Steve from Minecraft is coming to Super Smash Brothers
Steve from Minecraft is coming to Super Smash Brothers
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Literal whos do not belong in Smash
Banjo is the better pick and you know it, he has a bigger legacy and more history with Nintendo
Bear'd and bird pilled! Prepare to eat massive helpings of crow in a future Smash Bros Direct Stevefags!
>literal who
Have you been in a coma since the 90s user?
>Not a literally who?
Not even a stevefag but you're delusional
Hellooooooo Discorfags.
Steve isn't even his own character thus a literal who. There's nothing that makes him stand out or translates to "Lets make him a Smash Bros fighter!" at ALL. And another thing, there's no memorable music associated with Minecraft like there is with Banjo and Kazooie. Realistically, the only thing that COULD be extracted from Minecraft is a stage that changes every time you play ala Super Mario Maker, but even that is hardly unique.
People seem to forget one of the criteria of a Smash character being added is that they need to have personality, and Steve is the furthest thing from that. G&W and R.O.B. have even more than him.
Whatever drugs, you're taking, give some here boi.
Fuck off back to Discord
>falling for the obvious false flag
Not even memeing, Banjo is more well known compared to Steve.
Pretty much everyone on the internet knows about Banjo-Kazooie
based and stevepilled
Alright they baby-boom, have you considered Nintendo's audience isn't always fags who sit at a desktop all day? They have to account for children and normies, go out into the streets and ask some kid who Banjo is, 99% of them will tell you they have no clue.
Kids know Minecraft however.
tl;dr: Fuck off with your boomer shit, Nintendo isn't out to entertain you now, windbag.
>inb4 "haha i WAS memeing all along ooga booga"
What kids knew who Joker from Persona 5 was?
>implying i give a shit about the inclusion of a personafag rep
Not my question to answer, take it to a Joker thread to be pissy about.
Difference is, Joker's more recent, Banjo's last game was a decade ago.
But, you guys don't pick up on that, do you?
I need the steve dancing webm
Sir Arthur from Ghosts and Goblins has more relevance to Nintendo in 2019 than Banjo and Kazooie
>Wii Fit Trainer
Bow down to the true Smash newcomer.
Even Banjo would get in before your weeb shmup, virgin.
uh oh
Not a real argument. Try harder Stevefag
someone sat in their room, thought this was a good idea and then recorded it. Possibly multiple times.
Their audience isn't your eleven year old cousin either. The fad of the casual user-base of the Wii is over, most kids aren't going to buy a Switch, a copy of Smash, and DLC just to play as the default skin from Minecraft in a party-fighting game they have no interest in. Kids today would rather just play Apex Legends with their school friends for free then do all that work just for Steve.
>Owned by Nintendo
>All the rights to that character are owned by Nintendo
>Nintendo doesn’t have to pay to use that character
>Nintendo can do whatever they want with the character they own
>Unlike Minecraft Man, Nintendo doesn’t need to make negotiations with another company to use a character they own all the rights to.
Dont forget, little piggies, that you all have nothing going for you. All the name calling and ugly renders wont save you from the slaughterhouse.
>missing the point
It's about how they lack personality, retard.
We get it you got le funny cube spirit, you gonna put forth an actual argument or nah?
At this point I want Conker for the salt.
There is no way this isn't bait. user, you can do a lot better. Maybe try saying Banjo is a literal who next time.
>inb4 Notch's bullshit will lead to Steve being replaced with Frisk or Banjo at the very last minute.
Okay, let’s ignore the fact that Nintendo doesn’t own Minecraft Man, and that makes it a different ballpark compared to the characters they own, the five you listed do have dialogue or use facial expressions in the home games (which does display their personalities despite how shallow they are), something that the personality lacking Steve doesn’t.
Should Smash have a gacha rep?
> His design can't be reworked, they just have to import his model
> He can't be properly animated, no facial expressions, they just have to import his original animations
> No OST that fits with Smash, just background tracks
> No texture working for the stage
Part of the hype for Joker is the curiosity about his new model, animations and how he will fits in Smash.
Just seeing the exact same Steve like he's in Minecraft isn't interesting at all.
