New vanilla server coming out

>new vanilla server coming out
>want to practice leveling route
>see optimal spawns, maybe see how exploration exp works, try professions
>all of this with high population stating zones in mind
>remember that classic will have sharding

Is there any point to play on this new server since sharding will be a thing I won't have to think about competing for spawns with other players?

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Pretty sure they said it won't have sharding, though I'd need to double check

>Janny literally removed the last thread.


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Will Classic's graphics be the same as the current ones anons?
Not that the current ones are especially detailed but we don't play WoW for the graphics.

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>ywn fuck Alexstrasza

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Will Classic of Wodels? I want a snooty fem gnome

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For what reason do people look so forward the launch of Classic WoW when private vanilla servers serve just as well? What makes it so greatly more appealing, besides perhaps not being plagued by the occasional whisperings of a chinese goldseller?

You asked that twice.

delusional if you think they aren't just going to keep it. This is literally how they shove in all the mechanics people show any resistance to: "Oh don't worry it won't always be there so just stop whining! It's only temporary lmao! Blizzard loves you sweetie we're your friends!" and then it never goes away.

Wrong Data
Corrupt owners/GMs
shit tier community

practice leveling routes for Clasic launch

>Elysium will have the smallest fresh to date

Holy shit how can anyone do this bad?

Sharding is starting zones only

She literally fucks black dragons.

I mean if you have friends then it won't be a problem

No she doesn't fuck them.
She is forced to breed with them.

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10-20 zones as well I think

you don't even have to play with people you know literally just join one of the hundred classic guilds that are already recruiting

The announcement of it only talked about starting zones, so unless they've clarified it, that's what it will be limited to.

Rape is a no-no and it wast retconned in the book that retconned the book that retconned Warcraft lore. She willingly fucks blacks dragons now.

What do you mean by "wrong data"?

you're legit damage in the head if you think sjwzzard hasn't retconned that at least ten times over
garona isn't even a rapebaby anymore, just some nondescript "experiment"

>Holy shit how can anyone do this bad?
I mean you answered your own question


yes they do
no one cares though

didn't the orcs also force breed her in the second war?

Yes and she forgave the Orcs about that.

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Because I'm hoping for them to take a page from Jagex's book and release new, original content in theme with vanilla. If they don't do that or fuck up and start with their bullshit again I'll probably just go to a TBC pserver since that's when the game was at its best anyway. Classic's best bet is to get a team of dorks who have a genuine passion for the game.

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reminder we pick Alliance on Elysium

Not so fast.

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I'll pick Alliance because that tripfag will pick Horde and I want to gank him

No. nu-wow models won't be in classic.

Remember to go gnome. Having his ass kicked by the characters designed around him will be more humiliating.

Sharding wont completely remove every single person in the server, It'll just reduce it. You'll still need to think about spawns and competing with other players.

>Being interested in vanilla in general
>Being interested in WoW in general
>In these dark times when large AAA companies are even more cash-hungry
WarCraft is dead and the people that still play it have no taste.

I want to marry and impregnate a Human

you can download a mod that will change the old models to wod models
but why would you want to play vanilla with updated models ?

There's this lie circulated everywhere that private servers use 'wrong data' for things like procs and such.

They don't deliberately use wrong data, but a lot of proc rates are probably inaccurate.

Not a lie but it's possibly overblown. I can't see how it would put anyone off from playing somewhere if they wanted to play - being worried about burnout with summer coming fast would be a larger concern.
As far as pservers vs classic: finally having stable servers, no corrupt GMs (either actively selling gold/characters or cheating for their in-game friends), working anti-cheat, etc all go a long long way. If you're not a pure neet, the idea of losing all your progress overnight due to the server shutting down or from corpse camping a GM's player character can be a big red flag.

At this point, it almost doesn't matter. Vanilla private servers that don't close will become a ghost town full of 99% russians and chinese this summer whether you like it or not. Even if you're not personally going to abandon your server of choice, most other NA/Euro players are.

>huge demand for classic
>people who want it dont want it changed
>only way to make money off it is to not piss these people off

being money hungry is good in this case

>retards scrambling like roaches on elysium begging for invites
>meanwhile just chillin on K3
have fun kids

>>people who want it dont want it changed
But they already gobbled the sharding turd and were defending loot trading until Blizzard backpedaled.

>Roll Tauren Warrior
>Hit the first plainstrider I see
>It regens health
>I can't kill it
>Close tab

I'll wait for a real server thanks

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No real point because private servers aren't blizzlike. Private servers have dynamic respawns, leading to mobs respawning in seconds. This wasn't a thing in vanilla, and will not be the case in classic. As such, it won't teach you that much.

The most important thing if you want to level fast on a fresh server is 1) playing a lot, 2) adaptability and 3) being lucky. Once you get ahead of the pack, it'll become easier, so it's good to do a 24h session on the first day. Set tactics aren't bound to work at launch. There is a lot of variance stemming from what other people do, if the server shits the bed, so you need to know what your options are and adapt necessarily. And since wow launches have always been riddled with server issues, actually getting in the game and not being disconnected all the time will help you get ahead. There's always that one guy who the server lets through for some reason while you're stuck in authenticating for 15 minutes, only to get disconnected on the loading screen once you think you finally got in.

Well, depending on how nitpicky you are, you could list thousands to hundreds of thousands of bugs for every server, and seeing as that the bulk of the game's functionality is implemented in databases, most of those would be "data". The reason I'm asking is if the poster is thinking about things like proc rates (some are undoubtedly wrong, but that's like a drop in the ocean compared to other advantages contemporary players enjoy) or mob damage or armor values (every mob), which I find largely inconsequential in the context of vanila where tuning is never at the razor's edge.

Now, they aren't meaningless, but I honestly wouldn't consider it a tremendously important issue. If you think about raid tuning for example, as people complaining about "data being wrong" often do (not necessarily in those exact terms), there's no practical difference between trivial Blizzlike tuning (when done by contemporary min/maxers) and even more trivial tuning resulting from bosses having too little armor or bugged proc rate resulting in an extra few dozen DPS or whatever - in either case numbers are an absolute non-consideration in regards to a guild's ability to beat the content and failure will always result from poor coordination, not lacking throughput. Indeed, in this regard you basically can only err to the direction of making things better (more difficult) and as far as I'm concerned, correct values isn't even something to be desired: I think content should be deliberately custom tuned at least to the extent of compensating for 1.12 mechanics

That isn't to say there aren't details (implemented in DBs, so "data") that do affect your actual gaming experience, but I would rate details like RP events, mob placement and pathing, etc far more impactful to the overall experience than whether you kill a boss in 23 seconds or 25, the kind of stuff I see people focusing on when ranting about private servers being wrong, focusing purely on those hundred or so bugs and paying no attention to the hundred thousand ones that still remain. And of course, there are features implemented outside the databases (from batch processing of auras and loot selection system to pathing and the logic by which mobs use their spells and abilities) which are present from level 1 to KT that private servers don't get right. Those aren't "data", yet I think they're the most impactful.

>all of these losers who want to play classic just so they can level the fastest and do 30 year old content that has been done to death
This is why classic will be utter shit, the game was garbage back then but it had a amazing community filled with all kinds of players to enjoy and meet during the journey. modern classic will be filled with the dredges of society, toxic elitest morons who want to be the "best" "first" but were to anti social or shit to accomplish anything or meet other players back in the day.

seriously fucking up the social aspect of the game right off the bat. cant imagine how shitty pvp servers will be.

>going home soon

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[citation needed]

blizzard has only mentioned phasing, but not sharding.

Don't pretend anyone ever bothers grouping up until the hogger zone

>want to practice leveling route

jfc lmao


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>starting zones
You absolute spastic

im talking about the social aspect of the game. first chat you enter will now be people youll never see again.

>blizzard has only mentioned phasing
they literally said there will be no phasing
>but not sharding.
in the same blue post they said there might have to be sharding for the first days following launch

I remember always running over to opposite faction starting zones early on when new servers released back during vanilla live and just having fun doing janky ass lowbie pvp, we were a bunch of orcs held up in the kobold cave in elwynn forest and would tempt retarded humans into hitting one of us by hiding while one stood out alone to flag them 1 by 1

>Is there any point to play on this new server
Doesn't it have dynamic respawns anyways?

Absolute chad.

