Post your rare trophies Yea Forums

Post your rare trophies Yea Forums

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My actual rarest 2 plats are Arkham Asylum and Destiny 1.6% not that it matters...

Harder games like DaS plats aren't really rare anymore and to put this further into perspective the Knack platinum is 0.1%

I didn't sacrifice myself for ending E. Thanks for the save files faggots.

being born as white male in real life :^)

>the Knack platinum is 0.1%
This usually happens as soon as a game is given on PS Plus.

I got the 2B up skirt achievement on accident. It was the cutscene where you are talking to the downed Goliath. The camera pans up, but 2B was off screen. I just thought the camera was freaking out because the screen was bouncing all over the place. 2-Butt thought I was looking at her supple android butt, but I was just looking at big daddy G. I think it canceled the dialogue each time too, because 2B moves out of the way and glares at you for doing it, but again I had no idea it was happening. She kept walking off the ledge every time the camera panned up and the dialogue started.

Not that rare, I guess.

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You could just backup the save file to usb in both Niers and dab on the game.

Are there sites that list your psn trophies out? Or something on the PS4 itself? Can't be arsed to actually search through everything. I'm pretty sure my rarest isn't a plat though.

SSX 2012 platinum. I spent 10 hours on a single course trying to get the gold score. I swear they added 10% to the maximum score. You literally needed to combo the entire slope and it was covered in flat sections, and better: bottomless pits.

psnprofiles is what everyone uses.

I recently did Ace Combat 7. I think the plat is still under 0.3%

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 1.9%
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor 3.3%
Far Cry Primal 4.3%
Bloodborne 5.7%
The Wolf Among Us 20.3%
The Walking Dead 46%

Shadow or Mordor was my first plat.
Actually surprised Bloodborne is so high considering how grindy the chalice dungeon achievement is.
The Telltale games shouldn't even have plat trophies imo.

Too much effort.

Lost my virginity.

The rate for that one is like .01% on this board.

Fist of the north star: Lost paradise platinum less than 1%

Thanks user. I only got around to trying out Dead Cells recently and still haven't beat it but looks like that's still my rarest ones, silver and bronze. I guess that's ok though, it's proving to be a pretty fun game. Although the recent update has changed things fairly dramatically and I'm going to have to mess around to figure out what my new strats should be. Also feels real fucking bad that I'd already gotten out of the habit of talking to the collector and just lost a ton of blueprints again. T-thanks.

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I got the plat in The Evil Within. Fuck Akumu and Fuck Jannies.

last platinum I got was God of War, which isn't a rare one as Platinum trophies go. I only did it cause it was easy.

My rarest platinums are
>Resistance 2
>Killzone 2

Technically I should have Twisted Metals plat and Defiance 2050 plats but both games trophy lists are forever glitched, TMs online trophies are notoriously unobtainable even when the requirements are met and Defiance 2050 the devs just give no shits about trophies/achievements being possible.

Protip never play Defiance 2050, its legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played and this is coming from someone that got 3 years worth of enjoyment out of the original defiance.
Has all of the same issues and more that the original had but none of the fun and quadruple the grind.

As far as the GoW series and its platinums for the most part they're not difficult and are usually rather fun if you.

Having said that Ascension is just a cunt nugget, enemies are needlessly bitchy and the game just feels like it drags on longer than it has any right to

I got that one as well and yeah it's neither hard nor rare. I got though because I ended up enjoying the game pretty well and I actually wanted to explore everything and do everything. In contrast I'll never bother to plat GoW3 because I just don't want to play it again.

The requirements for LP2 were fucking ridiculous. Sometimes I wonder how these are decided.

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guess I'm a pleb
worth noting that I platinumed Nier and Dark Souls once before on an old account before this, switched over to the new one when I started Demon's Souls
yes I duped some of my pure bladestones for demon's souls after 10 hours of farming but nothing else

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Yes, yes. And then the same thing happened ten times, silly you. Just admit it, user. No one is judging you

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doesn't that mean you had to play the game twice on a harder difficulty? Why would you do that to yourself

Fuck Jonathan Blow

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can't blame a man really, all those glimpses of it you get just running around while the camera auto pans down and her skirt hikes up from the motion just makes it too alluring

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My rarest platinum is for DJ Hero.

The only platinums I got were for Fallout 3 and Dragon's Dogma. I almost got a singularity plat, but I was not able to get the multiplayer trophies.

I finished the game 6 times. And you can't even skip the cutscenes.

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I have rarer ones than this, but they are for DLC. The Legacy pack trophies in Hitman 2 are incredibly rare but that's not because they are hard.
I think Thumper's platinum is my rarest for a main game.

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FYI, I'm pretty sure that these percentages are out of psnprofile users, so all these trophies are rarer than the numbers show if you compare to the percentage on psn.


