The great debate

The great debate.

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Snake Eater without a doubt


Have sex

3 > 1 > 2

The only people I've met irl who didn't like Raiden from MGS2 were overweight neckbeards, their reason being "hurr durr muh emo hair". Anyone else experience this?

MGS1 is a slog to replay through.

3, its not even a debate. All are great in their own respect though.

MGS is outdated.
Twin Snakes is poorly designed.
Sons of Liberty is bad after the tanker sequence.
Snake Eater is kino from start to finish.

>what a thrill

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MGS and MGS2 are ridiculously short and small games. MGS3 is factually the best choice. The only way you could choose MGS is because of nostalgia

MGS3 is the only good game Kojima has ever made

>Sons of Liberty is bad after the tanker sequence.
Pleb opinions and those who hold them.

MGS3 is objectively the best by all measures, but MGS2 is the one I find myself thinking about and nostalgin for the most. MGS is just a pretty good game.

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I've always wondered how no one ever pointed out how ridiculously small the MGS2 map was. You can literally go around it in 5 minutes

>MGS is outdated.
Not if you play on Extreme
>Twin Snakes is poorly designed.
Agree. They should have change the level design a bit.
>Sons of Liberty is bad after the tanker sequence.
There's a lot of kino part with Raiden. Especially near the end.
>Snake Eater is kino from start to finish.
That's because Tomokazu Fukushima did all the good work.


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1 > 3 > 2

Snake Eater would be the one I'd most likely replay though.
2 had some cool story at the end of the game.

MGS3 is the only good game on the list.

i think MGS2 might mean something to amerikans, like there was some hall and some president statue, and some dates like "stuff in this game in exactly the same day when amerika was builded", but i didn't get those references

3 of course

The main plot point at the end of the game is AI controlling the free flow of information over the internet to protect people from fake news. Pretty relevant in today's climate after SOPA and Article 13. Has barely anything to do with American politics.

>what a shill

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But 2 > 1 > 3. They're all 9/10s, though. Don't get it twisted. Excellent games.

objectively 2 > 1 > 3

the only people who say 3 are people that played 3 first, or have nostalgia goggles.

play it again, its not as good as you remember. not to mention 3 is where the plot started to just completely fall apart and not make any sense anymore.

>i think MGS2 might mean something to amerikans
I'm that user and I'm european.

3's stealth gives you more options, but 2 just feels cleaner and more fun to me. I like the radar, the environment is less cluttered with jungle shit, and rooms are smaller so "game over when discovered" isn't as brutal.

How? 3's plot is just as coherent as the other 2.

Only 4 was hard to follow because it was literally trying to connect everything that happened in the previous games together. Each game in itself other than 4 is very easy to follow.

MGS all the way.

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3's plot is much more coherent than MGS2. I'm not even trying to say the plot is better, it's just strange that you'd make that particular criticism given that MGS2 is much harder to follow than MGS3.

2's descent into incoherent madness is part of the appeal.

2 > 1 > 3

MGS3's plot is fine, 4 trying to connect it to the other games is really what fucked it up.
t. MGS2fag

Correct, and MGS2's plot kinda has more substance to it than MGS3 in general. It's just odd that he'd choose one of the things MGS3 does better as a criticism.

3 > 1 >>>>> 2

Fuck. Am I still aloud to play my favourite weeb games and have an anime body pillow.

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Next question?

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Low IQ subhuman.

2 is for men.
3 is for children.

I really do love all of them. Such a great series man.

Honestly if not for 3's gameplay, 1 be better than it. I really like MGS3, but holy shit the story and writing is fucking trash.

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Can you post original pls

Are you retarded its right here.

1>2>3 is the only right answer. You could argue specifics like gameplay or story, but the overall experience is 1>2>3. Not to say that any are even bad - or that despite the order each is even significantly worse than the other - they're all great.

3 is the most easily understood story, and that's why many consider it they're favorite. These are the casual MGS fans.

2 is the least understood story leading to it being widely appreciated by the pseudo intellectual crowd, which unfortunately devalues an otherwise great experience.

1 is just a perfect experience, through and through. Expertly crafted, great story, simple but enjoyable gameplay and progression. Many people don't even play it because it's considered outdated which then raises the value to elitists like myself.

