It's Saturday, you ARE spending your free time making your dreams come true, right anons?
It's Saturday, you ARE spending your free time making your dreams come true, right anons?
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Thinking of starting an RPG with Godot. Have read a lot of praise with it.
Any opinions, my dudes?
no, I've given up on life already
I'm still grinding away
Was doing some snow tech the other day
I think so. I’m finally living a life where I enjoy what I do for work and I have many people that love and care for me. I’m in a relationship with my best friend of several years. So ya I might play a little vid ya cause I feel I earned it.
>thps with guns
Doing gods work
What is this
>tfw I made the walk cycle way too fast and instead of being menacing he's plum adorable
Looks right to me x)
Wave Break, this user sums it up well
Im still taking a C# course before jumping into unity. What are the most important aspects of C# scripting for a 2d platformer?
Not today, had to do some cleaning around the house. I'm piecing together ideas on how to elaborate on a mechanic I'm working on, but work on actually implementing it all later.
If you're doing it in unity just get comfy with the rigidbody and physics stuff, that'll affect the feel of your platforming mostly, learn to use triggers and stuff well, most of the code should be pretty straightfwd, but just dive in and figure it out as u get stuck along the way
>that censored out part
I don't think that's a gun user...
No, but I did some photoscans like 4 months ago or more and I'm going to pretend as if I made progress.
Working on a tool to export sprite sheets from 3d models so I don't need to learn to art
are you making a game about trees? :v?
Are you able to model assets or even rooms and maps in Unity?
godot is too new and most 3d features are half baked
if you want 3d use urho. if not go ahead
I'm spending the day watching Twin Peaks but I promise I'll get back to work tomorrow.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Nice tree but why
Are you doing an online course?
Im taking the Udemy C# course. I know its a meme but it seems very well structured and im learning about all the different variables and now im learning if statements and OOP.
This is great. You just need to make objectives ala tony hawk and you got yourself a product.
Ive considered doing the same since I really want to get better at programming and game design and suck at teaching myself things on my own.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I think some people call it a meme because they take the course hoping it can help them land a job but it doesn't pan out.
I do dev stuff for my 9-5. Weekends are the days when I'm NOT making my dreams come true.
I'm not doing it to land a job I'm doing it to get my foot in the door of coding so i can make my own game as a passion project and if its successful then thats a bonus.
Wanna do a Megaman X like game, capcom already gonna release another one.
I don´t think a one man army can make a better game than a billion dollar company.
Vector math. Lucky for you, you only have 2 D's to keep track of, but mastering vector math is what you really need.
i have an idea for a 2d/3d platformer rpg
i have a cs degree and have been programming for 15+ years, and i want to make a game, but i've always let the other aspects of making the game, such as art, music, etc be the reason i can't do it
i want to do it all myself, or at least involve as few people as possible
but then that makes me think it will suck ass because what can one person do?
i know i can make an actual game, and it will be fun, but i can't even draw a stick figure worth a shit
I'm making 2 games for my college, maybe I'll post one I'm making in Unity with friends.
Yeah, like I mentioned earlier Im not interested in it for employment reasons, I just want to improve my programming skills and make my dream game.
Thanks for your response though anonymous. Youve inspired me to reconsider taking the course though.
You bet I am
Taking the course itself usually doesn't mean very much from what I've heard. You have to do some projects on the side to stand a chance on getting a job in that field.
Also you can now gather information from documents, so reading that stuff actually gets you something.
>Use store-bought assets to prototype the game.
>Master the gameplay for the prototype and make it really fun to play.
>Pitch your mechanics and concept to artists.
>They will hopefully see the potential of your project and team up with you.
With that said, you need to practice ALL aspects of game design if you're going to lead this project of yours. A programmer needs to have some understanding of what the artists do so they two pieces can mesh together well.
Look for stuff without copyright.
The dialogue system is keyword based so you can ask NPCs about stuff you read.
And that's my progress even though my dayjob is breaking my back right now, so may will be fuckin shit!
I've been trying out RPG Maker lately. All i have to do is find a way to have both the player and npcs have more than three frames of animation
Been messing around with Python and while I like It, people are telling me that im better off using C++ or C# or Java.
Which version are you using? MV has plugins for that kind of thing.
I'm sure VX Ace would too, but earlier versions might need a bit more work.
it depends what you want to make
you're probably not gonna be able to make anything complicated in python
If you're going into Unity, C#. As far as I'm aware, Python isn't really a language that you make vidya with. It's better for making plugins for other programs like Blender n' stuff.
