What is the "I listen to everything except country and rap" of videogames?

What is the "I listen to everything except country and rap" of videogames?

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I play everything but Japanese games?

realistically there's nothing redeemable in either of those genres.

Not playing Japanese games

I play everything but sports and fighting games.

pre 80's country is good
pre 2000's rap is good

>nothing redeemable in Hip Hop
I mean, if you only listen to the "bitches and money" shit, sure.

people who play nothing but AAA shooters and action adventure games
that's not what it means

Weebs saying they are more open minded than everyone else in the west yet they only play Jrpgs

Imagine being the girl used for this image, her type would honestly probably an hero

You being born after the year 2000 doesn't mean rap is bad.
Modern rap is atrocious, but don't ever talk shit about legends like Jay-Z, B.I.G, Ludacris, etc.

Hank Williams and Madvillian, ya pleb.

there's still good rap being made today.

What's the "metal is pure trash for teenagers and infantile adults" of video games?

lol ok dadrapteen a hip hop hippie to the hippie hoppity hop you don't stop to you too

tfw literally can only listen to metal to enjoy music
nothing tickles my brain like some nice melodeath

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>modern rap is atrocious

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Rap isn't even music, it is poetry at best, and most of the poetry is shit.

Country is at least music, problem is that 90% of it is about some redneck shit. There is good country though.

You can't just sweep aside modern Hip.Hop either. The shit you hear on the radio is good, but there's still some great rappers out there.

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This honestly. The country music normalfags listen to today is trailer trash pop with added twang. Not a big fan of rap but I recognize it was a much more soulful genre before as well and had a lot of great tracks in vidya.




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rap is nigger shit for double digit IQ people, I agree, but country is amazing and heartfelt.

Having good tastes? Well I'd say the answer is subjective.

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Yea Forums-core


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Ah yes the typical "rap is more then bitches and money" defense and yet its all you faggots play, like we couldn't see through that one.


98% of music with vocals is lyrical poetry

There is nothing smart or pleasing about most metal. Most of it is sceaming manchildren trying to sound dark and edgy. Truly one of the worst genres

Ah yes, the typical stawman defense argument. That would be like me saying metal is nothing but dropped C power chords and blast beats.

>it's all you faggots play

How would you know what people play, you fucking faggot?

I play everything except visual novels and other weeb crap

>he never played MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns

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The amount of bad to good is way out of ratio. Too many rappers try to act, look, and sound the same to one another. They all want that shitty whiny robot aesthetic for whatever fucking reason.

>modern rap is atrocious

Nah. There's plenty of great rap nowadays. In fact, I dislike a lot of what people consider classics nowadays because it was still gangsta bullshit, just with a different sound than the one used today.

drug name
drug name
drug name
drug name

>rap is for low IQ people
>but I listen to country tho

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So whats the point of music snobs

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because its ALL I HEAR
I had a cousin that pulled this shit, would always try to play rap in their car. Eventually we told them to seriously just stop and they gave us this shit.
>Oh there's good rap... its like slam poetry... you're just not exposed
Yeah thats nice but for the past five times all you had was some mouthy guy yelling nigger. Every time I hear people playing this on the street or as background to videos its the same crap. Stop this meme already we all know the truth.

>people ITT literally defending country


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not just country, but correct.

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>i exclusively listen to metal and anime soundtracks

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Normalfags arent people

>I'm only exposed to bad rap, therefore it's all bad!!!

Need I point out the fault in your logic right here or is it obvious enough?

that guy with Fallout: NV, Deus Ex, Half-Life, and other such entry-level Yea Forumscore in his 3x3

metal is gay music for manchildren, and promotes crap as degenerate as rap
t.ex metalhead

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WRPG-only fags

Yeah, those who rap about drugs are trash too. You shouldn't judge a whole genre on what you hear on the radio.
I do agree, but i don't even class that as hip hop. It's garbage of the highest form.
>i only listen to Metal
How come 99.9% of the time i hear people say this, they only listen to basic bitch Metal?

the "i have good taste" of video games? Probably playing what you enjoy and not caring what retards think of it.

>phone has nothing but anime and vidya ost
I think I am autistic

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Way to out yourself as a literal double digit IQ brainlet

>three exclamation points
we're done here, trog.

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sports and shooters. or basically any multiplayer PVP focused game weebs or neckbeards hate because they have no motor skills and think beating up AI is some kind of skill or talent.

I listen to Blue Cheer (and other heavy psych shit) and hip-hop, dweeb.


Pop Country and generally any modern Country is trash. If you want the good shit you listen John Denver and Campbell.

