containment thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


artificer needs a new ult

US west, get in losers


>If a multiplayer game needs to always be played with friends so you can coordinate around its objective flaws it is a bad multiplayer game
the literal opposite is true. Its why Overwatch is in such a shit state because its intentionally designed so utter randoms with 0 coordination can still press and win because there are no mechanics that reward any kind of coordination. Pushes aren't punished, and even the most casual of shitter can still get kills cus ults are guaranteed.

where is the fucking crack


Above game empty


So come here!


the objectively correct pronunciation fight me

>white people

>Pirating a multiplayer game in early access that will get frequent updates

why the engi? he is a bro taken out fodder

you're both wrong. that IS bad multi-player design but this game doesn't have that design. it's easy as fuck to solo if you're aren't retarded

Who has pasta for all unlocks

first time getting to the gilded coast, spent at least ten minutes fighting the big dude and immediately lost afterwards because i was ten minutes behind and didnt have enough shit. am i missing something? this seems like far too much work for one item (which didn't even seem to do much, just extra health and faster health regen)

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1 more nigga needed here

i just wanna try it out. i fucking hate buying games that i cant test (ever since they killed demo's) and so i pirate them first

are people handing out keys? I'll only stay in this thread if keys are being handed out.

want my gift copy user?

Is there a way to not get fucked up by boss golems' laser beam? Is it just running away out of range? Cover is almost non-existent in some areas.


post id

>lobby goes 4 pistolbois
>someone instantly triggers mountain shrine & teleporter
>all three die practically instantly
>have to fight 2 jellyfish on my own with no items whatsoever
>another jelly spawns
>some gigantic golem spawns too

jesus, that was quite the first round

Attached: FrV9eW9[1].png (696x432, 422K)

>he fell for the commando meme
still my favorite character

keep the wings or keep this jew item

Attached: wuw.jpg (654x233, 37K)

Extremely based lobby:

I hate fighting those jellyfish. although I just found out if you hid behind the summon pillars, it counts as cover from the shockwave

>mfw i get an item that gives me a beetle guard

Attached: beetle_guard.png (1360x768, 909K)

>play huntress
>avoid everything
>suddenly 5 stone titans
>pinpoint accuracy on their laserbeams


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What items do you get on this zoo wee mama

Wait WHAT?
It is out?
Is it good? Loved RoR

do you think Huntress makes fun of Artificer about her ass?

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What are you on about? The worst part of overwatch is you can't do anything on your own because it's completely reliant on teamwork

does anyone know what the fuck is all the way up at the top of the map at that ? marker?

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When will he come back?

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Can I unlock the characters by editing a notepad file like in the first RoR?

it's 3d RoR

Best item set up for Artificer?
I was thinking Syringes+Magazinr for her charge up stuff

So in huntress just mediocre when it comes to boss dps?
Particularly the jellyfish and imp boss i just feel worthless outside of culling the trash mobs.

has anyone checked this island out

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any hosts?

EU 3/4

someone says killbarier

Fuck magma worm

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I nearly got buttfucked so hard by 2 crabbys it would've been the most liked explody orb bukkake on pornhub

Getting those phantom knives as her along with black holes is fucking amazing

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nvm its just a newt altar

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area is just under development. that item isnt even unique to that area/boss



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where do you get your lobby number?

How do I get to this area?

How big is the wandering vagrants rape alarm explosion?

top right corner button

2/4 stop leaving you nogs

So what is in these golden chests that are super expensive? Didnt get enough gold for it sadly

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very very big, most dashes won't clear it if you didn't get a head start
it can be avoided by using cover like avoiding stone titans laser beam

OST is a major downgrade from the first one

So how it is?

Button at top right

p fuckin big.
Get behind a rock son

I triggered the tp cause i thought it was going to be 1 boss we can fast delet and grab chests and move on. Wasn't expecting mountain shrine, 3 jellies, rock guardian and literall 20 golems

You guys, we don't have Elites yet.
Overloading Vagrants havem't spawn in playthroughs yet.
Now imagine a 3D one.
I have never seen an Elite Dunstrider either.

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US Lobby

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you need to rehost dumb dumb the lobby is bust

>game hasn't even been out for quite 48 hours yet
help i have a problem

Attached: Steam_2019-03-30_07-47-55[1].png (238x106, 31K)

Commando is so fucking boring.
>tactical roll

God willing, never.

Excessively big
seek cover when it happens if you don't wanna get rekt
Hope it gets nerfed or randos start to get a clue cause they get fucking wiped every time that shit goes off

Commando fucking sucks
Huntress having auto-aim is dumb
MUL-T is fucking retardedly easy
Mercenary is fun

Epic items only. I got a tesla conduit and the happy mask thing so far from them.

EU hostan

Attached: FACE_QUAD.png (120x120, 2K)

Normal chests seem to drop whatever
Expensive chests drop green/reds
Orange chests only drop reds.

