Why the fuck is this characters only counter another Widowmaker?

Why the fuck is this characters only counter another Widowmaker?

Who balances this shit?

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Have sex

With Widowmaker.

Doesn't Winston counter her pretty hard?

You expected Blizzard to balance the game properly? You only have yourself to blame, just use another Widowmaker or Ashe. Or any class with a shield.

I love it when there's a half decent Widowmaker on the team and I go Winston just so they're not there getting all the free shots they can and they think they're the hottest shit. "Oh haha, you had to go a counter just to stop me, I'm so fucking good."

Winstons get targeted before they even reach the Widow.

T. Genjilet

Ashe and Sombra stomp her as well, Tracer with good high ground coverage and Hanzo in the same situation where you win as widow (other widow doesn't know where you are)

Why does this question have as a presumption that all widows never miss their fully charged headshots?
Your problem isn't with the character, it's with players better than you are, in which case, git gud.

What happened to Overwatch? It started out as campy and fun but then the whole Sombra ARG fiasco happened and the devs started taking everything super seriously.

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Widow is bad, but Hanzo is worse.
>okay guys let's make another flanker who doubles as a sniper and he has a bow and arrow
>sounds cool but it'll be hard for him to land hits to balance it right?
>no no no his arrows travel almost as fast as hitscan and he never has to reload and they draw rapidly
>but his damage will balance it out right
>no no no he can oneshot 97% of the roster at any distance
>but he's gonna be countered at close range to make up for that right
>no no no he's also got fan the hammer but fan the bow except it's full damage and can headshot so he can take anything down that gets near him
>but then he can get dived on at least?
>no no no he can also double jump away move quickly and climb any surface to escape if he needs to
>but at least he can't support his team well right?
>no no no he has widowmaker's radar except he can use it whenever he wants and shoot it for full regular damage so you can get an instant kill and reveal enemies at the same time
>...but his ult is at least poor to make up for all that right?
>no no no

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Retards also never factor in that someone can't headshot you if they don't see you/know where you are

doesn't monkey and d.va counter her easily? it would be weird that a tank could counter a sniper

don't forget that the hitboxes with his arrows are complete bullshit

He's supposed to be bullshit because they are completely copying Yasuo

Anything with decent mobility and a more than 250 hp can harass her all game.

Hanzo's more of a problem for tanks that try to solo him. He's so easy to destroy, like any OW character, by coordinating onenyank and DPS to be hitting him at the same time. Literally that easy

Which is why Overwatch is a shit game. A good player SHOULD destroy anyone, regardless of which character they pick.

What is Winston and D.Va? Haven't played the game in 2 years though Blizz has probably butchered and bastardized the game even more since so I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

what does that have to do with the extremely generous hit detection they give hanzo's arrows? same thing with mei's icicles

If your soldier just shoot him for half a clip and then shoot your rockets at him. Easy ass kill. The only thing that sucks about honzo is he gets his ult fast as fuck and it's a total bullshit one at that. Reapers ult can be bullshit, but at least he has to set up and hope he doesnt get taken out before using it. Honzo just stands behind a wall and shoots a dragon up everyone's ass.

I think it's more embarrassing that you play this children's game

Anyone with a shield is her counter.

>see Hardonmake in enemy team
>pick Ashe
>proceed to dominate
Not that hard if you are not a complete scrub with Ashe

>who balances this

Haven't played this garbage since 2017ish? But I remember Winston and discord orb fucked up Widow pretty bad, Tracer and Genji also, maybe D.va if the widow was really bad

>be McCree
>having fun as a root n tootin cowboy, shooting shit
>enemy switches to widowmaker
>if I don't have a shield I have to hide play behind corners, since the widow can snipe and insta kill me
>even with a shield, she can just grapple to some corner of the map and see everyone and get a cheeky jump headshot
>"well thats okay, I can probably flank and get a pick that wa-"

honestly, how do you have fun sitting way in the back of a map, and shooting things uncontested. I mean you do that with mccree but atleast theres movement involved and generally you're not too far from your team, you're in the action yknow? might as well play minesweeper in you wanna just click shit.

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It's always been like that, snipers counter other snipers while everyone else just plays avoidance game.


Anywhere above gold a Winston would die before getting anywhere close to the Widowmaker.

Hanzo's ult is one of the worst in the game unless you have Zaryha grav.

Reaper's ult is also not that great.

Get out of gold and you will see.

Also soldier uses magazines not clips.

I would if she was real

wtf you OWNED him

Did tanks ever get nerfed in OW?
The best patch was the one before they nerfed the ranges of every hitscan.