Will this flop like the previous one?
Will this flop like the previous one?
Other urls found in this thread:
Panders to muh synthwave 80s fags so no
I just want to play as BJ again.
>Female main character for a game like this
It will flop and there will be articles blaming white men and the alt-right. I can already see it
>A bunch of imbreds still think companies have a Social Justice Warrior agenda, even when every game released fails miserably
Is this One Angry Incel?
How fucking hard is it to make a proper fucking nazi killing video game with occultism and advanced nazi technology with no fucking diversity politics showed in the player's face and an awful story of le big strong man leading a conclave of gay nigger tranny degenerates against le big bad moustache man
How the fuck Return to Castle Wolfenstein managed to do it well an nu-Wolf fails to do ir
Companies themselves don't have the agenda but they perceive that the SJW agenda is the trend so they try to capitalize it. Other reason is to gain free marketing and damage control from those SJW sites so if the game flops they have someone to blame
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is still the best Wolfenstein!
That's the thing about radical totalitarian ideologies: people keep trying them even if they make no sense and aren't viable.
80s synthwave fag here, I'm just going to pirate the soundtrack.
it does? i thought it was black lesbian daughters of brick shithouse going around popping nazis that were totally still around by whatever time period that shit takes place in
>Make really good New Order and Old Blood
>Everyone starts getting hyped
>Everything goes to shit
Was there some change in management? Even the models look worse.
I don't get it because they did it twice already with TNO and OB and somehow fucked it up immensely with TNC
>Advertise the cutscenes rather than the gameplay
Yes, very much so
>killing soldiers of nazi germany because they're classic bad guys
this is ok
>killing nazi's because their opinons are evil and they reflect the current political climate
this is preachy
If there's one thing your retards should have learned from GG is that these pissbuckets can always play the victim card and win. ALWAYS
But nazis ARE the classic bad guys because their opinions and actions are evil
missed the chance to make it soviet union. its the 80s and theyre fighting nazis? come on. make it so the cold war got real hot and take on new enemies that were legitimately worse than the nazis
in "The new X" canon the soviet union was crushed by the nazis and as of now only the US look like they liberated themselves from the Reich
>enemies that were legitimately worse than the nazis
well, that's debatable to say the least
Did Wolfenstein ever deal with anything other than Nazi's?
>>killing nazi's because their opinons are evil and they reflect the current political climate
where does the current game do that?
>One seething incel
Buy a banner Billy
the trailer was filled with antifa-esque rhetoric.
USSR was destroyed during the WW2 in nu-Wolf's timeline
I'm kinda disappointed they went with the daughters. On the one hand, cool to see time actually passes in these games, on the other, BJ's family tree includes Captain Keen and Doomguy. I would've liked to see his daughters deal with more than just Nazi's.
its not. they were worse but people like to remember hitler as the worst person ever, even though he cant hold a candle to stalin
>soviet union was crushed by the nazis
literally impossible. the nazi soldiers even feared the russians and hitler killed himself when russians stormed his compound because poison and a bullet was better than what they wouldve done
what rhetoric?
getting really tired of social media/news bs starting flamebait on this website
>midding cinematic console fps
>"really good"
>its not
yes it is, "was stalin worse than hitler ?" is a debatable question even tho you are entitled to your opinion on the question
also yes in real life the red army stormed berlin and was on the winning team but need I remind you that wolfenstein's nazis have laserguns and killer robots ?
>literally impossible
Sure but we are talking about a video game that has the occult as a real thing.
>its not.
You're right, nazis had a worse rate of death for their prisonners and their goals involved the death of millions of eastern european, which was only stoped because of the russian.
Eh, people just pirate the soundtracks these days.
You can't, it's that simple.
Publishers and investors are waiting for creators to put some sort of agenda in their games in order to "APPEASE" an unwanted part of the video game community, in order to maximize profits.
What have video games turned out into?
Agenda machines, and it doesn't seem it's gonna stop, take a look at battlefield, that shit got sjw.
So, what news site is this. I always see these blue font headlines and it's always written in such an insufferable whiny tone it reminds me of the "I'm very virtuous look at my opposing girls in bikinis in videogames" garbage that gets spouted on Kotaku and wherever else.
they mostly intended for you and other gaymers(tm) to get mad at it and videogame journos to defend it to start a flamewar and get free advertising for the rest of eternity. congrat you're now part of their marketing plans
one angry incel. run by a retard that will never get laid.
I genuinely prefer Wolfenstein 2009 to the later games because of this. Sure, it had its downsides, but it's miles above these latest Tarantino titles.
>with no fucking diversity politics showed in the player's face
"Shoving in your face" does not mean "people of other race exist in the game".
Also, the point of CW is to defeat people who want a single race to exist. if at the end of the game there is no diversity, it means that they have won.
I mean, it could be an interesting twist if a wolfenstein game involving time travel has a crowd cheering on him but then the Main character realise everyone there is white and blond and all of his friend still with him are white and blond and he realise the Nazi have actually succeed and it's a to be continued and the next game is to go back in tie and stopping Nazi from using occult magic to wipe out all races.
FINALLY some REAL cyberpunk
>bruh commies were worse than nazis
If you look at the number of people killed in WW2 a half of USSR's total losses (9 million people i think) were civilians, guess who killed them?
