minmax flicker faggots.
…. because it's the logical step after spyro, crash, ratchet and clank and jak and daxter? or that was how it went for me, reply if you're a zoomer too.
nice, here's mine.
>getting membership for the first time
Yeah, that's totally reasonable.
I personally usually get back into the game every few months and then drop it again after one month of playing it frequently.
Jagex has especially been slowing down on the updates since they started work on RS3 mobile, so I might get back into it after that releases.
>walking through the gates of Taverly
On both games gold has lost its value tremendously compared to 10+ years ago because its so easy to make gold compared to back then
Every few months jagex adds something new to the game that they don't properly test and it shits all over the economy due to how valuable the drops are. In both games there is literally an instanced boss that has no risk of losing your items and feeds you expensive drops and can be farmed all day long
its a power armor so bretty good
I think a major problem is that a lot of people assume that, because MMORPGs are continuously updated subscription-based games, you should be able to play them multiple hours, every day, every week, for months or even years on end without getting bored or feeling burnt out. That's an unreasonable standard for any game, even a game like Runescape with tons of content. Too many players blaze through as much of the game as they can in months and then go "Why am I running out of things to do? This game sucks". If they treated it as any other RPG and played it more intermittently, they wouldn't feel that way.
Same, I'll binge my ironman for a month or two and then drop it for a while
osrs is bad enough on mobile, i cant imagine how bad rs3 will be
Its not that they don't test shit, its that they keep adding free gold to PVP, and invalidate the fuck out of crafting skills by giving slayer monsters fucking retarded drop tables
If someone is enjoying themselves burning their way through content by skipping entire phases with GE cheating, I can't really blame them for running out of content fast. I do blame them for not then making an actual account that can't cheat on the GE because it essentially adds 5x more content to the game because you actually have to do it.
so you can make the best or second-best melee armor in the entire game with smithing?
I'm the Barrows Dye guy, am I alone that I needed time for it to sink in what happened? Like, I had ot read it multiple times to make sure I didn't misread a comma or it being a bug. Like, it's unreal to our brains so we are reserved to this reality. Normal?
Wintertodt and nightmare zone both had to be nerfed after release due to how many supplies they were bringing into the game, so I'd argue yeah they don't test the impact of drop tables or rewards very often since as you said even slayer monsters dilute the value of gold with how inflated their tables are
I know I'm opening a can of worms here, but that's one reason I don't like the GE. You can choose to not use it, of course, but for most player it is going to radically alter their experience of the game
It wasn't anything special to me since the stats sucked, I could've given it to my (old) main for like 30 bonds I think but I have over 3bil in old school so I don't need money for bonds. I had a bigger reaction when I got pegasus crystal on my osrs ironman.
Galaxy brain gameplay is playing a normal account but choosing not to use GE
>Dont mind the increased grind of skills, increased number of activities i have to do, don't mind 99% of the restrictions of an iron man
>But not being able to just buy those random bullshit items you never pick up until you realize you need one for a quest from the GE
If there was a list of just the items I need to grab for quests and have in my bank in a tab I would start an ironman account and just get everything I can. All of the "guides" for a quest order to avoid this are super autistic and want step 3 to be getting 99 thieving just on cakes or some shit.
I've played the mobile RS3 beta, and honestly it's pretty bad.
Well, the UI is at least. You can't see shit behind all of the UI elements you need to play the game.
The game itself runs fine though, I guess. My phone actually got hotter plating osrs mobile than rs3 mobile.
It takes like 20 hours to make. You have to fold the bars 1001 times.
i play osrs and ffxiv, both are fun imo
It still stinks to walk into general stores and see nothing but a couple stacks of unstrung bows
no idea what that means but alright. how expensive/hard to get are the ore/bars?
Nah you're right, its the whole reason I dropped my 2000 total main and started maining my ironman. GE dilutes any sense of accomplishment one would feel by grinding skills because I see gold buyers and stakers with the same items and stats I have
At least when I walk around with my dwh on my ironman I can feel like I did something respectable instead of begging mommy to give me 100 dollars so i can buy a spirit shield and stand in the GE edating and playing dressup
well, the dye was my first time. bought 99 Prayer with it, not sure if good investment... Cape is nice, so, how did you react to your first riches?
Same lad, got fishing on xiv on one monitor and slayer on rs on my other
My first riches were such a long time ago all I remember is taking a picture of the screen with my phone and showing it to my friends next day in school
And ye I still have it 13 years later
what the fuck does the cannon shoot with anyway? Laser? don't tell me it's fire… onboard a wooden structure...
kek I remember RS looking like that. who put that phat there? is it a legit one or does it have the same syndrome the purples suffer?
>20 hours to make
>23m profit
hardly even seems worth it tbqh. so best melee armor in the game costs 39m now?
this is just for t90. For the upgrade to T92 you need to break down a bunch of t80 armour and t90 degradeable armour for parts.
Want to friend me? Sounds like we play the game similar
Someone died and lost it
kek man, IDK about you, but if I had a phat I'd be too nervous to take it out for a spin.
Never played but this game has soul. I would say it's kind of like minecraft mmo. The appeal is obvious.
It is fire
They made a mistake. I still remember after their hp went to 0 they did the eating animation and then died. Must've misclicked on the trap
did he beg for it back or did he take it like a man? I have to admit I'm too much of an ass to give it back if he'd begged.
