Sekiro HELP thread.
I'll start:

Hello again anons, it's the user who's been having input lag (and now, another) issues.

I'm playing on PC, with a wireless XB1 controller. 1060 card. Windowed mode. I have anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 second input lag. Some notes on this:

>THIS IS ONLY HAPPENING IN SEKIRO, NOT ONE OF THE 387 OTHER STEAM GAMES i OWN EXPERIENCE INPUT LAG (including the Souls games and even Nioh - I just tested these out last week) - it's not the contoller
>I've tried several graphics options in Sekiro, no change
>I've tried a few options in nVidia Control Panel (like turning VSync OFF) - no change
>an user last week suggested changing resolution from 1440 to 1080, so I tried this - no change

One of the last things I tried actually fixed input lag: changing to fullscreen (again, via Sekiro). That worked. No input lag! However, going fullscreen has caused a completely different issue: I'm guessing due to the HDR mode that gets enabled in fullscreen, when I closed out of Sekiro I found that all my color setups on my desktop/windows were all jacked up. The color/contrast/brightness/gama/etc were aaaaall off, and I had to spend a good 20+min readjusting my color setup. After, just to be sure it was Sekiro and not some ghost nVidia update, I reopened Sekiro and closed it - all my colors were jacked up, again.

SO. I've been waiting patiently for a patch to drop, no luck. I've been posting here and other boards, no luck. I've been searching forums and posts all over the web for this issue, no luck. I'm not playing wired when I haven't had to for ANY other game, and I'm not playing in fullscreen when that jacks up my display. So, I'm boned.

If anyone else has had this experience, at least the PC input lag, and has genuine, actual help/advice, I'm all eyes. Otherwise I'm biding my time for a patch. And if one doesn't come (or it doesn't fix my issue(s)), I'm gonna bite the bullet and just got by a different version. In the meantime, I'm playing through Nioh.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is it me or is whirlwind slash useless? It has no infinity frames, and it barely staggers the enemy. It seems like if you get surrounded, the better option would be to dodge/jump when surrounded, then focus on one person while being ready to parry/dodge when another attacks you.
Am I right, or am I just not using whirlwind slash right?

how to headless

Most combat arts are like this

pop candy and confetti and slash away

Stay behind him.

yes it sucks

Combat arts were pretty poorly implemented, honestly the only one worth using is Ichimonji which works really well as a punish on bosses after you deflect or dodge a big move.

Mortal Draw and Shadowrush are also decent but they do cost spirit emblems.

ashina castle lone shadows
cheesing one deathblow off either of them is easy but actually fighting them legit i just cant get my head around
all those kicks and toxic shit fuck me up

I'm playing with a 360 controller and have no input lag at all. I remember someone saying playing in fullscreen fixed theirs, but i assume you've already tried that.

playing on PC, mouse+keyboard 144hz monitor - no input lag.
I have a question though, how do I replay Dark Souls after this? I just can't.

If I go fight the final boss, will the game force me into NG+? I am right outside what is clearly the boss arena.

This game is shit. bull fight boring takes too long

Ah i didn't read the second part of your post because it's long as fuck.

Do you guys have any tips for the first corrupted monk fight?

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I feel like most combat arts were added purely to take up space and give more 'progression'

all combat art are trash or only useful for cheese strats

No, you can choose to start NG+ from the bonfire just like DS

Hit him with your sword until he dies.

Run like sanic.

ignore posture and play it like a dark souls boss
snap seed stuns and chunks some health 3 times a fight

confetti=>snap seeds x3=>firecrackers until dead

Lilac Umbrella

Snap Seeds

>infinity frames

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it's a she.

man divine confetti and apparition enemies suck dick

i hate having to reapply a stupid item like 2 or 3 times over a single fight just so I can deal meaningful damage and you don't get the divine fire prosthetic until basically the end of the game

I'm at the boss after the snake, I keep getting my ass kicked any tips? I mostly try to keep an eye out on what he's doing and when he's gonna swing and I parry as much as I can because it breaks his posture a good amount but I still get fucked if it's one of those fury swipes where hit swings like 5 times in a row and I get hit by the last 2 swings

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they are optional though, and give meh rewards

Confetti lets you do more damage, but it depends whether you want to waste it at that point in the game.

But you get the Phoenix Lilac Umbrella after beating Guardian Ape.

It's more effective at killing Apparitions than all the other tools.

I just did them at the end of the game. It only took my 1 confetti to beat each apparition.

So I murdered the Snake But when I got on the ledge I ran off the bridge. Any way to get there without help of your friendly springcushion?

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I've been thinking, why are we all considering Kuro a man? "miko" is referred only to females as far as I know

no. you didn't lose on anything important, don't worry

dont think so
you missed out on a dragon blood droplet but nothing else of worth its not a huge loss

Well that's a relief, I ran off the bridge like an idiot and spend too long figuring out how to get back there. Cheers user

Whirlwind Slash deals a very good amount of damage and chip through the guard. It's fast, it's safe, it's easy to get, it attacks in a very good arc and only requires you some timing to not trade with enemy attacks.
That's not true. Most Arts do need buffs but some of them are amazing.
Art tier list:
Top tier (either have godlike utility or are the best in their class as vitality/posture damage):
>High Monk, Ichimonji Double, Shadorwush/Shadowfall, Dragon Flash
Mid tier (extremely usable but either worse than top tiers or held back by their retarded talisman costs):
>Floating Passage, Whirlwind Slash, Praying Strikes - Exorcism, Empowered Mortal Draw, Nightjar Reversal
Low tier (poor utility and absolutely crippled by talisman costs)
>Spiral Cloud Passage, One Mind

There's 2 thins that hold back combat arts: the lack of ability to switch between them like prosthetics and having a talisman costs. As a whole, prosthetics are infinitely more useful than combat arts aside from the top tier ones. The talisman costs need to be universally removed from every combat art but Shadowrush and Dragon Flash as those enable legitimate boss cheese tactics.

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Because of the penis (which makes it better)

Why is every goddamn guide to the purification ending vague and usually wrong?
I'm on ng+3 now. It's fucking MADDENING
>All guides say kill owl then eavesdrop
>You fucking can't
>Some random reddit post says you need to eavesdrop BEFORE fighting him
>Go there during castle siege
>It's just Isshin
What the FUCK are the real prereqs? Do I have to give them sake? A specific kind to trigger the eavesdropping? What the FUCK

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"ko" refers to child or girl, it's not explicitly feminine.

I'm pretty sure the divine child has a crush on me.

Ichimonji Double is literally all you need. Everything is is shit tier in comparison.

My game's fps seems to take a shit every time I'm in the castle or any sort of big fire is present. I've played around with my graphics a bit but nothing really changed. Anyone knows how to fix this?

yeah it is in case of "miko"
shinto priests male got different word for them

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Supposedly you can cheese gen out of existence by spamming shadowstep since even the weak version works on him.

Monk punch attack with the follow up is perfect for farming runs since you need to slam through mooks quickly and it comes out quick and disables their ability to attack.

Whirlwind is supposedly second best art in the game because it can punish bosses until you get ichimonji and it costs nothing.

what am i supposed to do in the senpou temple main hall?, theres just a guy that gives me a letter and a door that cant be opened from my side

No. Shadowrush is an unblockable that lifts you into the air, High Monk is the best posture damage dealing art with built-in utility like i-frames, anti-air and anti-sweep capabilities and also heavy hyperarmor damage that stuns bosses from a lot of the moves. Dragon Flash is a strong vitality-raping ranged attack with retarded range. All of them are at least as good as Ichimonji.