You can't say the same about Germany despite USSR marching straight to Berlin
>It flopped because us /pol/bros and Kekistanis said it did!
>D-D-Don't look at it's sales! You need to uncuck the sales numbers!
You are so fucking pathetic, fatso.
it's the game developers themselves being sjws and being deluded enough to think others subscribe to their brainwash cult too
the games are failing because no one wants that garbage
Based imcel
>oy vey dont forget the 6 million jews
>but please forget the 20 million killed by the ussr and the many millions more suffering and dying in the gulags
are you getting paid to deny the atrocities of the ussr or something? what the fuck
I don't even know what that image is trying to say, trolling or otherwise.
None of what user is complaining about impact the gameplay. and of all the game to make the request "no diversity", picking Wolfenstein is the stupidest choice. the people most likely to rise and fight against the nazi are those the seek to destroy the most.
would have been interesting if the world of Youngblood wasn't still controlled by Nazis, after all at this point BJ should have saved the world
but instead, magic zombie nazis come from the grave like in Old Blood but its much more and a further emphasis on magic shit and they start to deal with demons to bridge the gap between Wolfenstein and Doom
>>but please forget the 20 million killed by the ussr
No one is saying that.
Or even trying to do that.
people think Cyberpunk 2077 isn't real Cyberpunk because everyone knows Neon Noir and Mega Tokyo is the only style of cyberpunk is supposed to have
>Me in the middle.
What? I was just commenting on the fact that in real life the nazi's wouldn't have taken over the soviet union, but in the context of the game, considering the occult is a thing, then the idea that nazi's would've taken over is plausible.
Both were terrible but I agree that Stalin was much worse.
>get proven wrong
>start calling everyone a jew
The last one didn't flop. It was critically received and sold well.
stop shilling your trash billy
>one angry incel
>Hit with censorship as people criticize sjw agenda
What literal shithole website is hosting the fucking amateur journalist wrote this shit?
its $30 and coming out in a dead month
what else should i get
Literally what is sjw about wolfenstein?
Perfect. That way it doesn't look like all of BJ's efforts were in vain, the daughters stand out more by themselves with their own "franchise", and it can serve as a bridge for the more occult/nazi of Wolfenstein and Doom's full on sci-fi/demons.
That's exactly what I wanted.
>Both were terrible but I agree that Stalin was much worse.
Hitler was more effective at genocide. the only reason Staine has an higher score is because he got to enact his policies longer. But, if we start counting year at the moment the dictator gained supreme authority, Hitler had the higher ratio.
Nah. Hitler was so bad that he collapsed his regime, while Stalin managed to keep it going long enought to outscore Hitler. It's like saying Pol Pot was better than Hitler or Stalin because he only killed ~2 millions peoples.
>this right wing news source again
what a shocker
I love how it just says they "criticize the SJW agenda" but the actual fact is that the posts being removed are something along the lines of:
One angry gamer, a blog ran by some faggot with a rorschach avatar
Instead of crying over a black chick in a kids toy, couldn't you all just get girlfriends?
I don't know if that article is meant to be ironical, but I think the girl in the drawing is hot.
make it Engel the main villain again too since she honestly got killed off pretty shittily despite being built up so much too
Welcome to 2019, rip van winkle. In the current year, its completely acceptable for journos to write like 15 year old valley girls who just learned the word fuck, and that's a good thing.
this guy right here
Have sex.
>Doom eternal triggers SJWs
>Wolfenstein: youngblood triggers /pol/tards
Bethesda is based and purplepilled
>play oblivion
>pick redguard
>get this character
Who thought this was appealing?
You ally aren't the peak of physical beauty and tend to be outcast.
also, some anons really hate the black woman with afro, design, because 4 is too much, regardless of all the other common design that come in much higher number.
t. screeching sjw Retardera tranny who subscribes to Kotaku, RPS and Polygon
seething tranny
who will Starfield trigger?
Don't know about that. If we're going for the idea that each bloodline is each separate franchise, I'd prefer to see some literal occult as the big baddie.
The whole thing just seems a bit off for me. We're talking about his daughters being the ones to actually "finish" what BJ started. Why the fuck would I want that? I want BJ to finish it. He's the one I care about.
I have trouble understanding why you wouldn't want a totally white world.
leftists, everyone
People who like quality sci-fi.
/leftypol/ LARPs as commies just like /pol/ does with nazis
What about typing "KYS RESETERA TRANNY DEVS" warrants a deletion?
More whites are on social assistance than any other race.
I'll explain when you're older.
Yes yes well done Tyquase, HOWEVER
Old up,white craka!
And more whites pay taxes than any other race
Don't forget about per capita
Nobody says to forget that, what are you talking about?
No, they just killed 20 million of their own civilians.
because you fucking soft little faggots would still find something to cry about
gotta blame your worthlessness on someone
The sad thing is that niggers usually can't understand what per captia means even if you explain it to them.
like muh white patriarchy
>a half of USSR's total losses (9 million people i think) were civilians, guess who killed them?
The USSR. Open a history book some time.
If you hate non-whites why don't you just move to Europe? You can easily have your 99% white paradise somewhere in Switzerland or Poland
robot engel
>SJW agenda
Well, is there one?