Same thing with Rap. Most modern rap is utter trash not worthy of listening to. The old stuff is where is at. Of course, if you want to laugh your ass off you can always listen to meme rappers like lil pump and Tekashi69, though I'm pretty sure the latter is gonna get whacked soon cuz he's snitching on all his buddies

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only good post ITT

>literally no arguments
>uhhhh u u-used 3 exclamation p-points ironically!!!
>I w-win!!!

I mean I already knew you were a complete retard but thank you for this confirmation.

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my taste is very broad, I simply grew out of rap

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you seemed to have merely skimmed the post, so let me explain this as simple as you can understand
>other genre
>good music of genre is played everywhere

>only trashy shit is ever played, people insist their is more then just trashy shit but it never seems to come up

Now why is that fair? Why should rap just be allowed to be considered a good genre if you have to turn over every stone in the park on a the alleged existence a decent rap song exists somewhere?

I grew out of everything you listen to, get on my level

lmao that wasn't even me but he has a point.

Define Basic Bitch Metal

I don't care. I don't listen to rap, it's MKUltra tier garbage

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>grew out of rap
>listens to trance

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Good country:

Good hip-hop:

There's good shit to be found in both genres ya narrow minded faggots.

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>lmao that wasn't even me

lmao sure it wasn't

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Portal 2 and Kingdom Hearts

>watches cartoons

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>double digit IQ

Choose 2

Slipknot, Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, all that kind of shit.


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Def Jam Fight For NY

I mean I don't know what to say. I agree with that gentleman completely.

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electronic music is the best because it doesn't shove exposition down my throat.
Only classical is better.

>Posts on a childs image board

You suck kid

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Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad

That's considered Metal? I always though shit like Linkin Park was considered Punk Rock

>my taste is very broad
>posts fucking trance
OP's meme is the kind of people it's making fun of.

>is illiterate
it's an 18+ website, bucko

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>plays video games

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give me a reason why you think electronic music is bad.
It's way more complex than any hip hop sample.

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>electronic music is best
>out of all electronic music, he listens to trance

Your entire life is a joke

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Dalek is fantastic.

Linkin Park isn't even remotely Punk. They're all part of some subgenre of Metal, and they're all basic as fuck, i'm sure you'll agree.

I hate shitty zoomer mumble rap, but 80s and 90s rap is great
Also mainstream country is pretty bad generally but I like outlaw country, like Cross Canadian Ragweed or Johnny Cash

what rappers do the zoomers like? those soundcloud retards like tekashi and lil pump?

>all electronic music is trance
You keep digging that hole.

>equates trance to all electronic music

just lmao

>you can only listen to one genre at a time
I'm not 17 anymore, bud.

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>I quite literally can't read

Let me make it clearer for you, peanut brain: trance is one of the absolute shittiest forms of electronic music.

"I play everything except shovelware and sports games"

I think the same mentality is going into the hate of Electronic music as is going on with the hate of Hip Hop. Both arguments against them are based on the popular stuff, which is 99% garbage, and no-one is recognising the great stuff both kinds of music have.

Zoomers? Yes. It's unfortunate because I think there's very talented contemporary rappers besides that.

>he doesn't exclusively listen to avant garde space jazz

You're all fucking plebs.


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trance is great.

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Is there anything more soulless than a brown-eyed person with dyed hair?

Jayz is a whiny cunt and big was a faggot. Who the fuck is stupid enough to do dumb gang shit? Some fucking niggerfaggot that’s who.

>don't ever talk shit about legends like Jay-Z, B.I.G, Ludacris, etc.
They’re shit and you’re retarded for listening to them.

Your opinion on it isn't even relevant at this point. You were literally implying all electronic music is trance. Shows what you know about anything.

In the south it's just "everything except rap", and the emphasize rap like they're saying the word nigger.

>Man sticks his ass in your ear, starts constantly farting
>"nah dude, not everything that comes out of my ass is farts, sometimes there's a rose perfume"
>Immediately shits in your ear
>"See? It's not all farts."

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fk dude..
I would have agreed with you like 5 years ago but rap is fkn awesome. from Kanye, Jay-Z, Biggie, T.I, & Eminem to shit by YtCracker, DualCore, & McChris. honorary mentions of people like Rhianna for having super cute voices.
there are a million things I didn't mention

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Go to Ektoplasm and try any of the subgenres there. Twat, I doubt you even know Ektoplasm.

your thumbnail is actually good country though. The YT bid obviously isn't.

>shit and fart analogy


>not listening to cute j-hiphop like the truest patrician

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yikes you couldnt be more wh*te

>Sun Ra

you're the one putting words in my mouth and shitting on it, faggot.
I never implied all electronic music is one genre, you room temp IQ moron.

