IGN say that Sekiro is easier than the other soul games

IGN say that Sekiro is easier than the other soul games.
Did they really finish the game?

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its easier because its more honest.

They aren't dumb and know how to L1

WTF I beat every Dak Souls but this trash is literally impossible

the reviewer is actually a pretty big From fan

i watched their release livestream (couldn't resist the spoilers) and he creamed Genichiro in the tutorial fight and basically breezed through a majority of the game with no issues

In Sekiro, you can stealth most of the locations while in souls games you don't get that much chances for easy kills

IGN literally says what is the expectation of the fans before release. People though it would have been easier because: revive, more tutorials, activision; so IGN said it's easier.
That`s actually the thing for most reviewers, DaS2 getting really high scores was due to fan hype, and not really it`s quality

It is easier. The combat is more demanding but less cheap. It's much more straightforward. And most of all, there are no incredibly annoying areas like there always is in souls/bloodborne.

it's literally easier to anyone that isn't a retarded faggot

But it is easier

Comparing all the vanilla games, I think sekiro is the hardest, slightly ahead DaS3
But both DaS3 dlc and Bb dlc are reasonably harder than vanilla Sekiro

Personally I find it easier too.

Soulsborne games have a bunch of random bullshit, and some people played the games on 'easy mode' and don't want to admit it -- summoning NPCs or other online players, playing a min-maxed or heavily imbalanced build, etc.

Sekiro doesn't have summoning nor does it have different builds. So they were able to tailor the difficulty more specifically, and thus have done a better job.

The people who played Soulsborne games on easy mode? Yeah, Sekiro is going to be harder. The people who played Soulsborne games blind? Sekiro is easier.

The dude who reviewed it is unironically based and redpilled. Hes way too good to be working for a company like IGN so expect his ass to be fired soon over something "problamatic"

Summoning NPCs can make the fights harder though in earlier games because of how bad their AI was

>The dude who reviewed it is unironically based and redpilled.

Develop your hypothesis

>that one Australian dude who done thr review for max Payne 3
>absolutely god tier voice
>his review was so critical and well thought out it was like one of those joseph anderson 3 hour long reviews crammed into 7 minutes
>everyone in the comments creaming over how it was one of the best reviews they've seen on ign in years
>he gets fired the following week for "not following the IGN formula"

Shit was so fucked up

Either they didn't or the reviewer is baiting. This game is the hardest game I've ever played in a bad way and I had no real trouble with any of the Souls games before.

he hates kikes and niggers

Theres actually less BS difficulty so yes, the game is fairer thus one could say easier.

I don't think it's the easier, but Sekiro is definitely the most fairly designed From game. There are no bullshit deaths (aside from the camera fucking up when you're fighting in a small ass room) and the perilous system removes all the trial and error out of the combat.

that baffles me and is not only ign this is the hardest souls game by a million time just search twitch and youtube playtroughs from streamer , old souls everibody after a few tries killed any boss , now some streamers took more than 4 hours just with genichiro and SS ishin , this is the hardest souls im semi casual and need 23 times and a battle of 40+ mins to beat ss ishin , tehres now way in hell im buying sekiro 2 souls games are semi easy and have summons this game is straight hard and not even rewarding ill just stick to souls or similar games from them WITH MULTIPLAYER for when i get stuck

Optimized sets then. Using the internet to find which is the best weapon in the game. Bloodborne's early game difficulty is multiplied by like 5 if you pick the Threaded Cane. Suckiro gives you the means to effortlessly win every fight no matter what you do.

I bet he hates faggots like you too

Hence why it's so predictable, easy and boring. A game without thrills or excitement.

He also hate rannies like you

IGN is good at games, literally the only reason Yea Forums hates them is because they BTFO’d their piece of shit meme game God Hand

It is easier

If you played MGR this game is a breeze, hell most other action games have parry systems like moon of kala and royal guard. Making a game based around that singular mechanic simplifies things.

I'm not gonna admit to shit when I figured out a way to beat souls shit easily.
Its their job to balance their items/builds better.