Randos getting wiped is the only way I get items

>autistic screeching

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Guaranteed Red

commando is pretty fun once you stack needles and glasses and ukes.
It just melts errything but isn't a skilless shit like mult or engi


It's up!


Fug, one guy stuck so I thought it wasnt borked

glitched yo

just try for 2 hours and refund?

ah okay, that makes sense. thank you!

i found a shrine in the snow map that cost ~730 gold to activate. i saved up, activated it, then after i activated the teleporter a gold portal appeared.

ok ty

>when there's a 3D printer for Bungus and you're engi
Shame it was already getting to the point enemies could do our entire max HP bar.

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So is it good? Did it transition well into 3D?

>Commando had good dps and knockback in RoR1 even if he's the first character.
>RoR2 he has no knockback and is now >babbys intro to game
It's not fair, give Commando back his stuff.

Attached: 6a8.jpg (541x800, 144K)

>no harpoons on engi
>but arrow rain on huntress
You win some and you lose some

us east lobby


Never said he is ineffective.
Just boring.

how do you avoid that fucking fire giants insta kill laser?

>that buy 1 get 1 free deal
if you buy this game, gift that free one to a friend and refund, can you buy the game again and repeat until everyone has free games? Or is the 2 for the price of 1 a 1-time deal?

you can delete huge groups of normies with infinite range using piercing bullet which goes through walls.

Stack crowbars and watch entire level full of basics dissapear

Why I'm not getting anything from combat shrine? WTF is mountain shrine?

It's fun. It's very janky in some places but I'd chalk that all up to early access.
Mostly I just wish I knew what the fuck I'm getting hit by 99% of the time. in a 3d environment with little to no warning of enemy attacks and huge hurtboxes on most attacks it can lead to some wtf deaths

more fun than ror1 even in current state.

How does he live in harder difficulties past 5minutes though?

Someone said it revokes both copies

It's more of a "your friend will also lose the copy" kind of deal


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>mfw I actually like playing Commando
I know he's not the best, but something about him feels just right to me

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Knockback isn't as relevant in 3D. I just wish cooldowns in general were a bit lower.

>no I-frames on roll
This is some A-grade bullshit right here

wait seriously? no wonder i kept dying last game, i'd roll thinking i'd be fine but just get murdered

we did it reddit!

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Is Mercenary the best character in the game at the moment? Huntress has to be a close second.

This run was fucking disgusting

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>buy one get one free is until 30'th
>I get paid on 1'st
>literally and figuratively broke as shit for 1 more day

Well fuck. Game seems really fun though.

need 1 more boy

Commando literally was able to give himself breathing room in any situation thanks to his knockback
His dodge doesn't have i frames either.
I feel like they nerfed him here, it becomes harder to get out of shooting enemies unless rng is kind to you.

I regret buying this as solo-only, it's really fucking rough even for early access and I don't think the game is fixable. Dead space between chests is massive and If something is on the otherside of the map I just wanna alt-f4 than fuckingly slowly run there for 5 minutes. Teleporters tucked into tiny off skirts that take 20+ min to find at times. Really weird golem tracking that laser your ass everything has super quick projectiles and no real way to mitigate it... feels like it's balanced around multiplayer only. Quick play is full of fellow retards and the game doesn't reward sharing.

anyone else feel like the menu music is a little overbearing? Waiting for lobbies and listening to constant guitar shredding is getting a bit old

post your email and I'll send you it

I've killed him, just gotta shoot him gooder especially if you are MUL-T. nailgun can almost instagib bosses.


>The best
From my experience he's like the worst one, relies heavily on good items otherwise you're basically useless especially in multiplayer.

>buy game literally 10 minutes ago
>didnt get free copy
wtf bros

busted big guy
big ass bitch
magma merc'd
the other one
constantly cucked by no invul commando

Merc is the most fun imo but maybe not the best overall character

Can't run on my PC,. Everything says Title_SinglePlayer or Title_Multiplayer.

Attached: gLASS MODE.png (366x280, 140K)


>activate teleporter
>magma worm spawns
>he decides to only dance on the ledge above the teleporter out of range

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Merc is the most fun I've had playing a video game since the first RoR came out. Huntress is the opposite, she really needs some changes (like being able to sprint while running backwards).


I'm still 10/10 mad about bosses being about taking cover and not evading their attacks

Why make this change?

>boss goes down
>the crayon eater standing on the teleporter grabs all 4 items that spawn before anyone else can get close
Instead of spawning the items where anyone can grab, why not just give anyone still alive when the boss dies and has contributed a certain percent of damage, like 5% at least, to the boss the item automatically?

the BOGO sale ended at noon pacific time user

>Get blasted by 2 magma worms as engi
>Had 4 bustling fungus
>Even in death my turrets help my team win and don't die for the rest of the round

Engi boys for life. Feels good to be able to help from beyond the grave.

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Your experience is you're shit at him and so is everyone you play with. Even with bad items, he carries his weight fine. He's not Mul-T but he's mid to high tier in the right hands.

