yes you should

Attached: ror_9821_304.png (861x731, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shop doesnt spawn in multiplayer?


I saw it once

Where my yurofags at, I did a few solo games and I'm ready to eat shit and die in multi.

Where the eu lobbies at?

You gotta find the newt altar

Clearing 20 stages was quite hard even on Easy mode.

Attached: RoR2.png (1825x1003, 1.4M)

>no sniper
>have to play mul t to get my sniper fix
>get bitched at for playing the "crutch" character
it ain't fair lads

Reminder to ignore shitters who complain about "rushing" the teleporter

How do I unlock the other characters?

I have to activate altar to get the shop portal? I thought it was random

these gaijin will taste my brade

lol who's bitching? tell them to fuck off, he's fun

Why does everyone think MulT is so trong?

random sometimes but there's also an altar that costs a lunar coin

check the character logs and it tells you the requirements

alternatively, cheat

it can appear by itself but it's rare

>stack crowbars
>watch everything die in one hit

Attached: 3521.jpg (1144x2154, 431K)

>play engineer
>get no bustling fungus or any other healing item except medkit and titanic knurl

it appears randomly and also can be accessed through the newt altar



Attached: fuck that boss.gif (600x600, 61K)


I bought it to support the devs but I'm against playing a game in EA.

>fast as fuck
>2 equipment
>2 guns
>best gun at close range
>best gun at long range
>current bug that lets you get infinite crits with the crit equipment





should just start a /vg/ thread at this point

Is this game easy to run?

Ok then don't play it no one cares about your autism

USbro here, post email and get a free copy
You have no obligation to play with me btw, just want to send off this copy to someone here

Attached: yR2SSiK.jpg (540x464, 21K)

Compare nailgun to commando's left click
Also super speed and good stun and two items

confirmed how?

So with 10 characters total in the final version, and with sniper being confirmed, what other 4 characters you would like to see back?

Attached: IcJUhWZ.jpg (3200x900, 367K)

[email protected]

I can't get into the "lobby"

What's the deal with the gear in the bazaar? Have to buy it there to get it available as drops? Any of it good?

Already done

We know El bandito, Han-D, and Enforcer are all coming back.

Lads i havent played the first one, but i bought it just now after watching the trailer. what am i in for?

Is there a server browser this time or is it still online by IP?

funballs when?

what items should I look out for on Artificer? does cooldown reduction or syringe do anything for her fireballs?

sent ;)

Followed some anons advice and grabbed a max stack of fungus as soon as I could, and nothing could kill my turrets until stage 7/8. Turrets mirroring your items gets a little obscene when it can even copy Dio's bear. Not sure how infusions work with them yet, if they copy your infusion extra Hp or if they start with no extra hp. Shame I'm an idiot and expected not to die to one hit, I felt like I could have gone much further

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get extra clips

Just start playing today, some room up? Please be gentle... First time playing this (Never touched the first one)

This game is pretty dumb. You just kill a bunch of harmless trash mobs in waves and that's it. Is this what retards call fun? Geez, what morons lol.

Why would anyone stop to farm gold and loot then open the portal and then loot again I don't get it how are you gonna go far if ur wasting time

so i really want this but im afraid the lack of content will get very boring and make me not want to come back when it gets more

but i do also want the buy one get 1 free deal.

is there enough content for 10+ hours in replay-ability in match to ror1

Attached: 1393901919356.jpg (2500x1301, 901K)

seems like they get extra hp when they make their own kills

infinite crits due to exploit
fastest rate of fire
2(two) activate items

Turrets get infusions from their kills but I'm not sure if they carry them between lives.

Why do this

there's quickplay and ips have been replaced by sharing codes

I have everyone but the wizard what's the droprate on the lunar coins?

ANyone wanna give me their free copy? Ill pay 10$ paypal, email me [email protected] if you are interested

I actually did it though

Yes buy it, it's fucking incredible

Attached: Capture.png (267x135, 41K)

>those faces
>showing faces at all
Oh no no no

Why is huntress so thick in this game

The first mod I want to see for this game is faked player scaling.

That's a shitty deal, you need to pay more to warrant taking a risk on some random user

I like artificer more

Attached: 1553955341016[1].png (292x436, 103K)

Anyone got one of those free copies?

Is there a way to unlock engineer since start? I don't really want to do 30 levels to unlock him.

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I've already put in over 10 hours.
If you like ror1 you'll like the second one.
Pirate it first if you want to see if it interests you or not.

miner pls

syringe injections

30 levels total
suck it up

>level 100
>all that money wasted on shitty trading cards
>can't buy a 20 dollar game

Fuck off


This is so fucking dull without artifacts. How do people play like this

Attached: 1535375906775.jpg (675x601, 73K)

you can edit the xml file just like in ror1

Too many energy drinks.

Finally got it.
Is this item what I think it is?

Attached: thelongroad.png (1077x100, 26K)

So tell me about this game in 2 sentences?
Is this just a dungeon crawler with guns and a unique art style?

>actually, unironically being a glass/commandbabby
kill yourself

the stone colossus beam attack needs nerfed.
i have had too many good runs ended because of its perfect tracking

strength spinach

oh fuck is that the clover?

You jelly, poorfag?




>only one left alive
>game flatlines on me
Thanks, Hopoo.

go behind cover

Canada west, need 2 more

t. couldn't keep up with the others in RoR1

How well do the controls translate to using mouse and keyboard over just keyboard?