Oh yeah. And then there will be a demand for TBC. And then for WoTLK. And then people will want Cataclysm...NO. It will be retail all over again. If it will be because how long will people play vanilla? Max 6-8 months? Maybe a year at best. In the end it will be retail all over again.

You know what? I'd rather if they did WarCraft IV at this point, but considering how bad and incompetent Blizzard these days is, not to mention they are autistic over WoW and how they allow a certain Christie Golden to write shit, we'll never see one at all. One that is not tainted with WoW's bullshit and aesthetics. One that can be called an actual WarCraft III successor. I wouldn't be against even re-telling WoW's plots (but with actual sense and Forsaken and Blood Elves not being in the Horde) and transplanting certain characters from WoW that people actually like. But with today's Blizzard that isn't even Blizzard anymore, it's impossible.

>And then people will want Cataclysm

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>Is there any point to play on this new server
Not really. The server is run by notorious gold sellers/scammers but not sure if that even matters that much currently.
However with classic so close it is sort of a waste of time. It won't be the same as classic, the launch will be more of a clusterfuck, and even if your only intention is to "practice" your leveling route, there are too many variables for this to practically matter.
If you just want to fuck around then sure, no big deal. Obviously don't invest too much time if you can help it.
Further, if you're stuck on class/race choices and all that, there are a few other options you can use. Retrowow has instant 60, kronos ptr enables you to spawn levels/gear, and the newer classic version of wowhead has model/character view where you can look at animations/armor/weapons if that's something you need to justify to friends regarding your femnelf.

Do what they did with Runescape 07,

Take everything people liked about runescape back in 2007, Keep what everyone specifically liked about it, then add content ontop of that.

>find high school photo albums
>all my friends left messages about how I should stop wasting my life on WoW
Joke's on you cunts, I'm going home.

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Honestly, i'm just looking forward to taking my time slowly leveling my paladin and having fun.

Can't wait to play with you guys.

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It's fun as fuck and eventually you get a raid of humans training kobolds on each other rushing through the cave trying to find you.

>played wow nonstop from receiving a beta key from fileplanet back in the day, only finally unsubbing after s1 tbc when I realized what flying + arenas had done to the game
>played vanilla private servers for years as soon as I heard of their existance, stopping only because of the final FRESH announcement at blizzcon
This time I'm not going to have fun with it though, Yea Forums is right.

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Trust me, there is no shortage of stupid people.

They could've done that a long time ago. Sadly Blizzard under ActiVision went full bullshit. And by bullshit I mean investors demands, predatory corporate behavior creeping into Blizzard from ActiVision and more.

Better idea. How about your idea + retconning WoW into its own setting while leaving it open for an actual WCIV game. This way they could satisfy everyone.

Reminder that """vanilla"""" servers are just a jumbled mess of guesses of what classic was, and that priv server cucks are gonna be mad when things don't work the same way things did on their awful servers

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No, nobody will ever want Cataclysm.
Vanilla and TBC are completely different games to retail. Wrath is more similar, but the wrathbabby appellation exists because it was the starting point for many, and hence has a nostalgia boost, and it holds enough links to classic that there's a potential reason for it existing.

Cataclysm is different. It's retail with an older coat of paint. There's no reason to play it instead of new retail content.

When do Night Elves generally make their journey from Darkshore to human/dwarven zones via Wetlands? I remember there being barely any quests in Darkshore or being severly underleveled.

>people youll never see again
Wtf are you talking about? Sharding doesn't necessarily mean cross-realm.

OK, I will believe you...for now. But I still want an RTS WarCraft. How many times does one have to replay all three previous WarCraft games?

Especially since it's been explicitly stated there will be no cross-realm.

is it gonna be like 100% like vanilla was ? or will it have new mechanics from the expansions etc ? like the crafting revamps etc... or will it only be graphical

Literally after the starting zone is best 10/11 then go to Loch Modan.

It's also worth noting that Wrath is by pretty much all metrics (popularity of private servers, polls on large gaming websites, peak retail subs...) the most popular expansion and TBC is at rough parity with vanilla. Cataclysm, on the other hand... Demand for the WoW "trilogy" is at a completely different level to demand for Cata, it being squarely in the side of neo-WoW doesn't even need to enter the equation.

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Wake me up when official TBC servers come out.

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what makes you think blizzard still keeps their old databases on how things actually worked back in vanilla considering they didn't even bother keeping the source code?

>what makes you think blizzard still keeps their old databases on how things actually worked back in vanilla considering they didn't even bother keeping the source code?
You're like 5 years too late on that meme, friend.

>friends want to play alliance
>i want to play orc for hardiness
what do i do bros


We're............ we're going home.................

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You destroy your friend and you portal camp him creating the ultimate rivalry.

Play Orc and make new friends
It won't be like retail, people will have to actually interact with each other.

Even better

More people playing due to it being official, the fact that I can actually support Blizz again for providing me with something I enjoy, the lower chance of the server just shutting down, or infecting my computer with some crap.

Wtf is this Elysium Coin Shop? Are they really selling mounts and shit for real money? This is highly illegal for a private server. Blizzard lawyers should rape them up the ass.

Pick your poison user
>RTS based on the newer expansions, so you have suffer with the bad lore
>RTS based on an older expansion, so you have to suffer with bad lore AND content you've seen already
>RTS based on big lore events in the past, where, knowing Blizzard, they'll add some retcons just to make it terrible

There is always WCIII remake.

>Because I'm hoping for them to take a page from Jagex's book and release new, original content in theme with vanilla
Blizzard will NEVER, EVER admit they fucked up with the lore. Its more likely you'll have rolling progression servers, with new blocks of servers being added when a "new" expansion gets rolled in.

Are your friends the type to go the long haul or do they hop around fotm games? Will they play at least 50% as often as you? Contribute to the group? Flake on guilds while you put in the effort to make a decent core?
If any of these answers are bad just roll horde on their server and gank them, that way you can still play together from time to time but they can't ruin it for you.

Red pill me on how the PvP server will be better than the PvE one when you're not playing a good ganking class.

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Holy shit lol don't fucking play on this. Biggest corrupt greedy scumbags in the entire scene.

i've done 1-60 twice almost entirely with one of them

You either gank, kite or troll, or you die. That's all world pvp ever was. Its the biggest meme forced by "classic" players.

>first 5 levels only
The social aspect of that bracket consists of two words, "group" and "inv" as you try to snipe mobs as they spawn.

>new vanilla server coming out
What server

If you have to ask go pve.

>verdant green forest filled with roads, comfy farms, villages, lakes and mines
why would anyone ever want to play as a h*rdenigger and run around in a fucking fallout tier landscape

Mulgore has all of those.

They've keeping everything, including the non gamebreaking bugs, in.

>Play any healing spec
>Be free kill unless you're with the crew at all times

Not all of us get to play a Mage, Rouge, or Huntard user.

Someone has to give your ass Windfury totem at some point.

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yeah and what 15% of the horde players as a tauren? their model is so huge and takes up too much of the screen, and they feel slow as fuck

mulgore lasts for like 8 hours, then you're off to barrens, stoletalon and 1k needles for some more desert shit

who is this pure white flower?

You think Deathwing couldn't get any bettter than this

Malygos was a total bro too.
He just wanted all of those trannies gone

Resto shaman is tanky as fuck and even if you pummel he'll just heal in your face if you don't kill him during the interrupt. I literally got killed by some resto yesterday and I'm almost full bis.

i never did pvp in retail (Wrath-WoD) and really want to partake in Vanilla because it looks really fun but its kind of intimidating.
How hard is it? I'll be playing Warlock, not sure what faction yet. I get that its good to get certain trinkets and stuff, and know certain tricks to your class but what do you actually DO pvp?
I know Battlegrounds exist, and arenas dont, but i honestly have no idea how it works since its not matchmade like i think retail is

30/0/21 Shaman heals fine in both PVE and PVP and can also kills people. Manatide is a meme that only really matters very low gear scenarios like the first push into a raid on a fresh server.

Now, vanilla content is trivial and even the worst servers are going to have a guild clearing raids day 1 so it's not such a big deal, but PvP servers have always had the strongest PvE guilds and broadly speaking attract a more serious and capable kind of players.

Moreover, PvP isn't just 1vs1 ganking. Fights between parties or larger fights in BRM and whatever are just as relevant, and as far as I'm concerned, probably the one thing vanilla actually has going for it over other expansions. Moreover, not being able to be killed on PvE servers comes at inherent downside of not being able to kill, which can be rather infuriating when you're competing for limited resources with the opposite faction (on PvP servers, if you actually need the stuff, you could group up and dominate the area while getting what you need).

