What makes games like WoW, runescape and ffxiv better than other games? There must have been hundreds of MMOs released since these have been released, and yet these are the ones that are still being played? To me, they look like shit. Bad graphics and most boring grind gameplay ever. They seem skilless.Surely better games must have been made than these.
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stopped reading there. kill yourself
How much feed could a feedsneed sneed if a feedsneed could sneed feed?
WoW and FF14 were mmos made from well established IPs and backed by multi billion dollar companies. Of course people still play them, if you look at both now theres nothing really special that separates them from other moder mmos.
10 chucks
casuals, dumbed down Everquest
casuals, dumbed down Ultima Online
casuals and weebs, dumbed down FFXI
>What makes games like WoW, runescape and ffxiv better than other games?
All of those games had established communities that slowly grew.
WoW had the Warcraft 3 crowd, Final Fantasy 14 had Final Fantasy 11, which in turn had the Final Fantasy crowd and Runescape - since it was free - had the "my first MMOG experience" crowd behind it (much like maplestory)
This is also the reason why most MMORPGs died a fucking painful death after they attempted to clone WoW and take out all the group features. WoW on the other hand can still wing it somehow, but it is going down as well.
Final Fantasy - big franchise since the early 80s
Warcraft - first mover
Runescape - impressive browser game at the time
All these franchises managed to leveraged some advantage. Now they are stuck in peoples minds as successful, and this now leads to basically automated continues success. It's basically branding, like people Chosing Coca Cola, although are many comparable products.
In the case of Runescape almost all of it is skill-less, that's why it's good. It's just comfy to sit back and grind while listening to podcasts for a couple of hours a day. The slow pace is a nice change from modern casual games.
let's look at the top 3 MMOs right now:
World of Warcraft (Blizzard, one of the biggest companies in vidya and part of an iconic game franchise)
Final Fantasy XIV (Square Enix, one of the biggest companies in vidya and part of an iconic game franchise)
The Elder Scrolls Online (Bethesda/Zenimax, one of the biggest companies in vidya and part of an iconic game franchise)
So the obvious common denominator here is brand recognition and the support of a very stable video game company. This comes with of course a great level of polish, which is the other essential ingredient to the stable MMO formula. These games are just above and beyond the competition in terms of sheer polish. GW2 is up there too. Although it comes from a less popular franchise, it's a very polished game that managed to attract a large number of players through brand recognition and by banking on the large-scale PvP niche that isn't really the focus of any of its competitors
Then you get RuneScape which is the odd one out but gets to stay popular the same way games like Fortnite or Dota stay popular: it's free and it plays on even the toastiest of toasters, so every third world child can afford to play it
so basically if you want to make a very successful MMO, either you win the lottery like RuneScape did, or you have to come from an AAA developper and be just an installment in an already massively popular franchise
This. You need to start with a base to have a successful, lasting MMO. RuneScape is an exception for a number of different reasons.
So DAoC is getting a spiritual successor
Any chance that will take off, DAoC was pretty popular and guild wars sucks now and isnt strong on the pvp mmo front
So it seems like branding and the first-mover advantage is huge for MMOs. Some games seem to have huge decades long lifespans, I wonder how much longer it can last...Everyone seems to complain about changes made for years but the numbers still stay strong for eternity.
what the fuck... only mmos u should be playing is osrs and rs idio
Must be nice being the only non casual in the room. Fuckin nerd
ffxiv has good gameplay that's designed for high level and a well managed game client engine.
If nothing else FF14 has great music. It's the only MMO in which I've ever kept the in game sound on.
The entire purpose of MMO's is the community/player interaction. Without it, they would just be regular RPG's. Those games have big communities.
>beaver at 43 WC
>What makes games like WoW, runescape and ffxiv
The cancer of mmos, and that's why we don't have fun mmos anymore
Alot of the gamers who played classic wow and pre-wow mmos we're actual gamers and more time in their lives, and also American.
