Do you eat when you game?
Do you eat when you game?
Thanks for the insight
Yeah I eat pussy.
Not really. I eat at my desk though, but never while i'm playing, I usually stop playing, put on a movie or tv show, whatever, eat, then go wash up and resume playing.
Last time I ate while playing something I think was a birthday cake while I was playing halo 2 for my 16th birthday. Stuffing my face, playing the legendary campaign split screen with my mates, handing off the controller after every death so everyone got to try.
You wish. Incel cuck
Have sex
Just a coffee, nothing worse than a greasy controller/keyboard.
>Don't have sex
>You fucking incel
>Have sex
>You fucking wish you incel cuck
>using game as a verb
kill yourself
The amount of fat and ugly in this picture leads me to believe that this could only take place in bongland.
>words have meaning
get a load of this fag
I don't "game" you underage zoomer
how can an incel be a cuck though?
My thoughts exactly.
They're just too easy to spot.
So much vulgarity and shamelessness.
It looks like she's eating poutine, so my money is on Canada.
brits are disgusting
God british people are so disgusting. What caused this abnormality in their genetic makeup we'll never know.
Every country has disgusting working class people.
I knew brits were inbred, but this is just a new level of human mutation. And not the good kind of mutation.
Yeah but british people are a special kind of ugly.
One good theory is that England was raided by vikings and they took all their beautiful women along the battles which has the consequences we still see today...
The other is that because of the hierarchical society (pre and victorian era etc.) only the posh and noble classes reproduced and conserved some of the beauties.
And it makes sense when you compare all these trashy cockney anglos (the lower class) with the most higher society (high middle class and up) where some of the females can be very good looking.
But it's still rare.
In the UK you have 1 good looking girl for 10 trashy whore. And it's always either a 1/10 or a 10/10, middle ground don't really exist.
God damn, that food looks tasty though.
Man, where are these pics taken.
Almost every English person I know is a hard 7-10. It can't just be that I live in a fairly nice area.
I'm not English, I just live here.
God I wish I were a slutty 6/10 woman
I'm 474lbs.
What do you think?
Of course I do. Bro, I love food. Being healthy will never compare to the taste of a triple whopper and mountain dew.
Plus I love being fat. The stares I get in public make me rock hard knowing people marvel in disgust and disbelief at my size. It's incredibly arousing.
Just need a cute feeder girl or boy.
When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....
Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!
>God british people are so disgusting. What caused this abnormality in their genetic makeup we'll never know.
Britain is a small island, so the explanation is INBREEDING!!!FACT!!!
Man you have issues.
no, I do smoke however. Also sluts are the only true patriots, way more than any loser /pol/tard. Without them the suicide rates would be way higher. God bless sluts.
Fucking disgusting
Sometimes. Mostly, no
The cities. I'm a uni student from a small, pretty nice town and I thought these pictures were all cherry picked but going on a night out in the cities here is like going on safari. The low class slags especially have no self awareness, they're incapable of putting on clothes that flatter them, they just all where the same skimpy whore dresses despite spilling out of them and they all go out with the purpose of degrading themselves for the story.
seek psychiatric help user.
have sex
If you live in a perpetual state of grease then you don't even notice it.
I'm 31 and last time i had sex with a white trash was 10 years ago. I don't regret it
The only decent western women are Amish women but it's a hard life
All the intelligent and beautiful proles fled to America long ago.
>beautiful and intelligent
British women are infamously bad looking.
Video games
Then died down and got replaced by mutts. Seguro entendés lo que digo, Pedro.
Prettier than you Gabriela
>Internet anecdotes and images are the absolute truth
Don’t need them when I’ve seen them. And I traveled around. British are lowest tier when it comes to European women.
No just because I dont like making controllers filthy.
I think it's that lack of self-awareness which bothers me more than their cave troll appearances. They're not even self-conscious about it when they damn well should be.
Why are brits so insensitive to cold?
Why are her feet so massive? Those are man feet.
reminder that Brits are basically the Californians of Europe and your neighbors hate you and are glad that Brexit is a thing.
I hate women so fucking much.