I hope not. mid 2000s wow looks better than current disney shit.

anyone fresh rolling on elysium ally?

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>Smallest fresh to date

Gather round and I'll tell you all a story about a place called Everyst.

Who are the biggest Chads of classic WoW, and why is it Paladins?

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Warlock isn't hard at all. Spread AIDS all over with dots and if you're in trouble death coil. Enjoy your top kills. Also alli locks aren't bad at all. It's the nagging feeling that you could've just rolled horde and not have to deal with the bullshit that's the issue.

>download vanilla client
>download vanilla server emulator
>connect with friends
>do actual leveling if you want or just fuck around with a big fucking sandbox you can 100% control
>have 10000x more fun than you ever would with blizzard's fucked up classic relaunch and for free
Solved it.

Anyone who actually played private servers would know every single one claims "100% blizzlike" then proceed to find millions of tiny and not so tiny bugs and exploits on them. Sometimes even exclusive to each server like feenix and their walk up any hills and shit.

Because Paladins/Shamans are faction unique it makes them "special". It gives a shitton of flavor

The 3rd one doesn't seem bad. Also the remake will have Christie Golden working on the plot. Oh, and it's sadly too plastic for my taste.

>looks cool as fuck
>absolutely useless except when healing
I mean seriously I want to enjoy paladin too, but ret is fucking garbage when they have no way to slow an enemy. Its basically impossible for them to kill a hunter with aspect of the cheetah turned on, or a druid. They've got a decent 4s stun and thats it. PvP is just run after someone and auto-attack them

i want to roll alliance because their pve stories just seem better, lore wise and kinda just feels like vanilla was an ally side expansion in terms of writing. but i dont like gnomes that much and undead are coola s fuck. its hard

There's that seal that stops anyone from going above normal speed, I think. With pursuit of justice you'll catch someone if you're in range to hit them with a seal, but I think that's only ever useful against fleeing shamans, druids or rogues.

>PvP is just run after someone and auto-attack them
no paladin pvp in vanilla is spamming flash of light and blessing of freedom on your warrior buddy that decimates everyone around you. if you wanna solopvp roll another class. simple as

What two characters should I focus on? I've got it down to either druid or priest for a healer. For my dps char, I've honestly got no idea. I'm sorta leaning towards rogue, but I've heard levelling and gearing up can be kind of a pain. Warlock seems neat too, but I can only assume the soulshards are going to get annoying pretty fast.

i bet blizzard will ban americans and europeans if they post that

blizzard is so fucked with politics by now

The gnome racial at least somewhat justifies going alli as a lock. I went human lock on elysium and before lvl 40 I regretted it hard.

>pally pvp consists of prepping your warrior bull
sounds about right

luv me bubbles
luv me heals
luv me blessings
luv me stuns

simple as

does this copypasta actually work on private servers?

Desert shit > low poly trees and no sun.

>Why wont people invest their time into server where you can buy fully decked r14 character for sub 1k

That's as retarded as putting kumquats on toast

>the only good spec is healslut
>worst class quests
Top kek

Not him, but who had the best class quests?

Guys I'm scared.

I started in Vanilla, left after WotLK, but when I was subbed this is literally all I wanted to do.
I spent 8 hours a day for weeks farming a pet Whelp to pay for mounts and twink gear.
I would hang around BRD just to MC people into lava.
I would duel people on Zeppelins just to MC them off to make them miss it.

All of this was so goddamn fun, I want to go back, but what will become of my life?

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rogue definitely.

>, but who had the best class quests?
Warlocks and mages

thats seal of justice and that was a TBC change. Only way as a paladin to catch a hunter with cheetah is to hit them with a judgement, HoJ, holy shock, or be mounted beforehand. Alternatively, you could go engineer and have grenades and gnomish net launchers, or just farm the wind elementals and murlocs in westfall for sleep powders and nets

Druid is the faster healer to level and feral/balance are much more annoying to respecc and gear for in comparison to a shadow priest at 60. I'd go Druid/Rogue, why do you want to focus on two characters anyway? Despite whatever you choose you'll likely just end up putting your time into one of them anyway

It doesn't work anywhere.

>demons, robe, scythe

levelling on a fresh server where you cant buy a wand off AH is suffering

>worst class quests
>sick lore
>even sicker hammer
>Press F to pay respect to Uther the lightbringers grave

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The Stratholme quest is the only really cool Paladin quest, others are basically "by goodly boy, drink your soi, let the Hogger breed your wife"

Is there any decent Burning Crusade private serve?

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early alliance zones
>lush green/purple forests that radiate magic
>frozen mountain peaks
>dense forests
>impressive architecture in the form of dams, bridges, forts
early horde zones
>red/brown desert
>nigger huts

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Dragon rape isn't just a "what if" in WoW.

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There is no good private server regardless of expansion

I enjoyed the berserker stance quest quite a lot. The lock ones I don't even remember other the Dustwallow Marsh one where you go into some house and there's tons of arcane elementals there because nobody bothered killing them and they just kept spawning.

I'm going to be really pissed off if I can't use the mounts I paid good money for in Classic WoW. Please support your fans Blizzard.
Let me ride my Celestial Steed.

>Thinks pvp is about doing objectives in vanilla

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>remember that classic will have sharding
worse, they will have loot sharing which will kill pugging and destroy the economy lel

Only for raid instances, not including ubrs and stuff

Up to the point of actually summoning you're basically doing the objectives.

But once you're close you're just pvping like normal, then you summon and everybody groups up for a chad charge.

It very much is when you're farming honor for the ranks.

When you're geared and having fun just dicking around for clips for your PvP cringe compilation, it's not.

Not in dungeons.
If you're pugging a raid you deserve everything you get.

Jun 23rd, it's been confirmed for months you fucking casual

5 man dungeons will be dead-on-arrival unless you're running with friends and can ninja freely.

y-yeah haha i didnt even want to win that BG

>Gather round and I'll tell you all a story about a place called Everyst.
It's worthless to play on a private server at the moment, at least vanilla, but I'm still salty that Everyst got shit on so fucking hard by reddit and /vg/. It was everything they claimed they wanted - nonshit ping, no chinese, no corruption, no p2w, using nost database.
And they screeched and shitposted nonstop about it until it was an absolute meme. And then they go on to continue eating up shit happily from clearly corrupt chinese gold selling servers like Northdale.

To anyone that gives a shit: playing with Yea Forums or /vg/ in an mmorpg is almost always a bad idea, but if you have the opportunity to stay away from the literal fags from /wpsg/ - you would be wise to do so. The reasons would be too numerous to list without summoning a discord e-tranny.

Hammers are fuckin lame, I hope you know that you ape.

I really want to heal this time around, but I'm probably going to be focusing on dungeons due to time constraints and my weird work schedule, so no raiding for now. Thing is, I've never healed before, so I want to keep my options open for a dps class. If I end up only playing one because I like it so much, that's fine. But right now I just don't really know what I want yet. Priest, druid, rogue and warlock all seem pretty attractive right now.

vanilla BGs are just a sidequest turbo autism grind for warriors
proper vanilla PVP takes place around tuber spawns, ungoro devilsaurs, world bosses and blackrock mountain

dynamic respawn better not be in vanilla
its so fucking aids for any quest in an enclosed space like a cave
>gnome warlock quest to get feathers in the troll cave with imp
>kill a troll
>there are 3 more in front of you
>the troll you just killed spawns on top of you 6 seconds later

who the fuck thinks this is a good system

What's the server name

>>red/brown desert
What did he meant by this?
>Elwyn, Westfall and Redridge
>>impressive architecture
Excuse me?

>redridge bridge
>not impressive

yes horde get 1 nice zone which no one even goes to
DUDE le sp00ky forest xD *death metal in the distance*

Are you sure he was deep resto? Any shaman can heal. What was he hitting you with?
Chances are very high that he had no more than 21 in resto.
There are some tankier enh/resto specs but they aren't common. Fun tho if you're into it.
(not arguing btw, just like shaman and i'm curious)
As an example, was he primarily shocking? was he using lightning?

>>redridge bridge
>>not impressive
Well yeah, because back in Vanilla they only restoring the bridge. You could at least use Loch Modan as example
>*death metal in the distance*
Lol fucking wut?
Pre-Cata tirisfal is all about comfy but spooky place and how forsaken trying to establish "normal" life there. Plague Lands is death metal in the distance.
>DUDE le sp00ky forest xD
Missed site, Reddit?

