Japan > West
Japan > West
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yeah, euro whores are the fucking worst. Classless women aren't attractive.
S-so this is the extent of the blonde haired blue eyed female. So sexy...
most of those slags are still better than the average japanese woman
what the fuck
Hey guys so I'm like $140,000 in debt. I have a job, but it's not enough. How can I make some money online to make ends meet? I need to make like $300 a month more.
what's wrong with pic related? just a bunch of women getting drunk , eating garbage food at high night hours and taking out their shoes
now show me a pic with guys doing the same thing
oh wait no, that would destroy the retarded point you're going to make hahaha
yeah women are whores!
Op clearly has never been to Japan
You still would
Is there anything worse than these "haha look at these people out with their friends they look dum xdd" threads
it's cheap hair tint
Nice slags.
West > Japshit
Just invest in Bitcoin bro.
Men don't do that shit. We stay in a bar, sit in a car, or go home. Who the fuck sits on the curb and takes their shoes off on a filthy piss and shit littered ground?
What posses people to live this way? Barefoot in the dirty streets eat garbage pizza with a cig and some (probably) cheap alcohol?
I'd take this over the best 10/10 asian rat any day
>western women
Disgusting trash whores.
Wow... the aryan master race sure is lucky to have the best girls...
same could be said about eastern women
this is what happens in a republican system: equal rights = total annihilation of humanity
>men don't do that shit
you either are a friendless incel or are just dumb as fuck
everyone does that shit
doesn't help that the shit and piss is generally from this same group of whores.
>British "women"
Damn it was up to $17,000 in December 2017? And I can get it now for $4000? Sign me up.
you are mixing up your bait, pajeet.
men do do that shit, theyre called trashy britbongs, and thats what they do, gender is irrelevant
frickin' BASED
god i wish that were me
roasties out
Ha ha, no. You do that shit because you're a homeless waste of space using public computers at your local library. Seriously, how could you just out yourself as an disgusting fuck like that? What third world shithole do you live in?
I kind of feel bad for them. They'll never understand why they aren't happy
men and women are not the same my dude.
>Proven wrong
>Incel incel incel
Looks like he won this debate.
>that one on the far left
It's always amazed me how people in brittain are so much like the japanese in behavior. how you're all so prim and proper during the week, but the weekend rolls around and you're all stuttering, out of control drunks on the streets at night.
Like, I was watching a few videos of parlament because of brexit, and every british comment was something among the lines of "OMG! they're clapping in the house of commons! this is a disgrace! how dare they!" then the weekend rolls around and it's UFC on the streets with sluts tearing each others hair out and dudes getting into brawls for the dumbest of things.
>doesn't know about slags
Get the fuck out of your house, you daft cunt
I used to screw a girl like this back in college. She lived in a house her parents rented with 3 friends that occasionally changed. Technically they were students but they literally never studied. They were all blazingly mentally unstable people. I learned that if you see someone on Instagram posting about how happy they are that day, they are melting down at the moment.
It's the same in all anglo countries
all the same shit
Pretty much every shithole > cesspool UK
I'd fuck the one in the middle. Wouldn't touch any of the others.
>now show me a pic with guys doing the same thing
i can't. men don't act like whores.
Japan is an ethno state, as are most nations.
Only white people want to destroy themselves with mass immigration for some reason.
Seems to be a race wide darwin award contender.
Women are truly despicable creatures. Doesn't matter where they come from.
I don't know where you live, but you're acting blind on purpose probably (I don't want to think you're fucking retarded)
I've been going out for 15 years at night in several countries and men and women act like garbage at night
stop with your "men are gentlemen while women are whores" because that sounds american as fuck
I think I'm going to vomit.
Everyone in this thread who says that Japan isn't like this, look up Shibuya meltdown on twitter.
Japan is nothing like that at night or on the weekend.
no they don't. Not past age 22.
Shut it gay you're input is not wanted here
>Men don't do that shit.
Bait or you just never leave your basement.