You will return there later, you've just opened up some fast travel for yourself.

reach top of a castle.

i'm stuck at genichiro but i feel like after a few tries i can get him, but have i missed anywhere i can go other than him?

i've done all of senpou and hirata

i went through the serpent shrine and found a dying midget and a ton of guys shooting at me from miles away. seems like i shouldn't try it right now

found snake eyes but i feel like im way too early for that fight.

go to sunken valley
later on the guy will disappear and a bell will appear which you will have to use to enter a "boss" battle.

I eavesdropped on Isshin/Emma before the Owl fight, I don't think it bears any relation to going back to the other eavesdrops. They just talk about

To eavesdrop on Kuro and Emma you need to go into the library and then hug a wall. Don't ask why that's the only thing that works. This can only be done after the Owl fight.

If none of those work then whatever.

And "girl" used to be a world referring to young boys. The game is in old-age japanese and plenty of gendered words have situational uses for the other (i.e. -kun can be used when referring to girls)

Come back later, you need to beat Gen

Not him but Ichimonji has one very crucial aspect that makes it superior to the absurdly potent Shadowrush: it's free.

I'm right after killing Owl 2 (Hirata Estate). I gave Doujun the red carp eyes and killed Jinzaemon on the small island. But Doujun is still in his room crying about his master. What do I do to trigger his fight?

>are these two goodbois sleeping?

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I'm not sure you need to eavesdrop on Isshin at all, though for me it happened before Owl. Their conversation iirc isn't related to Kuro.
You DO need to eavesdrop on Kuro from his room, after killing Owl, then talk to Emma to start the questline.

ok so there's three ways i can go i think: (i'm somewhat early to mid-game)

up the huge stairs from the idol near the bell-giant you need the spear for to remove his armor. there are many enemies here so i've avoided it for now

monk area

sword guy area past the tengu on the rooftops

where should i go first? sword guy area seems pretty tough...

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The all use Karma so no.

2 talismans are nothing for the utter batshit insanity of Shadowrush. That art literally breaks boss AI since its gap closing is THAT crazy. Even with the mid-air combat arts Ichimonji will get you punished in a lot of situations, by comparison, meanwhile Shadowrush is NEVER punished.

actually you will have to run through the gun fort right after you kill genichiro but you can do it now for a 2 beads if you kill both mini bosses.
other than that, you pretty much have to kill him as you are now.

>And "girl" used to be a world referring to young boys.
you are ignoring religious context of Kuro and the word. sadly I do not have resource for japanese etymology like for english, but I am pretty sure "miko" is referred only to shinto priestesses.

They're like mini Gens, you have to be able to deflect big hits when the enemy is teleporting around. Hitting a single mikiri when they eventually do the kick does 50% of the work.

They are _______deceased

Wait until you get the upgraded version Shadowfall
Ichimonji's legit on its own though, mainly for the posture-restoring characteristics

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ichimonji:double recovers your posture tho. i'm early on but i literally raped the bull with double ichi by attacking its head. it dealt insanity posture damage AND stunned him.

I assume I can't see different endings in one playthrough?

>ichimonji:double recovers your posture tho
So does the blocking.
The ideal solution would be to allow us to switch combat arts as i've said already. Menu swapping is very clunky. If you could set up Shadowrush, Ichimonji and High Monk and swap between them with one button the combat system would shine incredibly well.

Is it any surprise that Ichimonji is super strong? I've seen that move on plenty of samurai characters in games.

4 playthroughs needed, you can wind up with 3 options for the ending in one playthrough though

The main thing is for you to eavesdrop on Kuro twice/thrice, until Emma moves from the same floor to the Lookout. Then you can progress just fine

It's a good move but the cost is prohibitive. The only bonus is that you can pause and switch back to CHADimonji once your talismans dry up.

>Menu swapping is very clunky.
it's pretty fast with mouse, wouldn't mind numbered arts bar.

obligatory Tomoe

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Is it easy to back up your Sekiro save? Then I could play each ending.

>no giant toad enemy that attacks you with their giant tongue that you can mikiri counter
Nice game, weeaboos


The surprise is that despite it having a variety of useful benefits in one package, none of these get distributed to any other combat arts.
It's not that it's good, it's that it's literally the only good Combat Art until you spend a ton of skill points on end-game skills.

monk area has a lot of good stuff there and is probably closer to your level

the miniboss at the top of the stairs isn't too hard. the extra guys are just riflemen. but if you go backwards from the dojo miniboss and jump down the center of the building you can get behind him and find some loot and another path

it's not Tomoe, it's a bride from village before things gone bad.

sword guy is actually pretty easy if you are decent at mikiri and you don't need the spear to beat him.
if you run to the end of the monk area you won't be able to progress further it without killing geinichiro(rooftop in ashina castle boss) but you will find an esoteric text if that interests you, you can go there.

Just do another playthroughs
Seriously, it's worth it. It's WAY easier to go through since you have all your tools from the get-go and can straight up bully or take revenge on bosses.The damage increase isn't noticeable

Is there anyway to get back there after killing the serpent?

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What is the point of health/posture progression through beads when enemies are programmed to deal health% based damage for the most part? Sure certain attacks don't scale as hard but ultimately you don't end up seeing much benefit as you should because taking 90% from chained ogre's grabs with a big health bar is the same as taking 90% with a small health bar

Really disappointing scaling crap, the game itself is super good but you do the same damage and take the same damage for the most part, progression is almost worthless unless you're comparing insanely different attack levels

What was his name again?

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Tomoe is probably the old woman at the tower where you first meet Tengu.

>Nioh had a big badass giant frog that fought you with his pipe WHILE SMOKING IT
>Sekiro has a bull
Sekirofags B T F O

Yeah it's pretty easy. Make a copy somewhere else then paste it back in after the ending. You can even save scum right after beating the final boss so you don't have to fight him for each ending

Hanzo's father in Nioh?
Can already imagine his spearthrusts being Mikiri'd, shame the Yokais are rather limited here
Although the human enemies are all pretty top-tier

you need spear to beat the bell giant with the armor, no? that's what i was referring to.

do beads and memories still buff you?

>you can mikiri his kick
damn that was the missing piece
thanks a bunch

gyobou something

there is a jizo statue and a sugar there. nothing important

Tomoe is way younger, 40s tops, Genchiiro is around 25. Takeru events weren't that long ago.

How do I get to the 2nd level of the ghost temple in the Ashina depths? I already killed everyone outside

not necessarily, on my first playthrough i just mikir countered him and then pushed him off the bridge(you must position yourself properly to do this tho, but as far as i can tell, this is the only way to kill him)

No beads, memories yes
This is on the start of NG+6
Seriously, i have yet to be oneshotted, even with NG+6 ogre grabs
Still does like 90% though

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Didn't Emma say that Tomoe killed herself trying to do the Purification ritual with the previous Dragon's heir?

she couldnt kill herself because she didnt have the mortal blade.

your dedication is scary,user, don't forget to rest.

no, she tried to, not actually did it.