So why does WoW still lock you to a specific server? Why can't you just hop from one server to another? Allowing you to do so fixes the problem of players not liking sharding and the problem of overpopulation on certain servers, since if it's really so bad as to make the game unplayable, you can just switch servers.

And don't give me the "they can't" line, Runescape has had that since the game launched and it's 3 years older than WoW is.

Go priest 100%. Without a reliable ress I wouldn't reccomend druids if you're just planning to heal dungeons, if healing isn't for you shadow is a strong caster and their only real issue (mana) isn't prevalent in a dungeon when you can drink all the time. Priests are super flexible,easy to level and shadow is completely viable for all aspects of the game, especially PvP and you can usually sneak into raids anyway.

People pay money to server hop.
Why would they offer it for free?

because blizzard cannot have the PR of articles saying "world of Warcraft shuts down servers"

they don't want that, and avoid it at all costs, so they lie and kill the game even more by adding sharding

No idea but he's usually ele. But this time he was primarily healing for a couple so could be resto. No doubt he had mostly healing gear though.
>was he primarily shocking? was he using lightning?
No lightning. That's what I'm saying. Spam heals and shock on cd. You just can't do enough dmg to offset the healing even with MS. I'm hitting him for like 400 noncrit with MoM while he's spamming in my face. Probably with pummel, grenade not resisting and fear I could've brought him down but it was close.

5man will not have loot trading

It does and it doesn't. Server merging has become a big thing in WoW, to the point where my server Spinebreaker EU has been merged with about 10 or so different, low pop servers. The AH is cross server now, as are guilds, but trading isn't.

For all intents and purposes, your server is still your server; you are just twinned with a dozen more servers. And I'm pretty sure free character transfer is still a thing, if you wanted to swap from a high pop to a low pop, for some reason.

>So why does WoW still lock you to a specific server?
How will they make money on server transfers if there are no servers? Not even being facetious.

you're an ignorant retard

Why SHOULD they make money on server transfers? They're not doing anything, it's not like it's Ultima online and they physically have to move the data to a different location.

Yeah, I thought priest would be the way to go due to the druid not having a regular ress. I still want to make a dps alt at some point though. It's a toss up between warlock and rogue for me. Warlock has some neat functionality, but it'd be another cloth wearing caster. Rogue has less functionality in groups like the warlock's summon, but I can stealth and be a dickass thief. Not going to be rolling hunter though, I already played one during vanilla.


the very post that announced raid loot trading

You could probably mod them, but I don't know you would want to. The new models have no soul.

Because it makes them money. People accept it.

There is no other reason.

>offer a service
>people pay for it
>"why is this allowed?!"
So this... is the power... of communism...

>People accept it.
and you're retards for doing so

>But we heard your concerns about the potential for abuse of the loot trading system in parties of five. It’s possible that abusive play could take the form of a group of four players colluding to deny loot to a stranger who joined their party as a pick-up. Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know each other.

>Taking that into consideration, we’ve decided that the two-hour loot trading system in WoW Classic will only apply to soulbound gear that drops in raids. Soulbound loot that drops in five-person content will not be tradeable at any time. What we hope to do is to strike a balance between saving players time and minimizing the potential for abuse of the system. We think this approach better addresses the concerns we’ve heard from players on the subject
>Soulbound loot that drops in five-person content will not be tradeable at any time.


Eh if it's just an alt i'd go Warlock. Warlock has amazing class quests and there's obviously the free mount. You could always twink out a rogue but it's up to how you want to play the game, I'm going to roll a priest myself but i'm still jealous of all the utility lock's get. Yeah people like you for applying your stam buff but it pales in comparison to everything a warlock can do

Also, to clarify UBRS

>The answer to the UBRS question is: loot trading will be available in content that has a raid lock. UBRS will not have a raid lock.

>A big part of loot trading (in a 2-hour window) as a solution to a concern is that raid locks require you to wait a week (or 3 days) before you can try again for the loot that was accidentally given to the wrong person.

That's basic common sense. A good sign, but I still don't trust them about Legion servers and sharding.

this in combination with the new content release schedule actually makes me hyped for vanilla. we'll see about sharding, but assuming they're not lying about it strictly being in the starting zone, i'm not too concerned.


>I'm going to speedrun to 60
way to be a moron and ruin the game for yourself.

It's so strange that ret, but especially prot, suck so bad. If there was one class I thought Blizzard would make fantastic in every way before WoW was released, it was Paladins.

Yeah, imagine not taking time to fully enjoy the great combat, amazing story and re-explore the world that you know better than your own town. All of that while getting ganked by the guy that actually rushed to 60.

>wc3 paladin can heal, divine shield and has an armor aura
>only form of damage is autoattacking
seems accurate to me
>wc2 paladin can also exorcism undead
seems accurate to the source material

Attached: paladin.gif (92x137, 34K)

I dunno, doesn't feel like kind of a waste to play another cloth wearing caster, rather than a class with different weapons and armor type? You're right that locks have alot of options though. The only thing rogue really seems to have going outside of dps is lockpicking, which is really minor.

It's too bad they pussied out on making undead players actually undead and not humanoid. I feel like that would flesh out paladins and alliance priests quite a lot and the game would be more interesting.

tfw dinged 10lvl

Only if it worked the other way too
>Orc and Tauren tower over humans, 100% crushing blows, daze and insta-dismount

Undead would be straight up broken in pvp though.

>thought about playing mage for its pvp ability
>realize ranged classes have an inherent disadvantage due to the shit ton of trinkets/consumables that can stun or immobilize an enemy + free action potions

rogues / warriors benefit the most from potions and engineering tools

>user has signed off


only problem with that is it would fuck over other classes. polymorph and sap don't work on undead, and undead are passively immune to fear.

The only people excited for classic are the ones who never played it, because the ones who actually played it know it's shit.

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>paying $15/month for a game that isn't receiving content updates and people have been playing for free for over a decade
Have fun spending hundreds to thousands of dollars over the years *renting* access to the game.

Activision Blizzard fans are some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth.

inb4 that's how it's always been, they need the money, or any other bootlicker bullshit these mouthbreathers tell themselves to ignore the fact they are being taken advantage of because they are desperate to forget their pathetic lives

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So how will they change the honor system?

Because that shit is 100% not going in the way it used to be. At the very least they'll introduce some pause mechanic to the decay.

>and people have been playing for free for over a decade
Hello Cheng

I'm not talking about realism. The abilities were clearly being designed to deal with undead. They could've persisted with the idea and the game would be cooler for it. Instead it's just nah fuck it let's strip paladins and priests of tools to use in pvp, get rid of flavour by removing the ability of the undead to speak in common and make the game more bland.

I don't think so. Shackle undead and way more dmg from paladins in exchange for sap and poly immunity. And wotf is basically fear immunity anyway. Meh I don't know. I'd be interesting in playing it.

The only people who cry about it are retailfags that know they're doomed to be the sideshow and private server chinks who know they're going to get whirred

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Do >we have a guild? What faction?

retail is even more shit than vanilla, but that doesn't automatically mean that somehow vanilla was even remotely good.

The only Yea Forums guilds will either be run by cancerous tripfags, or designed to contain them.

You mean ">we" the discord trannies from reddit and (eight)chan that post on /vg/? They re-roll on every new server, so check their threads.

>ranged classes have an inherent disadvantag
>*Laughs in cone of cold*

Practicing all this seems silly and ultimately something that contradicts wanting to go back to having fun in world of warcraft.

the most faggy of players Yea Forums can offer will always roll alliance for "Min/maxing" with human reputation grind
Don't join Yea Forums or /vg/ guilds, those are tripfags and memeposters
Rather, join a somewhat loose guild and slowly chip away at their hidden power levels

>private servers serve just as well
Have you ever played on a private server?
Thats like saying fucking a 1/10 fatty is the same as fucking a 9/10 model

reminder that a useful dumbass test against undead is to use a succubus' charm on them in a battleground when you're far away.
90% of them will immediately waste WoTF

>sex analogy
Dude, use something that Yea Forums have some experience, like food.

>drink free action potion
>smack you with mortal strike crit for 50% of your health

>has to spend money to win
nice """victory"""

They would also her smash eggs and rub the yoke on her face when she refused to mate.

>drink limited invulnerability potion

>Staff of Westfall is better than Smite's Hammer for Warriors.