Any eu lad still having a copy left for 2?

Attached: 2eey2kg.png (378x471, 6K)

it's a roguelite 3rd person shooter. go through levels and kill shit until you die.
the game's main gimmick over other roguelites is that all items stack pretty much infinitely, so runs get incredibly silly and chaotic.

sure when there is cover but when the teleporter is placed in an open area you are fucked

>calling people poorfags when you're begging for a 20 dollar game

Attached: 1512597073918.jpg (588x823, 109K)


Guess i know what to go for.

controls feel great

>cant buy a dirt cheap game
>calls someone a poorfag

then buy the fucking game richcunt

Nice thanks

Remember to report these leeches

Kill yourself begger. Poor fags deserve the rope.

hey that's three sentences

>he thinks thats alot
i only have a little more than you though

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (247x112, 40K)

why the fuck is this game not cracked yet

t. dumb faggot who thought that the artifacts were for balance and not just to offset how bad the player scaling got with the removed player cap

t. couldn't keep up with the others in RoR1

>can't stand on arti's ice wall
What is this bullshit?

Attached: 1536069633543.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

Third worlders know better English than you, ape

So does the round keep on going until everyone dies, and the drops you get mid instance are equipable?
Do you get everything you picked up at the end an do something about it, or do you start out fresh in each instance?

waiting on 2 more

>1,346 games
>begs for a 20 dollar game

Consider suicide user

>tfw double shrine of the mountain on monsoon as engineer

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Attached: r4e3dfg.png (425x425, 157K)

I have over A THOUSAND games in my backlog. I'm not buying shit until I play more of them. Getting them for free is like a loophole for my addiction.

I need funballs asap

How rough was it? Think it's easyish to do on drizzle solo or would you recommend teaming up with others for this?

>it doesn't even block lazers

Attached: __hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_uranaishi_miraura__14fc219f02570875cfe6f85584f76d83.jpg (1400x1977, 969K)

Don't think it's a lot, just answering the user asking if the game had at least 10 hours of content.

I'm no where near close to bored of it yet. Every run ends with me wanting to play another one

>assuming I'm first world
Just goes to show how poor you are if I can afford it and you can't. Noose up, broke bitch boy.

We're helping you get through your backlog by not giving you the game then. Better start playing.

I went to it once through a blue portal.
You can attack the shop keep too.

>begging for a game you aren't even going to play

I wish you were dead, faggot

kill yourself

So this is a Yea Forumsermin, huh?

Attached: Annotation 2019-03-30 182922.jpg (1900x953, 326K)

That wasn't even me, retard.

Attached: 551707017153085441.png (91x97, 17K)

Fuck em. It's a co-op game and MUL-T is fun as hell. They can bitch all they want, won't stop me from playing who I want.

O i am laffin

and we're still in early stages too
i love this game

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (1919x1199, 2.32M)

any key to spare? :(

Not that user but 20 levels on drizzle is not tough if you speed through levels with a character you're good at.

So far i've got the huntress unlocked, but I have no idea how to unlock the others, and I don't want to just look it up. Can anybody throw some tips my way?

So bros, it looks fun, but does it beat RoR1 with Yea Forums rules? Command, glass, spite, champions, etc.


steam id?

level starts and a timer starts going up. the higher the timer gets, the harder the game is. the timer never resets so the game gets harder the longer you play it. to get to the next level you need to find a teleporter, kill the boss, and finish charging the teleporter (by standing near it). once the teleporter is fully charged enemies will stop spawning. around the level there are chests you can open that have items in them. while the teleporter boss is up/teleporter is charging, you cant open the chests. items stick with you for the entire game. goal is to get through as many levels as you can

Oh man I was played for a fool. Nice troll friend.

Attached: 28B4146EF12B4C10A78C3FAC87A25868.png (960x621, 342K)

>220 badges that cost like hundreds of bucks to make
>1346 games

This guy is rich and yet he begs on Yea Forums for a 20dollar game

north EU

check the logbook



The info is in the fucking game you retard.

Two can be unlocked by just completing stages

5 charges of BFG is fun.

>implying I wouldn't play it

I was with you until I realized you were from resetera (((we)))


1 more!


>273 games owned
Go fuck yourself

>wears maga shit
>also looking for handouts

How am I supposed to deal with the Wandering Vargrent's "FUCK YOU YOU DIE NOW" move?

Oh yeah, you're jelly.
Kind of sad that I've so thoroughly derailed this thread though.

go on, join us

Does anyone else find that the soundtrack isn't that good or memorable. Actually it sounds very samey.

Command with glass is easy mode and goes the same way every time

These are the people that fanatically defend Valve in Epic vs Valve threads.

He's broken and will be nerfed, so it's basically easy mode. Not that it matters but that's where the anger comes from.


Yeah, plus it’s only 4 gigs.

Yeah, everyone knows that Magatards are the smartest people on earth that never look for hand outs.

Why is it always third world (non-US) people begging for free copies?

109775241000301185 euroboys get in

Attached: cauldronwink.png (964x1195, 323K)

>playing with randos
sorry for your loss

I'd love to get the game but I'm afraid it won't run on my shitty potato laptop.

Anyone with a x230 Thinkpad here with i7 and the shitty intel graphics can run this game?

>begging sack of shit
>brags about size of library
you're an ugly retarded gorrilla nigger.