It's true, the game is really quick if you know how to counter every move. It's like Simon Says. Also, I think IGN reviewers probably have more action game experience in general than Soulsfans. Pretty sure the movelist in DaS3 was mindblowingly huge for most Soulsfans.

What do you gain from ruining the experience for yourself? Have some discipline, stupid.

how is using what the game gave me ruining the experience?
its the gamedevs fucking up.

An IGN reporter was too retarded to draw a straight line in Wonderful 101 and then he tried to grab a rose that a character threw at the screen in real life.

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Wrong. If you have Easy Mode and Hard Mode they're both equally viable.

You can't play on easy mode and complain that it isn't hard enough.

Of course I can complain if a dev is too shit to balance their game lmao

IGN probably unlocked long firecrackers and double ichimoji. Those two combined (ichimoji has no emblem cost) utterly destroy the game.

How to beat Sekiro easily:
Optional Step 1. Parry as usual, and R1 opportunistically. Use counters like the jump in Mikirai Counter or whatever the fuck jap word it is. This step isn't strictly necessary, you can run around too, but it helps speed things up.
Real Step 1. Look for an opening where the enemy pauses for about half a second. If there is no opening, you can cause one by using a long firecracker.
Real Step 2. Use the Double Ichimoji

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Gaming the systems and choosing artificial easy mode is not the same thing retard.

Personally, I agree with them, and I beat the game with Sword Saint Isshin as my final boss, I think the game is much easier than Dark Souls and Bloodborne once you understand how to play the game correctly.

Once you learn the parrying and gadget system the game is absolutely easier then previous games.

Yes it is. Same end result. It's like saying DLC and expansions aren't the same thing.

Then you're a retard lmao

apparently they hired someone who actually knows how to play games to play all the difficult games for them

i watched their livestream and the guy beat the turorial boss without even breaking a sweat. you're supposed to lose to that boss.

Fromdromes have below 50IQ.

Watch him getting fired when some discord tranny gets jealous.

They arent, as you can have dlc that isnt an expansion, son learly the definition ka different.

With Sekiro it took me a lot longer to understand the flow of combat than a souls game. I died a lot and really struggled at the start when I could play through the second and third souls game with under 20 deaths upon completion on first playthrough. But I made a point not to play it like a stealth game. I wanted to learn the combat system and get good. Its pretty easy to abuse FromSoft AI. It did take me a while but once I got into the rhythm of Sekiro, I very rarely would fail. Combat just feels better though regardless.

Aside from Isshin, the Sword Saint, Sekiro is a breeze compared to Soulsborne games, especially the expansion bosses like Orphan of Kos, Ludwig, Sir Alonne and the Fume Knight. The areas in those games alone are significantly more difficult to get through than any section in Sekiro.

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>mash LB
it's super easy

no game is hard
I beat every boss first try blind
git gud, games are all easy. you casual? step it up. I had no trouble on anything or any area. and I fucked your mom

dude even the less focused twitch clown finished the game in a day. It's not hard. each boss has like 3 pattern at best.

>because its more honest.
fpbp, animations except ogre are very spot on.

Sekiro has an easy overworld and is more honest. Bosses are more complex but also easier because they're not bullshit.

Because it's way less punishing. In Dark Souls if you mess up a roll you get hit and maybe die. In Sekiro if you mess up a deflect you lose a bit of posture and maybe take a bit of chip damage/status effect depending on the attack. And if you die in Sekiro you come back. I really don't get how people think Sekiro is harder, I'm almost certain it's just people who have played Dark Souls so many times that they've forgotten how hard it was originally before they got gud and learned everything about the game.

>there are no incredibly annoying areas like there always is in souls/bloodborne.
So much fucking this, no blighttown/ farron keep /nightmare of mensis / shrine of amana. It feels so fucking refreshing

if you have a shield and infinite dodge roll, how can sekiro be easier if you have to parry almost everything in this game?

DaS2 DLC areas are PTSD inducing. Shark Giants and Winter Lanterns rape your soul.

Sekiro is absolutely easier than Dark Souls. Different styles of games, but in the end, Sekiro is less punishing.

Agreed. Can't wait for sekiro dlc.

