Two questions concerning Borderlands

1. If I could only play one Borderlands game, which one should I choose?
2. Can you play these games alone? I don't have any friends.

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Still pissed Roland died like a bitch by the hands of literal whos while all the others are still just dandy.

I don't want to play any of the Borderlands games because I'm not a drooling retard.

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>If I could only play one Borderlands game, which one should I choose?
The first one
>Can you play these games alone? I don't have any friends.
Yes but it's not nearly as good

I'd argue it's better to do the first playthrough on your own so you understand the lore and story.

>The story
Oh I get it, it's retarded

1. Play 2 as it has more content
2. Yes

The complete edition of 2.

The remaster of the first is literally coming out the coming Wednesday.
Play all 3 in order and choose which one you like best afterwards.

Most stick to 2 due to better modding community and more content.

if you choose to play 2 with all the dlc, make sure you finish the game before doing some of the dlc. doing all the dlc in one playthrough will most likely fuck the level scaling and ruin the main game, if you're somewhat a completionist.


With the Reborn or Community patch.

- For now 2.
- Yes.


>Implying 2's modding is better than 1
You can add totally new enemies, areas, guns, elements, quests, and characters in bl1.


no. you just can't. playing borderlands 2 without friends is just soulless imo, in fact it would ruin the game for you cos of how lifeless and boring the game is.

bl2 with friends 9/10
bl2 without friends 2/10

just play both

Its a standard shooter? Works just fine.

You can play Boredlands alone but it will really a soulcrushing experience. It's only passable with a bunch of friends.
Play the second one if you really want to give it a shot. It has a lot of content so there's that.

Compared to Roland he is a literal who.
Came out of nowhere in the sequel just to kill one of the Vault Hunters who could've killed the Destroyer on his own.

2 and yes

not really, bl2 as a solo game itself like i said is soulless, the nps dont do jack shit, the environment is lifeless. bl2 is made to be played with friends rather than solo, i could fuck around with my buddy testing items, chatting about random stuff, swapping items, spend time spawning badass mobs like varkid/loot midget /goliath etc.

those things sounds super boring doing it alone

1. The first one, everything else is trash.
2. Yes, I have finished all of them in single player and they work just fine. Whether or not it is more fun with friends I cannot say.

1. Borderlands 2, but you can play all of them and you should always start a series with the first entry
2. Yes

>lore and story

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>1. If I could only play one Borderlands game, which one should I choose?
2, get the handsome collection for 15 USD while it's on sale
Pre sequel is fun but too much dialogue and is ONLY fun with multiplayer
>2. Can you play these games alone? I don't have any friends.
The game feels rather soulless alone.

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1 is the only passable game in the series it's fine solo but better co-op.

Yes, the things people literally talk about in every Borderlands thread.
Show me a single thread that's all about the gameplay.

then why did you come to this thread? i know you're baiting

Got to agree that Jack just popped out of nowhere. He was bitching all the time during the Bunker and Angel fight and after all that he just appears to off Roland.

It would've been acceptable if he was hiding behind a force field and flipping you off or a silhouette at a command center but nope, literally pop out of nowhere.

2 people talking out of dozens isn't anything that matters.
The story is a side not if even that. It is the weakest point in the series
"ummmm lets find vault? aahhhh oh no ally is not ally, funny dubstep moment, we beat boss and opened vault :D"
there you go all the games. The lore is jsut as weak. "damn this place sure is BADASS this place is fucking HARDCORE, damn that MEAN company is EXPLOITING the people on this planet!"

>2 people talking out of dozens
>I've read all posts and checked their IPs, trust me
Hope you realize how retarded you sound.

Just because you won't acknowledge it has interesting lore and characters won't make it true.

Don't play any of these trashpiles, especially if you have no friends to disguise how boring they are.

I played through the entirety of 2 alone and thought it was alright, but I was like 15 or 16 at the time, I doubt the writing still holds up

Who are good solo characters for BL and BL2? And I don't men who is the most OP and broken, that shit isn't any fun.

Who dis milk cow?

I had a fun time playing 2 when it came out. I tried to play 1 recently and the framerate makes it unplayable. If you do play 2, you can go ahead and skip the pre-sequel. It’s garbage. I also didn’t do any co-op but i heard it makes it infinitely more fun, but that’s usually the case for most games.

i only ever enjoyed the first game, and playing it solo was my go to mindless grind game. i'd choose the first.


>tfw I know who is this girl

1. Borlderlands 3
2. Yes (but if you buy the game, you can join strangers and have a lot of fun)

Just play the first one if you can only play one. Put you should really play 2 as well. They are both really great games and I put hundreds of hours into both of them solo. It’s fun even without friends

Why do people not like The Pre-Sequel? Never played it.

You’re retarded. Why the fuck do you need friends to enjoy this game? I’m friendless and had a blast with these games solo

the first one had soooo much better guns and mobs actually dropped guns they were using, bl2 and ps didnt

Zero is pretty fun once you get the kill reset on the ability you just zoom around.

>could've killed the Destroyer on his own.
Canonically he needed the help of three others.

None of them
Borderland is for numales
Give me Duke Nukem