I'm using MV. I also want the characters to have a idle/walk/run animation but this seems to be limited. I already have something for pixel perfect running around
I tried out Godot but I'm too much of a brainlet, not sure if i should get another engine
I'm not working directly on a game but I'm helping with marketing and such. I guess that counts.
Too busy with life to be able to work on my game right now.
>I also want the characters to have a idle/walk/run animation
No idea if the plugins are compatible, but this one has that covered.
thanks user
Very cool. I see in the steam page it has multiplayer. How does that work?
Why doesn't that guy follow me back...
Python can do neat stuff, but video games isn't one of these things.
Not working on games, I'm learning tensorflow. Currently training to detect open and closed beer bottles in a crate.
Sounds cool. Must be hard having to try and account for all the different words people might use.
Is it difficult to get into RPG Maker? Most of the games I've seen on it are completely worthless but LISA and OFF show that it can actually be good.
>>Is it difficult to get into RPG Maker
So honest question, why do most RPG Maker games look exactly the same and play exactly the same? It seems like there's only two categories
>The "we want to be Final Fantasy without the skill or talent"
>The creepypasta tier that wouldn't scare anyone above 1 year olds
How about you download it and see for yourself instead of asking retarded questions?
Tell me, why does bread always look the same after you slice it with a bread slicing machine? That's what you're asking right now.
Absolutely not, you can make everything you want if you know what you're doing and you're creative (see LISA). Problem is you can do it more efficiently with other engines, since RPG Maker has a shit ton of limitations
can i pay you now and play busted dev versions? i don't care if you update it once every 5 months.
When you lower the entry barrier that's just what you get. It's a mixed bag, you get games like LISA that couldn't've been made 20 years ago but you also get a whole bunch of shit.
The engine is piss easy to use, there are some limitation but you can go around them easy if you know javascript or search for a plugin that provides you with what you need.
>why do most RPG Maker games look exactly the same and play exactly the same?
Because most people just use the default assets and don't even bother modifying the combat, interfaces etc. but you CAN do it. I've made a custom combat system from scratch for my game and people can't even tell it's RPG Maker
My brain is too "just brute force everything" to make the games I want to make
specifically fighting games :(
get over it and learn not to be a retard.
No, I was just trying out photogammetry.
Why not?
Why is Godot so based?
Make a game about brute force?
>what can one person do?
I think if you throw stuff at the wall enough, eventually something good can come out. Just keep trying to make art, work on music, etc and eventually something will end up looking decent to you.
Lately I've been thinking about making a game about being a space agency because Kerbal Space Program while fun is horribly resource inefficient, unpolished, buggy, overcomplicated due to plain bad design and relies on user-made mods for replayability. It could be so much more and I'd like to give the genre the game it truly deserves.
But then I never programmed a proper game before, being one person means this could take up many years, and SimpleRockets 2 seems to be on the path to fulfill the "give genre proper game" part already.
Not exactly a game but I'm making a SoundSense clone for DF.
It currently supports all the base SoundSense features and can read the original .xml pack files, it has added goodies like an input field for simulating events, a tree view of sounds and events showing what is playing, what was played and what is ignored, and it parses your DF's color scheme and font to use it for itself.
I'll try to mess with DFHack to see if I can get positional sounds working too and other fun stuff like channel modulation like reverb if you're underground for example.
The options tab is barebones WIP but you can set the DF folder there, the color scheming is also WIP and only changes a few colors for now like the font and background.
And here's a pic of it using the 18x18 taffer tileset and pastel color scheme, there are a few UI bugs with the bigger font but it should be easy to fix.
what's the best one for making 2d games?
notepad or if you're crazy hacker, notepad++
Thoughts? I'm trying to make an Iceman style game
is it easy to use?
meant for
my dream was to make happy music but that got taken from me because my body broke forever
i hope your lives are good Yea Forums
Not GameMaker-tier retard-friendly but I find it very intuitive, the language it uses is heavily based on python which has the easiest syntax ever.
Not with spyware unity.
looks okay, but you were really lazy with the creation of the ice platform
Looks neat.
I'm so sorry user. As an artist the thought of losing my hands or sight always scare me
How many ice planes are you spawning with this mechanic? It hardly looks performance-friendly.
Yeah all the art is placeholder I'm focusing on getting the sliding to feel right. I'm a programmer not an artist
That's a lame excuse. Copy pasting planes is exactly what an artist would do. Create the geometry on the fly, then you can call yourself a programmer.
hell of a chad stride.