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Favourite boss theme, everyone in this thread, GO

Did i win?

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Yell Dead Cell or Rules of Nature

To me outdated means generally unplayable, or at least not fun to play any more.
MGS 1 is 100% still playable and enjoyable. You could say the graphics are dated but shit like Runescape is still extremely popular.

The final Liquid fight in MGS 1 and the escape theme afterwards.

The fight with liquid at the end of 4 though was also great with all the music from the previous games.

Good opinion confirmed.

MGS 4 > MGS 3 Subsistence > MGS 2 Substance > MGS 3 Snake Eater > MGS 2 Sons of Liberty > MGS 1 Integral > MGS 1 > Shit > Dying of painful cancer > MGS V GZ and Phantom Pain

Also, Ghost Babel > MSX MGS1 and 2 > Shit > NES MGS titles

Honorary mention: PSP titles

I like 2 because it has a pretty ending for a rather grim experience.
I also like Raiden taking control of his life without the patriots or the player interfering.

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>MGS4 first
>MGSV last
meme ranking

Metal Gear Acid > all that other garbage.

MGS V doesn't even qualify as a Metal Gear Solid game, it's utter shit.

Snake Eater is the best one, but MGS1 is my favorite

I actually like Red Sun most and its a shame it was wasted on a shit fight

All excellent, but it's obviously 3.

MGSV is the worst game ever made.


Can’t properly enjoy the fight themes without a specific mix that has the vocals cutting in and out like they do during the game. I love them all but Stains of Time is JUST a hair above the rest for me. Probably because the entire song is just one long intense riff, and it fits perfectly with the parry spamming.
God DAMN this game needs a boss rush mode

Fuck off zoomer.


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Real shit
Paramedic > Rose > Mei Ling > Otacon

Why the pastel colors?

this is more like a degeneracy chart

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I can't pick, I love them all

Agreed. MGS4 fucks up the entirety of the MGS cannon, while MGSV just murkies the already somehow convoluted big boss stuff. Zoomies just like MGS4 because of the f*cking ebin metal gear fight.

For me its mgs 2

3 is a great game, but it's not a MGSolid game. Why? Because Solid Snake isn't in it. Metal Gear RISING at least had the decency to rename itself because it had a different protagonist. For me, MGS4 is the third and final and best game of the series.

MGS1 is a solid 7/10. MGS2 is so bad, that I didn't even bother with MGS3

The Pain
>has literally the best gameplay of the series

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Looks like my virginity has protected me once more

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It's werid but I'll consider 2 my favorite. It doesn't have to best gameplay and setting and it having the best music is arguable, but something about it is so fucking memorable. Nostalgia maybe? But it's the one that comes to mind the most when I think of the Metal Gear series.

Snake Eater is easily in the top 5 games I've ever played.

3's plot is great, albeit a bit simple. Really the biggest criticism would be that while a Bond film style is fun that it doesn't go in as much depth. Really it makes plenty of sense and is probably the easiest to follow game in the series.

The thing I never understood about the big boss stuff is how he went back to working for the US government under foxhound. The ending of MGS3 kind of implied he kept working for the US until MG1, but in PW and V he becomes a warlord like immediately after MGS3.

That's probably because PW and V more or less are deliberate attempts to fuck with the original narrative MGS3 set up.

>"Did you say... NIGGER?!"

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MGS2 had the best soundtrack. Fight me

Well PW certainly does a great job of deflating 3's ending

>good controls = good gameplay
The level design is absolute shit aside from OKB Zero and the Codetalker mission. Buildings and obstacles are placed at complete random with zero regard as to how the player will sneak through it, aside from the few select areas I mentioned.

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Put all three of them together.

Big Boss realised he would never stop being fucked with by zero if he didn't at least pretend to go along with his plans. Hence why he created Zanzibarland while working with foxhound. He was most likely also weeding out potential threats to himself by having snake take them out through foxhound, to protect his and the boss' legacy.

I don't think it's implied at all that he went back to working for them. When he enters the office at the end he doesn't even shake the dudes hand. That was probably the point when he said fuck this.

4 > 3 = 1 > 2

This absolutely. The level design is somehow worse than 4's, and the giant detection radius doesn't work without camouflage. It just doesn't work, that's why it goes into slowmo every time you're spotted. Really low skill ceiling, not fun to play.

fuck you all so fucking much. I sincerely hate you.