It's not even noon eastern time




you can evade them, its just easier to take cover. or just play merc

lasers are retarded, i had 11 energy drinks, 3 hooves and that item that dashes you forward on sprint jumps and still couldnt outrun them

Literally get good, and use the fucking sprint button because no chests are THAT far apart. The first two or three shouldn't take more than 10 mins to clear, and after that you'll probably have enough movement items that you can clear them even faster.

Taking cover is a form of evading

invalid lobby

>play on a toaster
>have to have the window so small the items overlap the gold count
>can't ever read it
true suffering

Vagrant is the shittiest boss in the game.
Not by its own design, it's pretty cool, but by the design of everything else that makes you play a fucking CoD game for the duration of the battle.


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Post a run through of the game unless I'm missing something massive. I am holding the sprint button, you don't have clairvoyance and it's impossible to find the teleporters in many cases. Are they static spawns or something?

kys huemonkey/seanigger

that's a lot of drones

>fire anything exists
>can only use R to safely do damage against them
Yeah nah, also swarm of wisps will fuck you up hard without good items.
He excel at cleaning up anything that stay grounded like stone titans and shit but everything else he's fucked without items.

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New lobby, don't activate the fucking teleporter early I swear on me mum

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It peaked at 5 on the charts last night.

EU 1 slot
Fuck Magma worms in caves as Merc

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The beetle guard is cool, but on Huntress, it's basically a mandatory item.


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What does the mountain shrine thing do?

Can't wait for the circlejerk to soon start forcing shitty tierlists and then later on shitty game modes like command and glass.

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Increase boss spawns when you hit the tele.

The reward for this is so underwhelming. It takes too long too.

Spawns another boss at the teleporter.

They're procedural but there are specific places where they'll spawn. After you run maps a lot you learn where to look. The best example I can think of is the Swamp level; everyone hates how the Tele can spawn in water (which is stupid to be fair) but when you look around for a few minutes and don't find it in any other spots, you just make a beeline for that area.

the gun is good fo shredding bosses when you don't have much use for money anymore

Based lobby once again

Does anything happen if you kill all the flying creatures on that one beginning level? Forgot the name.

>Jump into a quick lobby
>They choose easy mode


>get triple jelly boss
>rest of the team dies but I manage to finish it solo
>boss drops 8 will-o-the-wisps and I get them all
>swing sword once at a monster
>insta explodes every enemy around them who them also explode and create a massive chain reaction of death
>get "kill 15 enemies simultaneously" achievement
and then we all died to some worms

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Do I do it?

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>Play merc for the first time
>Zip around chopping up vagrants without touching the ground
He's amazing lads

Attached: Riskyrains.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

If you love RoR you will love this. It's Early access though so the final stage and boss aren't in yet

Buy healing drones and spam dash, Magma Worm is easy as fuck. If you actually get low, dash away until you're healed up because you can outrun him.

All Merc needs is some white healing/damage mitigation items. People act like he needs really specific builds that rely on green items or some shit.

What's the general strategy for 4 players? We always seem to be low on items and much slower compared to lower player counts.

How do you get there?

after you do a loop, sometime a with portal will open after killing the boss

Attached: 562.jpg (600x600, 67K)

portal shows up next to teleporter after loop, take it instead of the teleporter.

You get teleported back to shore as soon as you reach the third conatiner

that is THE GAME

once i have the 11 lunar coins what does the shrine that needs to be activated looks like ?

HEre we go, EU lads

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2 slots

The one that asks for 1 lunar coin and looks like a clamp.
Easiest way to get it is start a game till you get the ancient steppes and go for it (it's behind one of the pillars near the edge of the map)


Best US lobby open once again

no items, huntress only, final destination

Only gotten blue portals and they only take me to a lunar shop. Is it another color or something?

Rank or tier every playable character.

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golems are cute, cute!

>playing as a literal tank
Fuck you

Two more and they form up into some kind of giant fighting robot

Great: Mul-T
Good: Merc, Wizard chick
Kinda ass: Huntress, Commando

Magma worm problem is that it takes forever to kill as merc but the real problem is fire mobs that spawn later in the run where it's basically guaranteed to pop up and wisps got so tanky you can't even kill it with single dash.
Running away to heal up and lose out damage is already a big problem when all other classes can do constant damage while kiting everything to death.

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It's the celestial portal it's a slightly different color

>game is good
>captures the spirit of the first one
>sadly it also has all the problems of the first one

MY favorite character
>poopoo garbage tier
YOUR favorite character

Are you guys having FUN at last?

it's shit.

>will o' wisp
>and his music was electric
>black hole

My god is it beautiful.

>tfw friend has prehistoric laptop, can't play together
shit sucks man

Attached: 1537647544779.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

stack speed and crit you'll be pulling a ton of damage

broken: mul-t
good: everyone else

classes are well balanced imo

any way to get more lunar coins ?


its too much fun?

it requires skill?

