What are some good team based multiplayer games?
What are some good team based multiplayer games?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Top Tier
Keep telling your self that peep cuck.
>call others cucks
>the one team that only won because of cucking out to chocolate
>tfw us Cremebois was in the lead for the whole day until PB came out of fucking nowhere and won
>tfw all the creme anons ERPing
Jesus christ.
how did she get the whole thing in her mouth
Shut the fuck up about this year old meme you fucking newfags holy shit.
It wasn't even the best April fool's prank
you'll never know the jolly co-operation that we had.
>Top Tier
I was on that team and we celebrated too early and when it was time to fight the hardest, we didn't. We're Mid Tier at best.
>God tier
bout time a Peep made a post that's actually funny
>tfw you can't remember what team you were on
>implying the decision wasn't made through a final, honorable duel between brothers
Settle down spastic, I only made this because the next one is in two days.
>DFC mini is lowest tier
Team mini were the real winners in the end due to us having all the draw fags on our side.
We literally had two of these threads over the past 2 days
Like I keep track of every thread in the archive.
peep chads where we at?
Team Mini clearly won due to having the best women.
fact #1
Choco is flexing as if they won anything, samefagging for PBs
We never got the refreshed results for the last couple of minutes. For all we know, some other team might've won actually
Chocobros had the best threads
For me, it's PB Princess
Those are the results from 8 mins before the end. We never saw a final update.
Haha Team X are the *real* winners because Y
Wrong faggot, the winners are the people who won and no one else
Nigga there was a news banner proclaiming the winner and it was PB, which had a link to a rick roll video as a reward
I can't believe /teamcreme/ lost.
What the hell creme bros.
Since we're now less than 48 hours now til it is april 1st, what do you think will happen this time for april fools?
And Peep was gaining momentum, they would probably win on the last update.
Bullshit. The banner said something like "Congratulations! Winners can click here to claim their reward.".
Here's the Mini Slut's full album:
>Peepfags still seething about losing
Oh fuck, it's already time, isn't it? I was mini last year, I think we pulled a victory in the last minute or some shit. And then people found out that it was rigged from the start and nothing people did really mattered. But I was ridiculed for 95% of the day because of that shit. Fuck you.
>surrender threads
it was very entertaining
a lot of OC and glorious shitposting
>Not liking literally all of them
Princesses are my jam, man.
Something unexpected, no matter what.
>i'm in this
feels good
stay mad peepfag
Peeps undeniably had the best memes
Creme had legendary lewd threads. Peanutfags were ERPing as slaves the whole day.
Losers got a rick roll video. PB were linked to a secret video. We were sworn into secrecy so sorry I can’t tell you what it was :^)
Cute butt, disgusting butthole.
>Peanutfags were ERPing as slaves the whole day.
Ah yes, being a PButt slave. Good times
I pity you other teams who didn't get to watch the secret video
There were two kinds of Peanut Butters: ERPers and the really fanatic ones that refused to give up. Cremefags quickly fell into ERP once they lost first place
>anything but embarrassments
god I hope Yea Forums get's deleted for april fools this year only for hiro to forget to bring it back
>TFW the Princesses won't get any followup art this year because the artist swore to never make any more art for Yea Forums
It was glorious
Wait, why?
>surrender threads
I literally just met him yesterday and he was still drawing around here
>April 1st on Monday
They were great
Where are my fellow peepchads?
> disliking surrender threads
>surrender threads
It wasn't on april fools nigger it was Easter, where you even there.
>getting off to other guys pretending to be sluts
>not gay
>disliking gay erp threads
>only one chocolate
Truly the most Chad team.
you have MUCH to learn eternal newfag
Huh. I saw a piece that his personal LoL AD Carry made, but otherwise, haven't seen shit from him in days.
I'm not going ot bring up all the drama, but it boils down to someone decided to turn him into a focal point of hate, made everyone mad because they're tired of seeing all the hate, and stalked him into every thread he visited until he finally said he was done.
How long until some newfag janny moves this thread to Yea Forums?
It was an Easter/April Fool's day thing
pretty sure my pic isn't a dislike reaction
BBC jokes and brown girl threads throughout the day, it was interesting.
