You know, amazon Lord of the Rings series writer has a point...
You know, amazon Lord of the Rings series writer has a point
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He's not one of the writers, you dickhead.
Frodo wasn't the Chosen One.
He got the ring from Bilbo and the Fellowship decided it was too risky to let anyone else touch it.
>Your world is too white and male and straight
People argue Aragorn is a chosen one.
The dude is a retard, I doubt he has even read the book to begin with.
>not fantastic enough
Insulting LOTR for having too much worldbuilding and not enough magic is hilarious. I guess those are natural conclusions for modern fantasy consumers, who grow up fantasy that has zero worldbuilding (other than a zero-effort plagiarism of Tolkien's world) and absolutely retarded amounts of magic.
This dude is a literal retard and it honestly amazes me that he was allowed into the industry.
>it honestly amazes me that he was allowed into the industry.
All you need is nepotism. We don't live in a world where "the right person" gets the job.
>writer of star wars fanfiction has the balls to criticize Tolkien
How can someone be that delusional?
He means "not diverse enough" (and that is a bad thing)
Pretty much. It gives people great power to anyone else. To Hobbits however, it just cloaks them.
>Tolkien hard to read.
Wtf has Harry Potter done to people?
liberals really hate LOTR because they see elves as an aryan master race and orcs as a nigger untermensch
even though tolkien never said anything of that kind, they filled in the blanks for themselves. you know why? because that's how they feel inside about the races. and they got angry at tolkien over it. lol.
>this is why I'm NEET, honest!
>your world is too white and male and straight
How long will we put up with this?
Plotfags are the scourge of the earth at this point
Why, yes, a fantasy world would be much better with more Jewish people.
I am not biased.
>complains of a tired trope
>in a book written in the 30s
I mean, the literal point of the whole thing is a world where magic is on its way out.
Why are they like this?
Also I read it through when I was seven, he got no excuse.
If you don't think that statement is 100% true then you are delusional. The dude said absolutely nothing about his current predicament.
I wonder if I made a fake black account, if I could convince these people to kill themselves.
Is he aware that the book is 70 years old?
Maybe Alex was right. Maybe the chemicals are turning people into gay cuckolds.
It doesn't make his point any less valid. Americans absolutely do not live in a world where anyone competent gets jobs.
only if you're a nigger faggot
This shit is fucking embarrassing, these people are fucking human failures to feel bad for something they didn't even do.
The LOTR movies are okay, but the books are a slog. Every other minute, some tertiary character has to stop to sing a song, eat another meal, or take a piss. Fantasy literature in general is pretty terrible.
As long as we let Them stay on top.
Well let's see, one fag will go down in history for creating a really popular and loved series while another literal faggot will only be known for his hideous sandwich he "invented". And for being a retard on Twitter
I dont see a difference between his idiotic rambling and the dumb shit opinions and posts I see here every day to be honest
You should see his list of favorite games.
Hey white people why arent you fucking dragging these cunts through the streets already?
It's not even just an American thing, the world works through networking, friends of a friend, sucking dick on twitter, etc.
He's not one of the writers. OP lied to you. He's a washed up young adult author
It's still being used as the template for modern high fantasy. To say that it isn't fatastical enough jsut shows that the dude never read anything else then Harry Potter.
This guy's life accomplishment at 42 years old is writing a popular Star Wars fanfiction, and he considers Tolkien beneath him.
He gets paid to write his idiotic rambling.
In a way, LOTRs is a great litmus test to see how a person acts.
As much as I hate white people, this shit is embarrassing. Now I just hate white people even more.
lotr movies fucking suck
not just compared to books
I never said he was one of the writers. The fact that he got to write multiple novels for Disney is the shocking part.
Hating people is normal, hating yourself is not.
>Ad hominem
It can hardly be called fantasy when the hero isn't black.
oh no
>when abomination of modern luxerous lifestyle criticizes fantasy based on forgotten historical folklore and complains it doesn't promote aids
I hope he chokes on his words even if i don't like Tolkien that much.
What's with this anti white fixation
this sums up the state of modern video games criticism
Lol who cares what he thinks? The man's a moron, and a total philistine.
he means that because it is a fantasy world everybody should be a tranny and black because real life is already so straight white male dominated.
thats his idea of fantasy.
>Your world is too write
OK, if he had written the orcs and sauron as black people, would that be better?
I think Jordan did a way better job at world building than Tolkien with the wheel of time. I find Tolkien kinda dense in his way of describe things
Anyway LOTR is great
Being a literal retard is pretty much a requirement.
if your opinion of something is that it doesn't have enough gay/black whatever people in it then you're a fucking nigger
To be honest, it's not. For as much as it's important work in the fantasy genre it's really not that "fantastical". I don't know where the knights fighthing dragons and wizarss thing comes from but it's sure not LOTR.