MGS 3 > MGS 2
MGS 1 is bad by today's standards it was always bad

Two of the government guys are talking about starting a unit called foxhound for "guys like him" after Bibo leaves the office. He commanded foxhound so the connection is pretty easy to make. The ending also implied that Bibo never left the philosophers/patriots in the closing credit crawl.

Seasonal depression makes those last 2 pretty difficult

MGS1 is a 10/10 PS1 game
MGS2 is a 10/10 PS2 game despite me hating playing as Raiden
MGS3 is also 10/10 despite me hating playing as Big Boss

Fuck kojimas hateboner on young snake

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MGS3 > MGS1 > MGS PW > MGS2 > MGS V > MGS4

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that elusive proud parent square.

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That's just headcannon though. It's amazing that Kojumbo never managed to explain a massive fucking plothole like that in any of his 3 incredibly self-indulgent Big Boss games

>PW that high

>he keeps that dogshit on
>he doesnt observe how the guards move and act
fucking brainlets

I think the biggest point of contention is that MGSV is not even a BB game at all. you play as a fucking NOBODY who does NOTHING that even matters, what a waste of an engine.

I think I would have preferred if Snake really WAS the leader of the terrorist group in 2. It would have made essentially knowing that you're working for the bad guys and the final boss fight a lot more of a gut punch. I guess it would have left Ocelot's phonecall to the president unexplained though.

You CAN but it's a whole lot more scattershot than playing 1 or 2 without the radar or something. It doesn't at all feel skill-based, you are just forcing yourself to slog through poor game design to prove you're not a pussy.

100 game to explain a plothole from an 8-bit Japanese exclusive that could have easily been retconned

>MGS3 is objectively the best by all measures
You don't know what the word objectively means.

At the time of release MGS2 ran at 60FPS, MGS3 at 22.
At the time of release MGS2 was optimized for its camera and was a perfect sneaking experience, MGS3 had to be rereleased with free camera setting to make it enjoyable
MGS2 has timeless plot applicable to the present even moreso than the past and is often misunderstood, MGS3 is a contained personal story about heroism

PW > 3 > the rest (pick your own order)

this is fact

MGR was also excellent

V absolutely destroys Big Boss' likability. In PW Big Boss is a charming charismatic warlord that does questionable things but is still likable, in V Big Boss is an absolute monster that exploits his men's loyalty so he could get away with his crimes scot free.

But in the ending of 2 Raiden is probably going to be unplugged from the VR and killed after the simulation ends considering MGS4 wasn't supposed to happen.

I DO know what the word objectively means, but I didn't know that about the framerate.
Also, I legitimately forgot about the camera being Subsistence-only.


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That AI conversation at the end of MGS2 is the peak of Kojimbo's writing

There's so many tiny things about this series that bothers me, like David being reconnected to be identical in appearance and voice to Big Boss, and all of the fun supernatural stuff given some bullshit technobabble explanation.

shut up that's just a theory

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Trick question: peace walker

I fucking lol'd
It's alright user. We're all going to make it.

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In PW, Big Boss is a pansy-ass retard, who still believes The Boss is alive despite killing her himself. In V, Big Boss is finally a real mastermind, working behind the scenes and manipulating other to create Outer Heaven.

>mgs 1 and 2
why would you list the same game twice?

mgs 3 isn't a metal gear game and that's exactly why its the best in the series

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>emotional impact

I think that the psueds who answer MGS2 only remember the excellent last 2 hours or so and forget the unbearable 6 hours of Big Shell. Not even the intentionally bad stuff like Raiden being whiney, there's a lot of legitimately terrible writing. Everything with Emma is incredibly cringey, the bossfights are all shit, the level design and environments are awful. Most of the game is not good.

I agree, everything with the Boss in PW (so most of the plot) is awful, but Big Boss and Kaz are both great in it

Mgs is liberal propaganda
>Dude nukes bad lmao
>Post modern Marxism is so awesome
>Who cares if these nigs are trying to kill you goy they are kids
>Le epic pregnant soldier
>Borders bad
>Genes don't matter goy

Everything needed to be a normalfag but still can't say bingo. Fucking accurate depiction of my life.