Communism killed twice as many as Nazism even counting the 60 million.
Both are bad ideologies, but one has killed way more.
>if you're being attacked you should just run away
Is this really so hard to say?
It's not a question of being racist, Wolfenstein fans just don't want black characters as the MC, especially muh strong female african trope. Everyone will take it as "DEY DONT WANNA SEE US WIN" but it's just plain dislike.
This is like that mentally ill writer for live action witcher trying to blackwash Ciri because white guilt or something.
>move to europe to be with whites
> snarky non-answer
You could just admit that you don't have a response to my question.
Nothing wrong with being a little bitch. We are all anonymous here.
>westacuck game
>it's a mindlessly easy bland shooter moviegame filled with cutscenes and scripted walking sections
>main characters are all disgustingly ugly and obnoxious
>there's a not so subtle patronizing propaganda running throughout the game from the twitter blue checkmarked developers
>it's also overpriced with shitty season passes and games-as-services kikery
Every time. Why do you even bother senpaitachi?
Oh but that isn't real, right? White privilege can't possibly exist when you, personally, are a virgin, right?
What the fuck are you talking about. That was during WWII
>i'm gonna fight back by being angry online and never breeding
>Minority detected
Anti-SJWs made fun of the death of someone I cared about, so I don’t really give a fuck what they think.
>muh white patriarchy
Not your twatter, faggot
Only because nazism is a self-defeating ideology. If allowed to win, they would have killed far more since their endgame was the colonization of eastern europe by german and the removale of all dirty ruskies and poles.
Engel Half-Face
I'm a minority here because I've had sex lol.
No reason it won't meet the same fate. Especially if they triple down on their agenda.
New Order was good, stopped caring with the Nu Colosus bullcrap
>japanese game
>its exactly the same as the other 500 previous installments
>same eye-searing nu-moe artstyle
>same stereotype characters
>same plot, same twists
>same gameplay mechanics
>worst collective fanbase in human history
>99% of the time it will be console faggotry
I understand Monkey Island has been a recurring joke in every technological industry for 35 years, especially concerning video games, but the west finally becoming just as bad is no reason to brag.
retarded weeb
I don't think you're worth arguing with if you can't see why 'shouting' at the devs the kill themselves is not criticism or discussion.
>communism isn't a self-defeating ideology
They deserved to die and so do you.
Killing Nazis as souped up demi-cyberpunk chicks as synthwave plays in the background actually sounds hype as fuck. Shame that faggots have to ruin everything with their politics and general incompetence.
Give an example of white privilege if you really believe it exists.
that sounds like shitty hamhanded propaganda
Poland? More like POOland!
It is, but not as much as nazism.
>what is a ratio
Merican education everyone.
It's a publically accessible forum on an online marketplace not some Algonquin roundtable where the devs are performing personal Q&As for quality assurances.
Get over yourselves.
i was thinking zombie engel
communism aime for utopia: "free for everyone forever" and so on, people are afraid of communism and socialism failling and spyraling into brutal dictatorship (wether or not communism will always end up in dictatorship because of an inherent flaw is another debate)
nazism is straight up evil: people are mostly affraid of nazism being successfull because its end goals are the extermination of a large chunk of humanity and brutal dictatorship only this time this was the plan from the begining
Communism killed because of stupidity. Nazism killed intentionally. It is possible for someone doing stupid things and achieving bad results to course-correct and stop getting bad results. And they did. They abandoned communism because it was not compatible with that level of tech and scarcity. When something bad is intentional, it will not voluntarily change, which is why the nazis were destroyed.
Wolfenstein is a franchise literally designed to make American mens' dicks hard at the thought of righteously spilling Nazi blood. Of course it is hamhanded propaganda.
I haven't played Colossus. Did it ever follow up on the supernatural stuff from Old Blood? Which is the best one of these new Wolfensteins btw
>nazi [...] end goals are the extermination of a large chunk of humanity and brutal dictatorship
American education is so depressing
remember to sage and report OneFatShill threads
omg i love oneangrygamer!!!
>killing germans bad!
>Communism killed because of stupidity. Nazism killed intentionally.
U wot
>Western gaming
>communism aime for utopia
That's why it's self-defeating.
How the fuck is Sleeping Dogs cyberpunk
>the people most likely to rise
It's a game, faggot, nobody cares about your gay bear jew fantasies.
>what is lebensraum
>its end goals are the extermination of a large chunk of humanity
This is your brain on burguers
I didn't even care for The New Order enough to buy the sequel so not gonna buy this.
It's a $30 budget title that's probably 6 hours long (including cutscenes), and it's coming out in a dead month for games. It'll maybe break even, but they clearly have the confidence in it. After this and the VR title, the Wolfenstein franchise looks like it might be getting put in the back of the closet and forgotten about for a few years.
>pretending to be retarded
But he's not wrong tho
Nazi Germany WAS brutal dictatorship and whey did started the extermination of a few ethnic groups over the years with no signs of stopping up until their defeat
t: not American
so what is the endgoal then ? Are you denying the claims made in mein kampf that slavs and jews were to be killed so that the aryan race could thrive in its "lebensraum" or the claim that french were a degenerate race ?