I don't listen to anything except metal and rap

Yeah you need to. What plays on the radio is THE MOST POPULAR of the genre. You cherry picking some no name song from some nobody rapper isn’t a great example.

that country song you posted is probably one of the gayest things I've ever heard.

Fat, out of shape incels criticizing people for not being sufficiently white enough.

but fighting games are actually good

Trance is shit, my guy. It's to electronic music what numetal is to metal.


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This right here.

Imagine thinking you have to identify with lyrics to listen to music. Dumb bitch.

>t. never been to a frat party

I used to think rap sucked, too.

"i like all online multiplayer shooters except CSGO and Arma"

Dwight Yokham mother fucker

>get told trance is shit

What a fucking incredibly dense retard, I'm loving this

Well duh, you can't spell analogy without anal.

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but metal is shit by default, friend.
It's just rock for teenagers.

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All the shit i've heard from him has been hot garbage, but that cover is fucking great.

>I play everything except FPS and Sports games.
You know I'm right.

I know you're supposed to hate country music, but a lot of country music has a lot of great, unique instrumentals, and it's often very upbeat music that you can dance to. I can't say I identify with a lot of it, but my mom loves country music and plays it all the time.


bejeweled/candy crush.

>I need amoxicillin cuz this abscess keeps me from chillin
who the fuck raps about an antibiotic?

Fuck off back there and don't come here again

Sub 2 digit IQ post

Actual metal is technically brilliant. It's like a wondrous calculus equation in musical form. Your parents should apologize to you for raising you wrong.

Are you fucking retarded? I'm not claiming the popular stuff is good. I'm saying that the existence of bad rap doesn't mean good rap doesn't exist. Literally learn to read and then get back to me, kiddo.

I play everything, except I actually only play shootys.

They're sure as fuck better than metal

What video game would I like if I think Metal is for faggot manchildren and nerds.

>listens to rap
>reddit spacing

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Denzel should really do more rock stuff.

yeah well that's like your opinion man

brainlet post, if you actually cared about music you'd find something you like in all genres.

if were already talking about character select themes


>listening to any musicians know more for being mental than for any actual piece
Best way to identify a pleb tbqh.

>unironically listens to trance
>thinks his opinion on quite literally anything matters

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"I play everything except racing and sports games"

Stuff I listened to today.

Yea Forums related so I don't get banned.
Seriously though, name a more vidya related song I dare you.

>What plays on the radio is THE MOST POPULAR of the genre.
Maybe if were still in 2002, the most popular songs are what are most streamed on shit like Spotify or Apple Music, music stations are just paid shill stations for who ever is getting pushed currently.

"I only play shooters and sports games".

"Stop liking what I don't like: The Rebaitening"

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vidya related example of good rap


seriously though i don't even like most rap but aesop rock is some big brain shit

based normalfag poster
>people STILL think pressing the enter button at any point in a post is reddit spacing

I play everything except sports games and VNs.

Because those are objectively the worst genres.

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When someone makes a statement with no basis in reality, the only proper reply is "but that's wrong you stupid faggot".

>has exactly 0 (zero) arguments
>resorts to "muh reddit"
>doesn't even know what reddit spacing is

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You've to become white cis based racist

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Nah, that implies too much knowledge.
The entire point of the everything but country/rap maymay is that the person in question is incredibly vanilla and boring, while generally lacking anything more than a surface level understanding of music.

Fighting games are shit.

Sports games are cool though.

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>I only listen to RapxCountry

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I listen to everything except turbo folk. Country and rep are completely fine.

literally this
sports games are for dudebros and fighting games are for niggers

imagine being this close minded, ignorant, and just stupid in genetal.

Wow, this place is actually filled with 16 year olds now isn't it? I'm an old fucking man compared to you retards. Holy shit this board sucks.

old sports games are fun for casual MP but modern ones are all made for super autists that just want to play fantasy shit with virtual dolls

Dubstep is technically impressive but sounds like explosive diarrhea.

You were raised to consume the media equivalent of shaggy wet poop.

>turbo folk

Napusti tred

>I only play shooters and open world games

>Sports game
Based room temperature IQ poster.

>Whiny robot aesthetic
Why am I not surprised.




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Based reddit crossposter

You can always tell who does or doesn't actually listen to rap music. You bozos who keep linking old bullshit and saying new rap is bad are faggots too.

I bet you don't even know about KOTA The Friend.

prco sam ti ćaleta

>dubstep is technically impressive
Hahahahahahaha, oh shit, seriously though save your parents the shame and kys

There's like some sort of subgenre in country that I like. From New Vegas, "In the Shadow of the Valley" was my favorite. I'm not sure why genre it is technically but there's some good ones out there.