April fools was on easter that year.
Look at the post dates in the image, turboretard
> faggot means you're gay
Much to learn, you have.
right here
>being a gayfag
oh you're probably the same type of person that speaks in a stutter voice with a gay anime picture and then calls anons newfags when they call you out. Go ahead and end your life, proto-tranny.
>Mods keep deleting the threads because they know this year won't top last year.
>Creme Princess was an extremely arrogant noble
>Mini Princess gave no fucks
>Peep Princess was mysterious, but smiled a lot
>PB Princess wanted to see you succeed and was always happy to be with you
>Chocolate Princess was black
This is from what I remember
>every team was filled with buttsluts
Whatever you agree/disagree who won, we can all agree Creme got the shit end of the stick in terms of OC
Insufferable child, eat a tidepod.
Those brown girl threads were incredible, my porn folder grew three sizes that day.
>anons keep on spamming the threads the name of the team theyre in thinking it would boost their team's score
god I miss that shit, it was hilarious to watch
They'll never top 2017's april fools either.
>surrender threads
The biggest thing they had was bragging about how great they were in the beginning. Minifags had all the drawfags, PB had the Jeb! threads, Peep became Nazis, and Chocolate had the delicious brown girls.
What actually boosts the score anyways?
Creme and Chocolate overall got the short end.
Chocolate got
Wasn't that the Google+ thing with the names and stuff? It was pretty shit, only funny moment I remember of it was when someone got the name "Corinne House".
Nothing. It was rigged.
>tfw I was chocolate
Nobody managed to get Anthony Burch.
>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>Irrelevant tier
Chocolate literally did jack shit all day, other thanconstantly create the ERP threads after they became a thing.
Team Mini!
>25 points have been deducted from team chocolate for this post
Peep had photoshop wizards and memes
peep might have lost but it had the best memes out of all
change my mind.jpg
Did we ever get vanilla of PB Princess and user?
That was 2016. 2017 was the board merging.
We may have taken last Mini Bros but it was a good ride.
Hey, let's give some credit to Chocolate for the constant delicious brown girl threads.
>best memes
>pink wojak for the nth time
Shut up, slave.
That was 2016. I don't actually remember what was 2017's.
I don't believe so, but I stopped saving stuff after the event ended because Team-san is a retarded cunt who refuses to fucking read.
Eh, I consider Mini higher than Creme. Mini wasn't even trying
>He doesn't remember /mlpol/ or /vint/ or /fitlit/
Shame. I liked her the most
Wow I don't remember that at all, it was either terrible or I was really busy when it happened.
Also because it won't be the same April fool's prank
>it was either terrible
It was fucking amazing.
mini was the comfiest team
but you are gay
>Was team peanut butter all day while at work
>Go home to my home wifi and get auto balanced to team mini
At least the best team won in the end
Or because it's off topic schlock
/fitlit/ was amazing user. You just had to be there.
I miss /fitlit/ bros...
>people are still arguing about the scores despite no one knowing how points were earned
>Yea Forums spent all day rolling for anthony burch
>nobody was anthony burch
>Peanut Butter and Chocolate """bros"""
Oh how soon we forget.
She did get one really nice piece of sex though.
has it ever been archived anywhere?
You need to go back
Ah, already have this. Shame she didn't get more art with Sir Knight/Anonymous.
Simply epic, newfag.
You retards only cling to this April fool's prank because it was the first one you were here for. it's not even close to the best April fool's prank and I can't fucking believe it's still being discussed because of people like you
I'm , I've been here since 2013, 2018's was easily the best April Fools joke. What's your favorite?
>Trying this hard to fit in
No seriously fuck off, or lurk more
Is there a booru where I can browse all the pics?
>gentle smile
>cares for you
>long ponytail
>always supportive
>big fucking tiddies
Why is she so great?
Cause she's got it all, user.
PB looks like Princess Samus.
best memes: Peep
best lewds: Mini
worst cunts: Peanut Butter
Creme at least had the cutest girls, I can't say the same about the other teams.
Someone post the giantess variations...for a friend.
>shit tier
Oh you're asking for trouble. Come down here and say that to my face.