Ashina cross is pretty good

Ogre grabs are one shotting me on ng+2 and 3, I think I’m missing the last prayer necklace tho

Oh, i forgot about it because it belongs to low tier.
It should be free to have any worth. Otherwise Dragon Flash is strictly better despite costing one more talisman.

this, i was loving the game but now i have to kill a schihimen warrior 2 headless and o'rin and i want to kms, i'll just go do monkey

Last 4 beads before the final boss? I already killed all the new mini boss at the castle and I shouldn't have missed anything exploring

Finally beat the sword saint, I was agressive as fuck. Took me hours but it felt so good.
Don't lose hope anons.

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>low tier
B-but I spent 5 skill points on it
Can I return it?

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Gyoubu Montoya

Corrupted Monk 2 is the best boss fight.
Its all about stacking that posture damage, no shitty health chip for half the fight to prolong it.

Can you beat headless without divine confetti?

Can't do it. I get him to phase 2 with no drinkies pretty reliably and then get fucked in like 2 seconds when he pulls the spear out of his ass.

Guy having trouble with Headless App here. I made it to Owl, but now he's hitting me pretty hard. Any suggestions on prosthetics, combat arts, things to be aware of? I can't keep my posture gauge down, do I not have the muscle memory yet to deflect him like I eventually learned for the Ape forms?

I'm so sorry user. But it does lead to marginally better Empowered Mortal Draw in the endgame.

you probably missed the one where you can't teleport into the two ape boss room, there's a mage there right now.
also, in the ashina castle, you probably missed the samurai with red eyes, it's below where isshin rested before the invasion.
might have missed mini bosses in the area before demon of hatred.

Nah, i'm still pretty mild as far as autism goes
Just fell in love with the combat very early on, now going through NG+'s treating it as a glorified boss rush sprinting everywhere helps greatly since all i want is fighting bosses again and decimating them with perfect parries

>shichimen, headless
yashakiri/ako, confetti, pacifying
go to the fight spamming R1 and he'll dispel his fog or orb casting from your aggression
block the heavier attacks with purple umbrella+R1 after

there's 1 more miniboss at the outskirts, the place where Tenzen Yamauchi was
there's also 2 more locked inside the Purification ending, namely upgraded Hirata castle
there's also a new purple ninja miniboss inside great serpent shrine

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This is how I felt last night after finally defeating Owl. Took hours, I had turned off the game voices because his taunting was pissing me off every time he'd smoke my stray dog ass.
You will not beat me, game.

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Any tips for the final boss? I can reliably beat Genichiro and the first phase without taking too many hits but the second phase absolutely wrecks me.

fuck demon of hatred

i would agree with you if he couldn't be instakilled on the first and second phases.
i didn't know that when i killed him, but when ifound out , i felt stupid.

Tomoe is an Okami Woman, debate me


When learning a boss just hold block and focus on learning their unblockables and only deflecting the attacks with the easiest timings, and then gradually adjust to deflecting more as you get used to them. Remember you've got infinite sprint and posture recovers more quickly while holding block so if you're about to get posture broken just run out and let it reset.

Pretty sure you're tied down to it, but double ichi is the best combat art in the game so you can comfort yourself with the sunk cost argument in the Ashina chart.

Got the mage (female), got the crazed samurai and got the 2 before Hatred too
>purification ending
Eh, so that's why.
Gonna go finish the game then, wish me luck

That terror scream he does is objectively too strong

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Owl was really annoying me too, got stuck for a long time, I could predict and dodge everything in a vacuum but somehow when he chained everything I fell apart

Now I'm repeating the process for Demon, and Isshin. Kill me

can you deflect the ashina elite without taking vitality damage? every time i try he does damage, it's not a problem in the first phase because i can dodge easily, but he blocks a lot more in the second phase so I'd like to deflect to do more posture damage

does the vault over skill not work on bosses?

trying to kill genichiro2 with a backstab for enhanced blade in the next fight

Took one hour and half but finally beat the Demon of Hatred, now only genichirou is left.

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How do you insta-kill him on the first phase? I thought you could only do that during the illusion phase.

PSA: Purple guy in the shrine disappears once everything gets set on fire and makes the bead unobtainable.
The offering box is lit up for me which i presume is that, but the damn thing says "Nohing here bro :^)" when i interact with it.

wanna know how to play sekiro?

>play dark souls

>buy a tower shield

>hold L1 for everything

you are now a sekiro expert.

It's got a very early tell, just don't rely on the Kanji. As soon as you see him start moving you should be able to recognize that the scream is coming and run out.

purple umbrella, spear, whatever
get 3-4 attacks in before he roars which you can hold R2 on, then R1 for massive damage
deflect his swings, 2 deflects in a row= he does overhead slash, which when deflected stumbles him putting his neck in front of you
Doing spear's drag move R2>R2 affects the centipede inside him, doing massive posture-vitality damage

Is there really no way to farm Lapis? Kind of lame that you have to go to NG+ just to upgrade your prosthetics.

Also, since the Shura ending gives you an exclusive weapon art, and Lapis is only accessible after Owl, does that mean you have to beat the game three times for all trophies, even if you get all the endings by save scumming?

>tfw keep dying to the undying warrior near dilapidated temple

h-how is the game this hard bros

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He gives you plenty of time to run away

The hardest part for me is buying the game. I don't have the money.

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You haven't even played the game, stop posting.

Deflects need to be perfect.

Just run nigger

Yes, just double tap as fast as you can, don't even try to time it, as soon as you see the sword glint, double tap, you will parry without chip damage.

You get 6 lapis, enough for 2 of them

Enemies will break your posture if you just block instead of trying to deflect. Also in NG+, you receive an item which causes missed deflects to damage you, which means you really have to learn how to time them.

No it's not.

He telegraphs it well in advance and if you run backwards you'll only ever get clipped by it. Then you get to heal up, buff, throw shurikens or whatever whilst he does his virgin scream
His worst attack is the sweep he does when you're actually expecting the scream.

Do those affected by the dragon rot die after certain time? Seems like I didn't fully get the bad effects of it.

Pirate it like bro.

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You have to beat the game AT THE MINIMUM on NG+4 since that's where the exp ramps up to keep up with the requirement to level up
getting the last skill (9 points) off Mushin tree took me 30 minutes on NG+5, with the last level requiring 110k exp

yes I have, the game ENCOURAGES YOU to stand in front of the boss to parry spam to build posture.

hit and run is the absolute worst way to fight a boss.

/r/ing a redraw with Lady Butterfly and Wolf

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Ultimately the age doesn't matter. They can either bring Tomoe back from hell or set up the memory with her.

the combat takes some time to click
dont sweat it too much

Yeah, but you need 10 lapis for all the prosthetic upgrades. And most of the lapis is past owl. So you need to go to NG++ for everything, since the Shura ending gives you an exclusive art.

Just use the x4 exp trainer lmao.

I rang that bell after reading the note saying fuck it. After ringing it I immediately regretted it, but was relived to see you can just get rid of it at any time. I used the opportunity to go farm those 7 dudes where the drunk was and got tons of items and cash.

He's just going for a kinda dumb DaS analogue
Tower shield means you only does fatroll, no iframes
parry is still there so the only real defensive option is only that

No one here has mentioned it but if you stand right behind in the correct spot you take barely any terror and no damage from it.