Attached: catsnap.jpg (1280x1280, 340K)


Lets go -> US-East

>Preon Accumulator with 3 Fuel Cells

Attached: BD11B3EB-7908-4F5E-B747-E6A7E8F5F712.jpg (208x242, 8K)

So how do I join a Yea Forums multiplayer game? You all keep posting numbers, so I presume I copy and paste it somewhere, but I ain't seeing it.

Glass mode with command is the most easy shit, it lets you become near unkillable in just a few minutes.
It's also a fix'd game which makes every single match exactly the same.

Only reason it was "Yea Forums rules" in the first place is because a circlejerk clique kept forcing it.

Attached: gLASS MODE.png (366x280, 140K)

Made a slow/chain lightning/bleed build. It fucking shreds lategame.

anyone wants to do a drizzle lobby to get to 20 loops?

Most of the beggars so far has been from school shooterland, so I don't what you're talking about

pirate and test it dummy

The logbook will explicitly tell you how to unlock the three(including huntress) that can be unlocked through clearing stages
The last two require a persistent currency and looping respectivly

I-frames or find cover

If you have thousands of games how is 20 whole dollars hard? That's like 1% of your spending.

>faggot rushes the teleporters as soon as he sees them
>doesn't even bother hitting the boss and just farms
>as soon as the boss is dead doesn't stay to charge the TP
>can't open chests
>"i want items, go charge it"
>does the fucking same every level
>dies early like a fucking bitch
>"it's better to rush things, the difficulty only keeps increasing and you get faster gold like that"
>bosses take fucking ages to kill because lol no items and they give almost no gold (killing 3 magma worms after 10 minutes gave around 1000 gold)

Please, please, unless you KNOW you can hard-carry everything don't be a fucking bitch and ask for ready before hitting teleporters. We didn't even get to search the first 2 levels for mountain shrines.

multiplayer > join clipboard lobby or something like that. It'll use whatever code you hit ctrl+c on

You just copy it. That's literally it. Just copy the number and press "join clipboard lobby"

Can someone please gift me their spare copy?

Oh wait, I'm not a poor piece of shit so I already bought the game and gave the spare copy to my boyfriend.

Suck it, poorfags.

New Zealand?

>whens mahvel
kek, what are they images supposed to be about?

Wow Huntress is literally Haydee

You must have a problem with reading comprehension.

Not him but I have 300 games in my account and haven't spent more than 20 bucks total, the number is meaningless

Same user. My boyfriend loves it. His favorite survivor is the Robot.

imagine how great this art would be if they didn't draw the characters faces

Friendly reminder that "This post is advertising or begging" exists and should be used with prejudice.

Attached: 1507148779470.png (300x303, 50K)

Yes there is a risk of white rain alright

Attached: 1474300933944.png (472x587, 262K)

Hey, now, Command/Glass did have a reason for existing: it helped counteract how retarded the multiplayer scaling got with the "modded" Yea Forums hosts using a higher player limit. Of course, the solution was really just to have hosts use the normal fucking limit, but nobody does that.

The DOT on Blazing enemies is absolutely fucking absurd

What does it mean when I suddenly return to the menu while playing co-op
Does the host quit or is it a network problem

Anyone know if I can still play local multiplayer on this one?



I'm curious

Attached: 1508539900185.gif (504x504, 765K)

MUL-T needs a separate key to switch equipment because the current method is fucking retarded having to switch attack styles it's so fucking clunky and just straight up doesnt work half the time

on the bright side, sniper's files are in the game, so you'll get your sniping fix soon

ANy USA lobby?

>muh backlog
What a sad excuse. I read that, I'm just not sure how it's such a problem if you already have thousands of games as you proudly proclaimed to anonymous basket weavers.

>300 games
Assuming just 5 dollars a piece that's still $1500 dollars so I'm not sure what your point is.

Yeah it should. Fuck people in multiplayer running around looting while I would be the only person killing the boss. That would be complete bullshit

I think it has to be overturned
Or does something wacky like true percent damage and needs a ducking NERF

hope u ar becom die

Mine likes the Huntress.


Attached: SWORDBOI.jpg (627x800, 73K)

It should because as soon as the portal is at 100% you can either use your money to buy more items or level up from the excess cash.

>game still bumps up difficulty if you're speedrunning anyways
>game's only hard once it gets to HAHAHAH

no reason not to get some items

>tfw died only because of my own greed

Attached: Almost unstoppable.jpg (2336x1182, 845K)

I can't wait for the promo to be over so the poorfags can get back to camping out humble bundle for $1 games.

Attached: 1508827905257.gif (450x450, 1.31M)

got an extra copy but no friends

who wants it?

Attached: 1254341175252.png (200x200, 45K)

Lol what, this is the first time ive posted it. Stop getting mad that people like what you dont like.

How do I unlock the other dudes? I just bought the game and an hour later im still running around as the commando.

Alright sword boys what items have you found are key to make merc not shit on loops?
>Attack Speed for r
>Any ok kill effect items

you should be able to charge the tp from anywhere on the map and chests should be unlocked. if you dont do enough damage to the boss you are unable to pick up the items it drops OR gold from boss kill scales proportionately to how much damage you did to the boss. once someone hits the teleporter, a prompt should appear and everyone else in the game has to press a button to ready up for the teleport

Why is the game so shallow and repetitive? I don't think adding more stuff is even going to fix this. Glad I didn't give away my gift so I could refund it.

weirdly the blazing dot doesn't affect shields

Which character would you have SEX with?