>creme not in the absolute dregs tier
This is some good awful attempt at salvaging your reputation, every other team is serviceable but you guys are objectively one of the worst things this site has seen. Accept it or kill yourself
Team TB here. Mini's smugness was delightful.
*places a glass over you*
pssh nuthin personnel mini
t. peanut buttslut
I can respect any team unless they're a Cremoid.
Lich-creme is best creme.
Mini is cute, cute CUTE!!
Where did this come from?
>*places a glass over you*
Being Mini and having a giantess/shrink fetish was the best.
>you will never experience being a 5th place Team PB in a surrender thread again
Sounds like someone picked the wrong team~
Stay mad, losers.
I was never sure if PB Princess and PB General were suppose to be the same character or not
It's da peenut butter pipol's fault, keeping the choco man down like dat
How did the point system work? I never understood it. Or there wasn't any point system at all?
Different peeple.
i remember someone on another board getting antonio burch or something similar
>you will never be a slutty peep cheerleader (male) ever again
it hurts
Ah, I see. I was imagining that PB General was PB Princess's more belligerent side
Peanut butter won and there's nothing you can do about it.
Losers: It's competely random/ controlled by mods
Reality: You get points from having people in other teams reply to you. eg: incestuous mono-team threads were useless, peanut butter/chocolate alliance threads were extremely profitable
surrender threads were the highest source of points
Me in green
Agreed, we got the patrician team
I have around 500 pictures of Mini.
[s4s] was the best AF prank. Prove me wrong.
unironically random.
A mod in /g/ was talking about it
Was it confirmed by someone?
I was on team peep and this shit is so ducking wrong. Mini gets to stay at the bottom but so should the Gaylord’s of creme
Chocolate had the best Waifu posting
Her kingdom is very vast and is home to many styles of peanut butter.
I'm so happy she went from such the ruler of a small region to the queen of the whole kingdom
The final hour pb and chocolate coming together to taking down peep was kino
yes /g/ discovered the algorithm and a mod confirmed it
Are red boards down/broken for everyone else?
So, which princess was the best fatty?
proof or shut up
something the advertisers will approve of, considering the split between sites.
I honestly feel bad for non-peeps.
>Creme had everything to become the white supremacist team
>Peep became the Nazis instead, bringing in even more memes
What the fuck was Creme doing?
>how will the other boards react to Yea Forums becoming a gay orgy for the day?
They hate us for a lot of other reasons, user.
>april fools coming up soon
what will they do this time?
can anything ever beat board mergering and Yea Forums+ ?
anyone else team PB from the beginning? we were so far behind when i woke up that morning. we fought on despite it. ill never forget you peanut bros.
The creation of shit4chansays EASILY
I was in both PB and Choco due to dynamic IP
I was. The Never Give Up threads were great
>anyone else team PB from the beginning?
yes, fren
I remember some dumbass tried to convince me that butterfingers weren't in fact peanut butter/chocolate but butterscotch/chocolate. I believe him to have been a spy trying to collude against peanut butter.
Cum tier
I forget who won?
It was creme right?
I hope so i was creme
Someone has that Peep video with Party Rockers?
I can't find it.
I was PB, but I switched to Peep, then Mini, then back to PB before we won.
>Jokes that went too far
I was mini then i got switched to PB.
Creme got fourth. Peanut Butter won.
Same, but I was Peep and got rerolled to Creme, luckily I reset my router and got Peep again.
Reminder that this april fools will be giving everyone mod powers
I hope the joke this year is that the site is just down all day.
Ya that happened to me as well.
I was team nigger and then got switched to peep
that usually happens so it aint special
Here's your April Fool's joke bro:
p.Yea Forums.org/v/thread/456509072
peewee's imageboard, a secret word is generated and the person who says the word is banned for the day, then it goes to a new word.
Is this guy still around? I remember encountering him in a thread like this one at the end of last year.
>tfw zoomer so I missed all this
>other teams think they can even compete
Was it meant to be mint or am I retarded?
it was literally last year, how zoomer are you?
Reminder that PB only won through making every other team masturbate themselves to sleep with their "surrender" threads
I will remember... forever...