>chosen one is a tired narcissistic plot
I'm not well read or extremely smart but even i know that the hero's journey applies to everybody, no matter where they come from, because they are the heroes of their own journeys in life. But what do i know, my skin is white i'm probably a nazi anyway.
elves are still faggots.
This guy is an all around piece of shit that has no right criticizing other's writing. Seriously, fuck him and the demented left.
>I think Jordan did a way better job at world building than Tolkien with the wheel of time.
The entire fabric of human culture disagrees with this because we have been copying Tolkien for 70 years (and still are every day,) not Jordan.
That is a natural condition of being a liberal in the modern age.
>what happened in medieval England
But Tolkien used Karelian myths and language for reference.
*loads unpopular opinion peagun*
The Hobbit was a better book than LotR. Silmarilion was garbage.
Consider at the same age Tolkien was/had been an Oxford Don and a world renowned professor of medieval lingusitcs who radically changed the field and the way in which historical texts are treated as sources and Captain in the British Army who had fought through and survived the First World War.
>people who beg for attention on the Internet are megalomaniacs
More news at 11. Being "popular on twitter" should qualify as a mental illness.
>meanwhile the elites robbing everyone absolutely blind as they play with their partisan puppets
fucking really?
There are plenty of things you can criticize about Lord of the Rings, but this dude literally chooses to harp on all the things you can forgive given the time and context it was written in.
yes of course you racist honkie
This is your filthy non-hollywoodesque elf.
>Civilization not sure which version is the best
Bruh ...are you fucking kidding me?
>white allies are so garbage
He is right you know. I, for one, would not want to have anything to do with allies like them.
Wait, I think I remember someone posting an excerpt from this. The Zhe part wasn't even the worse, it was ungodly terrible writing.
I don't know who that is and don't really care. It's not even my video games. That tolkien faggot pretty much wrote the foundations for your god damn pen&paper rpg games.
>I don't know where the knights fighthing dragons and wizarss thing comes from
I don't know about knights, but muscular warriors fighting supernatural threats and wizards was a thing long before Tolkien showed up. Pic related.
I guess this is better writing than LOTR or most modern novels. Chuck should just admit he's into bears
Why do people that hate white people tend to be lazy degenerates? Look in the fucking mirror.
I hope this faggot chokes to death on a wish bone. Fuck this cunt.
It's kind of amazing he only has one great game on his top 10, that's the worst list I've ever seen
is this a sexual thing? is it like cuckolding or master/slave roleplay
Well now we know why everything is shit
People like this get hired instead of fired or put into a concentration camp
>Even his voice: It's gravelly
So I don't believe you use a capital "i" outside of referring to yourself or the beginning of a sentence.
>Half Life 2 over 1
>Portal 2 over 1
>Fucking Firewatch
>Fucking Breath of the Wild
Other than Firewatch, the rest are good games but c'mon.
where did american literature go so wrong?
>Tried to read LOTR a bunch and couldn't get through it.
Bet you couldn't read the Odyssey, Beowulf, Le Mort de Arthur, Blood Meridan, Lovecraft, the King in Yellow, Shakespear, Flannery O'Connor... Hell, I doubt you could even slog it through Hemingway or even Steinbeck.
>Your book shouldn't read like an RPG manual
It reads like a classic epic. If you can't handle that, something high school students painfully dissect, then I can't help you.
>too white
... Fucking Elves aren't even human you sack of shit. The orcs and dwarves are entirely different species. Hell, then you got kebabs in Harad, Chiangs in the far east, and even Cheeki Breekis in Rum.
>not fantastic enough
The world has a whole glossary detailing all the weird creatures found in the world. Hell, the Simarillion goes into the Elven creation myth and explains why there are fire demons (Balrogs) and giant spiders. For fucks sake, Cuck.
>What happened in Medieval England
What? Middle Earth has little in common with the medieval period, instead resembling what we call the 'Dark Ages,' and even that is a pretty loose comparison. The fuck, Chuck?
I know he's just stirring the pot, but this hack irritates me.
He should do us all a favor and turn that shotgun inward, paint the walls with his "opinions"
>hates lord of the rings
>likes skyrim
>likes breath of the wild
>He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, her son, and two dogs.
Thank god
We don't need this evil kike anywhere near LOTR
Half life 1 is overrated. It's great, but I think it's overrated.
>her son,
Have you even read it?
>Writers tend to take inspiration from previous authors
Tolkien fans are insufferable.
>her son
It's like a joke, but it's not.
>Literal nobody gets a blue checkmark
>These are still seen as a status symbol by Twittards