Why is Sony so scared of this?
Why is Sony so scared of this?
Ninjas are highly skilled assassins
lol sony made a guy so butthurt he quit his job at marvelous.
because they hate the female body so by extension they hate women
This. Never trust ninjas. my wife kasumi told me that they always hunt you down even if you've done nothing wrong. Sony is doing the right thing.
Asuka is the best kind of vanilla.
Can't spell Sony without S, O and Y.
RIP my girl. She was too good for SK. She did 't deserve it.
This. Im not here for sony, not to play vidya
reminder that Sony banned this
Imagine getting trigered over such a retarded minigame most people would do like once or twice.
Sexuality is gross when taken away from real women. Violence is good when taken away from real men.
Have faith. Homu will rise again!
Homu homu you're so fine
You're so fine you low my mind hey homu
Because they aren’t ugly mutt dykes
I want to impregnate Sakura so hard, bros!
holy cow this is cringe
RiP . at least the steam version had it .
is part of the game , as a wise man once said " if you dont like it , dont buy it "
Fuck I can't have sex so I NEED this game raaaaah
This is memes, this is Reddit..
Because the west don't want kids to be normal and like adults.
They want everyone to remain a pedophile and a child molester. Just like hollywood is pushing.
Those people want stuff they don't like out of existence.
Such selfish way to look at things.
Imagine barging into your son's room and seeing this shit on screen.
I would strangle him on the spot.
>Fuck I can't have sex so I NEED to shit post and pretend I do raaaaah
But they're especially hard on loli games
Implying women are going to give sex to anyone who plays these games regardless of whether they still exist or not. This is their way of crushing your ability to exist so fully that you snap and go out and murder women so they can turn around and score political points raising fears about 'incels' (notice how that's only become a commonly known term in the last year or two) which can be cashed in on other feminist measures like gun control
This looks so fucking stupid lol
bullshit Yea Forums love the incel term you see it every other thread
Why is america so afraid of genitals? Isn't there health ed in schools?
only because the normalkek sjws are among us now
backlash from rainbow haired zealots
This. How dare he be into heterosexual stuff.
why can't the hands be normal hands why is it that retarded mickey mouse shit?
Kids literally have to bring a contract to their parents so they can be allowed to learn how cocks and pussies work.
And when showing textbook i ages lf the human body there's a trigger warning.
omg my son is straight !
It want you to fap to tranny, furry and other normal porn instead of this shit.
Dumb weebs, your cringiness know no bounds
>Feminists make it literally dangerous to show any sort of affection to a woman for risk of retroactively being accused of sexual harassment and having your life and career destroyed
>Simultaneously remove the coping mechanism some men use to meet their needs for sexual satisfaction that they can't find with real women
Just wait until all sexuality is removed from games and they decide to shut down the porn industry. THEN you'll hear squealing.
because it's problematic.
I get that this mode is fucking retarded and all but the people that buy this crap actually enjoy these modes so why remove it?
Unlike you he's not a virgin
I'm sure his father would beat the shit out of you
the only people obsessed with food are the anorexic and the morbidly obese, and that in erotic terms is America
holy shiet , look at this retard
gay sex counts?
You tell normal people you're a virgin and they'll pity you, maybe ask what's wrong
You show that webm to normal people and they'll laugh.
Cologne commercials also feature seminaked women making suggestive poses. I wonder if he closes his eyes at that too.
You answered yourself. Because people enjoy it. They don't want you to enjoy anything remotely sexual.
>cleansing their platform of mediocre weebshit
I see no problem with this
What's with the creepy skinny mickey hands? Does the creepiness represents the players?
>creepy hands
They look cartoony. If that's your definition of creepy you're either a woman or a onions-drinking man.
Because SIE HQ moved to land of gays and feminazis
lmao if you never molested somebody while wearing mickey mouse gloves
I bet you'll be a great dad just like your father. I bet he and your mom are so proud of you.
Oh fuck off user. If they wanted to make a cartoonish hand they could have made it look less retarted
Imagine being this guy who is weirded out by a simple robot hand.
Puritian upbringing. Sex is temptation and unholy unless it's with your wife for the sole purpose of reproduction.
Modern America even in secular parts is still for whatever reason influenced by this thinking.
Because we are a nation under God, muhamed.
>robot hands
Oh yikes. That's what it's supposed to be? Might as well just straight up make them look like Mickey hands
Sony has been hanging out in Hollywood too much and sees the billions of billions of dollars that chinks have in their hands so they want to go after the yuan like Disney and all the other big movie companies have done.
China, however, does not like sex or skeletons in their video games.
California is also populated by tons of liberals with degrees in "diversity studies" so Sony has employed these people who think they are bettering video games and helping women by purging it of the sexiness that the evil white man desires, however they don't realize that what they are really doing is sterilizing the Playstation brand to make it even more profitable and accessible to the Chinese market because Sony just wants that Chinese money like all the other money-grubbing kikes in Hollywood.
Mark my words, when the Chinese get their hands on video games like they have movies there will never be another titty or skelly in our game screens ever again.
Sony has been compromised. It's only a matter of time until all the other companies are too. Better learn japanese ASAP.
Criminally underrated ppst
What's the point, they censor the japanese version directly
feminists working there
t. tranny
Anyone know where I can find this ed credit less?
why are japs scared of the PC
why don't they tell sony to piss off
because they are loyal to their fellow jap products and PCs and PC games are mostly Western that's why they stick to their onions gaystation and nintendos.
Puritans are historically retards, the only good protestants are Lutherans. American Christianity is a joke especially now in days with their non-denominational McChurches and weird (((mysterious))) worship of jews/israel.
It's also not exactly christian when feminists retool it to be about how liking sexually attractive women and not them is wrong.
this thread is 2spooky4me
Woman are scary.