SSS: Mul-T
F- :everyone else

How the fuck do you get the enforcer? I thought it was repeated runs but I've had 0 luck.

Since release I've put in about 20 hours. My enjoyment hasn't gone down at all, if anything it's actually gone up.

This is the first time in a while I was actually thinking about how excited I was to go home and play this game. Planning on picking up some comfy snacks tomorrow and keep on powering through.

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Post that in the feedback discussions or hopoo's twitter.

cheat, duh
saw guy in multiplayer with 99999 lunar coins

Keep playing.

Do you know the types of Ace's? Those who seek strength. Those who live for pride. And those who can read the tide of battle.

Then there are those who play Merc and forget what what the ground feels like.

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yeah have fun doing that without relics

now how do I cheat? like where is the save file to cheat this shit.

same here
based boi hopoo

But by the time fire elites spawn you should have enough healing to tank shit. Everyone will eat shit and die to those fuckers if they don't have good defensive items.

Hes fun until you have too much movement speed to actually control him and shitloads of elite bosses with the blazing tag

I just did Eclipse and got 8 hopoo feathers on COmmando. Get at me.

oh, fuck off

>brilliant behemoth + primordial cube + artificer

holy fucking shit it procs off every tick of the flamethrower. IM A FIRE GOD

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He isn't in the game yet.

I just took a huge shit

Also why are there so.many threads for this game, which should I start with if I've never played one

Servers fucked for anyone else? I can get into the character selection but it bugs out there and doesn't load.


you're a sub80IQ retard

Fuck you Huntress is based

> pop a mountain
> activate porter
> it's all multiple overloading worms with more lightning than deemed legal

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you do it buddy
i'll join
though im shit

The thing is other classes doesn't risk dying when it wants to do damage against fire elites but yes they are problem to everyone especially fire stone titan, merc just get fucked harder by it compares to the rest.
Playing solo merc is fine because you can hog all items to yourself but in multiplayer you'll be more likely to get cucked by other players.

>you have been sequenced
>59 medkits
>31 ukeleles
>4 snowflakes


we're full nigger

>Playing merc grounded
What are you doing? Even without any cool down items he has four invincible air dashes that all oneshot one or more wisps/jellyfish each depending how grouped or lined up they are. The character is literally at his worst when not flying around endlessly and using his ridiculous levels of air mobility.

Refund it so I dont ever play with you in quick play you retard

Fuck the gunner drones AI needs to be desperately fixed. They get stuck constantly, they don't fly over objects, they get destroyed because they get stuck, and they shoot at shit they cannot physically shoot at (something behind a rock)

cleaning up anything that stay grounded =/= stay grounded

>Huntress having auto-aim is dumb
fuck you huntress is great as is.
you need to learn how to fucking aimlock you pleb.

This place is a fucking headache holy shit
Doesn't help that the teleporter literally blends in with the environment

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I believe I saw a UI scale option in settings.

Can I beg for a gift copy here?

How the fuck do you die as Engi? He's got so much health youd literally have to stop fucking playing

look for the orange firefles


How is engineer? I haven't played him yet

I can see that becoming a problem, I think they did a good job with him in the third dimension though, I didn't think melees would work out

Attached: Commandodance.gif (200x200, 28K)

no, fuck off

I really like the game visually, great fucking job. Especially on the huntresses ass.

us east, come


can asian peeps join in US or EU lobbies? OR well.... any kind of lobbies i suppose.

>you have been sequenced
>20 goat hooves
>14 hopoo feathers
>3 behemoths

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Fuck the teleporter.

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Attached: 1532801364072.png (630x773, 201K)

>everyone ITT has an extra copy
>but i cant beg


Get in here

The only problem is ((you))

>teammate has to fight two worms alone
>the screen just goes red

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I got mine from a friend

hes pretty shit
grenades have shit range and are hard to aim more than melee range, but they do alot of damage without items
the sheild is nice but you cant fire into it and really play AROUND it, ultimately not worth changing harpoons
sentries die too fast to be useful

Teleporter is a problem, sometimes it clips into the ground and not flowing with the environment properly
Also it blends in the dark too much with only the particles as an indication a "hiding in plaint sight" situation.
The place I found it the fastest is always the winter stage or the first.

kill yourself brainlet shill

Yeah it really sucks. Upvoted

I'm a thirdworlder, user. My gifts are regionlocked to fuck and back.

Engineer is goddamn awesome, you just need to have a bustling fungus

Easter egg :))))

Attached: Screenshot (135).png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

Fuck off newfag.



>sentries die too fast to be useful
What game are you playing I've never seen mine die to anything short of overloading worms.

Shield is really mixed, it depends on your situation, in most they are helpful as fuck
Sentries can have your items, most people just get healing and AoE based ones, good for the team too.


Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-03-30 16-36-31-10.jpg (3840x2160, 975K)

>playing as engy
>hey shrine of order what's that
>get 17 syringes and 7 stealth kits
>turrets are now gatling guns

1v1 me irl neckbeard libtard whitenite kike fucking dual wield katana dex leveling gwyndolin sucking cunt farting faggot

This game needs a proceduraly generated stages
Or maybe just more variant for each

they usually die instantly to squids for me



one more survivor

>I didn't think melees would work out
I don't think he's proof they will. He has homing teleports. Automatic melee. He just overcompensates with it.
The regualar melee dudes will probably be ass because so many eenemies fly and so few don't shoot you

Risk of Reddit

How the fuck do you even enter in room ids? I try using the clipboard option and it just says invalid id always.

i was really confused by your money, but then i saw you have the crwon

Chef: Mul-T
Great: Merc, Engi
Good: Huntress, Commando
haven't unlocked artificer to say how good she is but i hear her total DPS is better than the robot's so that's something

EU lobby

they're full

she has the best damage output, but absolutely no defensive or escape options

gotta swap merc & commando user

Host when?
Host now.

Attached: honorabru samurai.png (831x426, 476K)

artificer is meh no dash or defensive abilities so she just dies and her basic attacks are projectiles

how do I unlock everyone?

>you have been sequenced

earn them

just cheat lol

Looks like Hopoo has been playing a little Path of Exile.

Attached: Headhunter.jpg (1087x521, 123K)

What do you listen to while playing RoR 2, Yea Forums ?


is multiplayer possible on a pirated client?
i remember being able to join other peoples private servers on a pirated terraria one

restarting because someone didn't get in

the amazing soundtrack of the game?

Holy shit how can I go back to playing normally once I get the H3AD-ST?

That thing is the best.

the games soundtrack you fucking monkey

the ost

RoR 2 OST sucks ass, we need to mod in RoR 1 one

people take far too long on the stage and then everyone has leftover money after the boss and the difficulty is scaled up for no reason

get 2-3 items per player and then hit the teleporter and get the rest of the items after


>in middle of game
>4 teleporters in
>host dies and quits
I listen to the soundtrack of RoR 1 and FTL

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I thought you can't refund early access?

Honestly I like MUL-T's playstyle so much, it's a shame everyone is just playing him because he's broken. I wouldn't mind if Nail Gun got it's fire rate/initial burst lowered though because right now it's way too good with some items.

>multiplayer lobby has little teru teru bozu in the window
>risk of rain

Attached: 1549327712412.png (548x666, 361K)

of course you can

>2 Tesla Coils
>2 Happy masks
>2 Ceremonial daggers

unfortunately I wanted to try and unlock that 2x mountain challenge item on stage 6 and it did not pay off well

someone host eu :)

Don't know why people are saying the soundtrack. Been playing for 12ish hours total and don't recall any music honestly except the intro screen lmao. I turned off today and have been playing this.

>they nerfed the fuck out of Infusion
Based. Is it finally okay to pick them up?

i know this probably sounds like i am an ebegging nigger but if youre friendless and have a spare gift copy then give me a handout steamcommunity.com/id/kebabremover1488
played a pirated version and im p sure its over and this is goty in early access, also speedran the hell out of the original.

Tell them that then.

>running multiplayer
>always that one faggot who rushes teleporters
>activate the gold portal
>get to it before the faggot can activate the teleporter
>we down the gold boss
>faggot rushes the exit portal before any of us can pick up the drops

I just unlocked infusion and haven't seen it yet, what does it do this time around?

>decked the fucked out with good items
>come accross the portal that unlocks merc
>touch the obelisk
>mfw didn't know touching it ends the fucking game

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Up to 100 max hp per stack

So Infusion is nerfed in RoR2?
Good, now when artifacts finally land no one will complain.

If you can get there, you can stand on top of them, and youre safe from everything but their shockwave pulsar

I don't understand why anyone is in a rush (beyond getting the timed chest in stage 3 once). The game still bumps up the difficulty even if you're speedrunning.

Just like before you get health when you kill enemies but it's capped at +100 health per stack.

Already did, just venting here too though.


Playing with randoms while the game is still new is just asking for butthurt. Play solo for a few days, it'll also help you learn the game better.

us east

>Obliterate yourself from existence
>Are you sure?
Sorry user, but it's your own fault

Attached: GG.gif (268x278, 844K)

It says obliterate yourself from existence what did you think would happen?

Based. I've only gotten it in one run and it's so fucking fun.

How the fuck do I host a public lobby? I can only make it friends only.

>Open 2 lunar caches
>Shaped Glass twice
>x4 damage but only 25% health


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>missile launcher and 4x Fuel Cell

Attached: nohman.jpg (442x418, 75K)

Spent 30 minutes looking for the teleporter on the first stage with 3 other lads and couldn't find it

Top right hand corner has a box, it says Friends Only up there too

theyre still literal cheat codes

Oh okay, that's pretty fair, maybe people will pick it up now

>hold 2 preons on mul-t
>get 3 fuel cells

Attached: aint that some shit.jpg (247x204, 10K)

OST is pretty good, but also not even done yet. Also we can just mod in OG OST later if need be. I like the boss music

What a fucking ride of a game

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They're modifiers. I'd say Command is still gay baby mode but Glass is pretty fun so long as you can't cheese it with infusions. The rest are honestly more of a challenge.

someone post a code, i wanna play


get in

Is there any real point in using lunar coins? their drop rate is so inconsistant I can't imagine a time where I would really want to use one to buy items with

No dont make it easy. Make the rape alarm stronger

first of all, does this still work? i dont see 2 copies here, just one. does "this item is not giftable in your territory" have something to do with it? why?
i just want to play this with my friend.