Clearly have *little* confidence in it
not one bit, didn't even bring up magic jews either
>Did it ever follow up on the supernatural stuff from Old Blood?
no, not even in the slightest
>Hunger Plan
>Enslavement of Poland
Not something inherent to nazism desu
>The Old Blood goes back to occultism and it was fucking great, teasing we will get more cool Nazi wizard shit in nuWolf 2
>Get hype for a demonic Mecha Hitler bossfight
>Hitler is crazed sick and feeble because they wanted to be those faggots that go "actually in real life Hitler's health was failing did you know that? Haha fuck Nazis amirite"
Completely missed the point of why I wanna play these games - the fun gameplay. That together with how they cut out all the actual game parts and replaced them with cutscenes and forced walknchats killed the series for me. I'll never touch another Wolfenstein game by then again.
>nazis are misunderstood
this is your brain on /pol/
>advanced tech and medical science
>the leader of it all is a senile retard
They wanted a socialist etnho-state, that's why the segregated jews and degenerates from humans.
The anglo did pretty much the same thing in south Africa.
people like the world of wolfenstein because the villains are REALLY REALLY BAD. like cartoonishly bad.
2 makes you kill a nazi who loves strawberry milkshakes
And? It was still one of their main goal, which they were supposed to achieve by colonizing the east.
20 years ago we had female and black characters and nobody minded, now young dudes want to start a genocide whenever they see a character like that, what went wrong during these years?
blue all caps text = oneangrygamer
>invade a country full of what they consider subhumans
>enslave them
>forbid them to eat when the famine you caused hit europe
Yeah, bro, just peaceful innocent germans.
There was a time when I'd be excited to have id's properties crossover with one another, like Doom 2 having a whole level of nothing but SS soldiers. I was excited about the possibility of something like that with new Wolfenstein and Doom 2016, but post TNC I just want Wolfenstein to be quarantined from the rest of the id properties unless another hard reboot happens. Doesn't help that Quake Champions BJ is an inherently broken character. I like his lines though.
Read about the end of WW1 and Germany after that war, you will understand why they hate jews, polacks and frogs.
>so what is the endgoal then ?
The end goal of nazism is an ethnically homogenous fascist dictatorship. This does not mean you go around the world eradicating people you don't like. In fact it doesn't even mean eradicating them in your own country, you just make them leave and imprison them if they refuse. Compared to communism this may as well be space-age ideology.
you mean the dutchman right
The end goal of Nazism isn't lebensraum, lebensraum was an endgoal of Nazi Germany
Irrelevant to the discussion. It's a wolfenstein game, therefore, the Nazi are your opponents and if they get what they want, it means you have lost. That's how games work.
Thus complaining that you and your ally in a Wolfenstein game are on the diverse side is always stupid. If you don't like that, go play a game where the Nazi are the protagonist, but don't complain about these kind of thing on a Wolfenstein game. it just out you as a moron.
As for the reason you don't understand, it's because of a thing called empathy. But it's a really hard concept to explain if you don't have it.
>hotline Miami is cyberpunk
what? just because it has neon lights doesn't make is cyberpunk.
>its exactly the same as the other 500
How can you say this when it's the westacucks that are constantly shitting out AssCreeds, FIFAs and CODs every single year? And not only are these games samey, they're all shit.
>same artstyle
Japanese games have varied art styles. Often beautiful and colorful. What do westacucks have? Chasing the awful, uncanny valley realism meme that gets outdated in a year and ends up looking brown and grey anyway. Disgusting.
>same stereotype characters
>same plot, same twists
Story is rarely a priority in a non-JRPG Japanese games. You can often skip it and still enjoy the unadulterated gameplay. In westacuck games you're forced into slowly walking while a mystery meat mutant spouts developers virtue signaling bits they copy pasted from their favorite tranny's twitter post. And this happens in every game. They always waste their budget and priorities like this and actually receive praise from those same braindead journalists that demand that shit.
>same gameplay mechanics
Yet improved and deepened each time. DMC3 is a game from 2005 and to this day not a SINGLE westacuck game managed to have a combat that can even begin to rival it. On the contrary, they gave up. You had some lame attempts at it such as old God of Wars, Dante's Inferno, Darksiders, Enslaved etc. but it all fell flat. Then these devs either went under or completely gave up. God of War is now dead and its corpse is repurposed as a moviegame, Darksiders are now ripping off Dark Souls instead and Ninja Theory is making shallow moviegames such as Senua.
Don't even get me started on the fighting game genre. Tekken 5 is a 2004 year old game and not a single westacuck fighter comes close to it.
>worst collective fanbase
>he can't enjoy the game because of other people
Grow some skin you stupid cuck. And they're still better than censor happy trannies of the west.
>console faggotry
You're here defending an aim down sights sprinting console shooter, retard.
>you just make them leave and imprison them if they refuse
but that's not what nazism did
>>if you're being attacked
>non white simply living not too far off from you is considered an attack
>not a SINGLE westacuck game managed to have a combat that can even begin to rival it. On the contrary, they gave up. You had some lame attempts at it such as old God of Wars, Dante's Inferno, Darksiders, Enslaved etc.
