Who is the worst one?

who is the worst one?

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Worse than all of them combined.

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Pete of course, Sean made good on his lies.

Molyneux. Sean eventually got the stuff he promised into the game, Molyneux's never tried to bring his games to the heights he's lied about


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Todd's a dirty liar, but it's hard to hate the guy, he's genuinely charismatic
Sean was decent dude who go caught up in the fame surrounding his game and inflated expectations to unrealistic levels. At the very least he's trying to redeem himself, adding the stuff that was promised
I'm not familiar with Pete, can someone give me a quick rundown? Isn't he the guy who made Fable?

hes dreams were just too big for the budget and technology

who is the middle guy


What the fuck does that have to do with describing what is IN your game?

le "not an argument" man

>underage brainlets think the liar memes about that stupid useless lying midget are a term of endearment

Well, Todd doesn't actually lie, that's just a bullshit meme, so not him. Sean did lie but at least he made up for it later. Molyneux is a liar and doesn't make good on it and has been doing it for years. I've got gaming mags from the early 90s where he is promoting his upcoming Syndicate game and most of what he's claiming about the game is complete bullshit. It's literally a decades long career involving non-stop lying and then he has the gall to act like he's the victim when people finally started calling him out on this carp. He is easily the worst. It's not even a contest.

So who is he

I used to be really sympathetic to Molyneux but after the whole Godus/Curiosity fiasco I've given up, there's only so much goodwill my nostalgia for B&W grants

Peter "You can do anything" Molyneux

Peter Molyneux

>charismatic yet ruthless corporatist shill
>his lies are calculated, carefully crafted to sell as much product as possible
>knows exactly well how the game is going to be, hypes mediocre features up regardless
>his only god is money, games are his way to get it
>doesn't care about game franchises and lore as long as the bottom line adds up

>made genuinely good games once
>pathological dreamer
>literal god complex, cult leader like with a sweet caring facade
>visionary, pulls impossible features out of his ass he just came up with at press conferences
>tells his programmers just to do it, continues to praise the features
>after game is released and he is confronted about the lack of aforementioned features he's terribly sorry but moves on to the next game he makes impossible claims about. deeply pathological pattern

>jounalist: hey sean, will we be able to meet other players in space?
>sean: uhh umm yes...
you tell me


Todd has never actually lied about his games, he just says things in a way that makes them sounds much more interesting than they are.

the other two are pieces of shit. sneaky pete admitted in an interview that he would make up features to build hype and sean lied so bad they had to completely rework their game to save face.

>People are still butthurt over No Man's Sky, they'll actually defend EA/Bethesda

Attached: 220px-Fallout_76_cover.jpg (220x270, 20K)

>Made Battlespire and Redguard
>Wasted Microsoft's time and took Morrowind a year to release for the Xbox
>Skyrim becomes literally unplayable on the PS3
>Same with Fallout New Vegas
>Fallout NV only given 1 year of development time
>Didn't give Obsidian a bonus since NV's metacritic score was an 84, not an 85
>Fallout 4's pitiful amount of dialogue differences
>Didn't let voice actors know they were working on Fallout 4 during development to skimp out on paying them more, big one being Kellog
>The entirety of Fallout 76, the fact something that shitty can be released and people will still buy Bethesda's next game willingly

I think you know the answer, OP.

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>morrowind first trailer
you must be fucking blind

molyneux is just overambitious.

i wish he would fucking make black & white 3

Todd has lied, radiant economy comes to mind, there were some lies about Oblivion too but can't remember them

Peter is basically legend status with the lies. He's like that old timer from football or wrestling now that while nobody ever saw perform they still know the name of. His lies were fucking epic.

>Ignoring the fact that Hello Games did update the game to add in the things Murray lied about

Quite the objective set of statements you've made there user

not sure what you mean, maybe clarify which lies were told.

>Bethesda raised the price of their Fallout 4 seasonal pass to $40 due to putting "more time" into it
>Tries to kill the Nexus
>Creation Club
>Horse armor

Peter Molyneux is the worst by far.

Todds lies are just the usual transparent marketing bullshit.
Sean doesn't have that much experience and even redeemed himself somewhat.

radiant econonomy exists. they showed some radiant ai stuff for oblivion which was eventually dumbed down but it existed in some form.

Did you even see Godus? That was meant to be his successor to Black and White

You do know Todd doesn't run Bethesda, right? It's not his company. You are blaming him for shit he had nothing to do with.

>forgetting Seans redemption arc

Molyneux. He was actually making up shit as he was speaking. Todd and Sean are kind of even i guess, Sean was lying but since Hello Games actually fixing NMS he's making up for his lies and Todd is mostly deciever rather than blatant liar. Most of the stuff he "lied" about were features that actually were in the game and were cut (burn that mill and prices in this area will skyrocket etc.) or he was just decieving a la "you can play Fallout 76 solo" (note that he never said you can play offline alone, he insisted of the word solo, it's a deception, not a lie). Todd's cunning salesman, while the other two are pathological liars

Look up Bullfrog games, Populis, dungeon keeper. More recently look up everything that went wrong with Godus

>implying no meme's sky is a good game even after the updates

Chris Roberts is probably the worst, i unironically can't see him leaving the industry alive. Out of those 3 Sean Murray is probably the worst considering he just blatantly lied about things like multiplayer and what the game was going to be in interviews. Molyneux was legit but just naive, he basically created the whole god genre and has a decent list of games under his belt.