>yfw charging Empowered Mortal Draw

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No, they don't die.

i beat him without using any prosthetics.
first isshin phase is a joke, stay near him, attack til her reflects(not blocks, usually takes 2 attacks for him to reflect) if he dashes back a little and places his sword into his sheath, walk up to him, block his push away attack and then you can easily react to the red symbol, which you have to jump.
when he uses his one handed attacks from sides or from below or above, deflect a few and he will walk a little to your right and then use his thrust attack, mikiri that.
he sometimes dashes backwarads and uses a thrust attack, mikiri that, pretty easy.
the most important thing in this phase is to stay close, if you have to heal, walk much further than you actually need to because he doesn't charge at you if you're too far.
2nd phase is pretty hard, as far as i could tell there's no way to actually reduce his health bar, so what i did was mikiri his ass, since most of the shit he ends with a thrust.
this phase is the hardest of all the phases in my opinion because you have to track your posture since if you wait too long his posture will go down because he is pretty much full on health, at least in my case.
3rd phase is the same as 2nd except you get to deal free lightning posture damage, since all you have to do is jump up when he uses lightining and you will deal a good chunk of posture damage and a few auto attacks.

But I like Fromsoft and I know they deserve the money.

I also get really nervous of viruses from pirating stuff. I can't remember the last time I pirated a game and don't know any trusted places to do it from.

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If you keep running around all the fight it literally does nothing.

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Irks me when people just say
>no replayability
>no motivation to go NG+
When these things exist as a small motivation, the game itself is pretty fun once you sprint away the mobs and only deal with the bosses, and they're denying themself of the experience

honestly don't know what i was expecting

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I see you're a man of culture too

you apparently have to grapple to the furthest branch and you can deathblow him then.

honestly thought it was gonna be difficult killing it but it died instantly

I just started the game and stumbled in the flashback episode witht the drunken fat guy miniboss and the kamikaze samurai. I cant

Should I go back to present time and get a hang of the game before trying that again?

Watch a YT vid of it. The timing's finicky but you can completely negate phase 1 and 2 if you're fast, then you just parry down 3 and fight's over.

This The tell is not the red Kanji, he starts splattering blood from his cut off head (think it even does a faint sizzling sound effect). When you see the blood, that's when you run.

i have 5 lapis in ng+ doing the immortality severence ending.
you probably just didn't do the karp quest.

Damn, that's crazy. I'll have to try that in NG+. Thanks.

How does the thrust counter work?
Is it L1+O or just O? The game gave me conflicting tool tips and I don't want to waste a death testing it.


I thought it was going to be an NPC because of how easy it was, so I ran back to the sculpture to reset it and try to talk to it like a retard, I probably got cheap shoted like 5 times in the fog on the way back.
It's doable, but if you're having issues you could try the other paths available for now.

Story question, was it explained how Sekiro ended in the well? Or is it that he spend 3 years there after the attack on Hirata estate?

Say one word that will trigger sekibros

I'll start


What's the point of combat arts? I tested some of them on the demon of hatred and found that a simple regular swing of the sword does more or the same amount of damage as most combat arts. Are they just for show?

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If you're struggling with the memory, I recommend at least beating the first boss outside of it first. Get some prayer beads from minibosses too. And find some merchants so you can buy some really good stuff.

anything I should do before the second genichiro fight?

How the fuck do I beat Demon of Hatred? I don't want to fight fucking souls bosses in sekiro, i want to fight sekiro bosses

Just O.

Just O. Not too soon, I try to do it just before the weapon would hit, not when the symbol pops up.

i want the lute playing in my phone, shit's calming

I was doing pretty bad because I was running too much away from him in 3rd/4th phase. hes really fucking easy if you just stop worrying and hold ground + deflect/block. running is such a shit strat it baffles me I see kills of him in youtube with 20 mins of chipping.

You mean Demon? Hatred? Demon of Hatred?

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Different ones work on different enemies, I cheesed shura isshin with the shadowrun.
He met an untimely fate against a great warrior

honestly one tutorial says forward + dodge and the other one says just dodge.
in reality if you're locked on you will always use a mikiri counter, but if you're not you would have to use forward to face him and the dodge into his direction.

Why cant you and armored knight just talk it out :(

You mean
It's all ogre now

The immortality severance ending requires going past Owl, which means you can't get at least four lapis and Shura ending in the same playthrough.
That doesn't trigger me. If you said something like Hesitation is defeat or Snake-eyes, then I'd be triggered.

They're decent for random mooks and medium-sized enemies. Mortal Blade is pretty alright on everything though, not sure if it's worth 6 emblems tho.

Btw any fucking mod that removes Emblem cost from the fucking Shinobi tools? Besides the ranged/defensive ones the rest leave you extremely exposed and are not worth the risk at all.

Don't play this trash game

Which carp scale merchant is better to make disappear?

True hardest boss in the game

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if you wanna beat him without prosthetics, good luck, i did it, but it took a bunch of time to realize that all you have to do is run to his left and don't use more than 3 attacks at once.
if you wanna use prosthetics,use the whistle to stagger him and the lapis lazuli flame prosthetic says that it quenches the flames of hatred so it might work too.

I want to be able to use the extended blade ninjitsu all the time but alas

Dragon flash does so much health damage it’s fantastic for clearing out when you’re being gained up on.
It makes farming the Okami warriors in fountainhead super easy.
I feel like both it and Ashina Cross have this weird effect where mobs will stop blocking when you go into the sheathed stance too. Issue is yeah, they cost emblems which sucks and also if they’re aggressive enemy types then you get interrupted too easily.

>Btw any fucking mod that removes Emblem cost from the fucking Shinobi tools?
Just use cheat engine if you wanna cheat, there's zero reason for that mod to exist.

I like the flute melody too.

drunk guy gave me trouble but i beat him with this brotip: circle around to the left, through the temple into the passage, kill all the generic guys/aggro them. when the drunk guy approaches, RUN, he'll lose track of you if you run far enough. once everyone is dead but the drunk-fucker, THEN talk to the guy to make it a 2v1. also unlock ichimonji asap. the boss right after that will give you wayy more trouble

Most Kino.

but i litreally told you that i have 5 by not doing shura.

>loli's rice is actually her blood
>she bleeds herself to help you to a point of anaemia
>that's why you're feeding persimmons to her make her feel better

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The game would have replayability if it had all the features and mechanics (builds, online) that it could have easily implemented.
On that note, Wolf is a shit character and if he's not going to provide much more than a blank slate OC, then just give people the option to create a character.

What's more, they never got rid of stats, they just obfuscated them. Similarly, things like Weapon Arts and Magic are still in the game, just hidden behind Prosthetic upgrades and skill trees. The only difference is your standard Vit/Stamina upgrades are now heart pieces, but that's not a reason to remove a stat progression system that allows multiple characters and builds.
So many of the bosses are easy to cheese solo that it's no different from just calling in white phantoms. PvP with the combat system could have lead to some amazing fights and scenarios with chases over rooftops, puppeteering enemies to fight your invader, stealth killing white phantoms, etc.

Souls as a game never really "ended" even when you beat the last boss, because there were builds and online to flesh out those experiences you missed. In Sekiro, the game is basically done once you beat Isshin. True, there are multiple endings, except this game is not designed for multiple playthroughs - there's a ton of fucking Dark Souls baggage in this game that's no longer justified because they removed all the reasons to engage with it.
I like the game but holy shit did they drop the ball. It's way too similar to Souls already to not give off the impression that there's a giant gaping hole in the game.

