Have you ever had your 3DS taken from you and destroyed against your will Yea Forums?
Have you ever had your 3DS taken from you and destroyed against your will Yea Forums?
(Megaman) 3 4
Yes after I failed a couple classes in eighth grade my mom smashed my DSLite
Shouldve just punch them in the face.
Are you serious
What the fuck
I'm so fucking old
my mother in feat of rage when I got bad grades smashed my N64
she later felt really bad though but she honestly only broke the case, the console worked like always
>3DS, DS, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Vita, PSP, PS3, PS4...
>no GBA board
What did they mean by this?
reminder that noticing this screencap lost style is a newfag meme that is much later than the screencap
>lives with grandparents
Either white trash or ghetto niggers. I’m leaning toward the former based on grammar? Nothing of value was lost. Trash humans don’t deserve nice things
Why do old people break things so?
The GBA board was only temporary
his parents could have died
Only makes user's theory more likely
I laugh at how abstract these posts get, but then I remember the story itself.
this way of describing events makes me uncomfortable and i can't put my finger on why.
it just sounds WEIRD, like it's coming out of a broken machine or it's been translated three times or something. with the '...'s and the 'and then this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened' style.
I don’t see how that makes them not white trash. If anything it makes it more likely
do accidents only happen to white trash?
He's a kid obviously, and types like one. "So I went upstairs to my room and started to play my 3ds. That's what I do when I get mad". Give him a break.
I've had my video games taken away due to bad grades but never destroyed thankfully
My dad made me save up all the money I ever got from relatives, I had quite a big family so rather than getting loads of presents from each one, they used to just mail cash to the kids.
When I was 18, my dad revealed he had taken all of our savings and booked a snow boarding holiday for him and his new girlfriend.
He also doesnt talk to any of his uncles because they all tried to ramsack my Nans house when she died like a pack of vultures, and of course they all blame the other brother.
accidents become white trash
>Didnt buy any of it
Lmao children
Im imagining batmans parents dying but instead of becoming batman he becomes a redneck wife beater.
oh for sure, if it's a literal child that's one thing. the flat, emotionless tone just puts me in mind of that I LOOOOOOVE RESHIRAAAAAAAM guy with the picture of the hamburger on his wall though.
The night I broke up with my ex she snapped my 3ds in half, which was a weird call because I hadn't touched it in like a year. Still haven't replaced it
great dad..
>booked a snowboarding trip
Should have blasted his ankles with a sledgehammer while he slept the night before
the only time i remember getting grounded, my parents took my gameboy color away cause i did something bad at school, that night i took it off the microwave and they never said shit
>based slack parents
like his only response to the events he describes are 'i dont take things like that lightly' and the dollar value of the things. just sounds, brrr y'know
>Go straight to room instead of doing chores to play video games
>Get video games taken away for going straight to room instead of doing chores
Lucky, whenever I discovered where they hid my video games they always took them back and hid them somewhere else.
It eventually got so bad I bought a decoy DS with my first job and moved out at 18 so I could play my fucking video games
you ever realise your parents, even with their flaws are far better than a lot of the curve
like what the fuck is wrong with some guardians dude
>taking a GBATemp user's 3DS
Might as well rip out his heart and life force while they're at it.
People who break their/others property on purpose are the biggest of brainlets.
Wow you so deep
People who aren't suited to be parents are oftentimes the ones who end up having children.
The Internet made me realize how lucky I was to have good ones.
How come boomers have to ruin everything before they die out? You would think when you're old you just want to get things done quickly before you go out, but instead all they do is ruin everyone elses good time by freaking out about other people doing things they don't understand.
>Be boomer
>Make zoomer cry
>Get away with it because they're little bitches who can't do shit
Feels good.
oi he could have earned it mowing the neighbourhood's yards. And he does live with his grandparents, in what looks like a dysfunctional or deprived setup. They probably don't buy him much.
The real child is the ape man who smashes a thousand dollars worth of shit instead of selling it.
>age 9
>"No you cant play outside with friends! Its too dangerous!"
>age 16
>"Why are you so anti social? dont you have any friends?"
>Age 24
>"Son, why dont you speak to us anymore?"
Unironically games are more important than family
You think shitty family members don't have audacity to break or destroy shit that does not belong to them?
>>Get away with it because they're little bitches who can't do shit
>Feels good.
Not true. Zoomers have a friend in the Abusive Black Nursing Staff
Laquandisha will be around to slap the shit out of you soon while trying to force pills down your throat and Daykontaindon is gonna steal and sell your shit. And when you complain then they'll post SHEEEIIIIT THIS OLD WHITEY IS RAYCIS and then you're on TV and Twitter having neon haired zoomers throwing feces at you like chimpanzees while CNN start harrassing you about your ties to Putin. Or Daykontaindon will just help Laquandisha beat the shit out of you for snitching. Either or.
>dad constantly asks me for money
>can't bring myself to say no
>given him over $8,500 this year
>savings dwindling, like $18k left in the bank
Getting kind of nervous, literally no idea what he does with the money, he has a job and a lot of money in the bank.
wtf are you talking about you crazy zoom babby
>mfw i'm a lucky enough boy to not have chris chan parents
>he doesn't know where Zoomers send their boomers when they don't want to look after them anymore.