I only play COD/Fortnite and FIFA/Madden

>hurr durr rap is just bitches and money gangsta nigger shit


>Cross Canadian Ragweed
>Outlaw Country
You’re a fucking retard huh

>Posting rap that is realistically older then 90% of this websites users.

Nobody here actually understands the "everything but country and rap" thing, do they?

Nobody knows what this autistic comment means except for you. Do you realize that?

I mostly listen to new wave and jazz, what does that say about my taste?

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What's the "i am literally unable to understand some people don't like rap" of video games?
My vote goes to Souls fag, but even they aren't half as obnoxious as hip-hop fags.

If you don't listen to Exuma, Sun City Girls, Wu Jinglue, Miles Davis, Vivaldi, Liszt, Watazumi Doso Roshi, and Flashygoodness, then you are not my nigger.

>everyone in this thread
including me

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>this thread

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Dude all of it is beep boops and samples of better music mixed in. It’s all garbage for the “enlightened” children who roll at shows every weekend.

What is your musical background friend? How much time have you spent studying musical theory?

Absolutely seething.
I don't listen to rap, but I would never say I dislike a whole genre. There's too much variation.

I loled

I can see the fedora on your head right now.

>Dude all of it is beep boops and samples of better music mixed in




It's because people who say that are so suburb white bread vanilla boring they can't empathize with rural farmers/cowboys or poverty stricken black gangsters. Basically they're empathic brainlets.

00:42 - 00:56
Literally sounds like every modern wanna be rapper. That style is so prevalent and it sounds fucking atrocious.Not only vocally but beat-wise as well. It all sounds the fucking same. It's an aesthetic they all try to achieve for god knows what reason instead of trying to stand out on their own.

Is it physically impossible to simply dislike rap and not go on an autistic rant how you're superior because you dislike it and how only nigger degenerates listen to it?

I'm black and I'm honestly sick of hip hop, started listening to dad rock recommendations from Yea Forums lately.

Everything from reddit onwards to the right.

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I have never heard fecal material referred to as 'shaggy' you almost made me gag. I applaud you.

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Everyone. You listen to music and think the lyrics are retarded but keep listening anyway? Peer pressures a hell of a drug. Better keep trying harder to fit in hahahaha

Who even wears fedoras in 2019?

Yes, after listening to rap my entire life I've grown bored of it

I swear that street fighter game is where Black guys got super associated with fighting games

>comes out of prison
>gets back to making BM
>it's shit

Nope, not going to argue credentials with a high school student.

Have sex.

>no modern rap is good

You people are extreme faggots








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The country in New Vegas isn't a subgenre, its just country music from the 50s.
Not sure if Shadow of the Valley is one, but a few of the tracks (like Lonestar) aren't real country songs, but stock music made to sound like it, which Obsidian bought.

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listen to lofi

Fuck off

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>fighting games are shi-

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>I'm black
Sure you are. Saying you're sick of hip hop is like saying you're sick of rice. Eat a different kind of rice, retard.

Fuck this thread. Just post albums you like.

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Nah you’re saying everything underground is good and popular is bad. You’re the fucking contrarian that spread his bullshit rhetoric all over Yea Forums.


>edm genres

"actual" dubstep sounds little like what the average normie thinks it is. stuff like skrillex and excision is brostep. check out some burial or benga


How about someone who has a major in Music Theory and Composition?

No one's gonna listen to this shit unless they already like modern rap, congrats

>Jay-Z, B.I.G, Ludacris

t. Yea Forums

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Modern """country""" is complete cancer and shouldn't even qualify as country in the first place, I agree, but country that was made before...2012 ish is usually pretty good to amazing. Rap is a toss up between each song and each rapper.

No see that has black people in it so I can't listen to it.

thank you

>tfw 30 year old boomer out of touch with any hip-hop made after 2009


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I know a lot of it is actually pretty recent. The one I mentioned I think, "Where Have You Been All My Life" was 2003 but sounds like the 50s so you get all these kids on youtube saying "yeah my grandma showed me this she said it was a hit when she was young, I don't even know what Fallout is lol"

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Fang is fucking broken

Seething. Literally the only people that like this shitty nu-rap "Style" are zoomers.

They're basic as fuck, but I was honestly surprised when I found out they were considered metal. If I think of mainstream metal, I think of System of a Down.

Based conspiracy poster thinking radio stations don’t play popular music

Reminder that Rock is dying as a genre dropping off of charts faster then a cripple midget thrown off London bridge meanwhile Rap is the most listened to genre WORLD WIDE.

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I listen to some country and some rap.

not him but normie music has gr8 production value and some of it is rly nice to listen to; not bad lyrically

>posts some good songs
>ruins to post by posting some utter dogshit

>Ewwwie ewww your genre smells like shaggy poopy
I pray you're a lying 17 year old. I genuinely hope with all my being you are not an educated adult making these statements.