Veteran fighters and Corrin weren't at the same price than Ryu, Cloud and Bayonetta. Because the amount of work wasn't the same.
Why would anyone give a shit about Notch? He isn't even tied to Minecraft anymore. Hell, if Nintendo is putting Dragon Quest despite Sugiyama's controversial statements then I don't think they care about these nutjobs.
Heres your outfits.
> No master chief
Suck my cock user.
It has 7
Not the user that listed them, but I'll engage with you.
First of all
>Nintendo doesn't own Minecraft Man
Yet they have been able to get his game on a variety of their latest platforms with ease, additionally Microsoft and Nintendo are partnering up for Switch and XBox Live compatibility stuff, so clearly they're willing to work together closely. Your point of Nintendo not owning Steve holds little value as Microsoft would gladly put forth Steve to be included in Smash, the same way "MUHH PHIL SPENCER" says he'd do the same for Reddit Bear.
Second of all
Game and Watch can literally stand still and still somehow show personality by your logic.
Integrating some personality out of that into Steve shouldn't be too hard.
Only Marth, Roy and Ike are FEH originals. Everyone else is from Awakening and Fates.
no u
What about that Telltales Minecraft story game? In it the characters have expressions and animations so what's stopping Nintendo from doing the same?
Reminder that ultimate gave us Ridley and K Rool, two highly requested popular characters and who else is also a highly popular requested character? I'll tell you who isn't steve.
>B-But fortnite zoom zoom kiddies will eat up steve
No denying that, if steve were to get i'm sure plenty of kiddies would get him, but that's only if he gets in, now we know Nintendo gave Sakurai a list of characters and he picked from those, Nintendo isn't dumb, they are aware of the characters people want and with how much Microsoft and Nintendo have been working together lately there's no way they didn't disscuss potential DLC for ultimate.
We know how much support Phil has given for Banjo getting in, we also know Banjo deconfirmed steve and if we consider the possibility that Banjo was on the list that Nintendo gave to Sakurai, then I think Banjo is in.
Because steve isn't in, Mojang deconfirmed them and nobody wants to be associated with Notch anymore.
Fuck no. Minecraft representation in Smash in general in anyway is just unneeded. It cannot work. Not with Jessie. Not with Steve. Not with anyone.
Steve doesn't hold a candle to how iconic Banjo is. It's fucking Banjo.
Reminder that Sakurai cares more for the quality of a fighter than modernity.
case in point: Pac-Man wouldn't have ever been in smash if he had to look like pic related.
Yeah and Banjo was around since the fucking 90's. He cares much more for iconic memorable reps than money.
Then why is Joker in the game and not Jack Frost
>cares about making autists happy
>over profit
>the only thing these games are developed for
Alright little Timmy settle down...
Let me tell you how the world works.
Capitalism and profit.
A Jap who's work on these games is causing him serious health issues ISN'T out to stroke your boomer manchild dick.
Not counting obscure spinoffs, Jack Frost isn't a protagonist. Same thing with Slime
Holy shit is shitty Steve STILL being posted here? I haven't been on Yea Forums in months and I see he's still around
>all the hints and not even anyone onto who the character actually is
hint: the number of letters in one of the character's various names are the same as the number of letters in the word "DLC"
Personally I want Saber from the Fate series. Or Nero if the eroge VN issue is gonna be a problem.
>Jack Frost isn't a protagonist.
Then why was Pikachu added to Smash 64?
The only Nero that matters.
fpbp as usual
Sakurai's not adding dead weight
Pikachu's a protagonist?
not him
We see Pikachu's trainer throwing the pokéball as his entrance + the trainer doesn't fight and Pikachu is the emblem of Pokémon.
based and redpilled
Honestly, I think a big part of it was technical limitations.
A character like Pokemon Trainer as it is today more than likely wouldn't of been feasible (wasn't even feasible for 3DS, hence why transformations were scrapped), so at the time, it was just easier to use Pikachu and Jiggs as the Pokemon reps.
what if the trainer himself was fighting, and some his pokemon appeared in individual moves as sprites, same as the pokeball item or the saffron city stage
I'd much rather play a Pokemon instead of Pokemon flavored Mr Game and Watch.