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Posts like these make me seriously afraid for a world where kids have their only socialization through Yea Forums

Assuming it's a good game, which isn't the case, that still doesn't change the fact it's NOT a Metal Gear Solid title. The gameplay is radically different and is proof that you're just another zoomer faggot who likes to ruin everything, just like the zoomer faggots who praise the Tomb Raider reboot and shit on the classic series. Said faggots like Uncharted with tits, not Tomb Raider.

MGS V is not just bad, it destroyed the Metal Gear legacy.

Oy vey shut it down

"MGS V is not just bad, it destroyed the Metal Gear legacy." - user who has MGS4 as his favorite MGS

MGS4 destroyed Metal Gear's legacy way worse than V could have ever dreamed

1 is a bit confusing with its MSX references abound, not to mention retconning the "Big Boss is my father" thing in there, but as a standalone story it's fairly solid. 3 likes if you get its references, but the story is wholly standalone, and really damn good. 2 isn't quite as nonsensical as some make it out to be, but the story beats are definitely weaker than the other games, and most people just cite the whole ending of GW's rants and the passing of Solidus more than anything else. It doesn't really work by itself at all.

MGSV is a good game. It's just a bad Metal Gear game.

I agree. The game really makes you FEEL like Big Boss. 10/10.


Its the only acceptable order. Anyone who argues that 1>2 is objectively fucking wrong.

To be fair, MGS4 destroyed the Metal Gear legacy more than MGSV did.
But MGSV is the biggest waste of potential in the entire series' history. MGS4 might have ruined series canon, but at least it's a game where the characters have emotion and character, where there are payoffs and climaxes in the story (shitty as it might be). MGSV has none of that beyond Shining Lights and even that is undercut by "Big Boss" barely reacting to what's happening.
MGSV is totally unlike every other Metal Gear game in that they threw the baby out with the bathwater with respect to cutscenes and character. I don't want 1 1/2 hour cutscenes a la MGS4, but Christ, I'd've killed for a little more personality in MGSV from almost every character.

Still not remotely happy

Also MGS1

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They are completely different beasts, you are comparing apples to oranges

how did I do anons

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>PW top

That’s so bizzare to me but whatever you do you man

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MGS1 is the best. Let's get that out of the way and remove it. It's the clear-cut #1, even Kojima thinks so.

So the question is MGS2 or MGS3. I'm reluctant to say 3, because it's more consistent. I like the faster-paced gameplay of 2 better, and the Tanker/Big Shell are much more iconic and memorable than any area in Snake Eater. They both had shit plots - don't kid yourself - but MGS2's aged better, thanks to how closely it mirrors our reality.

As for bosses, I'm giving it to 3 simply because The End and The Sorrow are so well-done, albeit very easy. Nothing in either game compares to the Rex, Gray Fox, or Liquid fights.

Music, 2 wins. No contest.

When it comes to side characters, I'm giving it to 2 as well. Fortune was boring, but Vamp was interesting and fleshed out well. Olga wasn't too bad, either. 3 had Ocelot, cool, but who else is memorable? Volgin was lame, Eva was hot but boring (same with Emma in 2), and Zero was a poor replacement for Campbell. 2 has Plissken and Otacon...come on.

I sincerely believe, if 2 had kept the momentum of the Tanker chapter going the entire time - that consistent level of level, sound, enemy, and interactive design - that MGS2 would be hands-down the greatest video game ever made. But it stumbles once it gets to Raiden, and REALLY stumbles after beating Fortune.

Now I've talked myself out of it. I don't know, I think I may give 3 the edge still, but it's razor-thin, simply because it's more replayable and didn't drop off like 2 did.

Why do people pretend the Boss was a good character again? She was a generic mary sue who showed up to force melodrama between her and Snake and to kick his ass, only for her to get killed by Snake in the end. She was a garbage character and the only way to properly contextualize her story while maintaining the artistic vision of MGS3 would be to give her her own game.

MGS2 isn't even really replayable from the beginning. The Tanker and the Plant are both leading you by the hand to each major setpiece, and in the latter case you're constantly backtracking over certain bottleneck areas to the next big event. It's maddening how much of a pacing fuck up the whole game has compared to MGS1.