>2013: Yea Forums created
>2015: sticky helper
>2016: Yea Forums+
>2017: the great board merging (rip in peice /fitlit/)
>2018: The great Easter war
whats next?
I came over during E3 last year.
reminder that team mini is the most powerful race in the world
What was 2014 again?
It looks thoroughly used.
I wonder what it'll be this time
Damn I forgot about 2016
>that one user who got antonio burch
the world didn't exist during that time; God took the year off for "Mental Health Reasons"
> nobody knows how points were earned
But user, points were earned by which team was better at scoring points... duh!
If i remember correctly, the ayylmao streamer promised tits pic if peep wins. So where is it?
If I was hiroyuki I'd make the next april fool's randomly replace every nth word in any post with a list of random words from the dictionary
And n would be anything from every 5th word to every 10th word so people can't game it
Should be fun.
isn't that what's happening to Guild Wars 2 generals? somebody made a bot to do that to derail everything, and succeeded
By Cucking themselves to the ch*colates
GR15 is removed. Barneyfag leaves the site forever.
It's a shame nobody ever made a card for her and the others.
Not much of an event. People would just post like normal.
Well not quite. That bot just spams random posts other people have actually made.
Chocolate > PB > Creme > Peep > Mini
>bro we're just being smug and losing on purpose it's not because we suck
It was true though.
She deserves more fan art
peep didn't win
Mini is objectively the best, and I dare the naysayers to argue otherwise.
Hiro should use that for the world filters. It would confuse shitposters a lot.
He could add popular words (like faggot, nigger, based, cringe, incel, etc) to the filter lists during AF to bring even more salt.
will this year's April Fools' be good?
I forgot who drew all these mini princess pictures. It was MarioGrant right?
Lolis are gay
>Peep still seething
Where my peanut bros at?
>turning this site into an even bigger reddit
also, it never works well
party peepers in the house tonight
My bad, she was the peanut butter.
Imagine if Hiro exchanged "Nintendo" with "Sony" and vice versa for a day.
Also "kino" with "shit"
And "cringe" with "based"
Utter chaos
Many were from the same artist, but a lot of drawfags were in Team Mini.
Peanut-butter doesn't think about you at all
>The artist who made the aftermath to this pic has disappeared entirely after the tumblr exile.
That one and several more were 6.
Although Mario did do a lot of Mini.
I'm ashamed to admit I lost hope during the day and thought for sure we were destined to be buttsluts forever.
He's not entirely gone. He still posts when people bring him up in Princess and Shygal threads sometimes.
And he still makes art in exchange for getting carried in League of Legends for that one user.
We still are, but we're also winners. True champions, destined for greatness, and destined for many anal orgasms!
Chocolate was best
minibros dumped so much lolicon that day. They are based
>peanut slutters
>being allowed to cum
back to the surrender threads with you
Last year's April fool's sucked
The board merger was kino
>That time peanut butter kicked chocolatetty threw mini's barbershop window
Name a more based heel turn
We don't need your permission anymore, we take what's ours! We've earned our analgasms!
Shame most threads were deleted, which was unfair. Cream and Choco could have their own girl threads, but not Mini?
Nothing could've beat the board merger last year was fun
>That time team Peep activated *it*
Many of my comrades were lost that day
Bless them. All the OC was what made April fool's last year so good.
That body and flag that the peep face is stamped on is my creation from many years back on a finnish supremacy image
I was team Mini, stop using my creation in your shitty peep abominations
The whole thing was cringey newfag bait desu
>st of april in two days
what the literal fuck its been a year already???????
Another board merger
Merge the faggots and trannies of /lgbt/ with the fags of /pol/
Or perhaps merge every board into one
Shut up, faggot.
Why are you gay?
And the filters would keep on changing at random, So when anons think they have it all figured out it, Everything flipturns upside down.
If they just merged boards again fags would scream how it would be unoriginal
once a PB slave, always a PB slave
I'm cumming with my butt and you can't stop me!
That's why we merge it all into one giant board
whats it going to be this year I wonder
It unironically belongs in /trash/ because it is not vidya.