Attached: 1484966990277.png (372x508, 239K)

Alright now leave


I still have my extra copy. if someone wants it they have post OC of RoR2.

How the actual dick do I unlock merc AAAAAAAAAA


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Sorry I keep dying team.
Also, are any of the characters easy to unlock? I only have two lunar coins. Saw that weird store once.

You need teddies or you're fucking dead.

You better not give it to anyone who has posted their ID in this thread so far

Seems like you're the one mad if you're linking back to an old thread lel





all females
how is this a question you stupid anime shit

>find portal
>kill yourself

I can't wait to try the engineer! I'm so excited!

Just obliterate yourself man, like lmao.

>being this assblasted someone doesn't like your flash game
I can find better third person shooters on kongregate.

Obliterate yourself at the obelisk

Drizzle, don't spend too much time after the boss is dead, should get to it in 12 stages.

what are you doing in this thread then, clown

Attached: 3434343.jpg (775x719, 94K)

Does the merc suicide obelisk serve any other purpose other than unlocking merc?



Attached: 1507850523892.jpg (749x780, 114K)

Is this a rainmeter skin? Do you have a link?

alright now leave

You should be user, he's fucking based


>1500 dollars
top kek, yet I bet you couldn't sell my account for 50 bucks to anyone and you know it, because to do that you would need to ignore
>literal hundreds of games given away for free with promotions on platforms like humblebundle or even Steam itself
>literal dozens of websites that give away Steam games and it takes you 5 minutes every morning to even sign up for the 'lottery'
>all the giftan threads on Yea Forums that were extremely popular 4 years ago even if most times all you'd get would be indie shit nobody heard of that gives you a headache just to play but it still bloats your library

Turns out that at the end of the day, there's a difference between owning 200 Bad Rats and owning 10 Call of Duties

Why? I'll give it to the person who posts the funniest picture.

I don't care if they've posted before.

Attached: 1268886145873.jpg (256x256, 22K)

Anyone with a Mexico copy? Will gift Killing Floor 1 back

Attached: Taco.png (365x601, 75K)


Attached: 1538430908956.gif (303x175, 2.81M)

Anyone want to split the game price?

>attack speed for R
Does it make the attack end faster or do you just get more hits in the same timeframe? You obviously want the longer invulnerability window so I figure it's the latter


Merc is by far my favorite character but I dislike his helmet in RoR2. I really prefer that astronaut helmet look

Attached: file.png (900x861, 1.72M)


This, I never understood the obsession with using all of those artifacts that turn you into a god and then counterbalancing it with spite, never made any sense to me and got old fast.

You still have to be 18 on 4channel

is this game worth it if i wanna play it alone? loved RoR 1 but i played it mostly with friends.

pic related:
Why you should never give out games on Yea Forums

Attached: begging nigger.png (1857x1295, 1.16M)

>get the item that gives you 3 utility skill charges
>keep getting sprint speed increases

How the fuck am i supposed to get 10 of them? just did an 80 minute game and only got 4 the whole run and got killed by overloading worm.

Every other character is piss easy to unlock.

I think it's a third worlder that has to pay 100usd for a bundle of old games. That is the only way somebody would be so poor as to derive a number like 1500


Attached: 1469609832563.png (704x527, 313K)

>finally get mercenary
>hes literally shit
>but holy fuck is this fun


How do I unlock characters?

In every thread someone posts gifs of it, character has a model and animations it will come out soon.

they carry between runs



what and where are rusted boxes

the only thing that should be a problem for Merc are fire elites

>level 4000+

user he was saying his account isnt even worth 1500. Time to take 3rd grade english again.

they carry over between runs

>Reddit humor
Um, yikes?

>house of pleasure
So he's an /xivg/ tranny too I see

clay dunestrider is perfectly fine, beetle queen is perfectly fine, imp overlord is perfectly fine, so why the fuck do the vagrant and colossus need cover.

Are there guides to unlocking characters?
Or should I just play more

Well that's the funniest picture I've seen so far.

I think this gone oh cat might be the winner. I'll wait a bit longer though.

Attached: 1257272685330.png (918x794, 105K)

You keep them between runs. Might take a few days if you're not going HAM but it's not that bad

they're really inconspicuous (they look like literal boxes, not the ones items are normally in). If you have a rusted key you can open it. If you have 2 keys I think it's guaranteed green and 3 is guaranteed red.

Attached: file.png (300x225, 108K)

What is that reached true respite thing? idk if that really what it said, just did it with some randoms

gimme dat us east lobby

tiny little grey boxes that sometimes spawn on the map. Ive also seen a tiny "snow pile" that had items in it and consumed the key

EU, fresh lobby

Best I can do.

Attached: TGT_Chapter_20.jpg (488x488, 68K)

the guy who responded to your previous post :^)

Attached: sadd.jpg (640x565, 58K)

>he's still here
Alright then leave

Right now its the only way to not "lose" a run

Will send my free copy to the first person that posts their steam profile with at least 50 hours on RoR1.

Oh man the ironing, thanks for the laugh

I already own the game. Give it to someone in your family or your steam friends list

Ha fags

>mul-t needs a nerf
dumb people
>everyone else needs a buff
smart people

>30 hours

>4/4 in lobby. Starting in: 25821...

he does need a fix on the crit hud, people need to learn how to play him the right way.


