Resetera is dead

Press S to spit

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No it isn't.

Wasn't this the tranny board that tried to raid us?

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What video game is this?

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does it matter if these leftist shitholes die?
neogaf's death created resetera which is 10 times more lefty and fascist

Reminder that OP is a faggot.

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What's worse, Yea Forums? resetera or reddit?


You have to log in to view threads now? Sad!

video games

Yea Forums>reddit>>>>>>>cancer>>>>>>resetera

The people giving a fuck about these sites.

But /r9k/ is still here


It's just like a mid-2000s forum now.

rent free

Everything is private onsite when I checked it
The internet in 2019, you can't escape the cancer anymore


>one hates who i am (straight white man) and what i love (scantily clad, cute chicks doing hot shit in vidya)
>the other hates everything
difficult choice, truly

not an option


Reddit doesn't try to get people fired for having different opinions

resetera by far



Ah, they're going the SomethingAwful route of regularly blocking people who aren't members from seeing threads as a way to entice people to pay/sign up.

Still true faggot

They're all the same fucking thing.

it's good for porn though

Honestly they are all the same thing at this current point in time.
Yea Forums just has a few patricians left and a couple good threads everyweek,

yes they do you retard. Everyone does that these days.

It doesn't cost money to sign up, conspire harder

They're all bad but Reddit > Facebook/Twitter/ > Tumblr > Resetera

This is not related to video games.
Go die.


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I wish porn was what Yea Forums posted from that shithole instead of "RETARD WITH OPINION"


S? Lol our forum is thriving thank you for your concern though Yea Forums.

I'm never gonna understand why neo-Yea Forums gave a single fuck about a literally who site.

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this means you know someone is REALLY a faggot when they repost resetera dogshit on Yea Forums now because it means they went out of their way to make an account to post bullshit from there on here

resetera tried to get japanese game devs fired multiple times because they don't understand cultures different from the american SJW brainwashed mindset
it's like a worse lefty/pol/ but with a fascist mod team that bans any wrongthink.
pic related, don't talk about video games.

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Holy shit it's going to become a hyper hugbox now.

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>Another step into irrelevancy

It's nice when sites just kill themselves

I don't get it.
They were never raided, nobody ever tried to DDoS them, the only thing that happened is that everybody outside of that place posted shit to hate on them including reddit itself.
They locked it to inflate registration numbers or what? I mean, locking yourself in doesn't make you any less than a rotting tranny.
Them and twitter killed gaming.

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at least pol is funny from time to time.

The thing is, you can relax and roll free with all the shit you say on there. It's like sitting in the living room with some of your dumb friends that are just as stupid as you are - but you all know the deal. Being on resetera on the other hand is more like visiting a house warming party of a guy who's a friend of a friend. You gotta be on your fucking toes not to offend anybody or the entire circle turns against you.

That's just how it is. And also the reason why Yea Forums will always be more on the side of /pol/ than on anybody else's side. It's not that pol is invading or seeping into this board.
It's just a similar spirit. That's all.

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Because they are capable of influencing developers.


What happened?

LMAO, they are not showing their threads to non-users? This is literally how you prevent new users from joining. Good luck dying in obscurity.

reddit is cancer but resetera is metastasized cancer

what happened?

>The thing is, you can relax and roll free with all the shit you say on there
Try saying "I think non-white people are human, women are free to do with what they want to their bodies and gender is not sex"

Nah. The other boards actually spam porn here. /pol/ just spams retarded trump crap.

>t. Redditor

Outrage """culture""" forces these retards to keep finding shit to be mad at. It's like the twitter whales that get mad about games they'll never play.

Only registered trannies can view threads now

They messed up and made everyone not logged in "banned", so they can't see anything. They'll fix it soon

Unless you're registered you can't see shit from their forum.

Nothing, Yea Forums is just LARPing and samefaging