The last good World of Warcraft expansion that still had the "wow" feeling
The last good World of Warcraft expansion that still had the "wow" feeling
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u didnt even tri
Not nice try, you didn't even
That would be TBC
Unironically a better expansion than BFA
That's not WOTLK, user
>Cracking open a window to let the cold winter breeze in
>Boarding for the first time the boat/zeppelin to Northrend
>Questing in Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills for the first time
>Still hearing "LFM Dungeon!"
God that was fucking comfy
WOTLK was shit, lol, only reason you like it cus muh nostalgia. Surprised you didn't screech "U-ULDUAR BEST RAID XDDD" also the expansion that introdouced LFG. and a lot of welfare gear
>hearing "LFM Dungeon!"
In wrath? Are you kidding?
YES, Finally a man of taste. The ONLY reason WoD failed so hard was the lack of content and they rushed it. If they didn't rush, WoD would genuinely been the best expansion ever.
>quests were good
>amazing world
>iron horde
>classes were in a good shape
>great dungeons and raids
The only good part about BFA is;
>Mag'har from AU Draenor returned
>people got super salty they didn't let AU Draenor rot
>we MIGHT return to Draenor as patch content or expansion, slightly hinted at
>What is the first few patches before the LFG bullshit
As much as this is a bait thread, you're not wrong.
WoD still had each class and spec feeling different.
In legion and BfA every dps spec is the same as every other dps spec except the names of the abillities are different.
Dungeon Finder wasn't added until patch 3.3 you bandwaggoning faggot
But Ulduar was the best raid they've done. Faggot.
No, it was a shit raid filled with le gimmicks. Stop clinging onto nostalgia
this guy gets it
but we're never returning to draenor as an expansion
>all these retards arguing about retail
>meanwhile us classic chads are going home
>welfare gear
what does that even mean?
if you're talking about catching up to the current raid tier by giving players way higher gear than what they actually deserve for the content they're doing, vanilla and tbc had the same.
if it didn't have so much cut content it would've been great
WoW started going to shit in TBC
>blood elves
>item tokens
>flying gutted world pvp beyond repair
Granted most of it was still on point, but it laid the ground work for a lot of garbage that was never remedied moving forwards. As soon as the LFG tool was introduced the community aspect of the game basically started dying out.
What raid isn't filled with le gimmicks? It was the last raid to have hard modes that we're just toggle on/off, and to actually have different loot tables, rather than the same item BUT WAIT slightly more item level
>What raid isn't filled with le gimmicks? It was the last raid to have hard modes that we're just toggle on/off, and to actually have different loot tables, rather than the same item BUT WAIT slightly more item level
He didn't even play, don't bother with him.
How would you know it has a feeling you never expirienced at the first place?
>Dungeon Finder wasn't added until patch 3.3 you bandwaggoning faggot
Yes, and?
Screencap this, we will. Either as patch or expansion content. Yrel will return as a villain.
>Hit 80 the day after release
>Some classes DPS actually went down going from 70 to 80
>Wrath Heroics are all easier than BC heroics
>Clear Naxx the first week
>Sarth 3D with a voidwalker
>EoE doesn't drop anything good for me
>clear the same shit we cleared in Week 1 for because OOPS, NO CONTENT, LOL
Those were my two sources when i used to search for something to sell for plenty of dosh
Played since vanilla but ok kiddo I'll answer your bait. Here's your (you) :^)
The first couple hours of WoD were great, even as someone who didn’t get into it until much later. The intro was chaotic, the NPCs were fun to see in action, and it finally felt like your character was rising through the ranks and actually having an impact on the world.
...And then someone on the team was allowed to shove their shitty Mary Sue Draenei into the spotlight, and instantly the expansion took a dive.
>Wrath Heroics are all easier than BC heroics
Wrath HCs weren't easier, they were literally braindead you could pull half of the instance and AoE it down in lvl 70 gear.
>The first couple hours of WoD were great,
in what fucking world? i still remember i literally could not play the game for the first two or three days because my character got sent to some kind of fucking shadow realm with no players and no NPCs instead of entering the garrison and i had to wait for a GM to rescue me. they didn't even give me a fucking compensation for my lost time
>No wall climbing
>No original Night
>No pulling big bosses back to towns because sharding
>Sharding will fuck Far sight and control pet
>Barren will be BARREN due to sharding, good luck shitposting about Chuck Norris and Mankrik's wife
>No Zandalari plague sweeping across the server for a whole month
>No GIANT PETS for Hunters
>Alteract 1.2 confirmed
>No matter what you do, you already know everything about the game
Boy, i sure can't wait coming back to classic wow when private servers are much more proper
OP here, some of you really don't get what i mean, compare legion and bfa to WoD. Legion started to be more like a diablo game. Class halls were utter garbage. Everyone was just standing there afk.