These days it's filthy casuals who may not actually play other games or foreigners who swarm the games because they're free or they make better money off them rather than a legit menial job in their own countries.
better MMO coming through
Not an MMO, it's not 'Massively multiplayer', only 4 players at once
Fuck that. SEGA went full retard on the West and never, ever, ever release a Western server for PSO 2. No, I don't want to play with nip.
PSO2 is a garbage game. PSO1 is way better.
wow but off and on with friends and gajillion tokens I made in legion. Really just playing non mmos like grim Dawn. Wow been a dumpsterfire really.
FFXIV is only good for subbing during the content drops then abandoning shortly after, and this is confirmed by the top dev. Beautiful game and soundtrack but it's just shallow and relies heavily on vanity fags and Stacie's to get by. I can't tell if the FFXIV shills who swarm mmo threads are paid ones, general fags looking for erp bait, or both.
I love the faces on those fat cats.
Metafaggotry ruined MMOs. Now you see 30000 faggots doing the very same build and farming the very same things because dare you do differently, you will do 0.2% less damage
What are the Boomer approved MMOs that have actual players?
Funny thing about this is that the fags who swear by the mmorpg meta are often the same ones who can't do or even reach the end the super end game. Sure you have the simmed stats or same build as the top guy, but can you PLAY like the top guy?
Resubbing to XIV later today since it’s all I have left.
There's no reason to resub right now if you're even mildly up to date. The event that gives out a 4 seater mount lasts until the end of May and you can get a full set of welfare gear from 7 weeks of tomestones.
>This comes with of course a great level of polish,
That's not why RuneScape is still popular, retard
my guild in FFXIV has a ton of boomers, they were ex Everquest and Ragnarok Online players.
Everquest starting another round of progression servers and hitting it's 20th anniversary. There's ffxi private servers that are well established but have favoritism and moonrune issues (extreme bugs due to Japan programming). Lineage 2 classic servers but heavily swarmed by Russians and Brazilians. l2 very popular with them for some reason.
Pantheon is the Boomer approved mmo coming up and catered to the pre-wow mmos crowd. Lots of Boomer nerds pouring money into that one and jockeying for influence. a big fight at the moment is semi-sjw faggots and normal nerds fight over sexiness and armor designs that could be used in the game. It's even in the official FAQ where they said it's a strong point for the game where older fantasy stuff amped up the cheese cake but may go against today's "values".
the "massively multiplayer" part of MMO doesn't mean that it has a massive amount of players, but that it greatly emphasizes multiplayer above single player. The game is "massively multiplayer".
That being said, PSO is not an MMO™, which is to say an open world, online game with RPG aspects that many players inhabit at once. It's more of a diablo game, but still it is massively multiplayer and you do play it online, hence the confusion.
While I think WoW does fit the description you are making, in a way it also hit the lottery. Even normalfags were playing WoW during it's peak, and I reckon most didn't realize Warcraft and Blizzard were established properties when they were playing. WoW was a cultural phenomenon, probably because it was released at exactly the right time when online games were getting big, but not to the point where there is an oversaturation of online game spaces like there is now.
It is part of why it is popular, along with
>freedom of progression
>laid back grinding
>best quest model in the genre
>charming atmosphere
>player controlled market before GE
Nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, will ever soothe the fact that one of the most iconic and kino JRPG franchises which spawned one of the most fun online console grinds of my youth devolved into a shitty korean-style cash grab filled to the brim with otaku pandering and soulless crossovers as well as a phone gacha game.
Fuck Sega those money-grubbing shits, I hope everyone responsible for running Phantasy Star to the ground burns in hell for the sins they committed against humanity.
I’ve been gone since Christmas and, against my better judgment, want to make an alt. I figure it’s $11 to scratch a terrible itch and I’m not buying anything else this month.
>I can't tell if the FFXIV shills who swarm mmo threads are paid ones, general fags looking for erp bait, or both.
Yeah I made this thread a while back. Take a guess who show up first and trying to shill their mmo.