They delete after a few seconds and overlapping ones are deleted. I can limit which frames allow a piece to spawn too so the performance is manageable. 60fps is mandatory for me
Cool concept. If it becomes too difficult to make the ice generation look smooth/natural, you might be able to tweak the design to allow casting one platform at a time repeatedly and sort of springboarding off of it, Sonic-style.
Counter-constructive and completely irrelevant criticism. At this early a stage in development it's worthless to give feedback like this. You're just being a pedantic ass.
not him but holy fuck suck a big cock, autismo
He asked for thoughts.
That's actually a good idea. I've been teaching myself C# through making this prototype I never even considered doing that
I appreciate the defense but I actually need people like him to tell me exactly what's wrong so I know what to fix first. I don't have to take it personally he/she doesn't even know me
>because what can one person do?
Depends on how much you're willing to learn, at least the bare minimum of these other stuff. A game like Paper's Please, all made by one guy, has a very characteristic art that doesn't require too much effort, pretty much just one very simple but catchy theme.
This looks absolutely great. Is it a dungeon crawler?
Nice Ricardo Milos simulator
It's not hard to do in Unity either, maybe kinda tricky with UVs and shit, but I know you can do it. Look up catlikecoding for some tutorials on that kind of stuff, specifically things like
fuck off cringe anime poster scum
To any programmers here, how did you learn C#? Did you follow a course? Did you have a bunch of examples to test what you learned out on? I'm learning from Udemy but I'd like some beginner quizzes to test what I've learned.
keep crying bitch nigga
Is C# your first language? It wasn't for me, so it was easy to get into.
Hey thanks man. In my goty acceptance speech I'll call out anonymous Yea Forums poster 456527863 for taking the icebridge to the next level. Seriously though this is a big help
Iceman guy here, I started a udemy course t learn C# through making games, did enough of the course to figure out how to make a character move and then I just figured the rest out by googling. It was a lot more fun and rewarding than following the course, for me at least
You'd probably be better off making a proc genned mesh.
Just think of something you want to make and try it. It will end up being really badly coded but then when you're watching your Udemy courses you'll have a point of reference.
Also, there are a lot of free lessons on YouTube that you can watch that are probably even more helpful.
I learned by first knowing what I wanted to do, looking up how to do in in C# and then doing it! Having an actual, tangible goal to strive for in terms of what you want to program is a great way to teach yourself because you immediately make mental connections between what you're writing and what's happening onscreen.
I'll keep trucking then. Thanks.
I'm not going to pretend like I know what I'm talking about but wouldn't it make more sense to always stay in the same platform and then only give the illusion that you're going through several by spawning them along the path you're making? That way you'd have more control and without all that jittery. And there really must be a better way than just spawning a bunch of platforms.
I just ended up copy pasting what the tutorials did and didn't really learn anything from it though.
Working on the graphics today.
That would be one way to do it but then you'd be controlling the character directly, in my version you control where the bridge is spawned and the character slides through building momentum. Right now I just boost him forward so I can get the spawning right, once that's done you'll have to use momentum to gain speed. Yes it's very inspired by Sonic
Here's something to consider if you never programmed anything before, if you really want to learn C#, take a step back from game programming and make applications in .NET first.
Get a feel for it, download some projects and see how other people are dealing with problems, think about how you can improve the code you're writing.
Make small goals, and keep working on it.
But, sooner or later, I'm willing to bet that you'll have to modify that code in order to get behavior that meets your specific needs, right? That's where the real learning starts.
Do you have a link to these projects?
everyone thinks this is porn and I don't know what to do about it
Makes sense I guess. Thanks for the encouragement.
quit bragging
or just github
people upload their projects and stuff on there
There are also books like "Headfirst C#" which are pretty good.
Or just google "example wpf application" "c# tutorial" and so on.
There are tons of resources on the net. In video or text form. you just need to search for them. The #1 most important skill for programming is being able to research and finding resources.
Working on some combat mechanics for my game. Trying to keep it fast paced and simple. I want to go for more of a Strider route than something like a 2D DMC combat which seems to be all the rage these days.
I remember this!
make game less furry
Make it porn, set up a patreon and rake in the money
You can't make a game.
You never succeeded at anything in the past. Why would this time be any different?
You know you'll fail. Yes, you know it, don't deny it.
Give up.
