Why is this happening, Yea Forums? I thought only Americans hated nudity?
Why is this happening, Yea Forums? I thought only Americans hated nudity?
Violence good
girl bad
I don't see any nudity here though
The PS4 version makes her look more naked than the others.
The one on the bottom is actually more lewd because it's easier to imagine she's completely naked.
I don't know how they think this is a good idea.
cause ps4 owners deserve to be spit on like the paypigs they are
sony is now a PROUD AMERICAN company stupid incel
It's OK Sonybros, one day you'll be old enough to see those anime tiddies.
My question is why did they censor her belly too?
based nintybro
>only Americans hated nudity
>Meeting CERO guideline is the same as censoring something that already passed the ratings board
Every time with the Snoyboys
The Japanese are starting to develop western values.
>it's ok when Nintendo does it
>censored bellybutton
for what porpoise?
>it's okay when CERO does it
In fact, she ironically appears more nude on the censored PS4.
Thank you my brother. And let's not forget about the mighty alliance between Xbros and Nintybros that will lead us to a new golden age of console gaming, while the Sonygggers cry on the corner, unable to see anime tiddies because their commiefornia overlords said "no". Sad!
They keep trying the same trick over and over again. Its like they literally can't learn.
>I thought only Americans hated nudity?
Well they still do seeing how Snoy is a Californian company now.
>It's okay when you do it to follow the law
Yeah, that's the long and short of it.
>I thought only Americans hated nudity?
Guess where the playstation HQ is now.
I have no idea why it's happening, but I can't say I mind it all that much.
You mean, like every single game including your snoypony games? Are you mentally inept or just faking it really well?
Worst part it got taken down because they still let some nips slip
Nintendo doesn’t give a fuck anymore
Kind of like mormon porn, where they just bubble the clothing out and make them appear naked
>CERO decided to censor it not Nintendo
>Xbot and Nincels have to combine forces to match Sony because they are too weak and bulled too much
I chuckled
What game is this?
Wii60 was easily the best time this board had
Halo, Smash, Monster hunter, Mariokart Wii, MW2 you could afford all that and still come out cheaper than buying a PS3
What game is that?
I ditched the PS4 ship and got a switch in November that piece of shit is just collecting dust now
CERO and the ESRB are private organizations though. They're just something the industry collectively agreed to. Considering that digital distribution is surging and publishers don't have to bow to the whims of retailers anymore, ratings boards should become a thing of the past. They are a form of censorship whether you like it or not. And no it's not a console war thing, I just get annoyed at selective outrage.
Because sony does what Nintendon't
Do we have to remind you about how piss poorly state of play went?
It was so bad you retroactively made Nintendo direct trending again
>and got a switch in November that piece of shit is just collecting dust now
Same. Since BOTW is available on PC I haven't touched bing bing wahoo tablet.
yea in the top pictures you can see that cartoon girl is not nakes but on the bottom it's more easy to imagine that the cartoon girl is naked
>It was so bad you retroactively made Nintendo direct trending again
So we are not allowed to criticize Nintendo? Sounds like you are really butthurt user.
Sony is American now. Japs are also being submissive cucks embarrassed about their own culture ahead of the Olympics. Pretty sad, since every other nation parades their culture for all to see when the Olympics come to town.
>Stealing from Sega
They almost sued the pants off Sony’s asses for trying to steal Nintendon’t don’t think we won’t do it agin
It has nothing to do with it. Nintendo has a long history of censoring games even though they are Japanese.
but its funny how the S(n)oys compare the CERO censorship of a nintendo switch game that actually presented full nudity equally as bad as Sony actively trying to censor third-party games that needs little to no censoring at all
Did Nintendo censor the japanese versions of said games?
>Sony good Nintendo bad
SNOY is protecting me from filth and becoming a normal man, i prefer my beta numale self where I shun all sexuality in the hopes of getting the attention of a female
it hasnt worked yet but I am still hopeful!
>So we are not allowed to criticize Nintendo?
Are you saying we cant criticizes sony as well? or is that no allowed on Yea Forumsseterra?
>censorship of a nintendo switch game that actually presented full nudity
Yep, just like Smash or Fatal Frame. Let's wait for other excuses and goalposts moving
>Are you saying we cant criticizes sony as well?
No, I never said anything like that, but you were crying that I mentioned Nintendo. You really have to work on your reading comprehension.
>Nintendo good Sony bad
>Anime reaction image
>Not knowing State of play was so bad Nintendo got tons of free advertisement for doing nothing
>They’re Nindies direct got more likes and views meanwhile the only thing memorable at State of play were Crash Racing and MK11
>State of play was so bad they disabled comments, reposted the video with an age restriction and still ended up with a shit ton of dislikes
Are you even trying or just being stupid?
this but unironically
Jesus, that snoyim is a sad sack. Guess the dumb fucking animal truly is as retarded as he looks.
