Can this man sink any lower? He's lost everything, even his gaming skill. What do you guys think about him?
Keep it vidya.
Can this man sink any lower? He's lost everything, even his gaming skill. What do you guys think about him?
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>even his gaming skill
You can't lose what you never had.
Literally who?
He used to have a 4.0 K/d in MW1 and MW2. That's pretty good
This was back when the majority of players were kids. An adult beating children at a video game is not impressive.
Wingsofredemption aka jordie jodan aka richard samuelson. Big up liquid richard
Shout sean ranklin.
kimdotcom was the number 1
guys honestly just pay heed and dont become wings
every so often report back and compare yourself,
how wings have you been today?
today i was about 80% wings, took the dogs for a walk and made some food, beyond that played vidya
>exercise machine in the background
Is this the guy who refused to play online and get matched with randoms, but if he invites a full team of retards he'd willingly do it in Rainbow Six Siege because he's a fucking bitch?
It's for display.
Can his chair? Ha *dab*
Not really when you consider all he ever did was party up, find a corner to sit in for 20 minutes without moving and then press right trigger occasionally
Big ups liquid Richard
Didn't this fat fuck try to threaten Keemstar with his girlfriends dox?
hope someone tips him like a cow and leaves him to rot
sean franklin has a little dick and is a loser
You can always sink lower
Phil is literally a better and more succesful man, and not nearly as obese
>every so often report back and compare yourself,
>tfw fat fuck
>compare myself to wings
>Feel a bit better about myself
>Make plans with friends to go to the gym together
Thanks wings.
I need that money I really do
who the fuck are the losers obsessing over this guy?
>makes e-celeb thread
>"keep it vidya"
fuck off retard
I dont think phil is as toxic as wings
>also please donate to me guys i really need it don't be bullies to me ;_;
what was /ourguy/ jerking off to? must had been some really good hentai to bust a nut like that
Look here. Look, listen. Threatening Elpresador's life does not fucking stop it.
Wings seems more steady with his money, whereas DSP owes $17K to the feds and charges everything to a 22% Credit card. Phil is slipping whereas Wings is getting better (slightly). Got the surgery, taking his meds, paying off his house, tgaking care of his parents (aunt, grandmother). Not nearly as toxic as he use to be.
what did wings do to get so much hate?
Somehow DSP has found a way to get +100k/year by being retarded. I don't know how the fuck he does it, but he obviously knows what he's doing.
Jordie Jordan has been a gamer his whole life. He has a passion for gaming and shows this through his videos.His gaming alias is WingsOfRedemption.Through his honest nature, wings has built up the fan base you see today.
Please tell me this was his youtube channel about me or something
These videos are better than they should be.
Well good for him, though the on screen panic attacks dont paint a pretty picture
Fat people are terrifying. You can only push a skeleton so far before it becomes enraged and bursts out seeking vengeance.
>150k a year
>Lives in a gated community
>Plays video games for a living
Just remember to report your income and plan to pay taxes
This fag cunt won't stop showing up on my recommendations every time I open YouTube even though I've never watched any video related to him at all.
It's annoying as fuck
this shits lit.
fvck cod is good too