You're like a Christmas Puppy. Doomed.
stop giving your bum dad money faggot
>so I told him to give me $500 and he actually did it the absoulte madman
stop giving him money you cuck
There was an ADHD problem kid on my street whose dad snapped nearly all of his PS2 discs for swearing (that's cussing in amerispeak). Needless to say he remained a problem child. He also tried stopping the kid from hanging around with me, because he got the idea in his head that I put the language into his head, despite the fact he did not know me and never spoke to me.
>living at home while at community college years ago
>have my own PC in my room, parents usually trust me
>stupid me never password protected my PC
>one day while wageslaving, I come back to my dad installing Norton on my PC
>Dad literally makes millions
>he still sends me the bill for the blood transfusion I did for his cancer treatment
Im in the same boat except i gave them 16k so they could get a car....its been years...
No, but my dad broke my wow discs back during vanilla because I only passed art class one semester.
Ask him to give it back, and no more money
Really? Wtf
my friend stole my link between worlds 3DS XL, does that count?
Gotta teach you some responsiblity. Yep, kids these days just don't know responsibility like my generation does. They aren't even 100s of thousands of dollars in debt!
I feel for the kid, in a way, because he in fact just a stupid kid (who reacts to anger by healthier means than going off the rails), but the grandparents are apparantly stupid enough to do the kind of over-the-top punishments that stay with a resentful young man when it's time to start shopping for their retirement care and/or hiring their nurses.
I'm so sorry user, thats shit. On the other hand, having a loving family who are always there for eachother, but it especially sucks as a NEET because you don't have a wife or kids to lean on when the elder members start to die and the getting-older ones start to develop severe health issues. That's currently the hell I'm slowly witnessing. Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to have a shit family I don't especially care about. It wouldn't hurt so much.
>worst night of my life
>has nothing to do with absence of parents
Video games are bad for children.
This shits getting too meta for me
Did you get it back?
Stop right fucking now you retard. My dad was manipulating my autistic brother into giving him his money but once I found out I put a stop to it real quick, now he resorts to pretending to be my brother through e-mails and tries to get money out of my other family members. He wants nothing to do with us anymore and it upsets my brother but it's worth cutting the shitty people out of your life you have no idea how much happier you can be once you do. Don't tolerate garbage people you pussy.
Did you fuck him up?
you okay there bud
No shit you fucking bumbling idiot, for people to know that the screencap must've come first. If there was no screencap prior to this the writing wouldn't have sense you absolute cretin
That's a fucking good point.
If it makes you niggas feel better; my pa has been worth several million in his life and yet left my disabled mom to raise me all alone and is now has heart problems and can't work and has little to his name after somehow blowing 2-3mil within a decade of middle-class lifestyle somehow, and gran sold the family home my grandpa bought before he died and has been living on most of the proceeds while wracking up debt so what is left probably won't even buy a used car, and I've inherited some of my moms health issues (and potentially my pa's heart ones, my blood pressure is always on the high side). I live with and help look after my ma now, who bless her sold an heirloom to get me trained in a trade I'm not currently healthy enough to practice so I have some skills to earn a living with someday. My poor mom should have be due to inherit a house and have been able to raise me on at least a steady income, but she was largely abandoned.
When the Gameboy Color launched I really, really wanted one, but knew we couldn't afford it so didn't make a big deal of it. Mom got sicker for a little while, spent more time in bed and struggled with the housework, and but being a kid I barely noticed. One day, my mom handed me a new in box Gameboy Color and Pokemon to go with it. She had spent a week working in burger/hotdog stand on top of her main badly paid job just to buy me it. I'll never forget it. Hell, I still have it. (I might have painted it like a Pikachu because it was purple.)
What does this shit mean? And why was it posted in this thread
forced meme from Yea Forums rage threads
Thank you for articulating my thoughts steve
Reference to some screencap of a story about some guy and his mom and sister taking his computer or whatever
Is this a rage thread?
This. Whenever I see videos of fathers blowing away mac books with a shotgun because his daughter talked back to him baffles me.
Somebody's down 1k and its usually the idiot parent.
Nobody steals from me.
I once head butted a kick then kicked him 3 times until he gave it back.
I got suspended for 3 days but hey no one ever bothered to steal from me ever again.
2011 was a fun year for me
It's more effective to see the thing destroyed.
No go fuck yourself
The reason I lived with my grandma is because my Grandfather has a fucking stroke therefore needed help get him up several times a week.
You don’t know my life faggot
My mom once threw my GameCube down the stairs.
Still worked though because based nintendium
Stop giving him money. He's very literally abusing your goodwill.
Next, explain you will only provide money for a legitimate emergency expense. He has to provide explicit detail of the emergency and explain why he cannot pay for it.
If the emergency fits the qualifications, you can either give him money or offer to loan it to him at no interest. With the latter, make sure you have him sign a document regarding this. (there are plenty of basic templates available online)
Good luck.
This is me.
R u me. Everytime I tried to go out I got the same “But user what if you get raped and dumped in a ditch?!”
Why are white people like this?
My mom and dad Both had strokes I feel for ya bro
Heh, new kids have so overprotective parents.
No, thankfully. People that destroy others belongings, especially electronics are sub-human.