>Why are these low class poverty resorts full of low class poor people
>tfw started dating my now wife at 18
Thank god. Being single as a 20-30something seems like walking through a minefield.
Just fyi saying "have sex" and "incel" doesn't actually trigger anybody, and I feel like you think it's your secret weapon or something. It doesn't work like nigger does for black people if that's what you think.
It's widely accepted that California women are the second best looking American women though (Florida is objectively number 1)
partake in intercourse
it's the uk, isn't it?
It does though. If you weren't triggered as shit right now you wouldn't have replied incel trash.
no how to fuck can you eat at your computer fucking fags
-cant use your mouse
-cant focus on your screen while looking what you put into your mouth
-cant use your mic to communicate while playing
-food fucking sucks infront of your pc go take a break
this is 10/10 in bongland
>I-I-I'm not mad
all those seething trannie replies
well done, sir
We have chips, cheese and gravy, which is similar. The rest of the girls itt are from the north of the England.
deffo slags
>north news
based and blackpilled
Yea Forums is filled with onions cucks at this point.
I want to, but it gets distracting.
>Focus on food, pause game every 30 seconds
>Focus on game, forget about food and it goes cold
For some reason brit slags makes me rock hard
Fuck you UK for the Spice girl syndrome
Who hurt you?
>t-that doesn't count, even though it represents most of Britian! You should choose the 1% high class people instead!!!
My gf is GORGEOUS, she has all 15 teeth
A British slag is the best sex you'll ever have, but even they won't have sex with you.
>It's widely accepted that California women are the second best looking American women though
maybe back in the 1960's when it was infested with illegals
Have sex
what the fuck is that goblin to the right
>me on the left
A Brit
I hope you die soon
To become mutts, yes.
This is so hot
A bunch of submissive whores celebrating their friend who is about to become the property of a man. Human sexuality at its finest.
Hen-dos are so intriguing. Gonna fap now.
Nah see you're doing the thing incels always do.
You focus on the celibacy part and mistakenly assume your celibacy is the same as something like a monk. Righteous resistance to temptation and distraction so you can devote yourself to something higher.
But it's the involuntary part that's important and why we all laugh at you. No matter what you do, beg, plead, anything, not even the fattest ugliest women will touch you.
You're so fucking pathetic and worthless you can't even pay them because you have no monetizable skills since you spent the last decade masturbating and watching anime 16 hours a day.
Billions of years of successful reproduction and you're the first in that line to get shut out. And you think this makes you superior to anything. My fucking sides.
Now I understand all the immigrants in UK. The natives are hungry for mad pussy
I eat youre mom's minge when i game lmAO
Dwarf, elf, ogre, goblin.
>lost my pure 18 year old gf to uni
>And it's always either a 1/10 or a 10/10, middle ground don't really exist.
Emma Watson is a solid 6 tho
nigger doesnt work online though. you gotta say that irl, but none of you pussies have the balls
Jesus was middle eastern.
>"it doesnt bother me"
>then why do you reply
Text book bullied loser
What the fuck is that abomination on the right
lmao you actually sound like a serial killer
get help, user
He is already dead user!!!
>property of a man
sure thing kid
That tattoo is cringey as fuck but those tits are nice.
>go on Tinder in the UK
>99% of women on there are so fat and ugly it makes you wonder how they have the audacity to try and have sex with anyone
>the other 1% are unattainable goddesses saved for Chads
Living in the UK is suffering, anons
unironically based
Who hurt you kiddo, what was her name.
>oh god why on earth did i marry this thing?
>99% of women on there are so fat and ugly it makes you wonder how they have the audacity to try and have sex with anyone
>100% of them find thirsty guy to fuck them
>It's widely accepted that California women are the second best looking American women
>(Florida is objectively number 1)
Well scupted bait
Huh, contrary to the spice girls wannabe posted earlier i think she looks fine apart the "still breathing on my cum" tattoo
die already disgusting freak
unironcally based keep the redditors triggered
>represents most of Britian!
>all these replies
Guess I was right. Sjw's are quite easy to rile up.
