Predict how rare the platinum for Sekiro will be.
Will it be more rare or more common than other From games?
Predict how rare the platinum for Sekiro will be.
Will it be more rare or more common than other From games?
It's literally the same kind of trophy
Just "get all endings" and "beat all bosses", that's it, don't see it being much different
Much rarer
Much rarer cause no one bought it
>how do percentages work?
do people seriously give a shit about trophies?
not really. the platinum for bloodborune is a grind with the chalice dungeons, and even more of a grind for DS3 will having to go through ng+++ to get all the rings. Sekiro doesn't have a grind.
Going through the game 4 times isn't a grind?
Do you understand how this number is made? People who did the task / people who bought it = %. it's not out of everyone on psn
>pay $60 for a new game
>don't even beat the first boss
Like 50% of players didn't even beat Butterfly
cant you get three ending in one run?
you only have to replay for shura
You can go through each one separately, or you can even save scum. With DS3 you have to go through ng+++, and with bloodbourne, you have to go through the chalice dungeons. Both of which are harder than anything in Sekiro's normal new game mode.
Ofc, it gives games replay value and becomes more rememberable.
Sekiro’s will be much rarer for one reason: no summoning.
easy as fuck because it's get all endings, beat all bosses and get all skills and that's fucking it
I have never gotten the plat in a souls/soulslike game and im boutta get this one
>get three ending in one run?
Unless you mean save scumming
NG+++ isn't much different after the first NG+, you get stupid strong at that point
Chalice dungeons are also just confusing your first time around, and while the defiled ones are harder than whatever the game has to offer, it's in not way harder than Owl 2.0 or Isshin
I don't think you realise how bad some people are
Only me who think bosses becomes harder with summoning?
IMO, more than half the people who got the plat in BB and DS3 summoned the entire way. They cannot do so in Sekiro, so I'm going to say the plat will be somewhere around 2.5%
not sure if bait or genuinely retarded
All endings require you to do different shit that locks out other endings.
It won't be sure rare. BB had you slog though all of the chalice dungeons and DS had you collect all of the weapons in the game and do all upgrade paths. The hardest achievement in Sekiro is just do all bosses
the difference is that skyrim is fucking old
It has been sold for cheap and modding removes achievements
How many people bought on PC because it was cheap, thinking they might play it later?
how many people only played a modded game?
Sekiro is a new game, and anyone that owns it has payed $60 for the privilege to play it on the release month
She is an optional boss you don't actually need to beat.
>can’t save scum the endings cause of the ‘beat all bosses’ trophy
it happens a lot bro.
So what? you only need 2 playthroughs still
Butterfly is actually optional and pretty hard for anyone who didn't practice step dodge attacks. Juzo or Ogre is the first boss.
Who gives a shit about cheevos ? The only thing it shows is the percentage of people that didn't really enjoy the game because they followed guides to have everything done.
Explain, I thought each ending has a different final boss?
No, only the Shura ending has a different final boss. The other three endings all have the same final boss.
Explain to me why liking achievements/trophies is a bad thing?
They aren't but most of them aren't actually achievements. Real shit would be like "don't get hit on x boss" or "beat the game without dying" but instead its just do the main story and then some side stuff, here is all of your achievements
Because they are artificial goals
who the fuck plays the same game more than once?
I think the same
>summon someone
>boss's defenses increase
>the summon has a retarded AI and gets killed in matter of seconds
>now you are alone against a boss with doubled defenses
because they are always boring shit
>one for every boss/mission
>one for each ending
>one for getting all the upgrades
>one for collecting all of certain items
>one for killing X number of enemies
>stupid none achievements for dying or fucking up
they are after thought that the dev probably had nothing to do with
It really depends on the game, getting the platinum in something like TLoU or Uncharted is nowhere near as something like Spider-Man.
If it gives people the desire to play games more and get the most out of their purchase good for them.
>mfw looking up trophies out of interest and realising half or more people haven't even beaten the first boss of any given recent fromsoft game
Souls games are hard though so beating the bosses are achievements themselves
Because playing videogames is not achieving anything.
It will be about the same.
The autists that do these 100% competitions are going to be skilled enough to 100% Sekiro as well. What's more interesting is how the average player will fare. The data on the bosses compared to souls especially.
Why does a hobby or something you do to relax need to be productive? You’re a sheep who’s been brainwashed by the media and social stigmas
>tfw my rarest achievment is AT mining people in Insurgency
>tfww it's a legit strategy because no one plants mines so you always get kills
mines are gay but if I'm the only one using them it's fine
It doesn't but pretending it is productive is a fool's errand. You're pretty quick to insult your fellow anons there, I must have hit a nerve.
>You’re a sheep who’s been brainwashed
says the guy who needs "achievements" to enjoy video games
Where did I say that? Show me please?
I didn’t see any insult in my comment, care to point me to it?