

Attached: 1552059830930.png (739x507, 104K)

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That video is probably older than most people on Yea Forums

>the buildings were penises this whole time
How did I never find this?

Attached: lul.jpg (640x640, 130K)

>tfw newgrounds is older than 70% of Yea Forums

>tfw Yea Forums is older than 70% of its userbase

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This is the porn one.

The video looks kind of shit on newground so the penises are a scrambled mess

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listen to the full band version if you haven't, it's really good

I preferred OneyCartoons and Happy Harry Productions.
This was cringe even as a kid.

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>implying you weren't swimming around in your pop's balls when this was new

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I was going to post this shit, you got me fucked up user

>all those bush era flash videos shitting on him, cheney, saddam and osama

i want to go back

Youtube animation channels are at least 10 years younger than old flash animations, you did well spotting yourself as an underaged newfag

Hey guyz pls rate 10 star i work rly hard on this 1 (my bro help me)
intro music credit - limp biscuit
linkin park

le chuck norris very strong xD epic


You know that in 5 years people will look back at frog posting and wojack edits just like rage comics are considered now?
Hell, it's already happening, that's the natural life cycle of a meme that gets big.

You do realize that this video was making fun of that whole Chuck Norris bullshit, right? Hence why it has him descending from heaven only to get his ass unceremoniously kicked.

Youngfag detected.

I fucking wish, you assholes have been posting Facebook frog for a decade now despite it being a normal fag meme since 2014

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>in 5 years people will look back at frog posting and wojack edits just like rage comics are considered now
i fucking wish. as long as there are newfags there will be shitty wojacks and pepe edits that nobody likes, not even the people posting the shit

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Original arrangement was better
Gay version is superior

>in 5 years
you wish, newfag
it's been almost 15 years and we still keep going

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>Newgrounds gains popularity on edgey material and school shooter flash game
>Starts censoring edgey material years later

Is this what growing up is like?

People are already turning against it, most of the wojack edits are confined into dedicated consolewar threads. I stopped entering threads with wojacks and ignore wojack posters, and i can see that wojack bait threads die after 10 posts instead of reaching bump limit

>Gandalf the Grey
>Gandalf the White
>Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight
>Benito Mussolini
>Blue Meanie
>Cowboy Curtis
>Jambi the Genie
>The Terminator
>Captain Kirk
>Darth Vader
>every single Power Ranger
>Bill S Preston and Theodore Logan
>The Rock
>Doc Ock
>Hulk Hogan

are out to get you, and the only person that can save you is the last video game character you played as. how fucked are you?

>Chuck Norris
Pretty fucked


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>Queek Headtaker
C-can he bring an army?

Attached: tom-parker-tomp-skv-queek-headtaker-lp-05.jpg (1920x1925, 998K)

No wonder the site died.
Same with YouTube shooting all their creators and deplatforming them for corporate admoney because it never turned a profit supposedly

Hokay, so here's ze earth

>remember how chuck norris used to be memed as god
Fuck do people even know he exists these days?

>Still have my copy of Dinosorchestra from high school
>Was listening to it on the way to work this morning

He might have been a kid with a weird sense of humor, but man is Neil a talented song writer. Indie Cindie & the lo-fi lullabies, This Hyper World, Deep in the Ocean, Dinosorchestra pt. 3, Fine, the whole album is full of great songs.

>Queek kill-take, heads of grey and white no furs
>They whisper how-how to kill rest of man things

Adding in a Skaven army would make it more hilarious

chuck norris was fucking overdone even before the old internet. It was mainly a joke in movie buff circles. Even boomers don't really remember it that much anymore, and that is saying something

He died with Barrens chat