It's Sean "we reprogrammed the periodic table to make the sky green" Murray since Molyneux and Todd both managed to get their names attached to good games before going chaotic evil.

>radiant economy comes to mind
Before Skyrim was released he revealed the radiant economy had been scrapped as they didn't have enough time to complete it.

>there were some lies about Oblivion too but can't remember them
Just the radiant AI tech demo. Technically it's just a tech demo but do make it seem like this is what the game is going to be and it wasn't.

No, Murray is overly ambitious. He promised something he had no way of delivering on the current schedule, especially after getting flooded some months earlier. But he kept going and eventually reached something mostly resembling his original idea.
Molyneux dropped the games he released like a hot potato after the first hotfix. Even Syndicate Wars had missing stuff IIRC, Project Creation was shitcanned entirely, and Dungeon Keeper is missing a couple of fundamental mechanics. To say nothing of his later games.

you people are pathetic

No it doesn't. He said in Skyrim you could burn the logs or something in the first town that had a logging place, and it would affect the economy of the whole town. Nothing like that was in the game

parts of radiant economy made it into the final game

I only know Todd, but the dude on the right because he looks like this one piece of shit I had to work with.

A modern day meme philosopher.

Don't try to reason with obsidiots, they are hopeless.

Molyneux seems to think that computers are magic, the features he wants to implement will be simple and that his studio has infinite time and money.
His flaw is not keeping his fucking mouth shut.
I don't think he wakes up and goes "Today I will lie about the game I'm making" I think he's just stupid and excited.

a lot of it was cut but he was at least taking about something real at the time. the other two completely made shit up. sean at least followed through but we can't say the same for molyneux.

What about Will Wright the Maxis guy who shilled Spore? That is still the hugest fuck you in gaming.

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he said in an interview that he made stuff up when people seemed bored.

compare your life to mine, and then kill yourself

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Peter Molyneux by far, how is this even a contest? Though admittedly I had no interest in NMS from the start, but still it feels like a much smaller one-off event than all of Peter's bullshit and disappointments over the years. Todd's not even in the same league, sure his games are buggy shit but despite the memes he hasn't pathologically lied about them anywhere near as badly.

How does Bethesda's cock taste in your mouth?

holy shit molymeme took a turn in a direction I did not expect

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what did he lie about?

No, it didn't. There is zero economy in the game. Prices are based solely on base value combined with speech skill and perks. Inventory is randomly generated. Merchant gold is predetermined. There's not even the base elements.

reee why did todd ruin NV and every other game obsidian ever made it's NOT FAIR

>They didn't work on it!
>hur dur obsidian fags

Bethesda GAVE them a year to release a product to an IP they own, that falls onto Bethesda for the blame with how awful it ran. Obsidian is a mediocre dev team, but that doesn't mean you should be sucking Bethesda's cock to shit on them.

>HL 2: Episode 3 is coming very soon guyz

some of the shop keepers are replaced by other people if you kill them

How can it be anything but Molyneux? The man is a pathological liar and an incredibly foolish investment for any company in the games development business and nothing he pledges, vows or promises should ever be remotely believed. He basically destroyed his own career in comparison to the other two.

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1. Bethesda gave them a year and a half
2. Bethesda gave them a year and a half because they asked for it themselves
3. Todd is a director of a game dev studio, not a corporate suit that makes those decisions anyway and he doesn't get to decide whether to pay someone or not

We aren't talking about Bethesda. We are talking about the man Todd, you fucking retard.

Look at all these Bethcucks.

As i said, it's pointless

He probably meant Oblivion after the E3 downgrade. See:

Full demo with all that was here, and 14 minutes in you get the obviously completely scripted sequence that was presented as if it were actual emergent AI:

That's not part of any radiant economy system. That's implemented the same way 99% of the game is; as a quest.

>Hello Games is STILL working on No Man's Sky
>They already added 4 player multiplayer and are already expanding it for more people in a single server
> Plan on supporting the game for as long as they can
They still lied and the game is still mediocre but good on them for sticking to it, hopefully it will be great one day

They still need way more variety.

I can't even count the amount of planets on which I saw a jumping pineapple animal.

>>Wasted Microsoft's time and took Morrowind a year to release for the Xbox
??? You can't possibly be this retarded, can you. Morrowind was already in dev as a PC exclusive title long before Xbox was even announced. Microsoft was lucky Bethesda even decided to port it.

why do all brittish youtubers HAVE to use their nationality as a gimmick "the british tophat monocle gentleman here mates"