>Nah you’re saying everything underground is good

No I'm not. You're a complete brainlet. Literally, unironically learn to read.

You're not missing out on anything

What did he mean by this?

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Oh boy some 16 year old nigger talking bullshit and needing a thesaurus to rhyme.

I realized they stopped playing popular music when my girl Carly Rae's album Emotions hit top 5 albums selling but radios stations didn't even play a single.

There are plenty of well produced albums with decent rappers on them.


Pretty much. Nobody says a word an then they go on a tirade over only hearing radio shit as if that's an accurate representation of any musical genre.

>claim that good rap exists

I can't begin to imagine being this stupid

Rap is 100% garbage.
Hiphop and rap are two different things. Hiphop is a music genre and rap is a vocal """style""".
Hiphop is fine.


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It's called nu-metal. I do like the term basic bitch metal it definitely fits for slipknot.

Based can't tell the difference between different posters in a thread poster.

they are all great. Which ones are shit in your opinion?

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Really proved me wrong there bud. Way to show your shitty genre isn’t some faggot pressing pre recorded buttons on a stage.

To be fair, SOAD are special case. Toxicity aside, they're pretty experimental and it still surprises me they're got as big as they are. Shame Dog Fashion Disco didn't get the same recognition when they toured together.

One of the last good country songs and one of the only good countrypop songs.
Two classics. If you don't like either of these you are literally unsaveable.

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>Rap is 100% garbage.

Nah. You do realize that hip-hop music is more often than not delivered through rapping? To claim that rapping is shit but that hip hop is good is like saying all guitar music is bad but rock is good.

>He hates 2000 era rap
I mean it wasn't that bad but I enjoyed most of the music that game out during that time

I dont see the problem, I dont listen to lyrical music

what kind of music is this?


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See? You're doing it.
Somebody could tell me they can't listen to metal and I'd accept it without reservations.
Meanwhile if I say I don't like rap I'm told I'm just being contrarian

it still sucks you were just drunk you faggot

Reminder the best rap artists is a white guy

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Grips is his own genre

avant garde rap

And you’re a lying fucking kike deflecting the truth about your roodypoo music

those guys are who made rap bad, nigguh

I know Linkin Park and Slipknot are Nu Metal, but like you said, basic bitch fits so well
That Asap Mob song and Dizzee Rascal. I hate trap beats and i dispise Grime

Industrial Hip Hop.

>Way to show your shitty genre isn’t some faggot pressing pre recorded buttons on a stage

I have nothing to prove to you, faggot. You have normie levels of understanding music and talking to you about electronic music would be like talking to my 90 year old grandma about it. Anyone who literally brings up the "argument" that electronic musicians just "press a button" isn't worth having a discussion with. You're a fag.

>Hiphop and rap are two different things. Hiphop is a music genre and rap is a vocal """style""".
t. White guy who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

Hip Hop music and rap are the same thing. You fucking cumskins love pulling that shit out of your ass. HURR DURR I DON'T LISTEN TO RAP I LISTEN TO HIP HOP. I bet you say shit like "I like black people. It's niggers that I hate." and think you're being progressive.

Fuck off.

Johnny Cash' s ghost said fuck your (you's)

>that Asap Mob song and Dizzee Rascal.
You are my evil twin, because those are my two favorite songs out of all the ones I posted.

Cant read a couple different posts? This is why you people barely graduate. You’re so fucking niggerish you can barely fucking read.


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2010s has been an absolute disaster on all fronts so I don't blame you.


white guy with a beard and glasses "i don't listen to rap except for grips" rap

90s country was good. Sure the honkey tink stuff was more mainstream but it didn't become the pop shit it is now until the 2000s

PLEASE explain how “deep” and “complex” your robot noises are. Do you orgasm walking in to a factory and hearing all the possible samples your favorite artist could stuff in to his shitty dubstep remix?

What's the difference between rap and trap?

t.boomer who only listen to anime music

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Let me sum up that conversation for you

>me: good rap exists
>you: but popular rap is shit!
>me: sure, but that doesn't mean good rap doesn't exist
>you: lol so you're saying all underground rap is shit?!
>me: no

For you to claim that someone can't read after not being able to follow this simple exchange is the height of irony. Please kill yourself.


I fucking hate niggers. You roodypoos brought this uninspired mumble rap bullshit in to my country and I want all of you hanged for it.

All I'm listening to these days is shit like this

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I play everything but 1st person shooters and JRPGs


"I play everything but racing and sports games"


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trap is rap with more hi-hats

trap used to be rap about dealing drugs and being skeezy hoodrats in general, but white people put a stop to that

Don't lie Yea Forums. We know you love metal.
Post em

based dalekposter

>not listening to ironic gay cloud rap

what are you fuckin gay?