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fuck off tranny nigger

what class should i roll to beat the dick-ass rogue that will inevitably try to gank me?

>waaah how dare you use the tools available to you to win
*dabs on your corpse*

Hunters are easily the best at dealing with rogues.

Warlock or Hunter

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PvP in Wow is rock, paper scissors
Warrior is rock
Rogue is scissors
Priest mage hunter druid shaman and paladin are paper

Warlocks are mushrooms

Scissors beats paper
Scissors also beats rock
But then rock hits level 60 and becomes an unstoppable killing machine, so rock beats scissors and also paper
But scissors are invisible, so rock can't find scissors

So scissors avoids rock and beats paper
And that is called balance

all I lost was some time, you literally lost money

Dwarf Warrior or Hunter will beat 99% of the rogues out there just fine.
If you want to beat the really good perplexity tier rogues then you're going to have to git gud yourself.

t. goblin

Play with your friends hving a 30% stub resist, or any racial for that mattet will only make your experience marginally more fun. Playing with friends will make it like twice as fun.

Orc or Dwarf rogue, duh.

How gear dependent are Warrior tanks during leveling in dungeons? Can i tank if i have agility leather on? Do i just blame the healer?

another rogue

Chill out bros


Youre full of shit

would you mind sobering up before posting again?

Why would you do it twice in such a short time period? The whole deal is to experience the leveling and and exploring feel in Vanilla.
Especially since they will start on the 1.4 progression patch. You can level to 60 in 3 months and it won't make any difference.

Unless you want to be an autistic retard and can pretend you are better than anyone else being slower because you had no other success in real life lmao.

Real shit? How so?

You know full well the one thing they'll change is the honor system. I wouldn't be upset if they didn't, but I have a hard time believing they wouldn't.

As someone who did 12 and 13 on different characters, I'm definitely not going to do it again if the system is the same way it used to be. Back then I was a high school kid and could just consistently grind it out week after week. Now, as an adult, I'm not even going to try if one sudden work trip is going to make me lose like three weeks of grind.

Well doing it twice in a short period is fine, but every time I follow a guide it doesn't feel fun. I want to have fun this time and just level even if it means doing the wrong things for the sake of fun.

That system was shit. Literally every single rank 14 shared accounts.

Work is temporary, rank is forever

It's 3.80 Smite is 3.60 also spirit is way more useful early game

zoom zoom

for me, its because in my gaming experience I find that free games are mostly played by poor lower class people or children. While $15 isn't a huge entry barrier, it's at least something.

Why do you care if the people you're playing with are poor? For me it's to get rid of foreigners and have everyone speaking English.

Only retards use the mod. The models aren't exact so it's just a texture pasted over a model that it doesn't fit. Most of them look fucking retarded.


Reminder that this needs to be playing on repeat during Heigan

Anyone have any calling out of work for WoW?

Is playing a Night Elf rogue dumb? I'm seeing a number of them on Northdale, but it seems like a waste of a racial ability since Rogues can already go invisible.

Not particularly. Tanking (in vanilla, particularly at low levels) is more about control than mitigation - being able to quickly dispatch the most threatening mob through focus fire instead of trying to handle the lot of them running amok reduces damage the party takes. Even after level 40 and being able to wear plate, a sizable portion of your armor comes from shield, and prior to that, warriors really aren't that durable at all even if you wore all mail.

Shadowmeld increases your effective stealth level on rogues and druids in addition to the stealth effect

Arenas specifically, I agree.
>Kalgan makes sure his warrior is #1 in every team comp
>PvE designer wants in, druids are buffed
>2s now dominated by this duo comp
>PvP balance is now dictated by the arenas and whichever dev has the most influence with their character
Damn I wish people in the forums had the sense to archive their own findings. Everything was leaked over the years and linked to which dev played which class and who was teaming up with eachother.
I think it was tigole that played a mage and then within a season it was crucial for 3s success to have one for high rating.

i'm literally changing my entire life style to fit around this release, user

I hated how in TBC, and to lesser extent Wrath onwards that class balance became warped around arena.

So i can tank in my agility gear as long as i have shield

Do you people think the launch is gonna be anything but a total disaster?

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You can tank dungeons (especially low level ones) naked if you want to.

Having a total disaster of a launch would be the most accurate way of launching Classic.
Archimonde was down for what.. two weeks straight?


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You can play Classic casually perfectly fine.

I use to play on Arthas with mute guy was hilarious and such a joy to listen to in vent.
fuck this makes me feel old as hell

Do you make your anus available solely for Warriors or do you enjoy every class equally?


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I hit rank 14 and I never shared my account but I was also on the last batch of new servers so the grind was nowhere near what the launch servers went through with cheaters and mega losers pushing insane honor, first guy on our realm to hit 14 was a little nuts but once he finished it was comfy for the rest of us, I also hit rank 13 the week they introduced cross server BG queues so being able to fight people at anytime with my premade made pvp actually fun for that last stretch then I got my claymore and just cleaved through people daily till BC launch most fun I ever had in a MMO.

I will never do that shit again and I had it on easy mode.

>what will become of my life
You're current life is a lie, come back home, bro.

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I enjoy being available to all classes equally.

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Priest is more well rounded in that case. Having both a cleanse and a dispel as well as a wider variety of spells in general to serve a greater variety of needs.
No Priest + X combo devastates anuses quite as badly as a tryhard duo of Dwarf Paladin + Gnome Warrior, but that is the price you pay for being the town bike.

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>tfw hate discord trannies but also want to be a buttslut tank for my dom healer

based misdirection shill

what if we use ventrilo instead of discord?

Know what would be neat but never happen.
They do a new timeline where Horde stay actual smash rape orc like and the horde move to a more evil role in the world while the alliance has more strife among the kindoms of man and drama between the other races of the alliance.
And then the draenei are introduced better and the Blood Elves are brought in to cause more issues in the horde with them clearly thinking they are superior.
Some of the old lore meshed real well but slowly got rewritten in an attempt to be more friendly to all viewers instead of staying consistent and more grimdark.
I think the game needs that grimdark to feel more alive and not trying to make one side this weird morally grey while the other you can't stop making the good guy so you just make all the leaders limp wristed at every turn.

Bring REAL drama back to the World of Warcraft like gorrosh did.

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It would still be pretty fucking gay

>Nightelves and Tauren split off into their own treehunger faction
>Varian is never found, instead Garithos takes over as regent and turns Anduin into a hard racist chad rather than a futa goatfucker.
>Orcs go full MDK again under the reigns of Garrosh
this is my dream scenario for a vanilla fork of WOW

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Lorefags should be gassed, the only thing that matters is making a fun game.

>remember that classic will have sharding

Brainlets need not reply

Anyone know the BGs situation? Will it be cross realm or what?

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>but I was also on the last batch of new servers
Guess it was possible in new/low pop servers. Still, the system is gayer than OP, since it rewards poopsocking instead or being good or even, at least, constant.

How much does it matter if I go human priest over dwarf priest if I'm probably not going to do raids much, if at all?

>i don't want to read actual good literature
>i play mmorpgs instead
Yikes kys

They haven't confirmed it either way, but the 1.12 patch is also when they added crossrealm battlegrounds. Since they seem very adamant about nochanges with very few exceptions (right now sharding in starting zones and probably a rework of the honor system) I'd bet on CR BGs being in

They havent said much about pvp in general. In the content plan update that came out recently, there wasnt even any info about pvp available.

Not bad but i want the UD to be evil and i want the orcs to remain the HORDE not some watered down diddus.
Trolls being loyal to the orcs can still work and if they want to have the tauren be more independent or just go full smash that is good either way.
Blood elves should only work with the horde because they hate the alliance or they want to achieve there own goals not the middle ground "We owe it to slyv" bullshit.
You're in a mmo thread
Why are you brainlets even here
Shoo shoo go back to school and learn to read.

That's on you user. Dwarves offer more than just Fear Ward, Stoneform is also the best support racial in the game.
Vanilla really isn't a game to take that seriously if you're not naturally the 'tryhard' type though. The PVE content was originally cleared back in the day with a much less skilled playerbase and there is nothing equivalent to rated PVP. If you feel as though you'd enjoy playing Human more then you should go Human.

>back to school to get on a reading level of an mmo fan
Again kys. People who like to read don't read mmo stories, you mong

>pretended "lorefag"
>can't even tell the difference between the old horde and thrall's horde
>still wants belves in it
Consider suicide.