>this game has soul
>I would say it's kind of like minecraft mmo
Never heard from him
>got a barrows dye a couple years ago
>it's still about half my wealth
well, there's no way to find out in RS2 who owns it anyway, is there? and yelling WHO LOST A PHAT? I bet you'd find the ''owner'' very soon :^)
I burned all of my wealth from it, I hold the ideology that liquid assets are assets not at work, and that's a waste. You do you.
I'm 90% sure his name was Tripod Boy in the picture saying buy food. I just blocked it all because the 3 other messages are mine
I'm weird. I want to have rare expensive things but at the same time I've been hoarding gems since I was a kid.
It is mushroom wood and very resistant to flame.
>The thought of doing Underground Pass, Regicide, MM, MMPt2, Barrows Gloves, ME series, Desert Treasure, etc again
I love this game but if I had to do that I would never play it again I think
… maybe make that useless al kharid guy be useful? you could
You don't have to do them, those are all high-tier quests
you mean it's rotten?
No, I mean it's dried mushroom. It's basically lobster shell.
GE has killed basically all NPC shops
Most of those are mid tier or even late early tier dude, especially for GE accounts
im not a huge fan of quests but honestly doing them while stoned is pretty comfy
If I came back to the game, that was my idea to get through them.
If you don't like the quests in this game, what do you like?
And people standing around the various banks spamming what they sell/buy.
what if you disable router/rageplug? I did that once as kid in RS2 and it worked.
but aren't dried mushrooms highly combustible? like, the tindershroom. Ugh, Nintendo logic I guess?
yeah that was fun!
>but aren't dried mushrooms highly combustible?
No you fucking retard it's chitin
Oh shit they actually made smithing do something besides make mid level armor literally everything has a chance of dropping
>selling rare black lobster
I like PvMing mostly, and long skill grinds don't really stop me because I don't mind it if I want to play another game at the time and there's usually a pretty afk method. The quests usually just feel like lots of travel for no reason, and most of them boil down to fetch quests with skill requirements. I can't quite pinpoint exactly why they bother me so much though. Even as a kid I did very few of them.
something about RS's jank just makes it come off as really endearing compared to other soulless MMOs like WoW and tranny fantasy 14
You said mushroom wood, closest to that is the tindershroom, that steals wood from trees to build itself. the material is a chitin/wood composite, as chitin comes from mushrooms as mushrooms are closer to animals than plants genetics wise. Tinder shrooms still burn vigorously. Retard.
I tried that in Burthorpe last year kek, ''selling Onyx Scorpion'' I did cut off noob offering me, what is for them, alot. I'm not that devilish.
Well you're entitled to play the game he way you want, but I can't really respect people who AFK or doublescreen. Why play a game if it can't hold your attention?
losing connection to the server doesn't instantly kick you, so if you did then you'd just stand there and get fucked
mhm. for example with 70 mining and 70 smithing you can make armor that needs 70 def
The best melee armor. Mage/Range are way more expensive
And it's the only augmentable armor that still degrades to broken, so you can't cheat the repair cost with charges
There are parts that hold my attention, and parts that I can still make progress on while playing another game. I like that aspect that I can kinda always be doing something useful. Maybe that's why I don't like the quests, you usually get pitiful exp out of them so even if you're getting a large mechanical reward (shortcuts, spellbooks, new content, etc) it can still feel like you're spending a lot of time actively focused on the game but only doing chores for someone instead of doing your own thing.
Makes sense, else you'd get kicked far too often for microstutters - but how come rageplugging saved me form PVP though?
I remember being in wildy with my brother once and suddenly I saw people approaching fast. I fled and couldn't have clicked the log out button faster. My brother asked later what happened and I said my internet was down (through MSN)
Just play vscape, that's free.
Sounds like they actually started addressing my issue with how most of the skills are useless. Anything interesting happen to firemaking?
sislke endgame
15 hours stuck in that fucking maze.
I remember being an angry pubescent tween farming cosmic ruins from the left top part of wildy, before that gate with high level ice fags. some guy killed me twice so i said alot of no-no words. I'm not ashamed of that the most, but that I thought such a retarded way would make me money.
dunno, maybe way back when losing connection would kick you instantly or some shit
Funnily enough yes. Just in the last week.
You can never truly quit RS, you always come back in the end.
why can't firemaking be used to make bombs? make the skill-master NPC be in al-kharid instead that forest thing.
Just do revs lmao
That’s actually really neat
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave
>a bunch of osrs videos popped up in my youtube recommendations recently
>now have a massive itch to play
I'm also addicted to watching area restricted ironman videos.
Or be a Chad like me and still have the 5 dollar subscription.
>not having grandfather rates
Zoomers get out.
There's actually a list out there of every item a quest needs but doesn't give you out there somewhere.
Also, fuck the bank size limit. My bank is almost full and I've been playing for less than a year. The best person for quest guides I've found is SnuggleQuest. She doesn't have a guide for every quest, but the ones she does have are well put together.
>The best person for quest guides I've found is SnuggleQuest.
Why are you just not reading the wiki you goddamn incel
Because he's an incel
Because it's easier to have OSRS in fullscreen and listen to someone tell me what to do than it is to either split the screen or alt-tab out every few minutes.
i think a lot of it has to do with loneliness and the friendships people build over RS, 2bqh