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>not the only things that made RoR1 multiplayer amazing
Spending ten minutes each level killing the fourty stacked enemies that could collectively 1-shot you wasn't fun

You only should care about stocking them up to get Artificer. After that, just use them when you feel like it, who cares. Blue items come with drawbacks but can pay off if you play well (Shaped Glass especially). You can also just open the newt portal and use the reforging stations there too.

Is it best to slam through to each boss? Or try to gear up before hand, i.e. letting the difficulty go up.

that the lightning bolt thingy?

Man, getting to 20 for the Clover seems really fucking hard. Once you get to 15+, you get one shot by any attack even with 2k+ health, bosses have millions of HP, and the fact it takes over an hour to even get to that point really is frustrating.

I want that damn clover back though.

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I prefer to beat the boss first and then loot

It's added to your steam inventory when you purchase it.

Best is to do shit fast without having excess coins.

nigga all I saw as an E prompt

Don't the mobs stop spawning though?

what about the non giftable part

You should get enough money from all the mobs than spawn from the boss fight itself as well as any combat shrines to grab most of the loot in the stage

They want us to be competitive about it

buy it and youll get a free copy in your steam inventory that you can gift to someone, not giftable refers to the game, not the bonus copy you get.

its a damage mult in a game where your damage scales strictly off xp/level
and the drawback is extremely easy to mitigate
its literal easy mode
as are the others that make items drop for free off elites and change enemy spawns, to a far less severe degree
in fact the only one that WASNT 100% cheat/benefit was the one that randomly locked your abilities which served no real purpose and was basically just anti-fun

the reason people used those in the first place was because the game had dogshit scaling for multiplayer and people would play fucking ten man servers so nobody would get any items or xp and everyone would die like immediately
those arent as big of issues anymore, and it was a terrible bandaid that made the game brainlessly easy

finding the right balance of time and items is part of getting good. I'd get 2-3 items and then hit up the boss

So I found a chest with a timer on it that is slowly going down, any idea whats inside?

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>in fact the only one that WASNT 100% cheat/benefit was the one that randomly locked your abilities
Spite too

First time playing this game (Didn't touch the first one)

What I am for?

green lighting ball of massive damage and quick enemy obliteration



>play some games during america time
>jews jewing all the items every game, even from the boxes you open
>play some games during yurop time
>people actually play properly and don't steal the items
Is there a correlation or is it mere coincidence?

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Unfinished mess. But a fun mess.

>Second stage
>Cant find teleporter anywhere
>get knocked off a cliff
>accidentally roll into a secret cave\
>Spooky demon skelly inside
>Destroy and unlock "Her Concepts"
Did anyone else find this secret cave? Is the item any good?

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Whatever serves your preconcieved narrative is the truth, any evidence to the contrary is just shills/[blank] defense force/cucks or some other buzzword. You're an intellectual that never needs to change his opinion ever, because being right means never changing your mind.

Any point getting the game if you have no friends to play with?

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Canada west

Doesn't really matter, I'm from Europe and play with an American, there's no noticable lag

weird, I haven't seen that yet. I was playing for like 10 hours yesterday too
Fuel Cell + MUL-T is my favorite combo. Though it seems like everything scales with him really well. Fun as heck character


You can play with niggas in these thread fine.

The game has online quickplay so you dont need friends but you'll have to put up with asshole jew goblins trying to take every fucking item

You get to play with Yea Forums
Or you can use the extra copy for trades or sell it to someone you personally know later

games good as fuck, lobbies are easier to set up, make an user guess the last number of his post to decide who to give

it's unlocked on 3rd stage and behind time gate, you need to find the item on 3rd stage before 10 minute mark, pretty much only doable in coop

How i a 3D printer works? Me dumb dumb.

is this game worth buying now or nah?

>it's an "user bumrushes the teleporter and then takes all 4 boss items and then instantly hits the teleporter before anyone can buy anything" episode
was genuinely lost for words

Attached: 1547933303409.jpg (400x400, 17K)

>host can't kick players

hopoo needs to add this quick, we need
to be able to remove jews

There is a big chance that people will try to steal your items, whenever you are playing with randoms on with Yea Forums but yes, still worth it

Random item goes in, visible item comes out

if you get to that chest in under 10 mins, you unlock a use item in the item pool

Oh, thank you for the compliment. Good to know I'm right as usual.