Raiden is great. He’s like a Luke Skywalker trope with a very ugly past. Makes Snake even bigger. The whole “Jack the Ripper” arc that goes through 4 and Rising is sublime. For vidya, anyway!

Metal gear pachinko

MGS3's depth of gameplay and insanely high skill ceiling make it for me. I feel like people give the plots of both games high marks just because of how strongly they wrap up, but the rest of their stories aren't that strong.

1>>>MG2>MG>5>>>try and tell me i'm wrong

Yeah. The Bible, The Godfather, the Marx Brothers, the wheel, and pussy are all outdated, too.

MGS4 ruins Raiden and MGR just salvages what was left

I sure hope you're joking right now.

MG 1 is bad and 3 needs a few more >>> between it and five but otherwise good list

3 is unironically very good
2 is ironically very good and unironically shit
1 is shit

Man how did Silicon Knights fuck the pumpkin so bad on Twin Snakes

>Dead Cell over FOXHOUND
Not a chance.

I forgot that Rose was a spy for the patriots


3 is obviously the best to play through right now, but there has been only a handful of games that have blown me away the way MGS did in 1998

Ultra normie quantum gay giga aids faggot confirmed.

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If you actually manage to not get a bingo you probably belong on reddit.

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When 2 was written the Otacon ending was cannon, right?

They all come togerther to make a great trilogy. Having saidthat

Is Meryl even mentioned in MGS2?

No, not once.

However I think Solid Snake is the better protagonist.

Only in Substance.

Why are all the character models in Twin Snakes so disgusting? Meryl looks like the Traveller's Tales logo.

Referenced in codec
Snake says he's had his fill of tomboys for awhile

1 > 2 > 3


3 should be remade though. It would greatly improve if they make the jungle semi open

MGS if you want the absolute most iconic title
MGS2 if you want the best example of foreignness and tech paranoia
MGS3 if you want a Bond parody with the best gameplay
nightmare mode: Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake if you want the best old skool

i have a vita strictly to play mgs3 on the go

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3 > 2 > 1

3 is not only the best MGS game but the most entertaining single player experience ever made.
2 is extremely hit and miss as a game but the whole information control thing gives it undeniable intellectual heft which is rare in a video game.
1 has a really cool story and cast but there is little gameplay to speak of, it was good for it's time but no one wants to play MGS1 again. Still, a very memorable experience.

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3 first. The adventure of that game is still super thrilling and it stands well on it's own.

then 1. I just like the arcadeness of the gameplay. And how the whole story and universe was pretty grounded compared to later entries.

last 2. The tanker section and the whole ending segment starting about after you defeat Vamp is 10/10, but everything between is meh.

MGS3 > MGS1 >>> MGS2.

MGS2 drops the ball at the end.


1 for first playthrough and as an overall experience
3 for just overall
I don't find boss and her crew that compelling compared to liquid's team

All my favorite games are 2's
Metal Gear Solid 2
Donkey Kong Country 2
Shenmue 2
Halo 2
Resident Evil 2

Yeah the first Metal Gear I played was 2 because I didn't get a ps2 until the launch of MGS3 so I had Substance when it was ported to Xbox. I never had any problem with Raiden and never understood the massive hate for him.

>MGS3 is best
Shit taste casual confirmed.

>MGS2 drops ball at the end
Absolutely retarded confirmed.

God, I really don't understand how people could have such shit opinions. 1>2>3 is the only way.

I would, by no means, call myself a normalfag, but the only one of these I can't tick is "went to prom" because I don't live in Burgerica.

>Above anything
Opinion discarded. The core game time is less than three hours long.

You created a thread a few days ago and got absolutely assblasted, and come back for more.
She is a well-written character. Snake is a badass, and kicks ass all day. No prob. A woman does it and you complain? Gedda fuck outta here.
"Loyalty to the end". Honestly one of the most interesting female chracters I've seen in any medium, much to your chagrin. Now kindly fuck off and whine harder.

that's not even it's biggest problem

yeah, the problem is that 3/5ths of that gameplay was garbage

>The problem is that niggers of that gameplay was garbage
user what

MGS4's gamplay sucks cock, just like everything else about it

Why did you need to bring niggers into that?

because he's a poltard

He's not
The other another user is just being silly with 3/5 compromise