Fuck, the day when s oy was filtered was amazing
So many redditfags who had no idea what was going on
Hiro is going to do something that doesn't crash Yea Forums
>Yea Forums Battle Royale
Every board is now about fishing
>tfw Mini Princess will never shrink you to her size so you can fuck in all kinds of creative locations
>tfm I'm in that image
Peep reporting for duty sir
>tfw she will never shrink you even smaller than herself so that she can be the big one for once
I saved an image just so that I wouldnt forget
This would honestly be kino. Dont know how it would work though
>tfw she will never get another princess involved while you're like that so you have to deal with a giant princess and a giga giant princess
Me too
Is this based on something else?
I fell like it does, but I can't for the life of me remember what.
>forgot about PB because of how low they were
>gets fucked over later
what is peep and mini?
...What do mushrooms have to do with that scenario?
The two best teams.
>loses anyway
It's a falseflag.
No one on team Peep even tried because we were absolute shit. Don't know how we didn't come in last.
This is a blue board user you can't post that shit here
rare photograph of best timeline
we Peanut Butters belong in chains!
>lion in sheep's clothing
That's a falseflag.
We on team PB like to pretend that we are on team Peep because they are undisputably the best team. And of course we only won thanks to sucking some BBC and the last update never happening.
t. Peepfag still seething
I miss the Gohan MINI MINI MINI spammer
it wuz an honor bois
lost my peep folder. this thread rawkz.
Fuck this team bullshit.I miss /vint/
Bros 4 LIFE
Anyone have a archive full of the princess fanart? i was looking for more mini/chocolate/peanut butter fanart
That finale came straight out of an anime. Chocolate and PB put aside their rivalry in other to make an anime comeback against the dominating Creme while the feminine Peep drags her feet dead last.
Where's the full version of this pic?
>Remembering that /mlpol/ was disbanded early due to fear of the shitpostery reaching critical mass.
It was beautiful
>peep faggots
lmao, just lmao
More like team chocolate leaches from PB because they lost. Reminder that Chocofags shat on PB all day.
It was two years ago
>tfw chocolate and PB were bros stuck at the bottom of the ranks for so long
>chocolate suddenly climbs to the top
>PB has to start fucking soaring up the scoreboard to catch up and fight chocolate on even footing yet again
it was like a goddamn shounen arc
here's to hope the princesses get a surge of fresh art this april fools, it's been too long since ive seen something new
>Choconiggers trying to piggyback like they won too
That is the full image
>tfw i was a mini
I feld like we had some great teamspirit and good memes, but 3 place was still fitting overall.
Just glad creme was still beneath us, fuck them.
Ready for the back-to-back faggots?
Nah, I was on Team Peep, but whatever makes you feel better I guess.
>all those vore images that came out of it
mfw I still go back in the archive and fap to the surrender/bottom threads occasionally.
not usually into loli but mint does things to my dick i never thought possible
flat is justice
Share some good posts with me.
>All these jealous non-mini fags
>all that vore of Peep
truly a blessed day
Yeah, fuck (((Creme)))fags
You don't need to be into loli to appreciate the greatness of petite girls with delicious flat chests and breeding hips.
You still should into loli, it's some good shit.
The best part of being mini were the loli threads.
What I remember the most is that my dick was sore after that day
/mlpol/ scared off the t_d redditors, if only for a day. It was wonderful.
>Winning board gets mod powers over all the other boards for a day
I hope we get something equally horny as last year, I was banned for most of it.
/mlpol/ and /cock/ were the only good things to come out of that shitty event.
This. I'm surprised more people don't know the difference between the two.
Have anyone got that dominatrix mini?
>protagonist has to watch his friend rise to the top
>friend becomes arrogant and doesn't consider him to be a friend or even a rival
>they start uniting against a common enemy
>All that's left after the villain dies is the showdown between them
kino as fuck
You mean the best things.
The Princesses were certainly good on average, at least.
I liked /fitlit/ and /spa/
>When I got a request filled on a Flatification thread on /i/
hopes for this april fools?
more porn
Not more team shit.
Honestly something similar.
No mods for a day.
>Porn dump day
>Get banned almost immediately
>Nobody else does
That was some bullshit. Luckily I can evade now.
Because nowadays people assume "short girl = underage". Dude, I'm 6'2", there's nothing better than being in cherish and protect duty with a petite bundle of love.