Attached: 1535422247608.png (228x301, 31K)

you put random item in
same rarity as item that come out
item come out

random item of the same color

it randomly takes one of your items and exchanges it for the item that's in the printer

jackpot if you get something really good like syringes or glasses

oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. I keep missing it by one or two minutes. thanks

How do you unlock the artificer? I was at the bazaar with ten coins but couldn't find him anywhere.

you buy her off the big blue lizard that's sitting there. was he not there?

In the crystal next to the shopkeeper

I'm glad I have you to stop me from wasting my time.

97% positive on steam right now, even in a bare bones state without artifacts yet, it is still good fun

in a crystal right next to the shop keeper

first person to set their avatar as this and link their profile gets my extra copy

Attached: 1528070467991.png (301x301, 59K)

if you didnt play OG ror, you are gay as fuck
but ror2 is great so have fun with a friend

eu hosted

yuropoors actually know how to share. it's been my experience in every online game that stealing and selfishness belongs to NA
t. Ameritard


You need better lads. The only time people cant find it is in tbe water stage. Its usually in deep water with the base underneath. Just do the perimeter of the ring of water. Otherwise its sometimes in a cave on ground level

what's the appeal o this game bois
sell it to me

How do you get those markers? I miss so many chests


did they really not do that the last time?
god damn user, no one wants your shitty anime pic on their account

Attached: anime fags.jpg (680x568, 54K)

Why is playing Merc while blasting J pop so fun?

Attached: teleports-behind-you-nothing-personnel-kid-9235634.png (500x543, 125K)

You can, retard. I refunded it yesterday.

>extreme kite bosses with ease
>four giant wisp bosses at once after 40 minutes
>die to random lemurian after downing the wisps
o well

i did play original ror for around 85 hours. just wondering whether the current state is worth the price. don't wanna get burned out.

I was calling the lizard thing a he. lrn2read dummy

i had a look on youtube, you just run around holding left mouse and that's it pretty much

ok what about this pic

Attached: 1531110642752.jpg (1280x1223, 220K)


>ror threads used to struggle to stay alive
>ror 2 threads are exploding out the ass
what went so right?

>responding to blatant bait
I hope you don't do this

yeah it's not for you dude you shouldn't buy it go away

Check your network processes to find the IP of people as they join, link IP to names and block that IP when they become jews.

Attached: tumblr_o0lk8yaTaE1v0pigno1_500.jpg (499x499, 41K)

one more EU

Shrine of Order costs 1 lunar and converts all your items into 2 or 3 huuuuge stacks of the same items.

just make em guess the last digit of the post
no one wants to change their pic for 5 seconds

RoR2 is new
RoR was the same when it was new

there's a Q item that marks all interactables for a short time

working multiplayer

109775241000177461 Let's go EU Engiebros
other classes are for nerds but also welcome i guess

Should i buy it? I had lots of fun with its previous iteration

I regret buying this, its too much fun. How do I git gud?

>early access

Attached: 1553364386312.gif (210x200, 24K)

generally, game currently has less content than ror because of early access
currently only loops, no final stage or boss
6 characters
not as many stages (yet)
lots of items are still in development

>not playing Metal gear rising OST

Attached: 1511490622_community_image_1391851164.gif (500x281, 1020K)

what character is that I fucking love missile pods

>yfw they add Scavenger and Ifrit

Why the fuck does everyone in quickplay choose easy difficulty?


Because I miss playing RoR with Yea Forums

I only play good early access games, whats the problem
pick mul-t. done. game won

Take a guess

i couldnt kill him

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the others are broken thats why

>using quickplay
you only have yourself to blame

J Pop, DMC ost and MGR ost are all acceptable for pro Merc gameplay

Because the game has been out for two days and not everyone had played it non-stop since then.

Stop posting this in every thread. Nobody shares the same enthusiasm for that game...

If I refund do they take my gift copy away?


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wrong image

Attached: unknown.png (1774x780, 1.15M)

Combat shrine spawns enemies
Mountain shine adds another boss to the teleporter

are artifacts/relics not in the game? is it a early access thing

Is the game actually good ? It looks so fucking bad compared to the first game

>Its why Overwatch is in such a shit state because its intentionally designed so utter randoms with 0 coordination can still press and win because there are no mechanics that reward any kind of coordination.
overwatch is a trash garbage game and it's mostly because that that is necessary because of their ""hard counter"" mentality

Can we mod the soundtrack from 1 into the game?

>buy the giant fucking drone
too bad it dies too quickly

why would you think about cheating based hoppo?

I'm American and I have the same thing happening to me. It's always these same retards who die first and then bitch the whe time they're dead

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if you're still offering my id is /id/oceangrimy/

>why are you rushing
>we need more items

Attached: 1549293323351.jpg (564x564, 64K)

>buy RoR
>get free copy in inventory
>refund RoR
>activate inventory copy
>free game
Goddamn they didn't think this through.

Attached: 1553479776008.jpg (720x488, 30K)

Mountain shrine just spawns multiple bosses when you activate the teleporter.