>Sword Saint or Snake-Eyes
This nigga can't deflect. Monkey trouble and Orangutan are the only truly difficult bosses due to how easily things can spiral out of control. Owl and Isshin are tough but are fun to fight.

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Swordfightin' IS how men talk it out.

doesn't matter, both will sell the other one's items, and both corpses will have a lapis lazuli.

Farm some exp and unlock some skills, it's better than way since in normal play you keep losing it.

any tips for speeding up the corrupted monk fight?

I've noticed that it will always maintain a combo untill you are posture broken, but never follow up. But I dunno how I can take advantage of that.

Hell yeah it is.

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i eavesdropped on the dudes on the bridge who talked about a big guy in armor, and i got the loaded spear. where's the guy I'm supposed to use the spear on? im right before the second genichiro fight and I feel like I missed him

>I like the game but holy shit did they drop the ball. It's way too similar to Souls already to not give off the impression that there's a giant gaping hole in the game.
Quit whining bitch nigga

I'm stuck on it right now, but it's not really that hard, I get to the third phase reliably now.
First phase
>Stay close to him because at mid-long range he fires those gayass projectiles, fire shield works well if he fires them
>Always block the vertical fire slash because dodging it is unreliable
>Every three sword slashes or so run forward because he will likely jump back
>When you see him jump on the air run away a bit, then jump and graple him to get on top of him again
>When he does his punch with his fire hand he will do a very delayed 4 hit combo, so don't drop your guard.

Second Phase
>When he does his little dance to do the big fire attack run to the left or right, then when he fires the attack jump and grapple him
>When he fires the long range projectiles you're fucked because I still don't know how to deal with them, just use the fire shield to deflect them I guess?

Third Phase
>Stay close, when he does the spin attack get even closer because at mid range it creates a ring of fire that keeps hitting you until you die

Any other tips for the third phase? Also on how to deal with those Fire Spirit Emblems because I get fucked by them, I tried running around but their tracking is too good.

Where does dojun, the surgeon dissapear aftter you give him the red eyes and eavesdrop him?

Except making experimentation with melee Shinobi tools viable?

They're probably working on a patch that buffs the melee Shinobi tools as we speak. Either way works for me desu. Currently they're worse than just spamming R1 or using Flame Vent/Crackers.

Yeah but why there is a choice?

is the snake valley a required location? I have a slight phobia of snakes and assumed it wasn't a required encounter/boss.

Unfortunately you're right, NG+ and beyond is only fun in proportion to your enjoyment of the game in general. And a considerable amount of my enjoyment came from discovering the world for the first time. Combat's still exciting but there's an overbearing sense that I have the entire thing figured out and there are no surprises anymore.

Yeah, I was under the impression I was missing skills or something since everything seemed way too unfair. Gotta go back to equip the axe too

first phase can be instakilled by jumping on the furthest branch.
second phase can be instakilled if you are on a branch when he respawns.

the boss if very nice tho if done without branch instakills, very hard and very nice AI.

>there's a second scale merchant
Where? I only found the dickhead in the start of Hinata?

the dude with the bell, over the bridge, right after them

It's a videogame retard what is gonna do come out of the screen and bite you?

I just beat Genichiro and have to make my way to Senpou temple. Thing is, I already cleared up to the altar, so I'm right at the Folding Monkeys boss. How far in the game am I?

I don't want it to end. I'm at, like, 20 hours.

Started the game last night and I'm kind of stuck. I beat horse man (since most people say he's the easiest boss) and now I'm trying to get to butterfly, yet I can't beat Juzou the Drunkard. Killing all his minions every fucking time is super annoying and makes me want to do something else, but I've noticed several mini bosses have minions so far. Probably my biggest complaint with the game honestly.

Yes. You'll just have to tough it out.

I like when the silly monkey threw poo at me and then made a big stinky fart that lmao poisons

It is, you also encounter it several times.

Clear minions. Run away and reset aggro. Stealth deathblow Drunktard, then call in the nearby NPC to help.


Fountainhead Temple on the far left building.

Left side of Fountainhead.

Juzou was a particularly rough one for me too. At the very least killing the bandits allows you a free deathblow on Juzou if you run out of there afterward, which made it worthwhile to me. Then you can just summon the help of the blue-robed fellow.

Clear out the assholes and then exploit Juzou's weakness: sanic running hit-and-run tactics. He'll never touch you.

>tfw going into Asina Cross stance right when Isshin goes into his Ashina Cross stance
>drew just before him and interrupted his


Thanks bro just got there and wondered why I had so many scales

His stomps are the big thing fucking me up on his 1st phases. I feel like they should be easy to dodge but I get hit almost every time

depends what else you've done so far
about halfway maybe

You're misunderstanding, I am talking about getting lapis and doing Shura in the same playthrough, which you can't. Only by not doing Shura can you get Lapis.

>Not Floating Passage

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mfw I didnt know this until after I chose that ending

yes it is
no idea
the boss is literally run to his left the boss.
unless you wanna use prosthetics.
See my post :

you mean the ogre of TELEPORTING GRABS that you can't dodge.

Get Lotus Umbrella. That trivializes the fireball attacks. You have the rest of the fight figured out, so I think the Lotus Umbrella will make the difference.

pls respond

Which two tools should I put my lapiz into first?

Did I finish that quest in the abandoned dungeon where you deliver that samurai and give the red eyes to the doctor dude? I got grave wax but the guy's master wants to kill him now. Also the big and strong guy for the merchant is the Monk you can send to the Illusion place? So I can't upgrade the shop anymore? I think I'm almost done the game ashina castle has all the Shinobis now.

around halfway like the dude said, but there will be more bosses and actual running.

you can very easily dodge his grabs
you are just retarded and blame the game for your own mistakes
why does Yea Forums shit on dsp so much when most of you are the exact same

Literally everything? That's the final boss.

parry them

I said I liked the game, you fucking retard.

I just want it to not be a pathetic shadow (haha) of what it could have actually been, which for all intents and purposes would have taken barely any dev time to implement comparative to the product as a whole.

fire spirits, run in a circle around him

fuck off, you clearly dodge them then the fucker will still grab you

ape does the same thing with his jumping grab.

fucking b-team hitboxes, I swear.

Ones you use.

Nightjar slash has its moment to shine against him. Just Circe strafe and when he does a second sword slam flip in and run out again.

Just parry them, I was getting wrecked by them too until I got used to parrying them.
If you see it coming, you can also just run to his ass and hit him a few times because of how slow it is.
If you see him do his big leaping attack you can also run past him from below and hit him a few times.
Also Malcontent Finger stuns him for a couple seconds, forgot to mention.

I already have the Lotus Umbrella, but when he does the projectiles that fly toward you, not the ones that he just drops in front of him, they deplete my posture even with the shield on and I get hit for a ton of damage, should I be trying to parry those with the shield? I don't wanna run out of spirit emblems and die.

Shuriken and Flame.

he means on the rooftops.
he counts the tutorial as his first.
the boss is pretty easy once you realize that his bow is gay and stop going away from him.

>nightjar slash's moment to shine
>not stunlocking lady butterfly


Stay close, stay close, STAY CLOSE. Doesn't matter which phase. A simple jump will get you out of trouble if he does the charge. Keep spamming that R1.

