>wins GOTY 2019
How assblasted would Yea Forums get?
>wins GOTY 2019
How assblasted would Yea Forums get?
I think it's what everyone expects.
ofc it will win GOTY, i would be surprised if it didn't
Pretty assblasted, and for good reason because a lot of fantastic games have released this year so far and they would be losing GOT to yet another safe oscar-bait cinematic experience that more than likely has boring and mediocre gameplay
a lot of games win "GOTY" from different outlets "GOTY" has been a joke for years.
>Press x to awesome movie game that plays itself so journos don't have to
>Every single flavor of identity politics
I don't think it's possible that it won't get GOTY
game awards mean nothing anymore, why do we keep trying to keep the dead and beaten horse alive?
It shares that crown with such masterpieces as Dragon Age Inquisition so it sounds about right
The only shocker will be if it doesn't win GOTY.
I didn't play the first one, but I assumed it was some Children of Men style apocalypse scenario with zombies. If this is the kid from the first one, how did she get a tattoo in such an environment?
>overrated garbage wins GOTY
gee i wonder how
it will win becouse is the woke title of the year . the gameplay will not be taken into account .
I'd be more disappointed, but not surprised. There's no assblasting when everyone already expects it. Give me some real controversy like DAI or Overwatch beating Uncharted 4.
does it even have a release date yet?
Is it even coming out this year?
Is this Joels son? I'm glad he settled down.
Just like movie awards shows now, video game awards are now just the major players in the industry fellating themselves, so who cares?
If a game receives genuinely deserved recognition and praise, nice. Otherwise, no one gives a shit.
I don't see a problem with this?
Did you ever play TLoU?
It doesn't play itself
>How did she get a tattoo
People who lives in uncivilized tribes are able to make tattoos, so why would it be difficult for a post-apocalyptic people?
I'm not sure whats more fucking obnoxious at this point - the autists on Yea Forums that desperately want games to fail, or the autists that desperately want games to "BTFO" of Yea Forums.
I wouldn't care, it's not out yet and I already know it's going to win.
It probably won't deserve it and the gameplay will be just as bad as it was in the first TLoU but gaming industry "critics" and the casual audience made it clear they don't care if a game plays well as long as looks pretty and has halfway decent story.
Look at God of War for example, it won 2018 becasue it looked good and people enjoyed the story, the gameplay, while serviceable has nothing on the previous GoW games and epecially other games such as DMC and Bayonetta despite sharing the same genre.
It's runner up was red dead redemption, looked amazing, had a well realised world, enjoyable story, characters, and music, gameplay was crap.
I'm not saying you can't have fun with these games I enjoyed both, but they all miss the most important part of a videogame, which is the gameplay.
It will be the most Hollywood game to come out in 2019. The media always loves to artificially move the industry forward. It's Metacritic will be 98+ and the game will win the most GoTY awards in the history of gaming. But yeah, it will be a 7/10 like the first game.
They didn't make tattoos that elaborate and clean out in the fucking jungle you dunderhead.
Well it's not my GOTY 2019. Baba is GOTY2019
Of course he never played it
not him but, because the average zoomer cant even grown their own food, do you think they'll have skills to produce ink and make none mecanical tools just to make a tattoo in that environment? i was actually wondering the same
Name one good game.
RE2 is vanilla as fuck. Bland and forgettable.
DMC V was supposed to be proof that GOW 2018 was a mistake. But unfortunately it turns out DMC has worse combat, somehow MORE cutscenes and a way worse storyline shoved into your face. Pathetic display from "hardcore" gamers. You can never be outraged about a story game again.
Sekiro. Another From Soft trash for the people without jobs that need something to be proud of at the end of the day.
This is GOTY worthy?
I don't give a shit
GOTY is all about $ and popularity, it has fuck all to do with quality
>it turns out DMC has worse combat
I unironically really enjoyed TLOU.
Sekiro or maybe RE2 will be my personal GOTY unless TLOU2 is somehow more amazing, which I doubt.
>Sekiro. Another From Soft trash for the people without jobs that need something to be proud of at the end of the day.
fucking lmao
lmao, of course the GOTY will be Days Gone
>Name one good game.
fucking your mother
That's because they've never seen anything like it you retard.
I'm pretty sure a world without ipads and tv would make a generation more capable of doing shit themselves
Heh. My GOTY will be Animal Crossing unless they fuck it up somehow
what even is goty? its just dumb reviewers circlejerking themselves over their shitty taste
Not at all because most expect it.
i don't pay attention to literal garbage
so it doesn't bother me