Can I buy this game, give the gift.

Buy it again and have two giftable copies?


Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 85K)

What does that mean?

Attached: file.png (259x105, 17K)

Couple more

if you rush on level 1 you're a faggot, everything else is fine

redpill me v is this game good?

I'm more based than any kangaroo could ever be

They need to add more planets pl0x

Attached: Maybe Strong Condensation.png (835x654, 74K)

Means that the game is not giftable in your territory.

wait, did commando also have 2 guns on original ror? thought he had a rifle

You're on the wrong clay.

>waiting near a chest for a few seconds
>only need a few more gold to open it
>kill some dudes, open the chest
>some nigger runs up and grabs the item

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so close to 20 stages, anyone know what item it gives?

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based mul-t run ruined by overloading vagrant, you guys were comfy

It's best to rush the teleporter and then pick up chests after the boss is dead, right?

Need one


>tfw just unlocked the BFG
This game keeps getting better

it's so you can't stock up on giveaway copies

I think what it means is you can't buy it as a gift and get 2 copies in your inventory.

If you buy it you still get the giftable copy.

I think it's the Clover.

Yeah but does that mean I won't get the extra copy?

It captures the spirit of the original just about perfectly. The only actual downside is that it's missing content because it's still early access

Is Huntress shit or am I just that shit?

How do I unlock the other classes? i'm stuck on single player since piratefag

It says that everywhere until tomorrow, you still get an additional giftable copy but can't gift the first one you purchased.

So I'm assuming 10 stages total means we'll get another 3rd level / another 4th level, and then 2 variations of the end boss level?

Sad we are only going to get another 4 characters as I enjoy pretty much all of them so far. Would love a huge roster of various characters or if they could open the game up to modders.

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"dont post it because i dont like it" the post

>doing drizzle run to unlock merc
>clay golem boss pops up
>use bfg while laying into him with MUL-T nailgun
>dies in two seconds
I know it was on easy, but god damn


She's hit and run, and can fire while sprinting. Use that to your advantage.

She's heavily reliant on item rng. In any given run she's either garbage, or awesome, with little between.

>Is Huntress shit or am I just that shit?
Use the right mouse button whenever it's up. She's the class I do best with because it doesn't require aiming.


They did update the game for a while afetr releaseback in RoR 1, I expect them to do the same.

This is just the goal for 1.0 as they say.

anyone has a gift and wants to play together id/kry1212

Im thinking of buying it so maybe can even share and gift

Can I play it alone without friends? is it possible? I just don't have any, nu/v/

best pronounciation:
mage - /meJdʒ/


2 sluts open, on easy so my gf does not shits bed/

>stacking crowbars with MUL-T's laser beam

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It's what I did just now. Singleplayer is pretty neat but multi is where the most fun is.

can you stop shilling? 9 kikes and leddits

Was RoR1 popular? I don't see it talked about anywhere other than here.

Funded : collect 30,480 gold
Something to do with kickstarter or some other begging site?

has anyone else found the environment log for the bazaar between worlds? i felt like a big brain finding that shit

Singe player is very easy compared to multi player.


>people unironically cheating to unlock characters
I got everyone but artificer on the first day and her on the second, why are people so weak?

I haven't found any environment logs, are they hidden in the levels somewhere?

How do you unlock characters anyway? So far I only have merc and huntress.

i know there's a bug with mul t to give 100% crits but why is he broken
i unlocked him and he seemed slow and boring
i got gifted the game yesterday

NA east

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if you're playing on drizzle cut your balls off immediately

Ive only found the one in the bazaar - but it was pretty well hidden. They might be unifnished content though, as the log itself is just the placeholder text for unfinished stuff. still was fun to find though

>tfw i just found out how to cheat
feels good man. having to unlock characters is fucking retarded

fucking look it up or just keep playing the damn game

Any gift copy? I wan't to play it :(

this run was insane

Attached: FUN.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Same here. It's annoying as fuck though getting lunar coins with randos when they get greedy and take each one they see.

why is engineer so fun

Attached: havin a good time.jpg (1920x1080, 455K)

Look for a broken scanner. Pay it money and it spits out an environment log.

His aoe is pretty rad
Two different items is pretty rad
Just an all-out rad kinda robot desu

Not in the game yet.

Any games for people who have no clue how to play?

Any statemeñt on sniper yet? I need

His turrents are augmented

why does mul-t have 2 dif items. none of the other chars get passives like that

you buy the game

Canada west, need 1 more


Any rooms up?

Single player is fun too. You can get a feel for the different enemies there first.

any word on future mod support yet?

Sometimes you want to give them all to one person.
Just because there are some retards on quickplay doesn't mean you have to ruin the ability for other people to actually work together and strategize.

I did my first few games solo and looked at the controls to just be sure.

>unlock character
>play them
>they're shit
>unlock character
>play them
>they're shit
>unlock character
>play them
>they're shit

wtf, you niggers told me commando was trash