There's only 3 attakcs you should have trouble with:
Slam or combo with his flaming arm: stay out of range, then move in after the slam. Move in ASAP if you're in melee range, you're safe below him.
Swipe that shoots projectiles. If you're fast enough you can intercept them with Lotus Umbrella to charge it up to the max. Otherwise, move backwards, then move in when he's done, or move in if you're VERY close, but this is risky.
Jump up in the air. Lotus counter it then release. You'll get hit by the shockwave for no damage, but you'll deal quite a bit back. Might even stagger him so you can spam R1 on him for a while.

You can avoid the charge flame slam by running to either side then jumping. You can grapple back in too.

Wish most raven feather had a lapis upgrade. I know it’s inefficient but I fucking love that prosthetic.

I tried this (albeit only once) and one of these things spawned in an angle that let it hit me on the face, but before that it appeared as it was the best way to dodge it so I'm not sure.


It's O+forward

Also: to avoid his homing projectiles, just sprint to one side. You can block up to 3 projectiles with Lotus, this will charge it up. Try to count them in your head and intercept the last 3.

Yea Forums is full of unironic DSP sympathizer shitlords.
Speaking of which, how far did he get before raging out?

Anyone else put on the Devil Trigger Remix when they fought Owl?

Shuriken flame

I hate eating hits to use it. Useless right there. The fan is much better.

Drunk was the fight where I realized that I'm free of the shackles of the stamina bar. Fatty can't keep up with my sick cardio.

O already does that by default. You should know this.

>he means on the rooftops.
>he counts the tutorial as his first.
But rooftop fight is the tutorial
Nothing, all it does is make several other bosses in other areas unlocked

What do you mean charge the shield? I don't see anything on the description about that.

Why would anyone put on that shitty song during the fight?

Go try it on some spear mob. You can literally stand in place and press O and Wolf will mikiri it if you're in position.

>infinity frames

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Aged mist raven let’s you not take damage if you use it just after being hit though. I won’t argue umbrella is superior since it does posture damage and is foolproof safe, but aged mist raven really helps against attacks with wonky hitboxes and has decent followup attacks with the followup martial art unlocked.

>Let's make the braindead Umbrella that makes you invulnerable the second you press the button and can riposte for massive damage just 1 emblem to use
>Let's make the feathers that leave you massively exposed if you time it wrong and don't grant that much damage, assuming you dodged to an appropiate direction, 2 emblems, and 3 for the upgrade that actually makes it decent, making it worthless since Flame Vent is already a thing

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Any tips for Vilehand on NG+? His posture damage is insane and the camera keeps working against me.
>mindcontrol the dude
I'm doing that too.

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If you block projectiles with your Umbrella, smoke will start coming out of Sekiro. That means your follow-up attack will do a fuckton more damage.

>Owl mikiri counters you

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I can't beat the demon, i've tried everything, confetti, malcontent, dodging, running, deflecting his stomp, burn heals, in the end I run out of spirit emblems during his second phase.
the camera does fuck all to help.

Is mind's eye worth it? feels like Mikiri is effective on it's own.

Did you follow the iron code or take the dad beans?

You mean the one where he attacks with both his sword and shield, or just any attack after getting this smoke?

Going to do a:

Path of Hardship
No Bead Upgrades


Wish me luck Yea Forums


Had cooldow-?


And the spiritfall items, maybe they should cost hea-


Okay what about the shitty melee prosthetics that get you ki-




The follow up. The good thing is that the charge remains indefinitely so you can just use it next time you need to deflect something with the Umbrella. What I did was: get charge with his projectiles, then deflect + follow up his big stomp.

There's probably a mod out there to replace the snake with a cute anime girl

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Forward+O is the only way it consistently seems work for me. Even just hitting O when he is right on top of me doesn't seem to register it at least half the time. Shit mechanic honestly, it feels janky and dysfunctional.

I'm sad to say that I didn't learn from my first mistake and that old bastard skewered me several times

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I don't see gitting gud on your list
Try that instead

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The game could really use something like blood bullets to exchange resources without resting.


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Ceremonial tanto.

you mean like ceremonial tanto?

That's in the game, dropped by one of the Shittymen warriors. It's not that useful though, you're better off Antechamber farming like everyone else.

lol he can't jump down

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what the fuck do I do now that I beat the game
everything feels hollow again

>spend hours trying to beat ss isshin once
>beat him, barely
>go back to fight him a couple of times again, because it's a fun boss
>semi-reliably no-damage genichiro and his first phase, can usually win with just 2-3 heals
>now wonder if the boss was hard in the first place

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Now I know why Thanos never dies

Owl 2's pretty CUHRAZYYYY

Both games release in the same month, both has an endboss with a deadbeat father theme to em

How do I get to the Demon of Hatred? I've been told about him, but I have no idea how to get to where he is.

Guess which miniboss I ran past.

Tips for the Owl fight at Hirata? I've tried being aggressive and deflecting, I've tried doing the run around and chip damage method but I've yet to get through his first deathblow. Is this just a case of needing to git gud?

I mean I can get past his first phase now but it takes a while and I save up the whistle for the second, I believe you can't use it in the third.

I use oil on them and then the fire prostetic is instant fire stun, I usually can get 1 deathblow per 2 burns

pelt him with shards lel

I think once you've gotten a boss pattern or moves down in Sekiro it really sticks.

old grave idol, go down the path and across the new bridge


Ashina Outskirts, where you fought the horse guy

Things you understand are less difficult than things you have never encountered, more news at 11.

Since almost ever boss and and sub-boss has a thrusting attack, not having it just makes your fights take longer.

I use it to extend my combo, three slashes followed by a whirlwind slash is p good.
that and sometimes I accidentally click both bumpers on the controller so it being so fast to hit means I'm less likely to be punished for it

is there a way to increase my attack damage? I'm getting wrecked by stuff like this chained ogre or the shinobi hunter and it feels like they just take so long to kill I inevitably get instakilled by something

killing bosses
there's a way to spend ability points on attack power but you can't get it till late game

the horse guy area, back track from castle to the outskirts, remember that bridge that was broken which connected the castle to the outskirts? well now you can go there from that idol where the badger salesman was

Main bosses give you "battle memories" which increase attack power.

How do I dodge the Demon's perilous attack where he rushes through the arena?

>go to snake cave
>find the cowering monkey
>kill it
>nothing happens
>no idea what to do because can't approach snek in any way
>decide to go try out rape ape
any tips for rape ape?

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Feathers should let you teleport behind the enemy and get a deathblow off like divine wind. In fact divine wind and feathers should have just been combined into a single prosthetic, called feathers

Get raped a lot.

The camera keeps fucking me in the Owl fight. It randomly unlocks or just gets stuck in a corner so Wolf turns his back to the boss and gets killed.
If I could actually see what's going on I think I could have won by now.

Highmonk his sweeps
firecrackers+ichimonji his last bar

just jump lol

The only prosthetic I used was the fire shield, try it
And seriously, just learn his moves, punish what you can, get the fuck out/shield up when you don't know how to counter

What's with that woman that wanted you to open the door in fountainhead, where is she after you open the door, does she have a quest?

By killing "real" bosses which are harder than both of those. The first fights are just hard as fuck and you need to be patient. Keep sprinting in circles around the ogre until he throws himself at you. Then get 3 hits in. Repeat.