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Big fan of lolicore and anime grind?

Johnny Cash and old timey country singers were adopted by the rock and roll community to save them from ever having to be associated with acts like, the Zac Brown Band

>just with a different sound than the one used today.
>Old school rap doesn't sound different
>It just SOUNDS different, ya'know?
Retard. That different sound is what makes that shit good as opposed to the nigger beats used today.

>press button
>this piece of music happens


Is that how you imagine it, faggots? lmao

Jesus fucking christ what is WRONG with you? Holy fuck bud get help. Your reading comprehension is so fucking terrible you could make Alex Jones seem like a genius. Are you ducking serious or just trolling. I can’t tell if you’re a 12 year old nigger who learned what letters are or not

>wypipo larping
>typing 'cumskins'
you can't even larp as a fucking nigger, you retard

Of course. My two favorite genres are metal and country.


Shutterstock over gay rap is a powerful aesthetic.


Real music is a poetic act of defiance.

What the fuck am I listening to

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The lyrics are retarded, you fucking braindead moron. I don't wanna listen to a song about niggers shooting other niggers in a drive by. "Old school" rap is just as shit as today's rap when the lyrics are brainlet tier gangsta shit.

And obviously you'd be retarded in both cases, what's the confusion?

Pretty accurate

what a fagsexual





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sixty-nine is better than all of them put together and you know it, zoomer

I like fast EDM, no matter the genre.
But I recently discovered Future Bass, which is a lot more J-Pop with some EDM mixed in than anything else.
For example

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I play anything but console shooters.

>Yea Forums discussing music
you're all plebs, please fucking stop
also lol, guitar music, it doesn't exist anymore, just like your worthless virgin race

That is how it happens. They record a million different sounds and loop some drum and bass track and ad lib. Whatever cherrypicked garbage you’re showing isn’t proving anything. I could buy a vocoder today and make the same bullshit EASILY. But I won’t. I have a career and dont take x all day. Have fun at your next show, hippie faggot

>unironically has reading comprehension issues
>projects this onto others

lol, every time. To sum up, good rap exists.

alright ive listened to this for 3 mins now and I am probably retarded but I don't feel like rap speaks to me as a white dude in general and this is the case more strongly here than something like this.. imo
maybe because in yours it's a rap group and what I posted here is something meant to be digested by the public at large.
I rly like nerd rap because while I dnt know shit about coding, hacks, whatever I can vibe with it more
like I said tho im retarded and not looking at this from any knowledgeable angle. jst what I stated here and what I like to hear

based boomer

Fuck you, Antigoni Goni is my WAIFU

>Giving a shit about the lyrics when it's the sound that matters the most
You're absolutely retarded. What do you do when you hear a song with good instruments but no lyrics or lyrics in a foreign language? Do you just freeze and break down?

>still get goosebumps every single fucking listen

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>he never listened to Vangelis before
embarrassing, you should google that name.

I am here.

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Any "white" person who regularly listens to rap is just a nigger with light skin.

>I could buy a vocoder today and make the same bullshit EASILY

Do it then. I'm waiting lmao

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Cheating. Post another artist.

It doesn’t. It really doesn’t. It’s all niggers talking about fucking bitches and shooting other niggers and getting paid for it. Rap is niggers dreaming about a life where they aren’t welfare-recipients selling crack on the corner to feed their 12 kids because they’re to stupid to put a condom on right.

I actually like rap after 2000 more. I like Kanye West or Kendrick Lamar than any 90s rapper. I don't like mumble rap or Drake though.

Let's be friendly here.

>trap used to be rap about dealing drugs and being skeezy hoodrats in general, but white people put a stop to that

>music that is incredibly lyric-based
>who cares about the lyrics lol

Pleb. You'll never even get close to my level. Don't even bother replying.

you fucking plebs
listen to decent music for once in your nonlife

I play everything except games.

No it's not a typo. It's us. It's Yea Forums.

trap is the genre that niggers stole from EDM


You'll probably catch a lot of hate for this, but i'm with you. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is in my top 10.

The words are an excuse to make sounds, you fuckwit. If you don't recognize that vocals are another instrument, then you're not beyond saving. I will reply you to death.

> It’s all niggers talking about fucking bitches and shooting other niggers

See, that's where you're wrong you fucking retard. Post discarded

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>tfw i listen to both country AND rap
Feels good bros.

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The only zoomer here is you.

Jesus christ you people are such fucking posers.
Who the fuck calls ecstasy 'x' lmao.
As they say, the opinion of an adult virgin is worth less than his untouched micropenis.