Attached: 1553919920136.jpg (369x570, 47K)

>why are bosses different

tfw pubs never want to play on hard

Samurai is a jumping puzzle that you suicide to get him and it's inside a portal.

Mage also in a portal, but a different location. Pay 10 Lunar coins. Save up though, you'll need 11 to actually get her

Attached: 1482511008079.png (750x887, 49K)

How hard does high ping affect this game? Seems like way more EU lobbies than NA being hosted in here.

i'm a poorfag so i pirated the first one but i probably have over 100 hours in it

>tfw you will never convince someone to give you a free copy

he has the lowest dps though

Or 10 and leech off of someone through quickplay

>Can't unlock Mercenary
>Took me this long to unlock Artificer
>Portal doesn't spawn no matter how fucking long I play
>Still not exactly sure how to get super OP and just take items whenever willy nilly since chests are fucking RNG

Once you reach max difficulty does it matter how long you dick around in a level? Also what items are best on Merc? Does attack speed actually matter for him?

Never ever let others open chests and take your stuff

>Hopoo releases items that buff each of the 4 skills you have, not just the 4th this time
>The one for your utility skill turns Merc's dash into SCUM

Attached: file.png (640x360, 578K)

where is that oblisk?

What IS the right way to play Merc? I feel like I fuck up too often as him.


the portal for merc will show up after you finish stage 7 (Loop of the ice area). When you load in it should say "A Celestial orb has spawned"

I already have the game I just wanted to post this.

Attached: 1437638195028.png (195x207, 14K)

thanks bros

Makes the attack speed far faster
Which is really nice for stacking effect chances

>already gave my gift copy to a friend
>still bait poorfags in these threads just to watch them suffer
Anyone else do this?

Attached: EEF9jcl.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

>alternatively, cheat
I would if steamcloud put the savefile on my PC. It isn't anywhere on the default fodler for game saves. Fuck those lunar coins.

Attached: 1654cb8349cd370ca90c26261295791c.png (273x273, 197K)

>he's banned

Attached: 1537123257772.jpg (375x378, 98K)

desu all mul-T needs is a bugfix and maybe a movespeed reduction and then he's fine

Anyone have a spare copy? /id/MrSnails/

God yes

FYI it's region locked

I don't care if you have it already. Anyone can post. Slap your ID on there and you might just get an extra copy

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Attached: 1503322276134.gif (540x603, 188K)

Any random tips, knowledge or item stacks info that a RoR newfag should know?

I've been basically grabbing as many chests as quick as I can then activating the teleporter.

Attached: HelloDrJones.jpg (1900x1266, 138K)

Just mash all the buttons and make sure R is cooled down if you're fighting a jellyfish
You should barely touch the ground against bosses

Don't do that user. I actually wanna discuss the game. That shit only encourages more begging.

Attached: tumblr_ma3hkduhcb1rzjtjao1_500.jpg (500x631, 92K)

Don't be using your primary skill that often. His Dash can do a surprising amount of damage, hitting something with it resets the dash (up to 2 times), you can turn around in midair and attack the same enemy 3 times this way. It's a good way to buy time for his 4th ability to come off cooldown. his second is a nice way to get some more air in combat too.

Abuse your r to avoid damage and hit a ton of enemies
Stay in the air constantly with jumps and M2
Use shift to either get into the air or stun massive crowds of enemies
Stack things like bleed and movements speed and crit and attack speed to become the blade


This is the most retarded way of thinking. Instead of nerfing one character to be at the same line of the other characters you want them to change 5 other characters, creating powercreep and changing the overall balance of the whole game.

I hope hoppo has considered mod support sometime down the line


II just found this image on google, I dont use rainmeter nor reddit so i have no idea if the guy posted a download link there or not


Jesus christ
You really can't sit still at all in the last difficulty

Attached: AAAA.jpg (493x637, 88K)

How do I cheat?


Then you report them and get them banned, shit's easy. It's like having an army of beta orbiters.

Attached: 1532309421919.jpg (4160x3120, 3.29M)

>it's a 'finding the teleporter on wetlands aspect' episode

Attached: 1436764768842.png (234x210, 6K)

So you heathens can start your "GUYS HUNTRESS IS THICC" Threads? I think not.

Lived to see "the reminder" and got one shot moments later

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in a game that already suffers from massive bullet sponge effect on bosses, you're the one who's retarded


What's the most effective way to find the teleporter?

One slot open

Anyone else feel like red item drop rate could stand to be a bit increased? I could go several runs without seeing one

any EU lobby?

Give me some secret Engineer tips, he's god tier but I'm not sure if he has a secret to him.

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look for the orange particle effect. Once you know what to look for it's not too hard.

>cant buy the game again
Bros help the offer expires in an hour, how do i buy additional copies

look for the little floaty orange particles surrounding it
if you have a shit PC that can only run on low settings like me, pray

>t. Glass player
Seriously do you have ADHD or what? It doesn't even take long to kill enemies in this game.
Are all glass players this bad?

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bustling fungus, lay down a turret in an open area when the level begins to get FREE gold passively

Attached: 1458426987432.jpg (1064x1600, 449K)

theres a guide in the steam community on how to cheat you literal brainlet. its easy as fuck. apply yourself.