The garison had great things, u even could invite other people to your garison, you could farm herbs and mine shit, you could decorate it, you could build different buildings etc
WoTLK heroics were a joke in comparison, the only one I can remember that broke groups was the Halls Of Awakening or whatever it was called, the one where you had to run away from the LK, and even that was only due to the chaotic nature of the very first room.
Legion was a far better 'singleplayer' game compared to both WoD and BfA, at least I felt that the class halls were handled well, made me want to experience each one if only for the artifact quests, granted some re-used assets.
This, I was amazed by how fucking shit the game became, in TBC I crossed the dark portal on my own will and it was intense, in WoD I couldn't, I was forced through it in a fucking cutscene.
you didn't answer though
>putting the tech in to only use it for 3 days in a single zone then never using it again
I don't believe that shit for a second.
>putting the tech in
The game is already a modded legion client
>introdouced LFG. and a lot of welfare gear
at least somebody remembers blizzards betrayal
Man, I remember that being a big issue in...Wrath? Cata? Folks were being such elitist shitters because their addon said they had a big number. Then Blizz introduced ilvl and it simply became a matter of not having to install that addon.
Classic 2.0 a shit.
>At the cost of stamina the player can masturbate furiously to his in-game waifu
omg my fucking sides
Yeah first time I started seeing gearscore was in Wrath, leading up to 3.3
Gonna laugh if tards start pushing gearscore in Classic.
Hmm this must be how the Wrath fellas feel when people say Mop was bestest. Feels a little disgusting. Even if its just a joke, you know there are some people out there that really liked the follower table shit. Ive got a friend or two who enjoyed it. Somehow. And they didnt even raid or pvp.
I thought WoD was a huge disappointment, but the class mechanics were still there. I thought WoD was the worst it could get in other aspects, then the Legion pre-patch came out and 2/3s of my abilities were gone. I knew then and there Legion would be my last expansion. I was in a pretty active guild at the time, but as Legion droned on, the numbers dropped, people got more and more shitty with each other, and I just couldn't stand playing my gutted hunter anymore. Tried switching classes a few times, monk then druid, I just wanted my old hunter back, but he's gone forever.
>but the class mechanics were still there
As someone who played resto druid from the beginning of BC Hunter in vanilla they absolutely gutted my my druid in MoP
>they said X but I think they're lying
Guess LFG/LFR is also gonna be in according to you? Is it everything they've said that won't be in that they lied about or just this? where does the goalpost end?
Yeah they fucked up hunters badly in the beginning of MoP. It was stampede that was broken, but they nerfed a bunch of other shit totally unrelated to the core problem (like blink strike being made automatic), which was stampede summoned pets ignoring resilience. I quit playing for a few months after MoP came out because I was pissed at how incompetent the devs were with the only class I ever fully played. By the end of MoP though I was a rooftop kang, I killed so many people with my knockbacks, so many angry whispers demanding rematches.
This, but unironically. WoD was the worst expansion yet, at the time, but it was the last one that I actually had fun. Everything about Legion was such a mess, from the absolute garbage class changes, to the "PVP templates" that meant you weren't even playing your own character in BGs. Then BFA came and was somehow worse than Legion in almost every way, a feat I didn't think was possible.
Garrisons were a complete mistake, but everything else about WoD was good. All the raids were very high quality (sadly only 3 of them), class design was far superior to Legion/BFA, the zones were better, the PVP was better, even the armor designs were better. FUCK.
I also contend that while most classes had mediocre design in at the time, WoD marks hunter was one of the most fun classes that Blizzard ever created, only to take a shit on it the very next expansion. I'm STILL mad.
Don't forget the unique WoD arena season 1 elite sets, we will never get something like that again
whats a good private server?
Yeah I agree. "Wow holy shit this is fucking garbage, wow."
don't remember ever hearing about this in tbc. can't have been anything official?
It was a mod.
I was certain the user-made addon was around late-TBC
could have been WoTLK, it's honestly been so long I can't really remember
cringe lol, bet you're a wrathbaby too
I regret not doing arenas on a warrior that season for that exact reason. That fucking set is unreal.
Still mad to this day I didn't pvp in first season to get the sweet elite Hunter set
MoP was the last time WoW had soul and even then Siege of Orgrimmar was pretty bad and the story had begun its freefall
The disgustingly inept Diablo 3 team was moved to WoW and they proceeded to mutilate everything remotely good. Mythic plus is fucking cancer, no vendors even for pvp is cancer, X-forging has always been cancer,
PRUNING is the single most unfun thing to ever occur in the game though, holy shit does losing 2/3 of your spells only to be sold them back in tiny pieces for $60 feel fucking bad.
Class design is a joke
Now, the idea of welfare gear having been a thing isn't wrong per se. Whether you look at AV exalted epics, Dire Maul, buffed 5-man blues, AQ20/ZG small raid loot, power creep indirectly nerfing raids thus making them more accessible, or simply the fact that "of the frozen wrath" green or Bad Mojo Mask could be better than raid gear, vanilla obviously had what qualifies as "catchup gear". Ditto for TBC.