Sony is American though.
Only a retard would play eroge on consoles...
>complain about anime reaction image
>move goalposts to some state of play out of nowhere because lost argument
>no argument
>just mindless insult
It's so easy to beat and trigger Nincels, holy shit.
Try Nintendo, you will look normal.
not that user but nintendo used to have total control on what games can be sold on their system. sure there were bootlegs etc. but if a game didn't meet certain guidelines it didn't get officially released.
>Nintendo has slowly stopped censoring games on the Nintendo Switch era
>Super Smash about to release
>Nintendo decides to remove feather from game and watch
>Sony has slowly been going full sjw on the PS4 era
>blocking third-parties from selling their games because it has jiggle, and too much sexy anime girls
>makes Senran Kagura leave because of recent censorships
glad im not mentally retarded with down syndrome like this faggot
Did Sony censor their own first party games?
Censorship is censorship. Give an inch they take a mile because now there's precedent to edit content.
>Nintendo good Sony bad
>n-no u
wow, is this really what Snoyfags trully offer on the table?
I cannot believe that disapproval of censorship is not unanimous on fucking Yea Forums of all places. Is this the power of brand loyalty?
>leftists want anime tits gone because it's "objectification"
>rights want anime tits gone because it's an attack on traditional christian values
>no matter who's in charge, we lose
>slowly stopped
>Recently censored Smash and visual novel from Sega
>it's ok when Nintendo do this in that period, but it's not ok when Sony do this in that period
Imagine how retarded you have to be to defend nameless corporations and spreading lies to not make it look bad.
Can you not read?
I was on topic with State of play being a shitshow.
Do you know trending means people are talking about something right?
Here’s your last (You) you South American subhuman monkey
But you are really saying Nintendo is good while Sony is bad. You are Nincel shill user.
>Is this the power of brand loyalty?
It's the power of not caring about things that don't affect you.
Snoyggers never offered anything of value.
the thread was about censorship not state of play you inbreed mongoloid nigger. You moved goalposts because you got btfo. Can I start talking about WiiU failrue or Atlus fucking Nintendo in the ass with Persona?
>Sony good Nintendo bad
man the amount of losing snoys are trying to endure must be really immense
>implying censorship is not a industry wide problem.
Sony has set the precedent that they can and will cancel development of games because it does not meet their new agenda.
>no u
wow, is this really what Nincels trully offer on the table?
No, it's the power of trolling for the lulz.
Shit has been censored since the 80's
>#1 - being a snoy fan
try harder numales
This really is awful. They even went as far as to censor fucking DMCV. I really love Sony's exclusives but if they don't get their act together by PS5, I gotta go Xbox.
i know snoys love to copy from the superior and fail miserably after all
but holy shit user, that was just actually cringe
but feels good winning everytime
Playstation is now an American subsidiary of the Japanese Sony Corporation. In another few years Amazon or someone else with more money than God will buy it out for an instant and established presence in the video game console market.
we at Era dont appreciate female sexuality, thank you Sony for not harming our fully woke and mature eyes by having to look at such foul imagery
>winning anytime
Wow, you guys have really inferiority complex.
oh i get it!
>nintendo takes away 1 thing from first party game = snoy forcefully censors games from other companies
how did you get past the captcha you degenerate NPC
post snoy's financials
>1 thing
Hahaha, Nintendo censored more games than Sony
PlayStation is a California based company now.
Making more money than Shitendo, why ask?
I can’t shill understand Snoy your accent incel
See I can throw in shitty buzzwords everywhere too
Die Censorship fag
If someone wasn't interested in playing whatever got canceled then they're not being affected by the new policy.
It sucks for the dev, but I'm not a developer so what do I care.
>no u
my god Nincels got totally broken just like their cardboard box games
Yeah I'm gonna need to know what game this is
for science
dont tell me you forgot about the times Snoy tried to copy Nintendo and failed miserably!
>complain about sony's gay new policies
>b-but nintendo
Every fucking time. We're not talking about nintendo's behavior, we're talking about sony's. What is so hard for that to understand?
what other games has nintendo censored on the nintendo switch?
You mean btfo Nintendo for the third time and forcing them out of their own home console market to mobile gaming?
>Complain about nintendo
>b-but sony
Everytime both ways.
>nintendo switch
I was talking about games overall, not on cherrypicked platforms
Are you retarded? OP picture has Nintendo image comparing it to other system.