>playing a game with so many fucking lighting and particle effects everywhere that you can't even fucking see what's going on
Modern fucking gaming, man.

if you get 2x bustling fungus you and your turrets are basically immortal

>3D printer chests
>timer chests
>invisible chests
>rusty chests

What other meme chests are there?

user, it's where all of the other steam cloud saves are. The file your looking for is an incredibly basic XML file. Hell, Lunar coins are on one of the first few lines.


are there huntress lewds?

so we can mod in characters that dont make it obviously and maybe futa huntress

They only let people make use of the BOGO offer once to pevent people from exploiting it.

Succ cube is SUPERIOR

They only get banned when they beg out of the blue you retard, posting fake giveaways doesn't do shit

As another user said, my main problem is on wetlands. Can I see this effect from far if I increase resolution?

Thank you, anons. I'll do my best.

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Is there a "quickplay" option for multi or is it like last time where you have to join a lobby? That's likely to make my purchase decision for me atm.

wow guys this big drone sure is cool
I hope nothing bad happens to him

Attached: wowsocool.jpg (585x585, 79K)

my strat is to open 1-3 chests, activate tele, kill boss/wait for tele to charge, run back to open as many chests as i can, then teleport. once i get really fast move speed or can effortlessly kill bosses i rush the boss portal then go back to open stuff

Not to F I V E charges of BFG.
I'll give you three at most.


>teammates keep prematurely teleporting away when I have alot of gold for turrets and loot
>this shit goes on for 5 rounds
>next round starts
>rush and activate the hard modifier for extra bosses
>also activated the teleporter
>its a worm boss
>watch all 3 try to kill it for 10 mins while I stand there and watch them
>text chat is full of salty replies saying they'll report me
>mfw justice is served

Attached: 1541779766304.png (300x300, 151K)


I didn't see timer, invisible or rusts. Are they on later stages?

Go get em champ

An user already pulled off Artificer's skirt in a little mod he made. The game is made in unity and all of the assets are just there in the open already.

There is
Playing with randos sucks though join v lobbies instead


Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-30 19-09-44-46.jpg (3840x2160, 1.42M)

>stacking extra equipment charges with missile launcher

Attached: 1538332846847.gif (200x200, 9K)

Do Bustling Fungus circles stack? Like if I have two turrets right beside each other and I stand on them will each of us be getting the effects of all three?

I repaired it, went to fight the boss.
This fucker just stuck in its initial location, and the boss gave me the portal to sacrifice myself for unlocks.

all I feel is pain

Attached: howcouldthishappen.jpg (865x865, 125K)

How do I get those big ass monsters

He obviously deleted it out of shame

Shooting same boss for 10 minutes straight is boring and no amount of shitposting about >MUH VANILLA ROR EXPERIENCE will help you.

o shit

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.6M)

Huntress chest

fresh content from Yea Forums

Attached: ching chong meow.png (1827x318, 167K)

I am aware, but the folder's ID I see in any thread doesn't exist in mine. I also checked all of them individually and there's no XML to be found, neither inside the fodler itself or the remote folder in the few they have it.
I have no idea what's happening.

Attached: 7bf5f8a00f713aae907461779f45c4fa.png (298x504, 13K)

twice as fun with the 2x damage lunar item

im getting autokicked
I'm pretty sure they do

my buddy and I found a goat hoof 3d printer on the second stage so we turned all of our items into goat hoofs and also ended up with 4 or 5 feathers each. It was disappointing going to another character after that run...

Swear to god Fire does like percentage damage or some shit

No I was just playing the game and didnt have a chance to reply until now.


Rush teleporter or first search the scenario for itens?

>I wasn't paying attention because I'm bad and just died like a bitch

as far as I can tell everything stacks

>Dude the game runs great on toasters, just update your drivers
>Go to update drivers
>Your drivers are up to date
Toaster-friendly my hairy asscrack

timer is on snowy level. you need to get there in under 10 minutes. rust is when you get rusty key items.

also it is amazing playing the bow character with all of that shit you basically never have to land and can hover over the battlefield on your double jumps and arrow rain for a while and just touch a wall to reset your jumps

Add him to laugh at him.

Attached: Screenshot_20190330-141435_Clover.jpg (1080x309, 70K)

I mean it just shows how bad you are at the game if it takes you 10min to kill a single boss. I guess that is what glass makes to your brain.

Wtf I just wanna buy it for my friend

not sure if this is the best way to go about it but I give my self 2 mins or so around the start to find the teleporter and grab stuff before starting it up less time if I find stuff I like or I just can't find anything at all.

He gets to simutaniously have the most tools and the best tools at the same time. His mobility is amazing. His stats are plainly superior to all the other characters. He gets 2 items, because ???. He shoots the best at every range. He shits out crits for free. He gets a million bonuses as good or better than what everyo ther character gets for no apparent reason

Post lobby link

Why are my desktop notifications popping up even when I'm tabbed into the game? This shit isn't fullscreen?

In case anyone missed it. I'm still giving an extra copy to the funniest pic posted in the thread.

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eurohobos get in

broken robot edition

Attached: tenor.gif (348x498, 1.78M)

if thom yorke was a dog he'd be thom yorkie

some dude got it playing on intel 3000 igpu. I'm sure it will work on yours, assuming you have some sort of gpu at all

I wasn't even playing, I was WATCHING SOMEONE PLAY.


I do.


Is this game not piratable or something? Why are there so many beggars?