However, it is one thing to be able to run RDF (content that more than one of the players in your party could well be able to solo, and that is effectively unfailable even if you did happen to get the trashiest players at minimum gear level required to queue) for a dozen hours to get kitted in ivl 232-245 equipment including 4pt T9 set bonus (which happens to be the gear level the 10-man normal version of the final raid is tuned for at 0% buff) all the while T7/T8 content is almost utterly obsolete and T9 is far easier than Ulduar.
The way gearing up works in vanilla/TBC is completely different. Getting a full set of SWP badge items would take weeks if you stuck with the easier heroics, and if you included the tougher ones, in my mind you'd be doing content more legitimate than ICC10 normal. And that alone wouldn't even be quite "SWP-ready" since that's only so many slots (T6, sure, seeing as that BT/Hyjal are easier than T5 or even pre-nerf Gruul/Maggy), and TBC itemization worked such that items of value still remained in the older raids. Merciless Gear is kinda offending seeing as that you can get it from basically AFKing, but it really isn't that good for PvE for most classes and it still took a whole lot longer than badge gear from Wrath "heroics".
I find some kind of catchup gear is actually pretty important for the health of the game. But planned obsolescence of raids is not, and being able to get all-but-final-tier-obsoleting gear from content where you need not even contribute, in as little as a day (literally), is outrageous.
does MOP actually let you pick skills and shit or was that when all the classes were streamlined into preset builds
Anyone else hate how mmos let you zoom out the camera 20km from your character?
TBC was the last good expansion, Wrath was shit but at least still kind of kept the wow feeling a little bit despite the dumbed down everything. Anything past that is 100% irredeemable garbage.
Why? It's nice being able to see stuff behind you.
TBC was the only good incarnation of WoW.
>when it was the expansion that introduced flying and dailies
>or started breaking lore to justify new races and classes
>or turning major lore figures into loot pinatas
>Wrath Heroics are all easier than BC heroics
Hell, if mobs were 10 higher level instead of players getting higher combat ratings (free resistances, avoidance, armor, crit, hit) from level difference, Wrath heroics at 80 would be easier than even the most nerfed versions of TBC heroics when done with the absurd power creep introduced by 3.0.3 patch. Despite everyone and their mother getting new CC options, tanks having cooldowns out the ass, healer throughput being doubled, tanks getting free +10k something base health and everything else that would allow you to get away with more dangerous mobs, Wrath doesn't even have anything as hard-hitting as Ravenguards/Bonechewer Raveners/Fel Overseers/Underbog Lords/whatever for goodness' sake! It's just absurd.
I bet your still playing this faggot game in your mothers basement
made pvp such dogshit, but not as much as Arena did.
lol triggered you easily there buddy, wrathbaby hahahaha
I started playing during TBC and quit before 3.3, but anyone who makes fun of wrath babies because they were playing before and after wrath is a hopeless faggot.
I absolutely loved the art design of WoD, but as an expansion it was incredibly disappointing. We didn't even get that remastered Gorehowl as a legendary.
Flying was great until they patched out corpses staying midair. As a warlock with engineering I was a terror of the skies of Outland.
Oh yeah, I forgot arena was added in TBC. Yeah, arena ruined so much. It ruined pvp by making it revolve around it, and it ruined the game in general because balance started revolving around it.
Classes were still fun, I did not find a single spec or class taht I could say was fun in BFA
Only a handful of classes were fun in WoD. Most were worse than they were in MoP.
Wrath Badge loot was welfare loot since the heroics were so pathetically easy, and the badge loot available was so good. It was compounded by adding even more heroics that offered better than raid gear.
TBC badge loot was initially at Karazhan level, and later had a few BT level items.
Vanilla catch up gear required actually getting the drops from dungeons and raids, albeit easier ones than the initial standard.
Ability removal is literally the worst fucking thing you can do in a game.
I'd rather an ability be just outclassed out of the rotation or repurposed than straight up removed. Feels like I'm being stolen from.
To this day I will never understand why they got rid of Sentry Totem on shaman, or Eyes of the Beast for hunters.
Have we really gotten to the point where people are romanticizing WoD? Do people have the memories of goldfish?
u probably have no clue, wod tried to go back to the roots, alteast i did better than cata and mop
I just want to play through the new Classic, maybe official TBC from there, and then just die in my sleep after finishing Sunwell.
It casualized the game further than MoP did and had no content.
no class should have more than 2 hotbars. it makes streaming arena tourneys ugly.
Retail was free last weekend so I went into WoD for the first time, played the first hour or so of introduction. It seemed really good.
Can't wait for Classic so I can go through ALL of WoW's comfy questing.
it turned wow into a mobile game. how is that going back to its roots?
WoD's biggest sin was that it started out pretty interesting and the questing was pretty good, but then completely dropped the ball with the story progression+raids. Blizzard somehow managed to fuck up AU timetravel fanfiction.
>expac designed for gooks
you can thank the gooks for blood elves being part of the Horde