>that sounds american as fuck
not american just incels who have never been outside
How the hell do you get off by getting kicked in the balls? Evolution has gone too fucking far.
Those are Polish girls tho
>Even fags and trannies in the UK are obsessed with America
Are things really that bad over there?
>posts meme slavs
try harder
t.actual slav
/incel/ general
One day I said to a friend that I thought women and jews were pathetic because they believed in democracy he almost called me a neonazi and I don't even like nazism
I think women raised a lot of leftists the past 70 years
Just ignore them m8, never forget where you are. Also don't believe the lies about the average age on this board nowadays, it dropped by 10 on average since a few years
Pajeet wife master race.
And yet you still persist despite everyone telling you how wrong you are. Okay hobo.
Those are just niggers.
post feet whoreo
that is someone's yard, not a public area. also those people look surprisingly sober for slavs
Is there anything better than drunk slags?
It's literally our British culture. Most of us between 17 and 25 are classless binge drinkers.
That's just London, it's a soulless, culture-less "global city" now. You'd only know it was in the UK because the signs are in English and people drive on the left.
They're dudes. If they don't count, then neither do the cheap bimbos in OP pic.
They do that in public areas too, my dude.
debt free virgins without tattoos
slavs and negros aside, he's right. No semi-respectable man hangs out outside and eats food or takes his shoes off in public. Most men would find somewhere inside to sit down and eat like a human being.
thanks anons that makes sense
imagine playing with her feet
jesus christ.
You deserve the caliphate.
no they hang out on Yea Forums instead haha
slamming my nuts in a desk drawer until i vomit
>No semi-respectable woman hangs out outside and eats food or takes her shoes off in public. Most women would find somewhere inside to sit down and eat like a human being.
Yeah, I agree.
Feet are disgusting.
>80% of women around me are shameless whores
>still can't get laid
>not west
A Jap game will never have this much soul.
I know, it's insane, I just want it to fucking stop but the clownmachine just keeps on running.
We built the modern world, we are responsible for nearly every notable human achievement, and yet we are singled out as the one race that deserves extermination. I can hardly take it, I don't know how less mentally sound White men are going to take it, in all honesty I don't think they'll be able to. Terrant was just the beginning.
they're still fully dressed and not sitting in their own filth.
Way to prove a point, moron.
Is this the thread where we pretend japanese women are all "uwu pure maiden desu" and not even more sexual than western women? Also heres one to trigger Yea Forums, unironically a women can have a bunch of one night stands and she can still be a moral person.
>takes his shoes off in public
i dont even wear shoes in public in the first place half the time
>They do that in public areas too, my dude.
Do what?
>fully clothed
>do not look miserable and defeated
not seeing the problem here
>the boys are back in town starts playing
Bait it is then. Understood.
Speaking of can somebody explain why so many Indian chicks try to talk to me? So I'm a comp sci major, six foot white guy with a slender but not scrawny body and it seems every class I have these girls want to group up with me. I really don't get it nor are they my type.
I wonder how these people would be treated in an islamic country
you didn't build shit moron.
Yet you post on Yea Forums.
>men dont do that shit
What kind of retarded fantasy world do you live in?
>unironically a women can have a bunch of one night stands and she can still be a moral person.
No man or women can have morals for being a slut
>tfw three and a half hours from this place
>I could easily be there for Saturday night
>I'll be here instead, shitposting, not actually playing video games or even being in the same building as a female.
your point being?
Dead probably.
i don't know what this image is supposed to prove because you could easily find a picture just like this with japanese gyarus
>White fragile men defending whores in an anonymous image-board
They're niggers and the ones in ops pic are whores. Only niggers sit on the blocc spending all their money on designer rags smoking cigs and causing trouble for others, and only whores will shamelessly sit on the block like them.
No respectable representative of any race will claim them. They're troublesome, misbehaving criminals that nobody likes.
You can't even drink in America till 21. You're retarded and you don't go outside.
just declare bankrupcy and wipe the debt bro
easier than paying 140k
Blondes are cancer.