It's local splitscreen and online. You can also splitscreen while online
Nice to see you here my friend
I want to get started someone help me what should I do first? I wanna make a binding of isaac clone
i already did give up though
As your first project?
if this isn't porn then you're making it with the sole intention of getting free porn of the main character
Using an engine makes me feel like I'm cheating because a lot of stuff is done for me but at the same time the amount of code in these things is overwhelming so I fear I'll never be good at coding on my own.
>tfw wanna make a fighting game
Look at all those unfinished things you started. All the projects on your computer, all those books with the first chapter still marked. It's a pattern. You think "this time will be different". But it's never different, is it? It's always the same. It will always be the same. Why try? Not everyone is meant to do things.
That's a retarded and self-defeating stance to take. Unity wasn't built by a single person either. Neither was any other professional engine. Get it through your head that programming from day one has always been a team effort, even with people you never knew or people that already died.
yeah... I suppose I should do something simpler first. I do database programming for a living what engine would you guys recommend? I figured I would start by trying to replicate a gameboy zelda character and a bat or something
Anyone know where to find information on sword-based combat for UE4? Any info I find has everything slow/clunky, tied to delays and animation as opposed to proper hitboxes.
>Snuff game starring a qt moth girl
If it's just 2D, try SDL or SFML. Maybe even Game Maker/Multimedia Fusion just to get a sense of what game programming is like.
You can do it user, I believe in you.
Unity I guess. Recommendations are one thing, but I think it would be better for you to just download all of the currently popular ones and test what works best for you.
Do line traces.
>But then I never programmed a proper game before
Then what position are you in to criticize KSP so aggressively? If you tried you'd find fixing bugs, polishing, and streamlining the design if your game way harder than you anticipated. You probably couldn't make a decent KSP substitute if you tried for a hundred years.
>calls it michaelbay.webm
>not doing three turns around the character
Please release a demo
>tfw want to make a beat 'em up ala Guardian Heroes
that would be pretty sick
You have an attitude problem. Work on that.
Know any other lane-based beat 'em ups/fighters? Only know of Bleach Dark Souls and Guardian Heroes
I don't, sorry, i didn't even know that Bleach game existed.
My entire vidyagamingdev experience is Flash in Actionscript 2 and 3.
I understand php, cpp, c, python, java and javascript.
And just to show off I learned how to make SDT scenarios pretty easily, it's fucking amazing what you can do with it.
Recommend me a vidya engine so I can start making shitty games.
>There is NO water in the air.
Enginefag here. I think I finally understand all this gay binding of vertex buffers and indices now. I basically had to do it myself manually to get it.
I was programming an optimized obj loader but now I'm just to write a simple one. Then I'll write my own mesh format to disk for quicker subsequent loads.
Anons how do I get started. I don't know how to do good art and I don't know good coding. (I know how to code a little bit but it's all shit)
just like make game and keep making it until it becomes good
>tfw dunno what to make
my favorite games are probably Diablo 1 (I liked it more than 2... found its simplicity appealing), Doom, Zelda OoT and MM, Baldur's Gate 2, I dunno they're all different from each other so it's hard to pick a genre for me.
I keep Shabbath.
that doesn't help
what is all of this unity connect bullshit why do I need to sign up my email just to use your software why the fuck do you reject certain domains why the fuck is there a whole survey about where I live and shit just to use this shit
I have differente games among my favorites too, but I look at fighting games and I think "i wanna make something like this", so perhaps you should think about a genre that really makes you wanna play and create, like it kinda fascinates you in a way, be it complex RPG systems or something else.
cause you are the product, goy
It does, you can't become good at something until you failed at it a bunch
Just Like Make Game is a big AGDG meme, do not worry about it.
First you need to choose your preference, coding or art. Either is hard to get good at, but some people prefer one over the other.
>tfw okay at coding but wish I was okay at art instead.
Guys how do you become famous?
I don't have any good story ideas cause I'm an old-ass 31 year old boomer with very little life experience.
I can't do art.
I'm a decent programmer (senior software engineer professionally) and can play the guitar (surf, punk, classical... all pretty niche and not exactly popular among young people) and very extremely briefly played in a couple of hardcore punk bands when I was in my early 20s.
no good gameplay ideas either.
basically only thing I can directly apply to gamedev is programming, but I don't know what to make. Wish I had friends with good ideas to work with.
Make your game controversial with tons of social commentary, Twitterfags will complain and give you the popularity you seek.
Thank you user, that's what I'd really want to feel too.