I took the owlpill. I'm happy with how the ending turned out but I'm bummed I betrayed Owl anyway without fighting him. Honestly the reason I stuck with him was because of the oath Sekiro takes that swears himself to Owl first. Then in a cutscene Sekiro stabs him in the back. I didn't get it. I think FromSoft missed an opportunity. You should have had another choice between Sura and being Owl's pawn. And Owl should have been another boss fight in the Sura ending. He shouldn't have died in a cutscene.

Well the guy who reviewed it has a video of him playing, and he's actually decent.

I finished Sekiro while I gave up playing Dark Souls like 3 times because I can't get through Blighttown

Because parrying is easier, just mash the block button. You don't need to parry everything, blocking is fine unless you're doing NG+ without Kuro's charm. The only attacks that can't be blocked have big red symbols telegraphing them a second in advance, and the timing is super lenient with both jumping over sweeps and mikiri countering thrusts. Posture management only becomes a big deal in regular NG at Owl and by then you should have learnt that you can hold block to recover posture faster.

In Dark Souls blocking is often riskier because it's much easier to be guard broken, and the fact that there's no such thing as a deflect/perfect guard to prevent the stamina loss only makes it harder. Dodge rolling is harder than just pressing the block button

How do I into double ichimoji? Every time I have used it, it seems like it would just have been better to wail on the enemy with regular R1 attacks and get some parries in.

It's easier for people who didn't understand souls leveling and pumped stats into str/Dex and played with 12 bit 10 endurance because they're too retarded to plan for anything other than mashing r1

You can only say that when you've finished it, and you will.

Use it with a jump.

Am I mashing too fast or something?

Everytime I try mashing the block button I never get a parry. Can somebody redpill me on this?

13% of the population...


This. It's also why I prefer Souls. Enemies there keep being sneaky bastards and laying traps/ambushes. Makes you feel like the world is really trying to get you. Also even DS3 didn't have bonfires that close to each other, another reason why exploration is a joke in Sekiro. Definitely has some god-tier boss fights though.

>13% of the population

>old souls everibody after a few tries killed any boss
Besides the fact you look like you're typing drunk I have to ask are you retarded? Most people who streamed that shit had already seen and researched the bosses/word/patterns etc and got hints from their chat.

Perform 50% of the parries

iron code says that master comes first and father second. why would betraying kuro be in line with iron code i still dont get. not to say that there is no reason to believe, let alone follow a fucker who already backstabbed (in all senses) you a couple years ago in hirata estate, then disappeared and only came back for that kuro flatchest. you are developing your autist for the whole game, then the manipulative backstabbing bastard comes back, plays on your daddy problems as he always does and you allow yourself to be manipulated again, ruin all youve been doing in the game, betray/kill the only people you can call close, no wonder he breaks down and becomes demon of hatred.

>IGN say that Sekiro is easier than the other soul games.
>Did they really finish the game?
Once the parry system "clicked" the game became a lot easier

I restarted and beat Genichiro my first try

If you mash too fast the parry window goes down. Ideally you want to start a boss fight semi-mashing, have them just spaced out enough that the window is still kind of there, and then slowly as you learn their attack patterns you can try and time it better. It's basically just like "I don't know when/if an attack is coming so I'll just press the block button and hope it parries". When you know a boss really well you won't have to mash it at all you just parry when you need to but you really don't need to get to that point to beat bosses on a regular NG

Once you figure this out the rest is pretty simple.
Using gadgets and your insane run speed to disengage in a pinch

>your insane run speed

You're a fucking ninja. All these retarded streamers are playing like theyre in a 2-ton suit of armor.

I think that's usually the best way to play. It's generally better to be up in an enemies face ready to deflect/mikiri/jump counter than it is to be running around like a pussy bitch. You're supposed to face your opponents attacks in this game. Positioning isn't even important most of the time, it's just about picking the right option and timing it properly

Sekironiggers on suicide watch. The supposed “difficulty” was the one thing you had

I could really use someone to talk to actually.

I thought Sekiro was going to give me a reason to live, but it isn't enough. My life feels like crushing emptiness every day/

The best option is always stealth when you can, fight when you can't. You can do backstabs at full fucking sprint speed at enemies if they didn't see you.