>ITT salty ex-normie virgins who are just having another shitty depressing day
The blonde in the midsle with her watch towards the camera is a qt.
Being a slut is not a sign that you aren't a moral person. A women could be banging a different guy every weekend and still be a better than than the uptigh "moral" man who abuses people around him.
Is this a /r9k/ thread?
Only in daylight and only in "secluded" pulic areas, e.g. when having a bbq by the lake.
However, no decent human being is getting drunk outside in the middle of the city during night.
Another post bashing white women and the West while praising Japan? Wow! I bet the majority in this thread have never even been to Japan. Have you dated a Japanese woman or any Asian in particular? Staring creepily at every Asian girl that you come across doesn't count either. I mean actual dating.
>I kind of feel bad for them
No. No, you don't. You shouldn't feel bad for them anyway. "They'll never understand why they aren't happy?" You don't even KNOW them.
>Only white people want to destroy themselves
They seem hell bent on it. Collectively they are quite strange.
>No semi-respectable man
No one said they were respectable, just that a lot of people do it. The taking off the shoes thing guys don't do because they don't wear heels, but being drunk and eating on the street after a night out is really common in any Bong city. I could see hundreds of groups doing it on any friday or saturday if I simply went outside the bars and clubs. Along with people being arrested, moved on by police, being treated by ambulance crew after fighting, falling over and hurting themselves, etc, etc.
Binge drinking is massive here, despite being lightweights.
embarrassing post
Luv me slags
Luv me pints
simple as
crackers on suicide watch
Me on the floor with the miller light
Where's he taking her Yea Forums?
I like this reference but fuck off back to Yea Forums faggot
Yeah you dont go out much.
Im not saying its a good thing but men can be just as filthy as women
Why is this board OBSESSED with Britbongs and their culture? They're so small and are leaving the EU in a couple of weeks anyway, so it's not like they're significant to anything yet people still can't shut up about them. Is it SEETHING or OBSESSION at this point?
Western women literally defecate on the streets and post on facebook because they think it's something beautiful
>class is for men
Lmao, all these disillusioned western incels thinking the grass is greener on the other side
Let me tell you something, brothers, no matter where she's from or what race she is, a woman can always smell a loser like you.
>Greggs in the background
I'm not American nor do I give a shit about you.
IT's like this all over europe but in germany and france it's illegal to picture drunk sluts on the streets and post on the internet
hmm Are you sure about that?
...Isn't it?
I don't only post on Yea Forums, I have a life outside of Yea Forums, but I get your point.
>You didn't build shit
You wouldn't know either way.
News flash: 99% of Japanese women look NOTHING like the cute ones you see posted online
have sex tranny
YOU didn't build shit, my friend. YOU are not responsible for every notable human achievement.
YOU just share the same skin color as the white men who actually did achieve something of note.
>no brit slag gf
Well then you should clarify
>here in shitholestan, no they don't. Not past age 22.
You didn't build shit retard. And for hundreds of years Europe didn't even see itself as one people, fuck they still barely do. Irish people weren't even considered white until recently.
god I wish I were a slutty woman
What's wrong with whores?
>pooping hoax.jpg
>dating in the west
dick sucking OP and the rest of his gang doesn't know the one simple pic related fact
notice how the civilised black man looks on in disgust
Isn't Germany full of immigrants now?
I always see people talk about muslims over taking the UK and people getting stabbed but wouldn't the refugee situation be worse in places like France and mainland Europe?
Aussie here btw.
This faggots think that of they were pnly born in the 1950s they wouldn't be losers. Loser anons would still be loset anons now, yesterday or tomorrow.
Literally nothing. Slags are a God's gift to us.
This is why I date men
>a women can have a bunch of one night stands and she can still be a moral person.
I've never known a man OR a woman who had a string of one night stands that was a morally upright person.
What is wrong with bongs?
I work just around the corner from there.
Like to pop in every so often to get some breakfast.
weight verification when?