I’m not going to ruin my name and image by being the best artist in a shitty genre bud.

listen to real noise music.

>rap is bad!
>btw I looooooove nujabes ;)
t. Yea Forums

>mfw someone tells me the protomen is their favorite music group

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Harsh Noise is King


Your understanding of music will grow as you better learn to understand people.


I play everything except MOBAs and triple A shooters

Attached: wasteland.gif (640x400, 18K)

>oh fuck, i'm stuck, oh fuck, i'm stuck

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Yeee uhh nigga uhh yeee boi uh yee

Yea Forums discussing music is the most cringe shit though
stick to talking about pornography, its literally the only thing you people have any knowledge of

Who hurt you? Did Tyrese and Raquan run a train on your dakimakura?

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Nice strawmans and non-arguments, you literal dumbass.
Rap is specifically a vocal style that compliments Hiphop. Hiphop is a musical genre. Both go together and emerged together, but both are completely different fucking things. Instrumentally, hiphop is rooted in disco, reggae and Detroit techno.

Rap's origins are more vague because there's been examples of rap originating in Africa, Europe and even East Asia for over a thousand years independent from one another.

>The words are an excuse to make sounds, you fuckwit

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Fuck. Not only do I have a friend like this, he unironically dresses like this despite being 30. He would only listen to those genres too, if I didn't expose him to my library.


>he doesn't listen to all bigger genres and decides by artist/song
your loss

>that music video
Rick faggot LARPING an anarchist, he's no comrade of ours.


That's not noise, its rap music.

what song pumps you up?



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This thread should be for everyone agreeing how we should all be shitting on punk.

bullshit. festival fags stole it from the ghetto

>Hip Hop music and rap are the same thing.
yesterday's new quintet is hip-hop but not rap. rage against the machine is rap but not hip-hop.

Damn. It took a Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums to open my eyes to the amount of faggots that frequent this board.

>Listening to anything but vidya game soundtracks
Leave normies

I know this is supposed to be ironic, but jesus fuck this style literally encompasses all of modern rap.
It's saddening.

Some nigga with a nasty infection.

>without this ibuprofen in the club i be nopin'

I'm not super into rap either, but damn these were shit.

fuck you, man, act III is gonna be fucking biblical

they've got some nice things going with their covers and geeky story, definitely not my favorite artists though :^)

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i did this until i was 18

>this fucking thread

What is it about music that breeds the most autistic of elitism and culture divide?

>not listening to serbian avant garde gay rap
I bet you suck cock every day


Majority of my music is video game music, but I also listen to everything else.

>This night-nurse be trippin' all the hours o keep skippin'

I know its so sad Yea Forumseddit Yea Forumsros................ F................ we were born in the wrong generation...............

>ITT: seething shitskins


Is there a more talented musical shitposter than Neil Cicierega??

Attached: TwoTrucks.png (1437x960, 1.62M)

Everything Blind Guardian.

Hardcore > Metal


They are. Again, what the fuck do you do when a song with foreign words you can't understand comes on, or even an ANY SONG that has scat in it? You're a moron that has a limited range.

>implying electronic music isn't the highest level of music we've reached so far


Don't even try listening to this if you're not intelligent, though. Serious warning.

Prove me wrong you stupid cunt. You keep saying rap has more to it but you can’t show even one example. It’s a worthless genre full of niggers larping as gangbangers.


>not listening to both at once

What are you on about? Rap is the vocal style, hip hop is the subculture/music genre

Metal is the superior genre, with a million subgenres for anyone's liking. Rranging from simple, letting the instrumentals do the work to the heaviest and most powerful vocals you could imagine. All while requiring the coordination of a band to play.
God bless heavy metal and hard rock.

Unlike you, I wasn't born after the year 2000, buddy. Cope.

"Yeah, I listen to Japanese metal, how did you know?"


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wrong on first point T B H

Because reaction to music is born from feelings and bitches love to talk about their feelings.

Not really because Neil honestly just makes good music.

>They are

You fuckers at shows do. I own a venue. It’s all x and “molly” and moon rocks. Same damn shit but. It’s all shitty cut mdma.

>discussing music is the most cringe shit though


user, the Mouth Trilogy is one big shitpost. Same with songs like Two Trucks.

This. Both are seen as being for specific audiences. In actuality, both have their ups and downs and their own good games and bad games and if you avoid them entirely you're missing out, same for any other genre.

Additionally, like the quote in OP, anyone saying it is probably just not able to give a meaningful answer anyway.



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how to identify a seething zoomer, and RP'ing boomers.

This. Rap does sound fucking awful though.

Young Scrolls

Why are you so SEETHING? Legit question.



Who is this meme again? Clueless gamer kate?

