What went wrong?
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
Half the roster is DLC and now we're waiting a century for 4 characters
>Still no Terumi
shit game
CF is better
Content drought
The fact this forgettable game is going to EVO is laughable. Does anyone even care about this game anymore?
God how did they screw up this show so much, who wrote and directed this crap?
Why is it always the same OP image with you
season passes
Horrible marketing. First the DLC debacle took a lot of wind out of their sales, even though they've recouped some by making RWBY chars free. Then PC port turned out to be hot garbage and their PC guy handled it like an absolute child. Next we got 5th fate tease at EVO and then complete radio silence for half a year sans one patch. Now they've announced a new patch and even got out the patchnotes in English beforehand... except we're gonna get that patch 3 months later for no particular reason. And on top of this they're teasing adding another franchise even though everyone is still waiting for them to deliver even the first AH character. It's an absolute shitshow.
>everyone deals too much damage
>only 1 round
>no DP motions
>some characters' moves have different properties than in their OG games (like Rags gauntlet hades) meaning that you can't just jump into the game and pick your main as you won't understand some things
>english aids in some characters like Carmine, Ruby, Yang and Blake
>some characters are absolute trash on their own (like Labrys)
>UNIST characters are too strong due to big as fuck normals
>Pushback kills some pressure heavy characters
>mechanics are too different to normal anime fighters
>some other bullshit that I'm not aware of because I dropped the game long ago
No. This game appeals to no one.
BB players still have CF2.
UNIST stans are riding the Evo hype train and getting even more people playing their game.
Persona folks are decaying on their discord servers but still won't move on.
RWBY fans don't play games.
And tag assist players already have DBFZ (an infinitely more popular game) and even MvCI (the better 2v2 game)
You'd think with 90% of the game being re-used assets they wouldn't need to nickle and dime you for over half the roster.
It's a side-game for people who play other fighters to fuck around, that's its purpose. This isn't anyone's main game
Why not play a better game then?
People do.
Just not as their main one. I speak in the context of big tournies where most pros fuck with one game as their primary game, while BBtag is just something they enter and mess around with.
Nobody really gives a shit about any of the 4 franchises in it?
A lot of the main FGC (primarily SFV/T7/DBFZ players) people have been picking up UNIST on the side while barely anyone relevant is even talking about BBTAG
Yeah sure, I'm not disputing you.
I'm saying that it's a side-game people play.
People actually stopped caring about the game prerelease. I would say ArcSys is obviously going to announce something at EVO but they have DBFZ as a rep for that so I don't get it.
>There are people who unironically enjoy RWBY
They published BBTAG, FZ is a Bamco game
DBFZ's PR is being handled by Bandai Namco
it doesn't even have litchi x rise to sell me on the game itself, let alone make me want to play it with others which i learned my lesson there already with blazblue
I enjoy RWBY, I just don't think it's good
Barely at this point. It'll probably be bottom 2 once the Evo entrance rankings get updated again.
This holy shit. I can’t believe we still have to wait another month and a half for four characters and some balancing. And after that it’s probably just more goddamn radio silence until EVO. Advertise your game a little, maintain interest. Just show off something new PLEASE
Wait a second! You posted this thread 2 weeks ago!
You mean like 3 days ago
Go play something else. This is a dead game.
What he said. It's shit, but it's entertaining shit sometimes.
If there were a way to combine the writing some of the fans have come up with, Monty's fight choreography, and the modern visual quality, that would actually be watchable.
i want to get this game for these cute chibi things
IT takes fucking forever to get news on it because arcs only has 25 programmers and all of them are tied up in various projects
Autocombos. Makes the game boring as fuck to play.
What anime fightan game do I play if I'm new? I feel like I came in at a bad time unless UNIST is good
No senrans.
Too easy to lose/win.
Shit balance on game release.
No seriously there are people who enjoy it, think it's good and defend it.
Autocombo garbage.
It's literally "fanfiction the show", don't understand how people enjoy this crap
Play DBFZ, it's very newbie friendly and easy to learn
People are going to refute the autocombo point but they are correct, the game does have a bit of depth.
But said depth only extends to like 6 feet ahead where the advanced combos of "cross combos" only manage to really be assist-special-assist-special-super-dhc. It really isn't all that complex. I'd say doing optimal solo combos with the frankenstein of a moveset they give to characters from their previous games are probably tougher.