Mind you I bear the game zero ill will, listing statements is not criticizing aggressively. But if you've been with it for an appreciable length you'd know exactly what I'm talking about, and it's my most played game by far, if I had to gues I'd lie somewhere around 4k-5k hours ingame. The development has been a rollercoaster into miserable depths you can't even imagine. The story would honestly deserve its own thread, and 2000 characters wouldn't come close to showing the true colors Squad has shown over the years. It's a buried coffin at this point since the old guard has fucked off completely, the /vg/ general died from terminal shitposting and Take-Two bought it two years ago. If you go to fireden and searched a bit I bet you could find hundreds of posts detailing at great autistic length just what and how the game and Squad is fucked, since lamenting that was 50% of any thread we had back then. I doubt too that I could make a decent KSP substitute but definitely not for the reasons KSP itself failed.
For a small taste for you and any interested person I've compiled two post-1.0 release /kspg/ OPs into a pastebin. It might seem like senseless ranting but it was the general consensus across the overwhelming majority of veteran players, even many of those who circlejerked on the forum and reddit.
That's new, could you please elaborate on that? What part of my attitude is problematic? How'd you recommend I work on it?
Spending my time devving jiggly stuff
Can i make a sidescroller with anime girls or would that be to weird for a gaijin western developer?
Mostly did a bunch of background work, but most of my efforts have gone towards character customization and getting that working in multiplayer, plus preparing everything for the kickstarter. Gonna do a full multiplayer test with my testers today.
So you wanna help create something but you just don't know what to do? Thats kinda weird.
also i guess you don't need much life experience to create stories, you just need to read a lot
I used to read and because of that i started writing a bit myself for example, because it gave me ideas, and i have very little life experience too.
Good taste in music btw.
Quite the opposite, you'd be entering an over-saturated weeb market
Are you engine fags developing your engine for just one game? Or are you ever planning to distribute it?
thanks m8. Yeah I think to myself maybe I should just start making things and eventually I'll make something I like. I will probably make 1000 shitty things for every 1 good think I make anyway, so might as well get started.
People will play it if it's actually good
Is that really your game? How many people working on it? And how do you make it look so fun?
i'm putting this in my pre-title screen. care to put your real name so i can attribute it to you?
i'm at the point where i can program any game i can imagine but i have no ideas. i feel very lost.
Stick with it.
I'm gonna do it. Is what I tell myself, but then I look at what I want to do. And it just kills me. It cant be that hard to make an onrails shooter. But then why cant I dig up the motivation!?
Is godot actually good or should I just use Unity?
Mostly just want to make a 2.5D game like Breath of Fire 4
It's like you're begging Microsoft to come sue you
Both good options for that kind of game. Godot probably easier though.
They don't care.
use unity you fool
Its much more documented, more user forums posts, more youtube videos, more public created code etc
That's a lot of art you gonna need. 8-directional sprites are not hard to implement, but hard to make. You could just use the BoF spritesheets for now, but sooner or later you gonna need to draw these sprites somehow.
>What is Shante
closer to girl toys and dolls aesthetic than anime
Yes, 6, just b urself
RPG Maker exists to easily create a game that plays just like every RPG Maker game so you don't have to spend time creating good gameplay and can just make whatever gay ass story you've got in your head.
Fun fact LISA is not as unique an RPG maker game as you might think.
With Gdevelop you don't need coding skilzz.
Just make placeholder art untill the thing is fun and then aquire better stuff.
ordered a cintiq :)
Can I make an FPS with RPG Maker ala Doom?
I reckon for I'll go with Gamemaker if I can figure out how to raycast (whatever it's called for 2D sprites) characters and the sort. Can't think of anything full 3D would offer for a game of this pace
Which one, user? My Companion's coming in Monday
24 inch pro. im pretty excited, ill probably be spending all my free time playing on it.
Nice. Have fun
You don't get to decide what is porn or not!
Right now I fucking CAN'T because I have a fucking EXAM in three FUCKING weeks and it's really FUCKING difficult
I'm rebuilding in Angular to keep code a bit tidier. Learned a lot from my prototype. Yes, it is basically runescape the text adventure.
Started learning C by myself, then studied Java at university (and started doing shit at home with it since I liked it), then took some high-school courses in C# and noticed that it's almost exactly like Java.
I'm making it for just one game as an exercise. But I'll just reuse it for other games after.
If u are a programmer go unity if not go ue4
the part that makes it unique is it being a sidescroller tho
I've been working on this game for 2 days now and it's my first game. I'm planning on maybe making an arena battle mode where you choose different monsters.
Skyrim UI looks soulless. I guess it's what you gotta do, especially if you put it on mobile.
looks good for your first game