The only things in Soulsborne that are remotely comparable to Sekiro are DS 2's DLCs and Bloodborne's defiled dungeons. Everything else is vastly easier.

>implying he didn't already finished it at least once before doing the stream

Definitely. I don't care how godly you are at video games. Especially if you have experience with the souls games, all that means is that you're going to try to iframe roll through everything and get smacked.

>I beat him my first try on my second try
Uh huh.

Utter and complete bullshit. Either you haven't played the game, or you're maliciously misleading newbies. Parrying is hardmode on the vast majority of enemies timing requirements are very tight compared not only to souls, but to punching bag simula... I mean action games, and basically every boss after the first has combos he can extend on a whim and ability to chain an attack unblockables, sometimes different unblockables.

Some enemies are easier with parrying, but most of the time the best thing to do is to whack a boss until he deflects, dodge roll one of the relatively predictable counters that follow, and punish that counter.

it says father first, master second

just read your enemy's patterns and find an opportunity where there's a 0.5 second pause or more, this is your opportunity to use it.

you do a LOT more posture (and potentially vit damage) with it than you would trying to a combo on a blocking enemy

>more honest
>in a game with cheap ass shockwaves and instant kill magnetic grabs


It’s the opposite. Father first, master second

>Parrying is hardmode on the vast majority of enemies timing requirements are very tight compared not only to souls, but to punching bag simula... I mean action games
The parrying system is very similar to DMC royal guard, except that the windows are three times as large. The only thing that makes parrying remotely challenging in this game is that you still take posture damage. If it was a total negation, the game would be piss easy.

Have you beaten the game? If you beat the game like that then good for you I guess but that's not how I beat the game and it's not how I see anyone who's good at the game playing. Parrying is not hard mode because if you fuck it up all that happens is you block instead. The point of spamming the block button to parry is that there's no window where you're not considered blocking. At worst you block everything and have to back off and hold block to recover posture. Side stepping is way more risky and it doesn't build up posture, I imagine bosses take way longer to kill like that

> Every time I have used it, it seems like it would just have been better to wail on the enemy with regular R1 attacks and get some parries in.
You use it because it recovers your posture. It's not a good attack in itself.

Orphan is harder than any boss in Sekiro

Only because bloodborne bosses have giant health pools.

Are you kidding? Sekiro has some of the laxest parrying timing. The only thing more lax is maybe MGR. It's literally the best way to play the game, Soulsfans are just used to running away to avoid damage instead of getting up close and personal. DMC's RG and "natural parry" timing for example is much tighter, about 2 frames. Sekiro is almost 10.

You probably already know this but you can't be posture broken on a deflect. The bar just stays at max and it takes a block for you to be posture broken. So technically if you have perfect timing you don't have to worry about posture, but that's unreasonable for 99% of players

The game is forgiving on telegraphing almost everything for you in a consistent way. It isn't until the end, like the last boss in particular, does the game start getting cheeky and hard to react to. But even the last boss, once you figure out the small tells then it becomes easier again

Ive beaten des, das1-3 many times, never having trouble on a boss more than 10-12 attempts with all variety of builds, maybe 30ish for nk, and i think sekiro is 100x harder than any other soulsborne game, the first boss is harder than nk desu

I'd have to agree, while Sekiro is challenging in combat it becomes fairly easy if you get the mechanics down. I haven't really neem stuck at a boss for more than 3-4 tries since the beginning of the game. This is not because enemies get easier as you progress but because my parrying timing has improves as well as the usefulness of the ninja tools.

This is how I feel I got to ape and then I gave up. It’s just too annoying. I want my shield back.

This is how I feel I got to ape and then I gave up. It’s just too annoying. I want my shield back. And my fashion souls. And the charming invasions and fun summons.

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NK was never hard. He just has weird telegraphing (the first time).

I think it's the type of player you are and what past games you have played.

When you play it to MGSR, it actually becomes a lot more fun and "easy". I also think the gameplay mechanics are a little more straightforward and less figuring out the "trick" to beating each boss.

>Yea Forums blown the fuck out by ign of all things
what is this timeline?