For the Shinobi hunter you have to learn the Mikiri counter skill. You need it for the whole game, buy it.

Oh so it counts as a sweep? I've been trying to dash away.

Yeah, getting to this right after fighting the ape(both fights mind you) and fucking owl, this boss is actually pretty chill

>It randomly unlocks
It's his smoke bomb, user

Does initiating an ending lock you out of others? Like will doing purification up until the boss lock me out of doing the Dragons homecoming?

Jump, it’s very generous too

you can go through the snake with mist feather if you have it, also possible to do without any prosthetics but the intended way is to get the pupeteer ninjutsu which you get after getting the mortal blade and killing one boss.

rape ape is pretty easy if you actually deflect and not run from his 2nd phase attacks.

In the second owl fight? It fucked me up too.

>not that useful
this nigga

When he does his smokebomb you mean? I mean it’s kinda the point to be fair.

That's not always how it works, pic related was one and done for me, I'd never want to go back and fight that cunt again

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If you kill the fishmen in red there after you rest she should be where they were.

Isn't that thing single-use?

First fight. Unless he has an invisible smoke bomb it's not that.

Praying Strikes is fun, I still need to get the rest of the Senpou Skills, but I like that it's fast and builds up posture damage and can interrupt easily.

yes because you won't be able to talk to kuro.

yeah, the smoke bomb is from the first fight, second phase

>Killed immortal dude.
>His item is just sitting there on the ground and I can't pick it up.

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never had any camera issues with him personally

Yeah I remember seeing her there that's why I thought there could be more about her story, does it end there?

stop being dumb and loot it like any drop

The best choice is to turn the fountainhead one into a carp since there’s an idol next to him

>Sekiro """"""Help""""" thread
>my post gets completely ignored
Nice job

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replenished after rest.

But he sounds like a bad guy, I picked the other.

I want to gouge it’s eye out and stab it in the brain, unironically.

which one?
also stop being self centered.



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I can't even get to the second phase because I'm bad.

Can someone confirm this? Because that wasn’t the case in Dark Souls lol.

Yes you can press yes or no and if you chose no you can do it at the temple idol


I can confirm this. You get the chouce to interact with Kuro after the bossfight. You can do whatever you want until you choose to interact with him.

You can get a flame vent from the dream that will do well against the ogre, other than that beasts are better handled with high mobility rather than the deflecting aggressive defence style the game teachers you for regular human enemies, constantly move around him and wait for him to leave himself open, usually after an attempted grapple move.
Early game miniboses are mostly about making sure as a player you're equipping yourself with the tools you need for later in the game.

Stay btfo

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What the fuck do you do to kill Butterfly cunt?
I've killed Genichiro, Seven Spears, Snake-Eyes, Giraffe, Ape, Corrupted Monk but coming back to fight this whore with 8 gourds and 4 bead necklaces. I can go the first phase without taking damage ever. The whole second phase fucks me over though.
She keeps skipping into the sky, spamming her missiles and spamming illusion minions and whenever she does these things, her posture damage goes right back to 0. It's impossible to keep the pressure on her for as long as it takes to fill the bar. Even if she's at half vitality, if I stop attacking for 2 seconds, the posture is gone again.

Is there some gimmick that I need to do to keep her posture damage up? I can't find the seeds anywhere to get rid of the illusonary niggers.

what he said is true

It’s recommended you do it from the bonfire after getting dragon mask and all the lazulite you can as it will take a while to get back to that point

Did you spend an hour doing this instead of just deflecting him a few times?

If my beads say -/- does that means I collected them all?

How the fuck do I deal with the black poison ninjas?

Hit her with a shuriken when she goes up into the air to knock her back down.

yeah I learned the Mikiri step but haven't had a chance to even try it much. The ogre is more irritating because I die with a single grab or so, but whatever I'll get it eventually

You should have ten necklaces, so just check that if you’re unsure

There are 40 beads


The okami women probably have long necks and blue skin because they're corrupted by the waters

There are 40 in total, so if you have 10 bead necklaces, yes.

Best grinding spot for sen pre-owl?
>Just beat owl lol
If I could do that I wouldn't need a grinding spot. I need to so something other than bash my head against him for another two hours.

Cool I've visited like every cranny of this game and wasn't even trying too lol.


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I posted it nicely and still got fucking ignored man.

>step on toad tongue
>get stuck
great idea Einstein

>i have to pass in order to sever immortality
>fuck you yellow nigger my son is dying he needs the waters and they won't give him the waters if i let you pass

Spawn at antechamber, backstab blue guy, and then walk out the door and backstab the ninja.
Run back to idol, rinse and repeat.

Also, you can just run past the blue guy, but sometimes he'll follow you back to the idol and you won't be able to rest until you kill him, so I suggest just backstabbing him.

Also, you can destroy the little walls next to him and they will stay destroyed between rests.
This makes backstabbing him a little faster than having to run around them.

samurai are pretty easy to deathblow

>not even attempting to deflect
did you think this was cool?

How does one bleed fucking rice?

Just beat owl lol
He's one of the easier bosses
Also killing him doesn't change anything in the world

The steps up Ashina castle has three red samurai spawn walking slowly out, if you get up to the right above them you can stealth them one by one, then kill the one down the stairs to the right and the one on the left. Easy and quick from the Ashina castle idol, great experience points too.

Demon of hated is pissing me off. I don't wanna say this dark souls bosses in Sekiro but it's true.

Whirlwind slash is about pressure. Keeping the pressure on once the opponent is blocking.

Why? Double ichimonji does much more posture damage then several deflections.

The same way tears become solid or the blood droplet of the Divine Heir turns into a stone.
They are immortals, their blood becomes solid and white when it's outside of their bodies.

No not really
Owl's theme is one of my favorites because of how unique it is compared to the classic Myiazaki orchestra

dodging doesn't do any posture damage

Tomoe was a human, if she actually was an Okami Warrior Takeru would have no reason to look for some dumb method to get to the Fountainhead Palace. Second I believe it was Tomoe that cut the Divine Dragons arm when her and Takeru went there to get a tear. But I'll give you a point due the mystery of why Okami Warriors are using Tomoes technique thst she developed for Genichiro.

Run counter clockwise around him

where is the best place to farm XP? I'm in NG+ right before Isshin

>yes Sekiro, let us have an old fashioned honorable samurai fight
>*pulls out a gun*

all the combat arts are just extra damage you can tack on where you usually couldn't

Ashina Outskirts where the Ogre is till the area where the bridge is.

It's an old-fashioned gun, innit?

which one is that?
stay close, get mikiri counter and deflect his ass, his multiple slashes take away nearly all of your posture bar so if you see him starting it, you can run away and hold block to replenish it faster and then run back in to deflect and get the thrust attack from hiim which you can mikiri.
also possible to do with hit and run tactics but reducing posture is much faster.

study his move set and focus on posture damage, this will help with the next reskin. You don't need any items, I one shot him. her

But instead of there being a blue guy, there will be one ninja.

Just spawn, backstab, rest, repeat.
Fast as fuck exp.

I actually haven't gotten to that point in NG+ yet, but in my first playthrough I was getting over 1k exp per kill, and it only takes about 10 seconds per.

Where did Genny get second mortal blade from?
Who's the lady at the end of fountainhead?
Why so many grandmas in fountainhead? Did they get soulsucc'd?