Is it just me or is her left tit like twice the size
Her face has a completely different color compared to the rest of her body which shows how much make up she's needs to look like a 4/10
nearly all women have one bigger breast
>Jesus is middle eastern
>Egyptians are middle eastern
>Egypt is in africa
>jesus is descended from blacks
cringe, kill yourself reddit.
t. has never known the loving caress of a woman
She would be alright if it weren't for that massive mole by her right eye
I think you could argue middle eastern is "a bit more black" than this
Imagine having so much of an effect on a woman that she got a tattoo about you after you dumped her
i like my women imperfect.
>You're so fucking pathetic and worthless you can't even pay them because you have no monetizable skills since you spent the last decade masturbating and watching anime 16 hours a day.
STFU you fucking roastie chad obese sjw femincel femnazi bluepilled beta orbiter.
I eat shit and kick ass and I'm all out of ass.
since she's so popular, here
>Kebabs is mirrored in the background
100% prime slag
>go on Tinder in the UK
>99% of women on there:
>have no bio
>have very generic bios without being specific on interests ("love music, food and art")
>are dog moms
>are in / have been to university, so are thus in £27k+ student debt - enjoy paying for her shit if you ever go on a date (unlikely)
>are all into the same shitty mainstream music (post malone, drake, other nigger music etc)
>have the same shitty instagram filters and accounts with names ending in x
>are all influenced by nigger culture in some form
>will never relate to your lifestyle or interests
>have no interests in anything other than the real world
>want you to take control all the time (enjoy the drama)
>are all the fucking same
Don't do dating apps, lads. At least not seriously. That's what life is for (work, going to pubs / bars and getting drunk etc)
Yea Forums + JRPGs = masterrace
Shitposting and playing games is better than living the life jew (working, having casual sex, wasting time in college and making money for your boss)
prove me wrong
based and r9kpilled
What are British kebabs like bros? They look so delicious and yet so disgusting at the same time.
looks like a demon
finding a girl that likes good music and gaming is so fucking rare, wish i was gay desu
The fact that you even bothered to make this post just proves that you got triggered, you virgin incel.
ex THOT. dont marry that.
i'd never date women with that kind of makeup let alone prostitute dress
You can date without having sex user. You can get a girlfriend and have her getting railed by Jamal on the side without you ever putting your peepee in her.
I installed Tinder today (brit here) and half the girls are straight up disgusting. I swiped right on maybe 10 of 100 girls I went through.
I know you’re being ironic but people literally believe this
I don't fucking understand the meme of "have sex" or "incels"
It's fucking inane, I've probably had more sex than 90% of users on this shitty board, but it doesn't make me feel better.
Women fucking suck, they're boring, uninteresting, shit in bed and fuck, so are men
Everything is just so fucking boring, the only fucking escape I have is god damn videogames because FUCK at least I can pretend working through a backlog actually fucking means anything.
I fucking hate everything, I hope a fucking asteroid comes and nukes us.
Everything sucks, we're all gonna die, time will make a fool of us all.
any pics to show?
Anyone still being single past 21 is an enormous red flag.
have sex
Oh yeah, because England is totally the first country that comes to mind when you think mobility scooter
>looking for a hole to put your cum in because everyone around you is mentally ill and your country is becoming Somalia 2.0
This is the future you've chosen
The sailor will look good with a few pounds shed.
She has a sympathetic face.
No thank you, i don't do social media
You absolutely destroyed him.
I'd fuck most of them in the pic
Faggot. Have better sex.
Heaven with the shits.
what if i dont have sex but im not an incel. will you guys add me on your discord server
Thanks Roman
Fucking neck yourself you retard
Dating = eating out, pretending to have fun and keeping working in your shit job to afford having money to eat out with your gf and spending 1 week abroad per year just to experience her infected vagina once a month. In other words: making jews rich
>creepythinman posts on Yea Forums
I thought you only posted on Yea Forums!!!!FACT!!!!
100% right my dude, still it's my only option to bang a chick. I can't pick up a girl irl to save my life.
That's like every braindead woman ever.
I see so many of them running around in winter with nothing on but a one-piece dress here in Germany.