>Bought ps4 digital copy
>Got stuck between Lady Butterfly and Genishiro
>Downloaded cracked version for PC
>Playing with imortality cheat
>Still getting my ass kicked even though I can't die
IGN is a fucking liar!

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Is a magic/spear build considered cheese? or a build?

I don't agree. I initially felt that the game was incredibly hard, but then I realized that no single thing in Sekiro ever actually killed me more than 10 times, if even that. Some bosses in DaS3 killed me, I don't know maybe 20 times?
I think what makes the game feel hard is on the one hand dragon rot, which makes you it feel you're always losing something on death, and also the fact that when things kill you in the game, they seem to just completely annihilate you and you can't do anything to them.
In Dark Souls, you'll fight a boss for a long time, get his health down to 30%, and get killed. In Sekiro, you fight a boss for 10 seconds and he trashes you like you're a complete scrub and you don't know what happened.

I hadn't even heard about Sekiro until something like a week prior to release.

Is it made by FromSoftware? I suppose so. Didn't know that. Kept not understanding why people cared about it.

It's easier once you master it. Most enemies are not a threat if you learn to counter them. Whereas there's no mastering the stupid fucking giant skeletons in the dark caves.

They're right. Once you get gud at parrying, 90% of enemies(including bosses) become a joke. It all depends on how fast it clicks for you.

You don't need a shield, you can literally block without one and it's arguably more effective

It's also about getting beefier along with get better and having more options. The more challenges you overcome the more you are rewarded with buffs and techniques.

Beat that mini boss after several tries? Here's a prayer bead and possibly even a new skill/item.
Beat an optional boss or do an area early? Here's an attack increase and possibly a new prosthetic

underrated post

Isn't this the same guy who reviewed DMC5? He kept styling SSS rank all throughout the review effortlessly and did great tricks I didn't even know about.

I don't know why IGN hired someone who can play video games but clearly it's working.

souls games are more trial and error because they always have something sneaky you can't see coming and it's not always obvious where to evade in order to not get hit
Sekiro puts everything out in the open and operates on a rock-paper-scissors basis, you just have to learn how to use the new combat system correctly

makes sense to have different reviewers for different types of game, DMC5 and Sekiro are both hardcore games so he must have been rolled on both, but I imagine they wouldn't have him review something like LiS

If you watch anyone who is actually good at souls, they run through the game. Watch Faraaz Khan(a no-hit runner of souls games), he beat most bosses in less than 3 tries.

the game is very forgiving for button mashing, it just turns the parry into a block and you take posture damage (not health damage)
but you can't parry if you mash, you MUST time it correctly


you still have a shield, just hold down L1
posture is basically just the stamina bar, but they let you have attacks and sprinting for free

A video game reviewer who actually takes the time to figure a game out and get proficient at it before passing judgement? How inaccessible and noninclusive. If I'm not having maximum fun with a video game in the first five minutes of button mashing, it's not worth my time.

He had played before and knew the mechanics you aren't meant to know at that stage.


Sekiro is harder the better you are at souls games. The dodge button is suicide in Sekiro, so everyone who is good at BB/Souls will have muscle memory that will get them killed.

They're not wrong

Took me 10 hours to unlearn "lower your guard to recover stamina faster".

>iron code says that master comes first and father second.
Based zoomer can't even pay attention to literally the first minute of the game.

It is easier that a souls game. The controls are fluid, you don't have to worry about stamina management, it throws skill points and upgrades at you like they're candy.
It's not hard. The souls games aren't hard. They're just different to what you're used to. They're punishing. Once you get used to them you can blast through them.
What the fuck more do you want?

Different people find different things hard

Personally I found it about the same as usual on my first playthrough, just different. NG+ playthroughs have pretty much been a complete cakewalk

who cares, the game is fucking boring. it's just a soulslike but with japanese pants on, and i already played that, it's called nioh. shit game.

Maybe the world is a bit easier because you can sneak around.
But the only bosses that gave me some trouble in soulsborne were Orphan, Ludwig, Manus, Nameless King and Friede. Demon of Hatred, Isshin and 2nd Owl are harder than any of those bosses.

