ITT: Popular side characters the plot forgets or shits on

ITT: Popular side characters the plot forgets or shits on.
I just used Freya as an example don't fucking hijack this I swear to god you ratfuckers.

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Fuck you, talk about characters who got the shaft. Anybody. I dont care who, I couldn't think of a better example.

great bait thread, got me to reply

Can you at least throw me a bone so I don't have to use Freya next time? Any character at all?

who's that OP?

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Some moody girl. Best to steer clear.

Pretty much every Final Fantasy character once their story arc is finished.

The plot literally fucking forgets about this bitch

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Ok OP *wink* ;)

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shut up lol

I wanna touch her rat toes


I don't agree. A lot aren't popular, several are shit, and most sort of hang around more than the plot just ignoring their shit. A lot of FF6 characters and
fit the bill, though. Rydia too, to an extent.

Fuck off. Talk about her if you want, but don't do waifushit. I want to talk about popular characters who get screwed by the story.


I understand Yea Forums is all about reverse sychology, but so actually wanna talk about writing in games. I want to bitch about characters that were neglected and discuss why the product ended up that way. Please don't waifupost.

Also her design is cute but she's supposed to be cool, not hot. She has a boyfriend.

>wanting to fuck a rat

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Shouldve used a different character brainlet

Does she do anything after disc 1? I remember she has some brief interactions with Amarant but she never does anything story wise.

Also Rapp from Grandia. After his section with his village is done, he just kinda tags along until the end of the game for no real reason

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Built for human cock.

Nope. Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and Steiner are the only characters with long term relevance. It's one of IX's biggest flaws, as it leaves the player a bit lost since Freya is relevant throughout disc 1 and confused as to why the fuck Aramant is even part of the story.


reminds me of miranda from wakfu

Dragoons should wear cloth more often.

FFIX's my favorite of the series, but I always longed for a Director's Cut that fleshed out a few things that got sidelined in the final disc.

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Yeah, she felt like she was supposed to be a party member.


I prefer with no clothes

Does it count when your favorite side-characters seem to exist to suffer?

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The story gave him a VERY happy ending full of friends and life! and the desire for death.

>remove three lines
>furry creature becomes a completely normal anime girl

>three lines
You'd have to remove all the fur tufts, the muzzle, the dog(?) nose

So yes if you change everything about the face it becomes a normal anime girl

a win-win no matter what

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Dang, would have loved Lani in the party. Beatrix too.

I wanted more spaghetti between her and Steiner. Find out where that rivalry started.

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Its kinda sad that removing details from a character makes them more appealing to anime fans.
Say what you want about kemono characters but at least they tend to acualy have unique faces because its not just skin colored shape whit an anime face pasted on.

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I want to paste on his face

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Just realized i skimmed over the popular part.

This right here, Sly 5 better redeem her.

shoulda used a different example buddy. Whats the situation with the ribbon on the tail?

That's just outright character assassination.

Psst, Garnet-user........
Your wife fucks monkeys

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Nobody. Forget about her.

>Sly 5
Gonna be honest, I half expect a reboot before another sequel. Maybe if the supposed animated series does well?