We have to save that fried chicken booth befor it's replaced with an arcade game.

Every time a vanilla WOW thread comes up I feel the need to listen to 90s/early 2k cheesy metal/punk music. The intro to warcraftmovies videos is permanently etched into my mind.

I'm not tryhard, no. My main ambition would be to heal the entirety of blackrock spire, DM, scholo and stratholme. Any raids I do will be super casual, but I probably won't be bothering.

And you're basing this off of? oh right NOTHING but you wanting to be a contrarian for (You)s because you're pathetic ass has no one else to talk to.
I'm sure you enjoy thinking thrall diddu nuffin and you enjoy retail story you faggot.
The old horde is the real horde and fuck you for thinking your watered down retail story is good lore.
Have you tried to eat a box of nails for being such a faggot?

Who's even defending WoW's lore, you retard? I'm talking about WC3, a game with bad but fun story.

Give me a quick run on Elysium

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God I am currently leveling all classes to 5 on whateverdale to stop my fucking Classic hype, but it's having the opposite effect. I am not gonna play this trash server for real, but fuck I am feeling it.

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I got an extra 4 days carried over from last year specifically for it.

>tfw PvP server shitters will ruin my Horde PvE realm instant queue times

Fucking bandwagoning PvP fucks overpopulating the horde and ruinin' it for everrryonnneeee! Even on the PvE server!


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Everyone takes advantage of Stoneform.

And then they get hit by that Ungoro Silithid disease and it's all over.

Very rarely saw this happen on my server in vanilla. It was first come first serve with the other faction not interrupting, though in the case of a wipe, it'd be the other raid's turn if there was one.

you just reminded me of those gargoyles in EPL that would debuff you with the poison that made you take 100% less healing from all sources and also damaged you over time

botnet and corruption, don't bother.

source me up please

vanilla content is not approached in TYOOL2019 as it was when it was brand new user.

I completely agree with you and if I had to deal with the insane honor amounts the older servers had I would have stopped the moment I hit officer rank for the mount.

But yeah fuck doing that again and fuck modern classic because it will have a awful community filled with e-celebs, their fuckbois and elitest fucktards.

>Undead are not chosen at level 1, instead you have to start as a Human and go through an optional quest which turns you Undead. Proper undead like WOW beta with the 'Undead' tag rather than the 'Humanoid' tag
>Undead don't have a faction, can attack anyone including other Undead. Hostile to both Alliance and Horde NPCs
>Your only allies as an Undead are your guildmates
expand upon the wrath event

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I'd play it. That wrath event was fucking fun, particularly all the whining from faggots about their alts not being able to level.

Daily reminder that Classic will be dead on arrival.

Retailfags will hate the lack of modern MMO conveniences. Nostalgiafags will leave once they remember how shit classic actually was.

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I wish they'd bring it back for one day during Hallow's End. And to stop people from flying away, make infected players wraiths. Call "Night of the Spirits" or something.

>Retailfags will hate the lack of modern MMO conveniences. Nostalgiafags will leave once they remember how shit classic actually was.
Is that why 12k+ have been playing on a single vanilla server at once for the last several years?

>even considering playing on Elysium
why are people so god damn stupid

>you think you do, but you don't

>playing on private servers to get practice for classic

Absolute retard. That private server is literally p2w. You buy XP tokens and fly to max level and then shit on non-payfags because its forced PvP. Not to mention no Warden so it's bots galore. Private servers are dog shit.

Just wait for classic.

In hindsight, the whining was really a sign of what was to come.
They couldn't appreciate a nice, thematic event that they'd never experience again. They only cared about their dailies.

>ostalgiafags will leave once they remember how shit classic actually was.
It's simply not classic, there's too many changes. No secrets either, everything is completely in the open, every strat already out there. I remember when people were fighting for progress on every god damn boss in BWL; FtH cheesing Chromaggus and Orcish Empire/Tia'ra getting the first horde kill on Nef.
Jesus christ, there was acutal pride for the server you were on, what an unthinkable concept these days with the lobby shit everywhere.

I have alot of hope in Ion, he's one of the people who understands what the players want

That's the thing. It will be impossible to recapture the feeling of playing vanilla WoW for the first time.

Anyone who tries will just be disappointed

It will be popular at first because of all the eceleb shilling at least

This is retarded except for forsaken being proper undeads for paladin and priest spells.

>be pvpfag
>think about playing classic
>remember premades completely destroy any pvp scene
>blizzard hasn't said anything about stopping this and probably doesn't even know about it

try 1v1 games

Attached: cask.jpg (400x400, 38K)

>self-proclaimed pvpfag
>complain about grouping up to be competitive in pvp

Paladin, make them work for their honor then bubble and hearth.

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It's weird. I have a very vivid memory of raiding Crossroads in vanilla WoW, shortly after EU servers were released, and I was level 20-something-to-30. I remember fighting an undead warlock a higher level than me and owning him because I could cast exorcism on him. But all the patch documentations and everyone else knows undead stopped being undead in beta, which ended like half a year before that. So how do I remember it so clearly?

Another WoW Classic general thread on Yea Forums and another chance to add a bunch of wojack and frog images to my ever-expanding mute list.

What's with you children and your fucking reddit meemees? If you unironically played Classic, you should be in your late 20s not fucking 10 years old.

So if I'm going horde PvE healer my only real option is Shaman right?

There's going to be a million UD Priests and Druid is just...druid.

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t. 19 year old that discovered Yea Forums in 2015 but larps as a veteran

That's the thing. I've hit r14 on nost and kronos2 so I know exactly what I'm talking about when I say premades destroy pvp. If you have never gone for a high rank you have no idea what it is really like. You probably assume you have competition when you premade, you don't. You wait in line to sit in a battleground afk for 5mins against a group of people who have no chance and know they have know chance so give up the second they see it's vs a premade.
You will NEVER have a premade vs premade as every premade dodges each other and any that don't will never get to r14 as fast as ones that do.
There is absolutely nothing fun about sitting afk for 16-20 hours a day farming honor against people who are also afk.
Any players who attempt to pug will be met with endless waves of premades since they are all dodging each other.
Everyone I've known who has hit r14 absolutely detests premading afterwards but it's what you MUST do if you want to hit it.

troll priest, mon

dumb asuka poster

>Reddit spacing
>What's with you children and your fucking reddit meemees?
If this isn't bait, you might wanna lurk moar

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Nice try, Hayden. I discovered Yea Forums back in 2004. You weren't even born yet.

Tauren Druids are cool

>complains about ''''''reddit spacing'''''
>captializes his greentext
Aww, the phoneposter from reddit thinks he people.

Have you followed any of the classic stuff they have spoken about? Spell batching? Loot Sharing? Etc. They do seem really on board with making it an authentic experience so sharding should not be in game past first few days.

drop me a windfury totem you slut
30/0/21 shaman is unironically fun, swap between blasting dudes to saving dudes on a per GCD basis. Its the only hybrid that successfully pulls off a hybrid playstyle in Vanilla

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>Implying proper sentence capitalization is phoneposting

Attached: implying.png (5760x1080, 54K)

You make a compelling argument.

>subtly stopped using reddit spacing

With the right mix of tier sets, Shaman has the best healing throughput and mana efficiency in the game

Your T1 set bonuses are insanely OP, and 3/8 T2 also is good

So even if you hit R14 and get Grand Marshal's Claymore, warriors are still shit without a healer backup right?

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Is there much difference between priest and pally healing?
How fucked are priests in PVP?

To be fair, capitalized greentext is a sign of newfaggotry.

Yes. Paladin only has single target heals with cast time. Priests have a lot of variety. Aoe heals, both instant and with cast time, hot, shield, and normal single target heals. Paladin is the more efficient one, but priest is more flexible.
Not at all fucked. Healers are very desirable in BGs, and priests are on par with paladins if not better. And spriests are pretty good 1 on 1.

Priests aren't fucked in pvp at all, they're vital. You can't succeed in team fights without dispel magic and heals. You need priests, badly.

thanks. Nice to know priests aren't too bad 1v1.
Paladins will have to wear cloth, right?

What type of PVP situation are we talking about here?
In very large fights Warriors need healers because they're frontline without the escape tools of Rogues. In small scale/1v1 stuff Warriors are fine without healers, but you need to be creative and have Engineering. ideally be a gnome
Watch some Monkeynews PVP compilation if you want to see what a fairly good Vanilla Warrior looks like. Most of his footage is solo play.