Didn't the later Legacy of Kain games try to compete as well?
thats the joke
none of the top are cyberpunk
but is often what people think of as cyberpunk
at least people who complained about Cyberpunk 2077
>no you see, because germany lost a war they started and had to deal with a shitty one week revolt this justify going around europe killing everything.
>This does not mean you go around the world eradicating people you don't like. In fact it doesn't even mean eradicating them
Welp, someone forgot to tell the Nazi.
>western gaming
>Machine Games
>Uppsala, Sweden
yea there is no fixing wolfenstein when you have the cuck country of the world working on it, there is a reason why captain sweden is a meme
> the Chinese want to kill everyone in the middle east because they don't want Islam to exist within their own country
This is how you sound right now.
Yeah Germans got destroyed after starting one World War so they seethed for years until they could start another one, lost it and seethe for decades later
If they didn't have such an agenda, they wouldn't keep trying it even though it fails. And while the devs are partially responsible, companies are encouraging this because they think egalitarianism will boost their profits. Their endgame is a completely watered down product that appeals to everyone.
Did the previous one flop if they ended up making a sequel?
I say this despite knowing ME3 and Andromeda exist.
I can see them making another up-their own ass Nazi shooter with the physical manifestation of agenda pouring from the walls BUT I feel they have overstepped their bounds by taking a highly machismo style game and replace the main character with two women.
Playing that game would be grounds for calling someone a faggot and the game's gameplay does not appeal to estrogen laden members of humanity.
you guys smell and are ugly and retarded and commit crime at a rate far exceeding whites. litter everywhere, fucking loud and annoying
The Ukraneans died by the millions of starvation because of the retarded idea of contrivedly equalizing the production and distribution of all goods regardless of whether it's produced or distributed in a city or on the countryside, and you were not allowed to profit from the production of anything any more than the next thing even if there was more demand. People starved everywhere because the natural distribution of supply and demand was torn down and nothing made it to where it was needed. That's stupidity. They didn't execute an elaborate plan of murdering millions. It was just a retarded idea that didn't work.
You miss the part where the creator of Senran Kagura is retiring because of Snoy censorship?
>killing nazi's because their opinons are evil and they reflect the current political climate
Nah. More like
>browse the internet so long it rots your brain
>interpret anything even vaguely anti-Nazi as “SJW”
America fuck yeah! Am I right my fellow redditor?
sony of america has more control than the japanese branch
i mean they literally moved their headquarters to san francisco
when whites arent pozzed brained we make games way better than japs. our industry is just full of jewish tumors and trannies and s o i boys
It's possible to enjoy both.
Nazism endgoal wasn't to do what nazis stated they will do and absolutely did right until hitler an heroed himself like the failed painter he was meant to be
>muh reparations
Sorry for not buying into into Stormfront propaganda.
It’s a game faggot, no one cares about your gay anti-diversity internet crusade
> Germans started World War I
It's this or it's covert government tactics to change society
Somehow, after the Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory collapse, I think a lot of people are aware of things they weren't aware of a couple years afo.
>haha lets smash the patriarchy sjw rulez
>but also
>let's censor it according to the nazi regime of germany because we're pro nazis
The first game was fine up until the JEW SUPERWEAPON which I didn't care about cause it was pretty funny in the world of TURBO MEGA NAZIS, honestly.
I didn't give enough of a fuck to get the second game and I sure as fuck don't want this one.
>eat kikewood propaganda like a retard
Are you really expecting me to believe it was ONLY about criticising SJW agenda?
Again, blame the westacucks.
which is why I'm not asking for anything of the sort to be in it
companies play it safe. you think mr fatcat CEO gives a SHIT about inclusivity? nah, he wants money.
>Nazism endgoal wasn't to do what nazis stated they will do and absolutely did right until hitler
>until Hitler
There was no Nazism before Hitler.
>when whites arent pozzed brained we make games way better than japs
Couple of shitty archaic RPGs and strategy games are barely worth noticing.
This. No matter how much they try to insult white people, they will always be worthless stinky niggers.
I puked a little in my mouth
did you read the rest of the post, you mongrel ?
I want another Ghost in the Shell game. Sony will censor the Major anyway.
The second game literally had the Nazis chop your head off, then your head gets preserved in a jar and put in a robot body
It obviously wasn’t serious and I don’t know why everyone keeps pretending it is
these insults are genius, this is truly why the left can't meme
They turned a random balkan conflict into something much larger yes.
>beep bop facts i don't like were invented by kike
the chinese aren't invading neighboring countries and forcing part of the population into concentration camps lmao
Communism is the eradication of the individual in the name of egalitarianism. If your morals weren't so backwards and primitive, you would recognize that as the utter evil that it is.
99% of the shit the Japanese do is lifted straight out of the West
Anime? That evolved out of Disney
JRPGs? 90% of them are heavily influenced by wizardry
The recent trend towards open world games? That’s from the West
Knights and dragons? That’s from the West
>he doesn't know about China gulags
You can't make this shit up.
>Communism is the eradication of the individual in the name of egalitarianism
>yeah sure, why read communist thinkers and philosophers when I can just spout Mccarthy tier buzzwords at the commies on the internet
>you just make them leave and imprison them if they refuse
Yeah, it makes total sense to imprison undesirables you want out of the country instead of just deporting them.