As a 5'8 manlet this sounds great to filter out all the women who aren't interested in me, it just saves time. I'm not bitter or insecure about my height, but it exists and some women have a problem with it, that's all there is to it.
hey man at least I have 220V outlets and no obese people or niggers.
IT is worse in germany and france but the press don't post anything on the internet or printed about the current situation so most people don't know
Its polfags who are obssesed with "mah yourope" , i understand there is space for criticism of mass refugee immigration but those autistic retards always take things too far.
I have a friend born in nipponland but he came to serbia as his mother is serbian. While standards of living are far worse here, he says he prefers it here a lot more as he's sick of japanese social norms, he considers them absolutely insane.
Back home, letting her sleep in his bed while he will sleep on the couch. In the morning he will ask how she is doing but not pressure her too much for answers while serving some eggs.
White people are made up. They aren't a ethnic group. Germans are, French are, Swedes are, but "whites" is fucking nonsense. Every accomplishment attributes to "whites" can easily be matched with a contribution by non whites. "Whites" didn't build the fucking world you histrionic little pussy. Open your eyes.
Will all manlets be sent to popcorn mines?
so this is the power of /pol/
gotta say, I'm not impressed
The UK is like the punching bag of the internet, it's so easy to make fun of
>frequent terror attacks
>need a license for literally everything
>big brother-style surveillance, can literally get arrested for making fun of someone
>lots of third world immigrants
>infamously ugly people
>terrible food
>always rainy and gloomy
>Classless women aren't attractive.
speak for yourself faggot
b-but surely if I move to Japan where my penis would be average-sized and all women are pure angel 16 year old schoolgirls I would no longer be a loser for once, would I?
Why do those women have take-out food boxes?
This board has warped my mind.
I used to have regular sex at university and college but now i just masturbate and call it a day because of this board's culture on women and how it's also to much effort for a quick round of sex on tinder.
This is what's to win from sleeping with a random over masturbating?
All i can think are the downsides such as STDs, pregnancy, being accused of rape, wasting money and time talking to the person or going out with them.
Where's the satisfaction when you can just masturbate, clean up and go about your day over fucking an actual women after you've already experienced sex before and aren't a virgin?
I can't picture marrying a white woman in this day and age. Asian women are truly the new trophy wife.
>global city
That hurts. Im from vancouver and i when i moved to melbourne for two years the first hour i was there i thought it looked exactly like vancouver and if it were not for the cars on the wrong side of the road they would be identical
Indian women born in the west prefer white men. Their men are pampered mommies boys (not meming)
The men are given everything, dont know how to do anything, are spoiled, and have terrible financial responsibility
They look at white men as the exact opposite (Although you cant be a peasant you need to have a good job or be in school for something promising)
The women on the other hand are bred to be literal slaves, cook,clean,breed, all they are taught.
My wife is indian and christ let me tell you my house is always cleaned, I have not touched laundry in 8 years, and my dinner is always made and she does all this while working 40 hours a week at a hospital shit is cash.
Also my wife lets me do anything i want to her
Only problem is her parents will for ever hate me
>it's also to much effort for a quick round of sex on tinder.
how much effort?
>tfw slept with a sewer skank
>regret it every now and again
She had good head game, but goddamn did I feel like disgusting shit after I blew my load.
>Where's the satisfaction when you can just masturbate
if this has to be explained to you, you had some horrible sex user
Some of the people making fun of brits are probably brits themselves. please get me out of this shithole
>I used to have regular sex at university and college
you were living the life jew. Browsing Yea Forums is literally an improvement over that, don't worry.
>All i can think are the downsides such as STDs, pregnancy, being accused of rape, wasting money and time talking to the person or going out with them.
See? you are already better
Modern day renaissance painting. Unironically art.
Because they're having a munch.
>friendless kissless incel
>the absolute state of Britbongs and western "aryan" women
It's quite well known German media get silenced by goverment on reporting crimes committed by immigrants.