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Fuck gnomes, just chug free actions.

>In small scale/1v1 stuff Warriors are fine without healers, but you need to be creative and have Engineering.
this doesn't make sense
>warriors are fine
>you just have to be really good
by definition they're not fine then if they require a skilled player behind the wheel just to survive

It's why we can't have anything nice in mmo's. And why pre-expac events are boring "here's some free gear and level up" stuff now.

I thought the Legion pre-expac event was pretty fun. Invasions everywhere with mobs that could actually kill you

I wouldn't want Cataclysm remastered, but I would definitely want Cataclysm remade. Keep the class design + mechanics (minus slight tweaks here and there), keep the polished gameplay, keep T11 and T12 raids, keep the hard heroic dungeons, but add in cut content like Abyssal Maw (maybe add that to T12), remake Dragon Soul, and redo everything else to be more like Vanilla in terms of gameplay, progress, social life, etc. No old world flying mounts, no LFG, no LFR, no linear questing, no CRZ or sharding, etc.

Cataclysm had a lot of potential, and easily had the most fun launch out of any expansion to date. It was Blizzard's poor planning, poor management, and eventually, poor vision that ended up destroying the expansion.

I don't even remember Cata, MoP, WoDs, or BfAs. BC had the most boring, but I give them a pass because hey first expansion and all that.

lol no you didn't LARPer

I want the updated druid forms+spirit wolf at least.

Cata was putting sandbags in SW and killing a stupidly easy boss with four other retards. MoP idk. WoD was iron orcs in Badlands. BFA idk. All range from terrible to ''pretty bad''

to clarify: it's quite obvious you're at that stage of using Yea Forums when the honeymoon phase of loving everything about it is over but still haven't gotten to the phase where you've accepted the fact that the site is trash and will never get better and only use it to laugh at dumb stuff on it
there is literally no way in hell you've been on this site for more than 4 years, and that's something anyone who has been here for more than a decade can see
>h-hey you guys I have all your frogposts filtered haha u mad I'm ignoring your cancer!
cringe and bluepilled my dude

So Wrath and Legion were the only good pre-launch events basically?

Don't wear cloth in pvp. Also priests are imo the only healer that really needs a group to do anything. They aren't nearly as tanky or mobile as the rest. And when you're grouped you need peels badly so you'll want to macro /say messages to get your team to help you.

Purgable, you can't rely on it. Plus its not a one or the other, you can use a FAP as a Gnome. Relying on a healer to dispel you forces an additional GCD used by them to take care of you when you're in a situation where you can't use your own GCDs due to being CCd as a pure melee class. Even if you're full health chances are someone else on your team needs healing such as another healer being focus fired.
I suppose if you consider creativity to be a difficult skill. What separates okay Warriors and good Warriors has very little to do with mechanical aptitude as it might with other classes such as Rogues. Instead it is all decision making. Again, I find MN's videos to be the best for showing new-to-vanilla players what makes the class special. He has a lot of scenes where he is sitting at sub 1k health versus multiple ranged dps with intercept on cooldown and survives + kills them through really fast and intelligent decision making. Most Warriors come across a Mage and just bend over and accept what is coming because "hurr mage versus warrior" or whatever.

>you're at that stage of using Yea Forums when the honeymoon phase of loving everything about it is over but still haven't gotten to the phase where you've accepted the fact that the site is trash
Not that user, but I wound up here in 2009. I'd say my honeymoon period was from then to 2014, then everything just got worse and worse. To this day I still think that 2010-2013 was a nice quiet Silver Age.

Did you play Vanilla? Try beating a discipline priest 1v1. Healers are excellent duelists and can shit on people that try to gank them.

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>launch heroic dungeons
>stupidly easy
what timeline are you from?

>mfw just hit level 60 on elysium and now I don't have to play blizzard's shitty 8-years-too-late attempt at classic

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Had an AB match today when I was 2v2 against a holy priest and some other guy and the score was at 1980 when we started fighting. So I think maybe he'll survive. Nope. Just a little boop and I crit him for literally his entire hp bar and the game ends. None of the other healers are this fucked unless maybe druids if you catch them outside of bear form.

Man tons of people in this thread who never played Vanilla. Ret or Reckoning paladins are top tier in PvP, and hunter is ez if you are reckoning spec, and should 100% die in one HoJ + Hammer. Also you speak as though Engineering isn't a requriement in pvp, EZ with grenades.

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A pvp spec hunter can have very high HP and defenses. How does a ret paladin do 5-6k burst when all they've got is their judgment and auto-attack?

Never played vanilla but I loved playing Shaman in tbc. I've got no problem healing pve content but I don't want to be a healslut in pvp and I really like 1v1 world pvp.
Which class would you recomment to me?

ele or ench shaman?

How about not having the threat of my hard work/characters being deleted every year or so based on the whims of some fat losers or a rat lawyer from Blizzard?

Google reckoning, it's a strong talent in Vanilla World of Warcraft for the Paladin Class.

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yeah I know what reckoning is, it's a fucking meme, just like PoM pyro. are you saying ret pally doesn't suck because you can stack it 5 times before an engagement?

Yes, reckoning is a very strong protection talent. That doesn't answer how ret paladins deal damage.

You can build 5 stacks in the fight spamming FoL on yourself and /sit during pet attack, Stun Divine Favor holy light full heal for no mana, ZHC Reckbomb if they arent in HoW range, just grenade and auto attack once. Orc hunters are another story, granted. And It's not like it's an insta win for the paladin, it's actually a very good fight with lots of points the two can outplay each other.

Are you speaking about pve only? Then yes, you're correct, and sorry for getting that mixed up. But for PvP you definitely aren't locked into playing just a healer.

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The /sit shit won't work in classic
So you're going to be even weaker on classic

>gradually introduced to larger and larger player populations a you level, world feels full even if decline in total player numbers is steady after hype wears off until a solid base is established.


>Dwindling player populations for a 15 year old game force servers to constantly consolidate as time goes on, gating some players from playing together but not others.

I'd rather shard faggot.

a few comments on ret paladins
>gearing them will be tough because they do some of the worst dps in the game
>they're extremely boring, autoattack and chase people is your bread and butter
>no way to slow the enemy, all you have is a flat +15% speed increase that may or may not prevent them from getting away
basically their only good point is that they can reset the fight 2 times (bubble+heal and lay on hands) but even then they can still lose. absolutely shitty class

Would this work as a hybrid reckbomb/healer for pvp?

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great build if you want to be a useless piece of shit
paladins aren't a hybrid, they're only good at healing. making a failed hybrid into even more of a hybrid is probably the dumbest thing you can do

You can't be the jack of all trades
This isn't Wotlk
You need to pick being a Ret paladin or a Healer
You take on additives in other trees but only to help the spec you're shooting for

>dropping your entire energy pool
>probably doesnt have thistle tea keybound
what a nobhead

No it hasn't, they have not made any announcement.

there isnt such a thing as a hybrid healer
but the spec is alright if you're running with a warrior, healer and yourself
dont believe the people who think deep ret is viable

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The rogue did about 2500 damage, assuming the paladin has a very conservative 5k health, he's barely at 50%. Thistle tea wouldn't do shit.

being THIS autistic

I don't know how Classic will be lootwise, but in my old PvP guild, Paladins were able to spend DKP on DPS gear, as it was a pvp guild and not a progression raiding guild, just depends on your focus m8
your second point is indicative of someone who never played paladin, that's fine, but there is so much more going on, You have ALL of your utility as well, are you speaking stritctly duels? Also are you talking ONLY about Pure Ret spec? Because that isn't even close to being their best melee Spec, Unless you have ridiculous gear, Ret/Reckoning is better and IMO the most fun Spell Holy/Reckoning is much better. You are thinking of them as a warrior.
No slow is a big weakness of the class, but you have freedom+POJ and of course, grenades, skull of impending doom, many ways to cover weaknesses if you are a creative player.
But from what it sounds like, you just wanna play a warrior homie, that's fine they are a great class.

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the thistle tea is so he can guarantee a blind after the pally trinkets since he's too dumb to stay above 15 energy

Paladins are free kills for anything that isn't a warrior. Your only hope is that your opponent gets too bored burning through all your defensive cds and decides to go do something else instead.

male or female nelf warrior?

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Then what? He does his pathetic tickle combo again and dies after wasting a blinding powder?