Something fun
>thousands of people get v& as a result
>tfw you were a peep but you had to google ehat the fuck a peep is because no one eats those in your country
What does peep taste lime bros?
Anything that allows for more OC. Last year I didn't have a computer so I'm more than ready to draw.
>not DFC
>not smol
Why not both?
Didn't even know what it was either. Nazi shops were goddamn funny though. Regret not saving the one with a peep replacing hitler in the reichstag
I wonder what it's gonna be on monday
something involving digits
i wish can Yea Forums have dubs back this april fools
It's going to be nothing.
The greatest prank of all. Making anons wait all day for something that won't come.
How did you even gain score?
All Americans forced to one board that Euros are not allowed to post on
The board will be only for discussing America and American related topics
I forgive you.
im so fucking mad i got placed in Creme
i'm team peep at heart
Posting and getting replies, I think?
Someone figured it out, but I can't remember.
is mini, team pedo?
this goes for north and south america or just the usa?
All minifags are underage.
I missed you too, Yea Forums
got it
>didn't participate in the gay ass team shit, never even posted on april 1st
>jerked off to the giantess and vore art anyway
>all other boards' quality shoots through the roof
Yes please
>Being a race traitor
>canadians and australians and g*rmans still get to post
>quality shoots up
choose one
>who are australians and LEAFS
Based Xbro
Can moralfag trupedos be instantly banned please?
>implying Canada is is significant enough to be mentioned or thought of at all
>hues and aussies still post
Choco/Peanut-B alliance was the best part
>doesn't remember 2017 april fools
This was one of the most trash april fools we've ever had, I even liked the fucking google names aprils fools better than the fucking garbage team shit
Have it so mods have to obey any posts with trips/quads or greater. Stuff like adding music, backgrounds, wordfilters to other boards, changing board rules, banning Australians, etc.
>All of Yea Forums trying to get anthony burch
Was fun.
peep is shit
>Choco princess has the biggest dick
>Peanut Butter princess has the deepest ass
Literally made for each other.
I agree, names was better
used it as an excuse to find images of miniguns.
but i can see how you'd forget if your team wasn't awesome.
When Yea Forums as a whole was relieved to know nobody was Anthony Burch.
Threadly reminder that peep was the second best team.
t. chocobro
Kek, just like in real life you europoors need us to protect you from Australia
Was mini a typo of mint? I still to this day can't figure it out.
>Not giving second to our PB brethren
As a chocolate, you disappoint me
we got bamboozled by a /g/ mod
it still hurts, I was hyped for nothing
I think all teams were based on Oreo cookies.
OG Princess drawfag here to remind you
Mini #1. Have a mini doodle
Also to that user who asked yesterday, Yes, Mini was going to be a shortstack but I changed that last minute. I apologize to all the shortstack friends.
Where my Peanut Butters at?
does anyone have the peep and chocolate smore image
You can always slap tits on a loli but you can't remove the tits from a shortstack
Did anybody make an archive of all the oc?
I remember seeing dumps for peep and mini oc but not for the others
Bless you.
That's a tiny penis
I was that man spamming Peep Rock in the house tonight until people started making OCs of dabbing Peeps and shit.
It was glorious.
I don't mind too much at this point.
How would you stat the princesses in the Tower Girls system? Set the answer in (love)/(lust)/(kingdom wealth)/(kingdom power) format where each score is set on a 5 scale, with 5 being the highest value.
We don't even know what caused the points to go up in the first place. Everything was just assumed with no evidence.
After how their culture evolved through the day I would say that their highest would be
Lust: Peep
Kingdom Power: Chocolate/PB
Love: PB
Kingdom Wealth: Creme
If there was a cultural influence option that'd go to Mini for sure.
The official source said it was posts that we're from and replying to a particular team in that thread.
The true answer was probably random distribution.
Not that it mattered much, since everyone could access the prize, regardless of what team they were from.
Yeah it was pretty cool. Everyday of my life afterward has been a genuine disappointment
Based Peepseter
I like how they were all given personalities based on their appearance/how their team members acted.
>Be Peanut Butter.
>Mini at heart.
what is even going on in that mini image?
>All that Creme envy
But what about stat cards?