I did. And I mantain what I said. Nazims didn't exist before Hitler and therefore, saying Hitler ruined nazism when he got into it is quite stupid.
You americans are funny to watch fighting over stupid shit
>weebs judge a game solely based on whether the characters are sexually attractive
that's not invading neighboring countries and forcing the population into concentration camps lmao
Hope so.
I wonder if sjws thought the trailer was cringe shit too
I didn't say that, I said that nazis acted like nazis because of hitler, right until the bitter end when hitler killed himself, was I not clear or are you stupid ?
>A JEW? In MY video games? GAMERS RISE UP!
>communism aime for utopia: "free for everyone forever"
if you don't know why that is stupid or a lie, you are stupid or a liar
>in the name of egalitarianism
Communism is the opposite of egalitarianism. Giving everyone the same things is not the same as treating everyone the same and allowing them to achieve things based on their own ability.
>whites are superior!
>but Jews can easily take us down without a fight
>They turned a random balkan conflict into something much larger yes.
It was pretty much doomed to be a world war since Russia decided to support Serbia and because Germany would have to support Austria-Hungary
that and that recent nigger faggot with the hate crime hoax
No, and I really wish they'd take it somewhere else.
>I didn't say that
You actually did. even if it might not have been your intend. Learn to phrase better, next time.
They don't invade anyone because they are terrible fighters, they are conquering the world with money instead
>I said that nazis acted like nazis because of hitler
No, you actually said, that up until Hitler, NAzis were acting differently. Your fault.
you can't blame WW1 on Germany alone
exactly this shit enabled WW2 to happen
>half of USSR's total losses (9 million people i think) were civilians
Youre a mother fucking RETARD if you believe this
but that's literally not invading neighboring countries and forcing the population into concentration camps
get a load of this asspained weeaboo
>DMC3 is a game from 2005 and to this day not a SINGLE westacuck game managed to have a combat that can even begin to rival it
Devil May Cocksuck is a shit series, if you want good combat play Quake
Staline had put in place the strategy of forbidding the citizens to leave their city so hi soldiers would fight even harder against the invaders.
I don't blame it on Germany, I blame it on europe's retarded alliances and Princip for killing the one man who didn't want Austria-Hungary to go to war
what i find the most amazing is that nu-wolf 2 had actually hardly any gameplay. the entire campaign is something like 6 horus long and 4 hours of that are cut-scenes and story element.
the "final boss" is a quick time event followed again by a long cut-scene about "racism is bad"
sjw shit aside. how do you look at a game series like Wolfenstein and think "you know what people really want out of this game? Cutscenes and walking simulator gameplay"
it´s just so sad that sjws how obviously have no understand of why people like a franchise and only care about pushing their retarded world views keep being allowed to destroy one beloved franchise after another.
More like fucking ruins synthwave, as if the manics it attracts haven't tarnished it already now we have this shit.
why is it that vault city bitch?
>Russia ask you to stand down
>Fick dich, Ivan
>Declare war on them
>Invade belgium
>they reflect the current political climate
The ones censoring shit left and right and forcing their views while rejecting everything that doesn't fit it don't wear black uniforms but pink/blue hair.
>scroll through thread
>unironic communist sympathizers
holy lel
>ever good
A new Wolfenstein game? Alright let's check this ou-
>Turbo butch lesbo twin daughters
How is Commander Keen supposed to be born if one of his potential parents are carpet munching dykes?
Hard pass.
imagine actually thinking you're oppressed because some gay people on the internet have different opinions
This fucking series is retarded
>Nazis no longer do occult stuff and all of the technology was stolen from fucking super Jews but the Holocaust still happened
>BJ no longer has a son that would be the father of Commander Keen because we need MUH BADASS WOMENZ FIGHTING DA NAZIS
>Somehow BJ can tear the fuck out of Nazis across the world for two but the Nazis are still a threat in the 80s and there isn't a massive resistance movement
>Swedish cucks actually make BJ team up with Commies
one of his moms is mtf you racist
You can't make this shit up.
>Consider slaves as 3/5ths of a person
>Abolish slavery
>Write laws that keep blacks from integrating into society even after the civil rights movement.
>deny blacks for loans to buy houses regardless of credit
>deny blacks for jobs and under pay them for the jobs they do have
>generations of renting instead of owning.
>pass zoning laws to build factories and power plants in black neighborhoods, further lowering their property value, turning them into slums
>create social programs to give the poor a leg up when captialism failed
>whites found a way out, and blacks were kept from doing so by law in most places.
sick infograph bro now you know why the data is the way it is.
Some really do pull it off, others just shit waah's on a plate. So yes.
nah, there are mentally deluded tranniy dudes winning sports scholarships over actual women now. this has gone far beyond, "trannsexual basket cases just want to be left alone"
Yeah censorship, being doxed out of your job and all that stuff is in my paranoid head and never actually happened.
>magic spells based on pagan mythology were stolen from semitic jews
>nazis openly ally with the KKK, in spite of hitler's writings
>pregnant woman flies across the room, killing 10 trained soldiers in super combat armor, with an SMG
This whole series is fucking dismal
what's wrong with synthwave you fucking faggot?