>tfw have an extra copy
>keeping it for trading even though I don't like trading because 99% chance if I gave it away here even if I see the account isn't 1 million unplayed games, its a dummy account made by a beggar


Attached: 68a.png (219x301, 54K)

You're baiting, right? :')

Attached: 231231312.jpg (750x578, 35K)

lol bro just turn off the particles then

what the fuck happened to all the ror1 pros

of course you always rush the tele. if you don't have enough money for all the items afterwards it doesn't matter, you just go to the next level and don't need the items since you were so fast

There are so many beggars because there are so many free copies rolling around

nice bait my friend, well memed.

it says you're an invalid when I try

>thinking any fucking spyware botnet unity game will run on anything but ultramegafullhigh $3000 computers

In the Abadoned Aqueduct there's suppose to be a switch to activate the gate right?
Is it up high or down low, can't seem to find it from scouting.

>just git gud and use mul-t with crit glitch

yeah I'll just fire up cheat engine while I'm at it

I'm hoping to make a friend in the process.

Attached: 7NlQuXU_d.jpg (640x743, 54K)

I only get a solid framerate at 800x600

Yeah but you can just pirate it, presumably


Found your problem. How about you actually play the game?

>Invalid Lobby ID
is this one of those games I need to switch off private profiles to play online
'cause if so refunding

No, but the resetera level faggotry of people posting twitter screens is making me hate this place more and more.

I'm running it at 60fps 1080p on my 750ti you fucking third worlder

>I wasn't even playing, I was WATCHING SOMEONE PLAY.
so a nigger that doesnt even play the game and has no game knowledge complains the game has too many particles effects

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That was an exaggeration. It's fucking boring to fight a boss with 800k health when each your shot deals as little as few hundreds of damage and boss itself can't do much to hurt you because few survival items make you regen your whole healthbar in few seconds.

my computer is literally 11 years old
i run this game at 60fps at 1080p
works on my machine


And how the living fuck do you think I could actually PLAY the game if I can't even follow the gameplay by just WATCHING someone?

Do you kids even use those brains you have, or do you just like the sound they make sloshing around up there?

>what the fuck happened to all the ror1 pros
Look at the playercount of ror2 compared to 1
I think the vast majority is new.

Rusts are hard to see because they're dark and of course rusty. Invisibles are literally invisible until you're right on top of them. I've only seen a timer chest once and it was like the other user said, on the snow level.

Git gud There's no command and glass mode to hand hold you in this game.

As the board merger two years ago proved, Yea Forums is full of disgusting Brazilians. Just report and ignore.

>it's a blazing wandering vagrant vs 4 mercs episode

its possible to do a loop without going past 'Very Hard'

How the fuck
What are your settings, my GPU is 5 years old and can't run it above 30 FPS on any resolution aside from 800x600

check other harddrives for steam folders. steam is retarded with multiple drives for some reason

>git gud
and maybe jew all the items from other players too? get the fuck out nigger

I actually already have the game, you can give it to someone else.

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I don't see what the source has to do with anything, mate. I get where you're coming from though.

Attached: oof.png (789x460, 358K)

How does the gifting thing work? Do you just automatically get the 2nd copy when you buy the game? I already bought it and I was pretty tired so I don't know if I got the 2nd copy or how to even check, I bought it before I knew about the free copy.


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>I can't even follow the gameplay by just WATCHING someone?
Sounds like a personal problem.

I'm 31, and I've got no trouble following what's going on in the game when I'm playing it.

I think the second copy is in your inventory.

it just sticks it in your steam inventory, dude

theres a very big difference between watching an experience and feeling it hands on user

Yes but probably every Russian and Peruvian has igg games or piratebay in their bookmarks.

Why didn't they go there and instead shit up this thread?

How the fuck do I get good at this game? I've been playing for 2 hours and can't even kill a boss. It feels like whenever I try to get items the monsters pile up, and whenever i rush the teleporter I die because I have no items.

the future is now, old man. your reflexes and senses have dulled if you truly can't tell what's going on, it's time to move aside and let us 27 year-old zoomers take over.


>confusing boredom with difficulty
lmao git gud, this game is a borefest. enjoy your glassless runs while it lasts, as soon as it is added in it's all you will find in these threads.

The game is surprisingly good at telegraphing shit.

>it was in my main drive
You know, that explains while despite having it only for the OS it kept getting filled. Retarded me for not checking and retarded steam for doing this when I specified to use (D:)
Thanks for the info, user.

Sounds like a personal problem, considering you were watching a dude actually playing the fucking game himself.

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>Not playing with all artifacts activated
Get a load of this guy

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We're winning bros

Attached: rorchart.png (750x160, 93K)

>RoR2 has 63k players currently
holy fuck

I already have the game, but if you give it to me, I'd give it to one of my friends
you could also have one (or all, I don't care) of my 200 something trading cards, no idea why people collect them

rush the teleporter asap at any given moment, don't waste time looking for items too far away
get all the drones you can though, they draw enemy fire

Game boosts difficulty if you're speedrunning anyways so its worth it to take an extra couple of minutes to grab some chests.

my 750ti is a mid range card from 6 years ago and it runs 60fps 1080p with almost all settings on ultra. what the fuck potato card do you have?

are you seriously trying to me Yea Forums rules weren't harder than base game?

Funballs and glass is the ultimate pleb filter. Normal mode is mind numbingly slow and easy as fuck, you take 3 billion hits before you die and killing even a single mob takes years.

I'm so glad you won't be polluting the matchmaking pool.

Does anyone have the "Eh, glass mode?" pic? The 2hu one.

So around 30k sales?