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Ape should've taught you that not all bosses are to be deflected

Just finished it, pretty close to 100%, missed a couple things which wasn't bad going blind.

This was close to a 10/10 game.

New game+, what do I do there?

Where do I go after giraffe? the door's locked and the area under the floor with lizards and a prayer bead seems to be a dead end.

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Its fair. You have prosthetics that house a Flamethrower, an umbrella, shuriken, axe, another sword, a spear and a fan and whistle.

I've killed the headless in the cave, the moat and the forest of illusion, where are the rest?

Beat Genichiro
Shame on you leaving Kuro with him for so long

*soars from the sky into thread*

get the other endings, there's nothing else to do. Maybe upgrade all prosthetics and unlock every skill

>Where did Genny get second mortal blade from?
idk lmao
>Who's the lady at the end of fountainhead?
Probably Tomoe
>Why so many grandmas in fountainhead? Did they get soulsucc'd?
They're all the daughters of the guy in charge of feeding the carp i think

No it’s straight up a glock

Go to Kuro and look around if he's in the library.
The key to the gun fort shrine should be in there.

If it's not, then you need to speak with Isshin first.

Under the water at the Ashina Castle where the bridge is that leads to Gun Fort.

I just beat Demon of Hatred, I don't know why people bitch so much about it being an damage sponge, at 11 Attack Power I killed it in like 6 minutes, you only need to pretend you're playing Bloodborne and be hyper aggresive, it's a fun fight.

The second mortal blade is an absolute 100% asspull.

>the fight with 2 headless underwater in fountainhead

Actually the worst

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2k per kill in ng+, not bad at all

Carp dream place deep underwater

>Probably. Tomoe
Tomoe is burried at Ashina Castle. The girl is most likely a bride offered by the Mibu Villagers.

Having trouble with Demon of |Hatred's second phase (and 3rd phase). Is there a way to deal with his vertical shockwave that replaces the projectile swipe from 1st phase without lotus? I'm trying to get through the fight while conserving spirit emblems

I want to thank that user posting high monk webms for showing me the way. That posture damage is pretty crazy

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Can dragon rot affect the ending or the experience to a great degree? I'm a shitter so I know I'll die a lot, don't mind losing xp but I hate missing content

literally run around him, I just beat him like this. Don't be afraid to use divine herbs or jizo statues

Only other one I know of is deep underwater in the Fountainhead Palace.

There might be more though.

I wish there were more sword buffs that look like confetti

>foreshadowed by Isshin
>then proceeded to not elaborate any further in the end
DLC story I guess.

Theres a note at Isshins about a second Mortal Blade that opens a path to the Underworld.

It's gyoubu

"There are no hard and fast rules to the ashina style". You'd think that after getting your damn arm cut off after getting distracted you'd have learned this by now.

how? swimming is mobile as fuck you should never get hit
plus it's only 1 bar of health


Jump sideways or stay close enough for him not to do that.

>Where did Genny get second mortal blade from?
There a scroll (I think it was in a chest on some tower in the castle?) that mentions a black Mortal Sword that can open the gate to the underworld.

>Decide to buy the note on how to find sabimaru
>The clue is literally worthless as it leads you to the very dephths of the castle but what you in fact have to do is go to the upper tower and take a jump that appears 500% fatal
Yeah no, I'll save my 500 sonic rings and google next time

Focus on the transparent one and be patient, make sure to have the anti terror gourd

Whew lads, I just beat Guardian Ape and struggled with him far more than I should have. Something about the endurance battle during his second phase when he refused to use his sword really irked me.
Backtracking a bit to kill a mini-boss or two I missed, and I've already killed the giant snake, is there an area I should loop back to next?

No it only freezes quests until and unless you're REALLY bad there are enough cures in the game

Theres a spot to hook on if you jump.

>Where did Genny get second mortal blade from?
The better question is, why does the Owl have it in the Shura ending

You need more power. Also stop sucking, ashina cross shits on vitality, chadimonji on posture, spin slash is great if you're a tard and let yourself get surrounded. All the arts have their uses, it's just a matter of finding where and how to use them, just like with tools.

>fighting demon of hatred
>just now accidentally learn how to sprint

Just reached the castle, done with the estate. Am I just blind or has there not been a single treasure carp since the beginning of estate?

Just keep progressing honestly.
Explore on the way.

You can always go back later to do things even after beating the final boss.
You get to choose when you want to start NG+

Guessing you haven’t actually fought them yourself.
>cant use items underwater: no pacifying agent or divine confetti (not that you need he confetti)
>second headless assaults you with tracking terror beams while you try to attack the first (unavoidable)

firecrackers are pretty good, make sure to use grapling to pull yourself to him when he uses his stupid aoe shit or just runs away.
in my first playthrough i just ran around and dodged, right now in my ng+ i just recently beat him with firecrackers and deflecting.
the boss isn't that hard, if you're having trouble learning moveset, just hold block and see what he's got.

Kill the apparition one first, it's much weaker.

In the lake where pot guy is there's about 4 if they see you they despawn so you'll have to rest

>Owl died
>clobbered himself through the Underworld and found a Mortal Blade
>got out of there.

Where do I find a samurai or able bodied man to give to the surgeon guy in the abandoned crypt?

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lol nice projection
use confetti from right above them then dive in
>>second headless assaults you with tracking terror beams while you try to attack the first (unavoidable)
now I know you're just bad

Can you access every Ashina Outskirts Sculpture after beating Demon of Hatred? I'm still missing a few.

>killed one
>the other disappeared

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Someone needs to edit this out, perfect

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Literally just dodge-thrust-repeat.
Simple as.
I'm a massive shitter who has to cheese drunkard-class enemies and even I could do that.

Either Kotaro at Senpou or the black samurai you first find at Ashina Reservoir.


>start sekiro
>not really feeling it
>stealth is jank
>normal enemies are no fun
>just not into it
>get to lady butterfly
>kinda cool I guess
>have a bit of trouble but get her down after a few goes
>get that massive rush when landing the final death blow

This whole game is just gonna be chasing that endorphin rush like a fucking crack addict isn't it?

Dude, where the fuck do you get that confetti from? I've avoided the headless fuck all the way until I got the village with the basket head guy and I finally got some Terror Gourds, but still no confetti.

Where the fuck do I find some?

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Nah its locked off.

Help kuro
Protect kuro

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No it's block off

Yet better than you apparently

>thinking that anyone strong enough to stand up to Big Dick Isshin is getting offered as a bride

you can farm it from blue robe guys in the castle (make sure to ring the demon bell for better drop rates)
otherwise save fighting them for late game when you can buy confetti

there have been carps in the sunken valley waters but other than that i think you will have to wait till you can dive underwater.

Did they even have guns in the sengoku era


Hope so. Looking forward to it. Is the story good?

>*uses cheese rock
Heh, nothing personnel, shiggy

very cool thanks

does it matter which one I choose?


I dint imply that Tomoe is a bride. I said the girl is a random Mibu Village girl.

>immediately starting Fountainhead Palace with a 3 phase boss

Man come on, Miyazaki, I've just fought the other boss to advance the progression, was this necessary?

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lmao ok user

user, I'm very disappointed in you.

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Is there a way to force dragonrot procs? I got it on the sculptor my very first death. Now I can't get it to trigger for the old lady to learn the cure.

Get a wired controller.