>Communism killed because of stupidity
No, Marx himself wrote out that the bourgeoisie would always be oppressors to the proletariat. So killing the bourgeoisie was always a part of the plan. The only thing not pre-planned was shifting the title of bourgeoisie from the ultra wealthy elite to anyone who owned anything.
Communism always leads to genocide, because there has to be a bourgeoisie to kill to keep the proletariat from figuring out that they're starving because of the state.
exactly why I don't think people who are fans of a series should write for it unless they have a team of people to hold them back. Otherwise you're just going to write fanfiction. That's what games are now. Just fucking political fanfiction for idiots
>all of those easily debunked college campus talking points
Just go suck on a female penis you mentally ill bitch
Nah, americans black are this way because they are culturally Irish. Blacks immigrants and northen blacks (before integrating into mainstream black cultures) were far better.
>pretending antifa has a unified, or clear rhetoric
>there are mentally deluded tranniy dudes winning sports scholarships over actual women now
how's that oppressing you, exactly?
tell me about the time you got doxxed and lost your job
this. lefty faggots simply don't realize that communism simply means perpetual revolution, and their grand kids will be the one to shoot them in the streets when it inevitably fails
What if next Doom had a Doomgal?
debunk them
>Write laws that keep blacks from integrating into society even after the civil rights movement
Literally never happened, retard. What do you think emancipation was?
because I actually want to have children, and I dont want to have to deal with them having to tip toe around mentally ill tranny faggot bullshit.
>because I actually want to have children
who's stopping you?
>retard era shitting on Billy "Big" D
how is it self defeating though? All the sooper pooper poweres ganged up on g*rmans
Literally all of it is made up. Nobody built factories or power plants in fucking Compton, Jacksonville or Camden. Come to think of it fucking Detroit was booming until the manufacturing crash, after which blacks move in and made shit 100 times worse. Get the fuck out.
>apply all of you rbullet points to literally every immigrant that came to the united states trying to seek another life.
>Faggots like you wouldn't even know that the deadliest mass lynching in America has Italian victims, not niggers
>Niggers so happen to be brought as slaves to the most prosperous country in the world and still get vastly passed up by other immigrant groups that came later but had to suffer under the same conditions, like the Chinese
Blow me cry baby
>not cyberpunk
But that's not what happened
>Germany says they will support Austria-Hungary against Serbia
>Russia says they will support Serbia
>But first Austria-Hungary makes demands to Serbia that they can't fully agree to just because they want war
>Both Russia and Britain want to talk with Austria-Hungary to resolve the issues so there is no war
>Germany sees no reason to go to war after Serbia agreed to 99% of the demands
>Austria-Hungary goes to war anyways thus dragging Germany and Russia into the war
No one, but that doesnt mean im not going to fight for a future where they will never have to worry about sharing a school with mentally ill transsexuals
You people grooming the future kids of the world.
what happened?
>if you want a good hack 'n slash play a first person shooter
Both are good anyways.
Yikes, I can see why you don’t have them yet.
Trump was formally declared dindu (despite overwhelming evidence he did do) so congress is about to declare a civil war
Mueller found no evidence of collusion
lol alright suicide statistic
jim crow was a thing. the Democrats voted it in and it was voted out by republicans. Look it the fuck up.
Muller's probe is done with no evidence of collusion and no charges against trump
if you have to explain a joke its a bad one, youre officially just slapping random shit in collages and waiting for a confused reply to explain it
so you're not actually being oppressed
>(despite overwhelming evidence he did do) so congress is about to declare a civil war
I cant wait to hear what you people have to say after Trump casually wins 2020
>Somehow BJ can tear the fuck out of Nazis across the world for two but the Nazis are still a threat in the 80s and there isn't a massive resistance movement
this is what gets me, after the end of the last game nothing fucking happened for 20 years
The chinese built our trains, what have the blacks truly built?
Black women (males) are the future and there's nothing you can do about it.
I think its a government tactic first, and confused idiots trying to pander while being confused themselves is the intended side effect.
>what have the blacks truly built?
modern american society
Why is it impossible to have a game with men, woman and minorities and the woman and minorities don't have to constantly show they are woman and minorities usually at the expense of a white male character? Why does the left lack any kind of subtly. Well I think I know that answer. When you are literally immune to criticism subtly is not needed anymore.
The fact that trannies want to place themselves as normal equals to regular people is oppression for sure. "Call us what we want, treat us how we want or else face consequences." They kept it up and created a mystic /pol/ bogeyman that you cry about all day. Deal with it
Political propaganda has no place in video games. I absolutely understand that nazism fucking sucks but I'm not about to go and support outright propaganda pieces.
Historically, artists have not had a good relationship between political ideologues because political ideologues often want to have control over artists and the nature of their work. (i.e. the Nazis' constant campaigns against art, Mussolini fiercely controlling Italian art in order to force it to fit "the futurist ideal", Soviets fucking bulldozing art museums and closing down art galleries en masse, China arresting artists and musical performers en masse in the 1950's)
kys discord tranny
Yeah, because of their own actions.
You can look at their economy too. Germany was investing way too much in the army. Right before the invasion of Poland, it was estimated by one of their own economists that if they were to normalize their economy it would led to 2 millions people losing their jobs. Hitler didn't even save his country from the economic crisis since Germany was already recovering before his election.
