Meanwhile, on girl Yea Forums

Meanwhile, on girl Yea Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>she plays with a male character
>"i j-just don't wanna stare at a girl's ass"

Nothing would change because I'd most likely be gay

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I hate video games.

ugh, im stuck on level 256 in candy crush, its literally impossiballs u gals... why isnt there an easy mode?!?!

git gud newslut

How do I get a Nero BF?

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Sekiro is artificial difficulty, there should be an easy mode

My hothusband Cloud...

Attached: cloud-strife.jpg (1053x592, 60K)

Shotas are the best.

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I'm a guy!

What games do you girls play while on your period?

sisters, what are the best games to play on your period?

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>tfw no big willy goth bf

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Kill yourself pedo.

>Tfw no Axel bf to wrap his arms around his most loved gf after hard days of going against terrorists

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omigahhhd we thought about the same thing!!!!1
guys dont even play on their phones...

>no space for safety pins when benching solo
well thats just dangerous


Dick pic or GTFO.


Beckyanon is such a fat, ugly, unlikable bitch. Like, it blows my mind that Kimberlyanon still hangs out with her, y;know?

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Imagine being a dude and getting called pedo for wanting to have sex with a little girl lmao.
Little boys are different though.

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Lala, lala, la.

Fat Aquaposter
I bet you have uneven eyebrows

just sucked a fat dick guys

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I wanna fuck a little boy

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>femdomshit and sissyshit
kill yourselves trannies

sup bros

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post hands

>dressing up in your dad's jeans and boots
you're not fooling anyone, we can see your knees. guys have much longer legs than that.
there are no dudes on the internet


You gotta be 18 to psot here

nah partner ..

where's the PEENY?

No amount of axe wounds or hormone pills will turn you into girls, trannies.

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waifu for comparison

This thread is innacurate because every thread would be about pokemon
The sims nintendo games
Or old mmos

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>tongue-in-cheek shitposting makes you a discord troon
Neck yourself, incel.

>haha incel xD
You reek of /lgbt/, tranny faggot
Literally had to google to know what that means.
>knowing trannyshit slang
>not a tranny

Be honest Yea Forums

I wish I could filter each and every one of you faggot ass degenerates

Anyone else rat here?

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>tfw gender is a social construct and you can be either one regardless of your girl pee pee
I was honest :3

Just be whatever you feel


>gender is a social construct

Kind of not that long. Girth looks okay though.
4/10 would pass on sucking

thanks bb
>implying you have a choice

nice tits


>mods still haven't deleted literal tranny thread with /soc/ tier attention whoring going on
why lads?

Thanks. I wanted to go au naturale so I didn't wear a manssiere.

Show forearms

Hey, Im terrible and suicidal.

Snapchat trannies out, fem/v/ is a TERF board

I've always wondered what kind of person makes posts like this.

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kill yourself transhit

I would deepthroat that and put my nose right into those pubic hair

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