>baaaw waaaaw don't complain about Nintendo
Hahahaha, what a fucking cuck
Because Sony is all they can afford.
Even if they got they’re wish Nintendo magically disappears overnight all Sony would do is stagnant the industry then literally anyone could move in take they’re lunch money
Capcom, Sega, Rockstar hell I even see EA making they’re own console just to corner Sportsfags and lower production costs on themselves
but we cant forget the moment Nintendo absolutely shat on sony in the mobile market so badly, they not only left, they had to lie and say that the mobile market was no longer a viable market
All any company would do stagnate though.
>Because Sony is all they can afford.
I have gaming PC and Xbox360. Arguments of Nintendo fanboys are really miserable.
>mobile market
Ok, enjoy your cellphone games
Mine's been collecting dust for like two years now.
so your saying that its okay for sony to do it now at current gen, because nintendo did it in the past?
How must one reach so far, just to find an excuse to say
enjoy your interactive movies
Funny, when Nintendo guys said that about the FE curtain censor, you claimed they were full of shit.
belly is still there
im happy
no, this is not why I said you illiterate human abortion, I said Nintendo censored more games than Sony. How fucking retarded one can be to be unable to read a simple sentence?
>so your saying
Not even him, but where the fuck did he say it's okay cause it happened before? Stop with the strawman, dude.
Don’t argue with a tranny discorder. They have to protect their precious Snoy.
still better than enjoying cardboard boxes
>Making more money than Shitendo, why ask?
Oh noo, he really believes this LOL
i can feel the S E E T H I N G from here
must pulled a nerve there
>thread about sony censoring ps4 third party games more than nintendo
man, this is actually funny af
i love them vr tech demos too
Sony wins again baby!!
>retards don't know what samefag is
>resorts to memespouting
Oof yikes tranny and cringepilled
I'd be pretty pissed if I bought the console known as a haven for anime VN titles and they arbitrarily decided 2 years on that they're going to butcher and/or exclude those types of games. Fortunately I learned with the N64 not to buy consoles at launch.
It's literally because Sony is letting America handle their games now.
is this a Consolewar thread?
Snoy vs nintentard thread are pretty boring in this day, same stuff and both sides get wrong.
jesus duck, find something more concrete instead of the same "MUh censor".
>gets called out for being a sametrannyfag
>no u r the tranny
Kek. Nah it’s clear you are the same tranny user.
>t.same tranny
This is the shitpost thread. You got anything you wanna shitpost about? Doesn't need to just be consolewars.
If I just want something that shakes up everything SM64 tier
>Inb4 that’s Nintendo!
That one game literally changed how everyone did 3D gaming
Pretty bad by modern standards but it set modern standards
I love cardboard boxes too :^)
Well I’m just gonna keep dumping these stripping gifs
>Thread about censorship
>Mention that Nintendo has biggest amount of censored games
>N-No, it was only be supposed about Sony! It's ok when Nintendo make censorship baaaaw
>proceed to shout in capslock like 12 yr old retard with buttpain
This is the Americans. Sony of America is currently calling the shots. A lot of the niche Japanese devs are looking into jumping ship to the Switch or PC as a result.
Don't forget the biggest money maker. Mobile games.
>thread specifically about sony's censorship
>have to deflect onto nintendo
>get called out
>N-no, you were supposed to ignore sony completely now and start bashing nintendo! It's ok when Sony makes censorship baaaaw
Historically, Nintendo has censored more games because they have more history. That isn't really relevant to a discussion of ways to combat censorship in the current market, unless you have a time machine.
Look outside for 8 fucking seconds
Just about every vita game is now on Switch
>specifically about Sony
No, look at image, various platforms are shown. Also you can talk about flaws by comparing them with competition. This isn't your personal blog queer and censorship is bad on all platforms, stop crying because someone complain about Nintendo pussyfaggot shill.
And on Vita, your point?
More are on PC.
They also censored more games in WiiU era and are still censoring games.
How does a culture become increasingly sexually promiscuous and deviant in real life, but simultaneously censors and waters down its media?
Young people are having sex. The 50+ old out of touch execs are the ones making the rules and are disgusted by all the sex.
>Thread about Samsung phones faults
>Someone compare them with Apple
>n-no! Stop talking about muh Apple!
Imagine if everyone were insecure and retarded as Nincels, holy shit.
Man we're getting closer every year but I legitimately wanna see daily/hourly android vs ios storewars
Vita is completely dead.
They don’t even make them anymore
>See some new weeb game getting multiplat release.
>ton of gooks asking for vita release.
I want murder the retards that ask for that and producers that enable this kind of stupid shit.