Plains biome. Home.
Plains biome. Home
At least it was before the hunger meter everything up
>not living in a forest
>not a comfy birch forest cabin
shit taste desu
Suddenly, creepers out the ass
Absolutely based
>A sprint away from any trees
Fuck that. Hills or bust.
>not living in the ocean
>Not a comfy mountain cave turned into a house
Find me a home among the mountains.
>not living in a cave on a wooded mountain with a view of the ocean below
what game?
I hate how the biomes are now based on tempature. Is there any mod that fixes it? Theres nothing interesting in mc now.
You Zoomers are now having a surge of childhood nostalgia on Yea Forums and social media for the late 00s-early 10s. Once widely considered the cancer era. Kill me now.
nigger faggot nigger aids fbi nigger die yourself faggot whiteoit niggerfaggot no one cares about rng faggot MUH RNG MUH HUNGER MUH ALPHA MUH MUH nigger MUH RAP kuh NIGGER MUSIC GOOD BAD NIGGER
>muh alpha
NIGGER FAGGOT test me nigger dare you faggot nigger die agent faggot test me
>chore that interrupts actual gameplay every minute
>Once widely considered the cancer era.
says who? low iq boomer/zoomer forced meme posters?
Find a flaw.
>green top
hahahaha how can cancer be real just close your browser tab and walk away
my base
Post poor nigger that make it do
bottom needs some kind of depth, kinda looks meh
tower is cool though
>keeping animals right next to your house
how do you not go insane my dude
it takes like 10 minutes at most to find two cows and breed them, within an hour you can have a shitload of offspring and an infinite food source. Literally the "chore" you're describing is 10 minutes of work, an hour of waiting, and then having to right click a couple times every half hour.
>no sand castle in the desert submissions
says anyone whos been on the site for more than 2 years
user you are a newfag if you dont remember minecraft classic Yea Forums servers. Sorry you had to learn it this way
it doesnt interupt the gameplay, it IS the gameplay. you just want a baby casual game where you hold left M and W
t. press X babby