Bless this casual filter
Bless this casual filter
Fucking retard
>japanese Kratos
>sharts you to death
Is he the Dark Souls of Sekiro bosses?
he never even hit me with the poop. literally just flinging shit to zero effect like the stupid fucking monkey he is
The ogre and bull are the actual casual filters.
Ape is not that bad, more of an endurance test. Should not take more than 2-3 deaths. Second form is actually a lot easier than the first if you're not retarded and actually run away from the obviously telegraphed screaming.
Sopa de macaco....
Uma delicia....
t. plays games for casuals
I died like 40 times to the ape, because I always lost focus as it is a long fight and started getting cocky.
>Divine confetti and Firecrackers stunlock first phase
>Second phase you parry his huge windup downward swing and make him fall over
>Run away from his scream attack
Uma deliciamind
>Found him kind of easy
>Mfw I'm having trouble with Fake monk
Snap Seeds
killed 1st form ape first try, thought "huh that was kind of easy I must be getting better at this game"
but then
his sword moveset fucked me over quite a bit. the first phase feels like a pushover in comparison since there's nothing stopping you from staying on his ass and comboing him until he falls over.
With the second form you can just parry everything except the jumping sweep move.
If you parry his vertical slam move he gets stunned and you can get a bunch of free hits in.
That's the easiest boss to cheese
>snap seed
>fistful of ash
You can keep her stunlocked the entire fight
>mfw I thought that was a Geralt pepe for a second
I think it goes:
Ogre is pleb filter
Butterfly is did you pay attention to the tutorial (Hanbei) filter
Genichiro is a did you pay attention to the advanced tutorial filter
Ape is a did you cheese every giant mook filter
Fuck the double apes though, I shouldn't be forced by the game to cheese the firecracker.
yeah I eventually figured him out. the delayed sword swings fucked with my timing pretty bad but I started hugging his ass and moving in and out of range to keep the hits coming. the big slam move is like free damage.
did anyone manage to actually make use of those trees in the arena? I used them to zip out of range a few times but I assume there must be some cool trick you can do.
Sekiro has three casual filters - Genichiro, Guardian Ape and Owl
this boss in it self wasn't a big deal BUT... if you dont kill it there and then with the mortal blade and then have to kill it again together with the second ape back in the poison pool it is literal cancer and probably the worst and most unfair boss i've ever beaten in a fromsoft game
Not really cheesing when one of the early eavesdrops tells you animals hate loud noises
I beat that first try, but I went back after beating the game.