I like sekiro combat more than dark souls combat because it actually feels like I am fighting the enemies. There is back and forth and a flow to combat. IN dark souls series.. it always felt like I am just hitting them or they are just hitting me. Here in sekiro, I can parry, get a hit in, parry again, dodge back and thrust etc. It feels like there is back and forth which makes the bosses feel very fun. Also, the fights in sekiro feel very.. fair I guess. Not too many gank squad bosses. The one vs one boss battles in sekiro felt really good and challenging without being frustrating.

Which skill tree do you guys like most? Ashina Sword Line is fucking crazy. My favorite ability in the game is for sure the Ichimonji. Paired with that one skill that lets you do combat arts in the air.. you can do shit like THE FALLING ICHIMONJI: DOUBLE which is actually really useful.

Because they only played the first level, and on the easy mode preview build they made for journalists.

I disagree, Sekiro has lower health totals and getting punished for a mistake often means getting 2-shot, in some instances 1-shot. The reason Soulsgames are easier is because rolling is a default response that can deal with almost anything that isn't AoE with lingering hit-frames. You don't have to think about mikiri counters, jumps, deflects and moves that need to be dodged. You can't dump all your souls into vigor and put on a fat armor and just try to tank your way through encounters.

I would agree that Souls game difficulty is overstated and that applies to Sekiro as well. But to claim that Souls games are harder than Sekiro is utterly fabricated. Maybe if we're talking about some specific DLC bosses in isolation. But generally speaking Souls is much more lenient on panic dodging and panic blocking. Streamers that played through all soulsgames have ragequit this game and there is a good reason for that. So many of the crutches of the Souls series just aren't there. You can't summon, you can't overlevel, you can't ignore the core mechanics with ranged options etc.


L1 spam

Still don't know how someone can get this mad

Literally a case of git gud. The game is trivial once you learn to parry.

>the other soul games
Hmm? You seem to be implying that they're part of the same series. I really hope you're not that stupid OP.

I didn't even know people found that miniboss hard. I beat him first try, you can use stealth to take out one health bar super easily and just use mikiris a lot for the other. He's way easier than chained ogre or the drunkard or really anything else at this point in the game

having your guard up in sekiro recovers your posture faster

It probably depends on the playstyle. I found Sekiro easier because it plays more like a straight up action game than Dark Souls (which I struggled with because it's veeeeery close to being an action game but isn't).

Dark souls is just stupid. I'm glad fromsoft is trying to create more realistic combat systems. Ive never felt like I was in the a real sword fight before sekiro.

I'm convinced the only people who get pubstomped by shinobi hunter are those who try to fight him without mikkiri counter.

>tfw never got stuck on a boss in Sekiro but got lost several times

I spent like 4 hours looking for where to go to the final boss fight

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everyone is overthinking engagements

I never said the game was super hard. I'm saying that Soulsgames are easier. Learn to read.

mgrr was easy for me. bloodborne was the second easiest souls game, i bat many bosses in one try. it took me 3 hours to kill gyoubu.

>it took me 3 hours to kill gyoubu
what the fuck? he's retardedly easy

>magnetic grabs
nice meme

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I know. I had to unlearn souls blocking to learn sekiro blocking.

>tfw enemy banter gives away an easy way to stun the boss
>tfw zoomers have an attention spam of a goldfish, so they can't keep track of a conversation longer than 2 seconds

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cant time parries. parry timing in bb and mgrr was easy

literally a generation of guppies, what the fuck has fortnite done!?

it's just as easy in Sekiro, the only caveat is you can't spam because it shortens the window. otherwise its MGR huge. So how do you capitalize on this because you can't spam (too much)? Easy. Just look at their weapon. If its swinging towards you, start the block. It's that simple.

If I remember correctly FromSoftware literally send different but easier versions of the game to journalists and reviewers. Its so that they dont give up 1 boss in.

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Sekiro unironically is easier than most Souls games once it clicks though. Makes you feel like a fucking god, too.

but it stays up for two short a period (for me) when you tap once to parry and attack so I constantly miss. it just worked in mgrr and bb for me