>mod it so her scarf covers her ass

Attached: devilishh.jpg (1024x1276, 105K)

No, sounds like a problem with modern games with all their fucking dazzle and fireworks to impress people while having crappy gameplay (3d is shit, enjoy getting sniped from everywhere with no ability to see where things are coming from because you're limited).

Modern gaming is a mistake. Let gaming fucking die, please.

They're fine if I play a game that isn't filled with sparkly bullshit to dazzle Dumbest Generationals and blind them to the fact that the gameplay is fucking shit.

based trips poster speaks the truth

add me and I'll show you how to do it

>This game is not fun and this is not how you are SUPPOSE to play it!
>It's only fun when you play with us fellow avatarfags with our arbitrary made up rules which makes every single game exactly the same

Attached: 3456a77d.png (633x758, 16K)

What was all time peak for RoR1?

just rush the monsters

I have the game and a spare copy to give away, will give to user who is the cutest twink girlie faggot with the smallest perkiest dick and tightest bootyhole. Tiny hormone tits optional.

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Attached: namethosenumbers.png (1280x1456, 2.98M)

>literal twitchkiddie crying about MODERN GAYMAN
this is amazing


>last survivor
>kill the bosses
>die to random lemurians in my ass
>forgot Dio

I'm so sorry.

Attached: ror1.png (752x158, 85K)

I have some lag after I touch the teleporter and enemies start spamming on high difficulty. Which option should I change to avoid the fps drop?

Cope more circlejerks

I do but then I have to deal with 3 fucking golems and they take forever to kill and then more shit spawns

Any eu lobbies up?


NA West Coast

Attached: 1435521673574.png (4449x5000, 3.2M)

Turn off the particles if they're such an issue, you spastic retard.

Fucking hell yeah. I'm so happy for these guys. Shit is well deserved for all the fun I have gotten from both of these games.

jesus, glad to see hopoo has some success with 2.

Sorry, I may be a poorfag but all faggots should be gassed.


What really? thats insane but good, well to be fair they did sell two copies


us east

I had no idea such a thing existed!
This is kumquats on toast.

Why can't I turn off bloom?

Bullet hell games have been around since the '90s you uneducated swine

You don't like it? Don't play it. What are you complaining about, though? There has always been flashy stuff in games, and a third dimension doesn't hinder my awareness at all. It's nobody's fault that you can't keep up but your own.

Isn't that what I said?

Attached: 1553861878112.jpg (480x366, 137K)

first game sold over a million copies. they already had success

Even if you assume everyone who bought it have a copy away, right now the peak for Risk Of Rain 2 is near six times the peak of the first one
Hopoo the madman hasn’t even finished the game and it’s already a banger

opinion discarded

Concurrent players doesn't necessarily correlate to sales. Some games have like 70k-80k concurrent players at peak and sell a few hundred thousand copies.

EU fags i await

Attached: cheeki breeki 2.jpg (400x386, 36K)

possibly a EA glitch, im sure it will be fixed in a future patch

Game will still look like a fucking Christmas orgasm, I'm sure. We can't have a fucking modern game that doesn't look like Santa Claus came all over your fucking monitor.

Attached: nigga.png (640x612, 456K)

Yea Forums - videogames

Faggots like you ruin this board. You don't play games, you just invade threads about games you don't play to bitch about them

Kill yourself


Thanks, I wasn't sure

30k sales right now.
60k players and each sale had 2 copies

>One button was clipped under the teleporter
>Found the other one
>They both needed to be pressed and all the pots are gone
Damn, I won't have this achievement for the item then.

Attached: file.png (1440x900, 1.03M)


That was fun. Lets go again.


Midwest fags who up


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>golem migration

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-30 14-34-10-18.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

Did that fag ever upload his mod?

Then I guess all shmups are shit then.
I figured it needed repeating.

I didnt give away my extra copy yet desu

invalid ID means the server is full

Attached: thumbnail33.jpg (485x600, 37K)

>the game is too colorful and fun and my slow brain can't keep up REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>all those lazers
My ass is clenching already

I want this

all hail the Europoor Nation(tm)

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has anyone managed to kill the magic lizard jew? i know he throws you out if you damage him enough, but i was wondering if its possible to spawn preon anihillator or something at him

Frankly, I just like posting pics at this point.

Attached: dfgdfg.jpg (540x801, 104K)

Oh well excuse the living fuck out of me if I wanted to see what this game was about before blindly buying it like all you fucking Dumbest Generationals.

It's called being an informed consumer, you shithole fucks. I guess you all don't care because it comes from your mommy's credit card, but adults don't like to spend money on just any fucking thing.

Holy fucking shit. This thread shows so much about modern "gamers" and how unbelievably out of touch and terrible they are. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Not possible to kill it.

lets build some turrets

Why are you even here lol

calm down dude

Attached: 1468265882992.jpg (1920x1080, 76K)

Refunds are also a thing, retard. Literally try it and commit to it if you like it. Or don't and get your monet back.
It really isn't that fucking hard.

Do you plan to?

quit complaining like a woman and grow some balls


Attached: dddddd.jpg (1143x633, 124K)

They all mostly died in 15 seconds, I never got below 800hp I think with all my knurls and hoppo feathers.

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-30 14-37-00-11.jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

yeah I'm waiting till most other people give theirs away

>Early Access
is it

Lobby is still open, my fellow discord trannies

Attached: 1530120734329.png (1053x1080, 318K)



it's a game that's accessed early

where is the obelisk?