I play anything expect for JRPGs and strategy games

You can shitpost and still make good stuff. Something modern Yea Forums has no concept of.

>legends like jayz ludacris
my actual sides

If lyrics were so irrelevant as you seem to think, everyone would just hum you dumb fuck. If you unironically think the lyrics aren't an important part of the expression, you're retarded beyond help.

New album when?

That's why I called him talented.


>tfw cucked by a bard again

This post man...so much delusion...I was almost triggered.

Eyedea and abilities is post 2000 but still good

You don't own anything lol, you don't even own a woman.
Like, I can't get over how much of a poser you are, stop pretending you know anything. Lmao if anyone's taking 'x' at a 'venue'.

>What is scat????

>don't feel like rap speaks to me as a white dude in general
I like rap but this here lies a problem with the genre. Rock has so many different sub genres that it can appeal to just about anyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality and relegion, rap doesn't have that, anything made to branch out will never be popular because the much of the genre's artists and audience have a comfort zone they're too afraid to step out of

there are some really good uncringy stuff



>tfw completely open to the idea of liking hiphop and rap but legitimately hate everything I've heard
>tfw they're the most popular genres by far with zoomers so inescapable
Why are they so popular, even on a place like this? I have to assume most of you are white middle class guys so surely you don't relate to any of it?

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this. this is the closest equivalent
and there's literally nothing wrong with this or the OP one either

Tyrese sued me because I wouldn’t give him free gold teeth and Raquan broke in and stole my supply of nitrous oxide. I lost 8000 dollars pressing charges because they were welfare whores who don’t have money. Gotta spend money to put niggers in prison. Worth it.

>ITT: /pol/ told me rap is nigger shit so now I'm shitposting about it

uh.. no. rap is pure garbage.

yeah the video is black as shit. ive been wanting to say that. the lyrics aren't rly from what I can tell unless theyre talking about chimping out. I just usually like the sound of Kanye, Jay-Z, T.I and similar.
The first two are all about their black shit but im looking at it like im cool with that while their music sounds good. like youtu.be/PsO6ZnUZI0g
but lyrics that are entirely black gangster shit or no offense but dj shadow's nobody speak lyrics remind me of a better version of icp stuff or Eminem's shit when he fires off like that. not a fan personally.
also droppin this here cuz nerd rap is cool



>Noisy, shoegaze inspired, opioid-drenched hip-hop

This shit is great.

Are you retarded? Don't answer that. Rhetorical question.

Cus immas nigga who be feelin dat yeee boi Imma det reel nigga who a be doin det gots a bitch u be nigga boi day yeee uhhh deys be a fool in on my fooly plat ohh dem boi niggas be imma dooody dat yeeee oh bet niggas doin dooddy dat money blat a daddy dat

You’re a fucking idiot if you thought people on an image board about video games were intelligent people who would provide stimulating conversation.

>I only listen to REAL DUB MUSIC

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sigh is a significantly better band than boris but then again this is a thread of 15 year olds discussing their youtube finds lol

>Why are they so popular, even on a place like this? I have to assume most of you are white middle class guys so surely you don't relate to any of it?

We just don't listen to mumble/gangsta shit. It's that simple.

Anyone who hates metal severely lacks testosterone.

Don't worry its a genre people with low T can't understand. Don't you have a pill from Hims to consume?

>sigh is a significantly better band than boris
you are fired.

Are you? Read retard. Fuck your rhetoric.

How do we stop Nippon?

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>Hank Williams
>Johhny Cash
>Merle Haggard
>Kris Kristofferson
>Waylon Jennings
>Willie Nelson
>Conway Twitty
>John Hartford
that's some good b8 and I don't even like country much

Pretty much, with an added layer of pretentiousness over the entire affair.

>reads through thread
>"rap is shit!"
> completes annual listen of Kendrick Lamar's Sing About me I'm Dying of Thirst

Ah yes, who could forget just how many plebs are on this board

>cum = the seed of life
>shit = waste and disease
wow nice insult, i prefer shitskins imo

>people unironically feeling superior for liking or disliking certain genres

Grow up you absolute fucking faggots. You're no better than the "muh wrong generation" retard kids that everyone likes to ridicule.

Have you been to other boards? Go to /po/ or /ck/ or /gif/ and tell me you didn’t find any elitism. It’s part of a hobby. Shitting on those you don’t like and acting like yours is the best. You know, like sports teams. You’d get it if you had friends.

I like metal a lot, like my favorite music genre probably, but aren't most metalheads nerds that got bullied too hard during school so they found a vent for their anger trough music because they were never brave enough to confront the bullies?


>le orange man meme
lol kill yourself
continue searching for 'uncringy' shit you can try to show girls at your high school (middle school?) then get ignored