I'm talking about something like pic related.
>mini was originally going to be a shortstack but I changed that last minute
I can't believe someone saved that fucking image I screenshotted. Thanks bro, even if it inconvenienced this post.
>I stayed up until 5 am when I had to go somewhere on the 1st.
It's not gonna be as good as last year...
We had the best and the most OC. We only lost because Chocolate and PB ganked us, plus faggot mods cucked to that one Hammerhead Goblina that said she'd leak nudes if PB won
I wouldn't know, despise participating/creating so many princesses I dont actually know anything about towergirls
I just made images to help me remember. I guess that's the difference between Peepbros and Cremeniggers, though
wojak edits are not OC, peepee.
We must take our revenge, cremebros... the grudge must be settled.
I made a bunch of autistic shit for fun
>that one guy losing his shit at surrender threads and spamming doom edits
She's way too beautiful for this site. I bet some neckbeard paid a hooker for this.
>As soon as Creme lost 1st the entire board went to shit
Team Creme truly was civilization.
PB would have 5 Love, 3 Lust, 1 Wealth, and 2 Power but 5 Power and Wealth by the end
Chocolate would have 2 Love, 4 Lust, 3 Wealth, and 3 Power
Peep would have 3 Love, 2 Lust, 4 Wealth, and 5 Power
Creme would have 1 Love, 3 Lust, 5 Wealth, and 4 Power
Mini would have 4 Love, 5 Lust, 2 Wealth, and 2 Power
Based and Peeppilled
this was the only thing I screencapped
>that 17th photo
Truly blessed beyond compare desu.
This is image is as sad as your team
Not nearly as sad as your grammar, nutfag
I remember a lot of people sharing Discords so they could keep up the ERPs after April Fool's ended. Did anyone make a long-term ERP buddy?
>if I keep saying it it's true!
The only good thing about mini was its queen, she at least posted nudes.
Every post is dubs.
Anyone got that last minute Chocolate Toppo what helped PB win?
>yfw this year's April Fools' Day event will be the past three events COMBINED
Honestly though, whatever it is going to be, I hope it destroys Yea Forums as per usual. That is how you know it's a good April Fools' Day event.
Gotta teach those Peeps another fucking lesson
It was rigged the second Venti said she'd post nudes if PB won. Thirsty mods just carried PB and Chocolate after that
Hey uh, can anyone else check the red boards? Yea Forumsd/trash/ whatever. I can't tell if they're broke or if it's my PC.
I can't use the catalogue at all, Style is locked to Yotsuba A, and I can't post in any thread.
>tfw Peanut Butter
>tfw best friend was Mini
>tfw found out that best friend died last year
Which country would you live in?
>Anthony Burch will be a Canadian Creme
My favorite part of PB is that after they won all the drawfags showed them butchering the other teams, including their bro Chocolate.
Peanutniggers are disgusting creatures
Your friend died a loser. You get to live a winner.
>tfw no mini gf
why even live
I thought the joke was everyone saw their own team as winning at the end? Except peeps, of course, because those are disgusting
Is that a question user?
Peanuts always stood by our Chocolate bros.
I think everybody but mini was #1 at some point.
And let's not forget the best part after all of this.
>thinking the winning team would get a reward at all
>clicking the link to confirm your team gets you Rickroll'd
>before peanut win
ok, anyways fuck peeps
Have you not seen the peanut warrior one? He's covered in cremebro, peepfag, and chocolatenigger blood
I was listening to Lil Peep the whole day.
Peanut Butter best all others a shit
>all the other teams ERPing, pornposting or getting into gay alliances
>PeepCHADs making copious amounts of memes and OC
I'll never forget you guys...
Speaking of Peep OC, here's some
Peepchads never die
got mini last april,chage my ip since then sure hope if this happens again i get mini again.
>God Tier
>Top Tier
reminder that chocolates hated peanut butters until they fucking won
picolo no
what if we had harmony on all boards for the entire day
>tfw Peep never surrendered or became the bottom bitch
I remember seeing it and thinking "pls don't be chocolate" and then posting and finding out I was on chocolate. I don't even like chocolate, or rather I don't like dark/milk chocolate.