> a bad time
you came at a amazing time. Basically every main fighting game has an active community. Lots of games to chooce from, good resources beginner/character specific stuff and easy acces to people who play the games for questions.
I do play others but I just really like this one...
I love them they’re adorable. There’s a chibi you can purchase (with in-game money) for each playable character, and you can make them emote when inside the online lobbies. I’d love to take pictures of them, but I don’t really play online :T
I'll defend it from bullshit criticism. It has like five good points and some retards attack those instead of the millions of valid angles.
Get better taste in games then
Weiss is trash tier in game, and the only good thing to come out of RWBY.
nerf them and put Penny in already
Boring roster choices, RWBY, complete lack of single player content for casuals, and the way the announcements have been handled sucks cock.
>Ruby/Weiss having Jaune/Pyrrha colors
It's a fighting game
Western appeal failed with RWBY and now they're making amends by adding more JAP game characters and nerfing pushblock.
They should've just given us the balance patch early and the new characters later.
Game is super fun and probably the best tag fighter out right now, but some mechanics are too strong with some characters like Gordeau taking way more advantage of them over other characters.
>Game is super fun and probably the best tag fighter out right now
Infinite is objectively better as a tag assist game
You probably aren't wrong. I could never get into it because of its visuals and the complete chaos of its active tag system. I find BBTAG more manageable, but MvCI can be fun. I just highly dislike the stones.
>>Game is super fun and probably the best tag fighter out right now
It's all about TH15.5 baby, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boyyyyyyyyyyy
It’s just taking too long for shit to come out & there’s no marketing whatsoever, the game itself is great, and I’m very pleased with how it ended up. Fighterz almost ruined ArcSys for me, before this game restored my faith & made me realize how big a bullshit artist Hiroki is.
Yang is best girl.
The new FZ patch makes that game way better than BBTAG in every way.
I’ll have to take your word for it, son, cause I refuse to put any more time into that pile of disappointment than I already have. Only game I ever got rid of, and I ain’t rebuying it any time soon.
>Announce DLC characters
>Don't deliver for almost a full year
I genuinely thought they may have ran into copyright issues with whatever guest character they were trying to get or that the DLC was canceled after six months of waiting.
Nope, they just have way too fucking many projects going on at once
i'm still waiting for a Vatista one
>Mika Threads get pruned/deleted
Thank you based mods
If the game had simple combos then I would have had a difficult time playing the game. Especially with the sheer amount of damage the most basic combos do.
Where are the nude mods?
See, I have no problems waiting for content to drop, from any developer. But just let me know it’s still happening. In this game’s case, at least have a teaser image with their BBTAG render like what they did with Yang at the end of Blake’s trailer. Put out a gameplay showcase as early as possible afterwards. Just keep people in the loop
I really wanna see Vatista and Hazama desu
I think the hate against the games pricing model is a huge shame, it has the best pricing model of a fighting game yet imo. Imagine being able to not have to pay for all the characters you don't play in other fighing games. If a new mainline BB ever comes out, I would love it if the game is chopped up into packs and buying all of them just amounts to the price of a normal game, letting me ignore the shit I don't care about.
It also has the most commitment to being a TAG fighter. Partners aren't just assist calls, active switching and cross combos makes it so the strongest mixups in the game comes from the opponent having to track which character you are actually controlling.
haven't played in the latest patch. Do games take less than 2 years to end now?
Doesn't have Enkidu and would put trash in like Kirito[/spolier] instead
What the fuck is a stan lol
It's a fighting game for the current generation. Meaning that we have to wait a long time until we get the "Actually complete game edition". I can't care for a game that I know it's incomplete.
What's wrong with Mika-chan?
Mika is the Juri/Baiken/Angel/Mai of uni now that people realize Yuzuriha is too big brain for them
>Mika is the Juri/Baiken/Angel/Mai of uni now
Yukiko is still dogshit tier
The threads are always so negative, so I'm gonna say that I actually quite enjoy it. I play casually with a friend but might join some groups when the new chars come out.
You don't need to get it if you can't figure it out
Because it's a shit game
Juri/Baiken/Angel/Mai are popular amongst waifufags because they're hot and they typically don't play the game and just masturbate
Mika isn't very attractive
I'm not saying there's nothing to complain about. Just that I like it.
Agreed desu
why do retards cry about this show so fucking much