I dunno man, I still kinda prefer to masturbate, and I've been in a relationship for the better part of a decade. It's less hassle.
Depends on the situation.
A one night stand from a bar or club is understandable but anything more such as dating sites or actual dates and conversation through tinder isn't worth it for sex when you can just masturbate and call it a day.
>if this has to be explained to you, you had some horrible sex user
I had ups and downs depending on the person or girlfriend. But the fact i'm partly circumsised probably doesn't help.
T...thanks user!
this 100%. Even chads are realising that Asian women are superior.
Some people just like sex less than others.
don't listen to this faggot
With the amount of non-white people there, I would say they're an island, detached from Africa.
You can see this kind of shit in Tokyo too. Japan is basically UK of asia.
everyone already knows anglo women are shit tier
the order has always been to anyone with half a brain
>everything else
Asians love abortions though. Low religiosity, bad access to birth control and sex ed, no problem accessing abortions. What is this meme lol.
A person is not the same as he was one day to the next. And indeed, at times his twin may be more of him at his peak than he is now. Geniuses do not randomly occur within the human population, they spring forth from the general temperament of races, and their rate of production is intimately associated with the general characteristics of that race.
I did the math before, and assuming SD of 15 and an average IQ of 70, even if Africa were to hit the UN estimated population of 4 billion by 2100, there would still be more smart people (>105IQ) In Japan than in the whole of Africa. I didn't achieve that, and if I died as an individual that wouldn't stop similar achievement, but the elimination of my race will.
>Irish weren't considered White
Irish were recognised as White in USA since its founding up to today, otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to immigrate into the nation. They were called 'White Niggers' because they acted like Blacks, this did not reflect a belief that they were a different race.
I bet retards like you in the year 2100 will suppose that words like "vodka nigger" and "spaghetti nigger" meant that people in the early 2000s didn't consider slavs or Italians White.
Yeah nah. Every element of the periodic table was discovered by a White person besides Nihonium, every form of electric power invented by a White man, the scientific method was basically made by Europeans with minimal Arab influence, democracy was formed by Greeks and only really exists today due to the influence of the British empire. 90% of space-funding today is by White nations, and every notable achievement relating to space was made by Whites (first animal in space, first man, first satellite, first interplanetary spacecraft, first man on moon, etc.) Whites are responsible for discovering/chartering 5/7 of the world's continents. I could go on, but this is dumb.
Yeah I think that's it. I think I just find regular sex really boring. It's fun, I guess, but it's not something I really want to be doing over most other options. I feel like I do it mostly to help maintain my relationship.
I guess the reason why Britbongs are the punching bags is because they do joke and take the piss out of themselves just as much as anyone else. Not sure if i admire that or not.
>hugless, handheldless, kissless virgin
At least post attractive top tier Asian women when you do these comparisons.
Name of Jap model
I know right? The composition is fantastic.
>feeling her body and breasts
>hearing her moans
>actually orgasming as nature intended
>just pulling on your dick all by yourself
you're not wrong
in what realm do you live? Tokyo is the most orderly well kept city I've ever been to. That place is fucking heaven. For a tourist at least.
>most beautiful clean city
>most beautiful women
>best train station ever
>way less obnoxious drunk normalfags etc
Have better sex or an actual relationship.
Good intel, thanks user.
>All those answers
What kind of fucking hellhole do you guys live in? I don't go out often, but when I do, I absolutely never see men act like that. Only girls, and loud at that too.
ITT fat manlet incels claiming asians are superior even though not even asians want them
Just give a hug your female coworker on her birthday.
They are koreans. I don't mean they are uglier but I just can tell.
most white women dream about working for Soros or at very least dating a drug dealer
You can't deny this
We're obsessed with the UK in the same way that people in a bus becomes obsessed with someone with horrible hygiene.
Are you fat?
Super ugly?
Autistic? (real autistic not lel internet autistic)
A random whore kissed my neck, and all of my friends cheeks am I kissless?
I'm not sure what you tried to prove with that kind of example.