>modern american society
How exactly?
maybe the last 10 years of it
>The fact that trannies want to place themselves as normal equals to regular people is oppression for sure
>drop a red herring in The Old Blood that they brought Hitler back via necromancy
>hype up more occult stuff in The Old Blood
>Then drop literally fucking everything occult-related in The New Colossus in lieu of SJW debauchery, forget about any herring from The Old Blood, and instead of coming up with a boss fight against Hitler, you get a cringey cutscene instead because 'haha subverted you expectations', you don't even get to fight him or he doesn't look like he had been reanimated at all
>Then kill off the only remaining villian in a QTE and que credits instantly afterwards
>Somehow the sequel is heading to be even more of an utter DUMPSTER FIRE on top of this
>People are seriously being paid for this tripe and fucking up what should be tap-in plot
Everyone in the writing department needs to be fucking sacked for wasting a primo final boss opportunity over a five-second gag. Can't believe that even Arkane's Dishonored 2/DOTD main plot writing staff look competent compared to this.
read the sentences after that you mother fucking idiot
>The country you're allied with act like a fucking autist
>better help them
Guess this is the german way since they allied with Italy for the second round.
>"Call us what we want, treat us how we want or else face consequences."
what consequences did you face?
fake news
>*joints crackle*
>ah yes, Quake. Now thats a good game! Not like these god damn heyk and slesh games youngins play these days
grandpa go to bed
having to call a man "she" because he told me to. How about no faggot? Now get back to your hole
After almost three years of digging through every aspect of Trump's life, they couldn't find any sort of evidence of that he colluded with Russia or any other crime.
>westacuck too retarded to understand genres and subgenres
>falls back on boomer quake like the parrot he is
>the one point he addressed isn't even addressed properly
Christ, what a dumbass.
DMC created and continued to revolutionize an entire genre. A genre that countless of westacuck devs attempted to replicate. And failed.
And let's talk about shooters. A genre mostly present in the west. Westacuck demographic is so casualized that games such as Quake and Tribes do not even exist anymore. They didn't trailblaze a genre of their own. They fucking died. Then they got gutted and the stitched up corpse was shoved onto consoles. The FPS genre devolved into being slower, easier, less complex and overall casualized for the braindead masses. Because the western targeted audience is actually mentally retarded.
You needed Shinji Mikami to make Resident Evil 4 to show you how challenging and deep a slower paced shooter can be on consoles. Then when westacucks tried to follow that TPS subgenre they quickly devolved into braindead cover based shooters such as Uncharted and Gears of War. Then you fucking needed Shinji Mikami AGAIN to make Vanquish to show you that you're not even doing the cover based shooting properly.
Again, nobody plays Quake Champions. Let alone Tribes. When it comes to shooters your entire consumer base prefers cancerous garbage such as Gaylo and battle royales.
I think looking at EA and Activision we are in a new part of gaming where people are sick of this shit and after Wolfenstein releases we will get yet another "500 people have been laid off" announcement.
I'm willing to bet they did this to themselves for the fake outrage. Plenty of people have done it before.
that's not a consequence to anything
what would happen if you said 'no' and walked away?
well no wonder society is such shit now.
Chicago and Detroit are shit and wakanda is in comics
I wish.
Youre not getting it, that situation should never happen in the first place
Well hey now, you can't make the Sonyfag so sexy.
Not like they had much of a choice considering Austria-Hungary and Italy were their only allies before the war and they were up against the Russian, French and British alliance.
Without Austria-Hungary they would be fucked since Germany is right between France and Russia and Germany knew they had no way to win a two front war against both of them which is why they had made the schlieffen plan
Why does that guy look like Shroud?
When people ask me why I play a certain game I usually tell them because the gameplay is interesting or the music and art is good or the multiplayer is good or the story is good. A lot of these games require killing AI but thats never the underlying reason. When I ask liberals why they like the new Wolfenstein they keep repeating "CUZ YA GET TO KILL NAZIS" and there is nothing more autistic and sociopath like than that.
In certain countries be arrested for a hate crime.
Hi, I'm [person who is definitely not white] and welcome to western civilization.
vast majority sounds the same you tasteless faggot
Look at this faggot
Gotta make her (him) more tolerable somehow.
You people are truly sick.
Imagine still using the word "SJW" in current year 2019
>tfw the USSR successfully hid their own jewish holocaust + religious culling from the world and mixed it in with their civilian casualty rating.
Communism is the truest cuckery of all cucks.
Please keep sharing
may as well zoom out to the world at large and also include the billions of africans and south americans and musilms (and jews) all on foreign aid that this exact same group of whites is required to pay for.
>the people most likely to rise and fight against the nazi are those the seek to destroy the most.
Friendly reminder six million jews just walked into gas chambers and never fought back even while they heard their children dying. They then got gassed and cremated and there is no evidence of them ever existing now. No dead bodies at all, no sir.
gimme a link, this site seems based to me
>Also, the point of CW is to defeat people who want a single race to exist.
Hitler's regime never wanted that. They wanted all races to be strong and independent in their own Motherland continents. He was allied with Asians, Arabs and had African soldiers lmao.
It's all I have unfortunately. Gotta get to those drawfags sometime.