>/sit during pet attack
will you retard paladins get it into your thick fucking skulls that this is not blizzlike and will not be on official servers already?

just drop all the points from ret and put them into holy


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Don't listen to these clowns, Holy Reckoning is amazing in PvP and the playstyle of playing supportive as a healer until you build 5 stacks, and then bursting is very powerful. Even with mace/shield the damage is very significant and doesn't cost globals. With spell dmg(which you will have playing a healer) SoR will hit super hard 5 times.
However your build is incorrect
Here's a basic version, with lots of flex points such as spiritual focus vs divine strength/intellect.
And you will have a raid spot for BoS.

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>your second point is indicative of someone who never played paladin, that's fine, but there is so much more going on, You have ALL of your utility as well
utility by definition cannot be the bread and butter of a class, it's a utility used in certain situations. granted paladins have a lot of it

we all know how paladins work. you judge every 7 seconds and auto-attack inbetween. thats it. then stun on the 45s cooldown and use utility as needed. boring AF not to mention low dps and shitty. pally is only good in duels where they can't run so your ability to prolong a fight means you win

>basic comprehension
Pick one

read again

grats user :)

>righteous fury
for what reason

seriously is that how rogues play? I thought they were about huge ambush and backstab crits. stunning someone and doing lots of little damage and hoping they don't wreck you once they escape stun seems like shit

>Retfags join the thread
>Thread IQ drops 20 points

nice gz

what server

why should I play Classic when it doesn't have this?

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>can hear the human going "aahh AAHHH ahhh" as he gets hit in my head
>can also hear the janky ass "wooosh WOOSH" sound from redemption
>ending with the "ehhh eh EHHHH" undead death sound
yup thats vanilla pvp

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>tfw going to BURST on Alliance scum in a few months
Feels good, bros

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>stunning someone and doing lots of little damage and hoping they don't wreck you once they escape stun seems like shit
That is how rogues play in "fair" 1v1. You can avoid pretty much all those fights since you're invisible. Just go for low health target, clothies or people drinking.

definitely can take that out, it's just if you want to tank 5 mans for whatever reason, i tried to make this the most versatile and least focused version of the build.

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don't mages shit on rogues though? come to think of it, is mage the class that shits on the greatest number of other classes?

Well what would YOU do if you won?
Respect the consent and feelings of those you have defeated?

>free kills
>in Vanilla

any Paladin who dies in open world PVP should hand in their Paladin licence

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la luz extinguida...

that build literally gives Rogues PTSD

Mage and Hunter have been really really consistent across all expansions, hunter not having too much burst and mage being really tough but powerful/rewarding to play

male night elves are unforgivable

excuse me
that was retconned

she just said yes to bbdc

>With spell dmg(which you will have playing a healer)
um, this is not wotlk+

I'm not an expert but I'd rather fight a mage than a warrior or a hunter.

He doesn't know that because he's another "Wrath Classic Master"

>Alexstrasza was raped by Orcs/Black dragons in the second war
How to out yourself as a lorelet 101. She was forced to breed with other captured reds.

Semantics, your 'utility' is most of your class, cleansing, freedoming healing appropriately, is something you think about way more than damage abilities. Unlike Retail, you don't have a bunch of "this strike does damage!" moves, i know it's confusing and different. So by your logic things like Charge, Hamstring, KS, freezing trap etc. shouldn't be a factor in a classes playstyle. This is opinion only, the simplistic damage style a paladin has leaves him his globals to cast his wide array of spells during combat. I couldn't think of a more surface level perspective than yours.

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having played a mage in vanilla and the old expansions, the only classes that are a real pain in the ass to go against in 1v1s are hunters and warlocks. Hunters being your arch nemesis through out wow pretty much all the way up until retail. Sure, you can fuck them with their deadzone, maybe. If they aren't BM and don't have scattershot or grenades and don't engage you at range with aimed shot. Maybe.

Warlocks just outlast you.

I'm sorry BBDC offends you but facts are facts.

Fuck off to /wpsg/


Know what my favorite classic memory is? When WoW threads were banned on Yea Forums.

definitely going black bull again, just gotta decide between druid (again) or shaman this time

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You said this in the other wow thread as well
I think your hurt ass is bleeding now

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Well I know WoWdrones have memory problems. So I'm just reminding everyone.

make a warrior and tell healers to prep you.

I know your bleeding ass is getting on our carpet so how about you leave
maybe is more your speed

Nigger if you don't like Classic discussion why not just hide the threads?

I don't like WoW, period. You faggots forgot your place.

Shaman is great and you'll be a thunder cow

Yeah is your home

Right, I mean I get it, but that didn't really answer the question. It takes far less effort and would likely cause you less stress to just hide the thread. I mean you're making 0 inroads here. What do you even hope to achieve? Just hide the thread and let people discuss the things 'they' like.

>utility is most of the class
yeah, almost like it's meant to be a healer? hmm...
thanks for admitting it's shit
didn't read the rest


>join Yea Forums guild
>its full of trannies and tranny orbiters

literally every time

Literal Mongoloid just saying whatever words of the English language happen to enter their skull.
You don't spawn in Vanilla with full redemption, infact you are still going to use 3 piece Marshal for HoJ cooldown, all of the pieces have spell damage. You don't fucking where pre-raid bis cloth shit either in pvp, You are going to be using mostly judgement and Marshal set for 90% of the game. And it's worth the small reduction in plus healing for extra damage.

Even if you had only +Healing gear for some dumb fuck reason on and SD, you only need to equip a ZHC to have significant amount for burst.

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Just finished Exous and RE2make. Someone please recommend a game to help stave off the crippling emptiness inside as I wait for classic.

>You faggots forgot your place
Lord of Autistic Man Children: The Post.

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>healthstone + voidwalker sac
how can anyone survive against this 1v1 though? their dots will kill you by the time you kill them

Yep. I played a Paladin in vanilla for raid progression (AQ and Naxx really). I also played a Hunter for open world gank fun.

If you saw a Paladin and they were alone, you plink them to get them out of the zone. If you saw a Paladin in a group, you plink them first to draw bubble, leave, and if they haven't hearthed you gank them first. But most of them hearth if they have to bubble. Then you gank their Warrior ruthlessly.

THE chad class

I guess this nigga doesn't even stealth when he plays rogues, he just uses Sinister strike and evi

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Yeah warlocks are pretty busted in 1v1.

that build looks like a real fun causal wpvp build. I like it.

Going Homeo

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I enjoy looking for stupid player names
I hope people will make fun names and blizzard fucks off with the robot report

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I hope they take out all accents in classic. How does it even work in retail if you want to /invite someone?

*crk shww*
amen brudda
absolute perfection

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>spoonfeed me I can't type alexstrasza's name into paheal

you just right click the name.

>right click
Like always even in classic they had altcodes

you can shift click their name in chat to paste the name in to the text field

What a fucking retard you are, seriously

You need to reflect CoT. Then pop everything and hope you outdps him. If he has a felhunter just run away.

Druids and Warlocks have a ton of flavor as well. I remember this one Alliance lock quest where you had to poison a notable politician because he was close to exposing the secret hideout they had under Stormwind

I want to play burning. What do?

Why do zoomers think that World of Warcraft is a MOBA?

Because that's literally what retail WoW is.

Epic fun server :D

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Imagine a new MMO coming out and advertising that it was never going to be updated, and people were actually excited about it.

Yes, the industry today is shit

>he doesn't have the entire alt+numpad charmap memorized

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Weird way to spell jew propaganda.

That's too bad. The point of WoW Classic was to be a living history of one of the most important and influential games of all time. Like one of those towns you can go to where people dress up in old clothes and re-enact the old ways of life.
Instead it's going to be yet another esports game.

Imagine a game coming out where the devs said if they ran out of ways to make the game better they would stop updating the game so it'll remain in the best state possible.

>supporting le giga kike company
Old blizzard is long gone now it's just a corpse puppeted by Activision.
>infecting my computer with some crap
You have to be braindead for that to happen while downloading the game itself - it's been out for 15 years and there is no crack required for it to work.

I liked the hunter ones. Can't beat the tame pet quest.

Don't you talk shit about Westfall faggot. I'll gank your ass in the Barrens.

Are there any classes that can raid and PVP equally or near-equally as effectively with the same spec?

Is the sharding temporary or permanent?



Ele/Resto Shaman, Paladin, Hunter to a lesser extent.
They won't be at literal 100% effectiveness in PVE but no one will know the difference