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I'm and it's the opposite
the nier and demon's souls plats are like 3% viewed through my psn account

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this is correct, psnprofiles also displays the regular psn rarity but most people only really care for psnp rarity because otherwise every platinum is ultra rare

Recommend some easy Vita trophies to get while I'm bored at work

Some plats really are easy but in a good way. Got around to playing Horizon ZD a few weeks ago and it was pretty decent, but one thing I definitely liked is the lack of bullshit with achievements. With one minor exception they're all basically things you'd do anyway just completing all bits of the game with no guides needed. Hell they even actively avoided requiring you to go and collect every bit of lore which is something nearly all devs seem to do. Good for them.

Yeah that's what I mean. The 10% is among psnprofiles users, the 3% is among anyone whose every played it.

I don't get the whole platinum thing, I sometimes do my own challenge runs which obviously don't give trophies and often I see the trophies I 'missed' are for menial chores that take hours and are no fun or challenge to obtain

Shadow Warrior, 0.01%
Get on my level, bitches.

Nah fuck that. Trophies should always be an optional challenge, not something you get for doing basic shit you’d do anyway.

I know it's not trophies but back on the XBOX 360 I got the good ending achievement for metro 2033. Pretty sure only 0.5% had that.

Rarest platnium is SC6. I think its only at 1.0%
Rarest trophy is something dumb from project cars. Something about driving slow or backwards. Its less that .5% last time i looked.

oh I read that wrong
took it as you saying the psnprofiles number was rarer

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There’s good and bad ways to design achievements. Best case scenario you’re encouraged to play the game in an interesting new way or look out for content you’d miss otherwise, worst case scenario you ruin the game by having to keep a guide on hand all the time because there’s 233 missable collectibles.

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better with dogs

You know what. I'm going to turn on my PS TV right now and see how rare are they. I'm pretty sure it's even rarer on PSN.
(am that guy who played Grand Kingdom)
Expect a pic soon. From phone.

If you mean the Enlightened achievement, it's at 11% right now, according to trueachievements.

I pre-ordered the collectors edition of GK and then barely played it. Sad I missed out on when it was active. I really liked it, but something else must have had my attention.

you've got plenty of time

>Nah fuck that. Trophies should always be an optional challenge, not something you get for doing basic shit you’d do anyway.
Sorry if I wasn't clear but I said "completing all the bits of the game", that includes optional more difficult challenges and some secrets and the like, not merely proceeding through the main story. But what it doesn't include is
It's a reward for 100%ing the game but in a real not bullshit sense. Far too many games have plats depend on RNG farming of one sort or another or collecting a bunch of shit that you either need a guide or need hundreds of hours for. Latter is particularly pernicious in an open world type game.

The Yakuza 0 was fucking miserable

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Half of Tales of Vesperia's trophy list are the bosses' secret missions that you have no way of knowing besides sheer accident.

Sad. It used to be rare.


Funny you say that. I used to (and still to some extent) care a bit about rarity and think it was kind of neat to have something unusual. Now though if it's an awesome game and the trophy is a fair one I more think it's kind of sad if very few people have ever gotten that far. Means they never got through a great vidya.


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why is bestiality so damn hot?

Yup, I was right!

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>not even a plat

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would be interest to see a ranking where plat rarity was "normalized", like it was a ratio to i dunno some bronze for finishing the very first area. lot of ultra rares are inflated because tons of people got the game on sale or bundled fired it once then never again. conversely some awesome more hardcore niche game where everyone who bought it at least got some of the ways through should have a bit of extra weight.

Are you guys real gamers?

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True but at the same time they dont need to be obtainable from putting the player through needless extreme amounts of bullshit, IE things like killzone shadowfall that require about 1000 kills with every weapon, powerup, explosive, etc. In multiplayer or Twisted Metal that requires you to log on once a day for 30 days straight and win a match but it only pops for people anywhere between 50 and 70 days into winning a match a day

Drawn to Death's platinum trophy at 0.1%

rate my list yall :)

My rarest trophy is the platinum for Stardew Valley, mostly because finishing Journey of the Prairie King without dying is pretty rough.

Is it hard enough to ruin the overall experience or would you say it’s worth it?

Sonic and furry fan.
>I am Christine. 600 games played
Seek help, you fucking idiot.

I only got the Platernum for Bloodbob because it seemed pretty easy. Even so reaching the Beast Claw and Queen Yharnam in the Chalices Dungeons was a pain.

>LBP 1 & 2 plat
>Modnation Racers Plat
>all those Sonic plats
>LBP3 almost platinum
Ain't even mad, I'm impressed

I saved it for last, so by the time I finally sat down to get good I had the weight of the previous 120 hours bearing down on me. There was no way I was giving up, even if I would have liked to a couple of times. For its own sake it isn't worth doing but I don't think it's so tedious that it retroactively ruins all the fun I had previously. It's the kind of trophy that is mostly skill-based but does need a little bit of luck to help you through.

Is this post ironic or do you actually not know who chris chan is.

I regret not getting the Munch platinum, but after 4 playthroughs I was done.

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