Tall girl at the back is perfect waifu material
Absolutely based
yikes user
The white trash is immune against virus and bacteria due to the fact they take a lot of hormone pills (anti-pregnancy pills). Their body is a literal steroid bomb
jesus was in fact palestinian and he was killed by the jew and the current people of palestine are still suffering for our sins just like jesus did, by the hand of the same jews that killed jesus
That is mean.
Excuse me... You are quite based!
Based nurgling
Jesus what is this cancer website
It's probably because you don't have an autistic bias against them like every other European.
>yanks calling literally anyone else fat, ugly or disgusting
Feel free to stay mad you disgusting faggots, Canadian men and women are genuinely beautiful compared to you half breeds.
>come to Yea Forums where 80% of the userbase is pathetic losers who've been here for far too long
>everyone is on equal footing, we're all anonymous unless you're a subhuman and put on a trip or namefag
>for some reason feel the need to use incel (a literal normalfag insult) and 'have sex' like it holds any power
>a virgin telling other virgins that they're virgins and need to get laid
Never change Yea Forums
I don't even know anymore, I've been here since 2009, and it's been a fucking shithole this whole time, part of me wants a good chuckle every now and than, but all I see is constant shit flinging.
This is retarded. Do you think every argument a man has with a woman, even those he wouldn't shag, are about whether she wants to shag him or not?
Sure smells like incels around here.
Seriously what's the appeal of going to pubs and getting drunk? Half the time they're full of 50 year old boomers and the other half they're just full of people awkwardly standing around watching 1 or 2 people dance.
No wonder they're dying out.
When you eat them you feel like you're eating food full of maggots.
Damn good eye son
They go because everyone else go and they prefer to do what others do instead of improving their intelligence at home or doing something less degenerate like playing a video game or reading a book
In other words: they are less worth than those poor chinese slaves working 16h/day
The soon the chinese government give equal rights to their women they are going to do exactly what british women do that's why they want to avoid this at all cost
I meant the website in the link that user posted. It's one of those sites made to "build" a university culture that most profits feminists and giving the uni money.
This. They need to fuck off back to /r9k/ where this stale shit is considered the height of posting
and it's working!
>completely missing the point
Don't tire yourself out rubbing the last two brain cells you've got together, bro.
the girl in green is kinda cute tho
90% of them outside work, yes
>not staying in and watching Live PD on youtube while getting pissed
>I will threaten to make my holes unavailable even if the argument is not about sex
The point is that it doesn't make sense 100% of the time, therefore it is not objectively correct.
Nice fucking work, for a tripfag.
user, you're saying your mom is nothing more than three holes whose only power is her ability to withhold sex. That's really fucked up.
This gay ass twitter response gave away this outsider response flood.
Women love the shit of TV cop show tho, they'd rather stay inside watching inspector morse than going to the pub.
>still it's my only option to bang a chick
Enjoy, lad
it's the other 20% telling you to get laid because that might make you less bitter.
I'll never understand Americans who think the UK is an amazing comfy place.
It's a depressing shithole one tier away from being a third world country. Actually I'm sure there are third world countries that are happier to live in than this depressing dump.
>Seriously what's the appeal of going to pubs and getting drunk?
Pub literally stands for "public house", it's where people go to socialise and potentially meet people.
Seriously, get tipsy and hit the dance floor in a club - you'll be in a completely different world where girls will actually dance with you out of nowhere.
Slav here
I lived in the UK for 5 years
These "Internet anecdotes and images" are indeed the absolute truth
>We're just pretending haha
Nobody would buy that
>Love girlfriend
>Great sex
>Am extreme introvert however
>Moved in together to make finances less stressful
>Almost never alone, GF constantly up my ass when I'm home
>Was cute for first few months, thought she'd become a bit more independent in time
>Now I want to die, because I am never alone noise builds in my head, likes bees being mowed down with machine guns
>Don't wanna break up, love girlfriend still
>If I tell her to leave me alone(I have before) she sulks and falls into bad bouts of depression
>Seriously, get tipsy and hit the dance floor in a club
if by tipsy you mean hammered, then yee
Found the self-hating Londonite. Get a grip, you melt.
and if by hammered you mean high on stimulants, they absolutely.
Based, you fucking namefag
You missed a spot, Gzegzorchesrezski.
Don't get wasted to the point of vomiting, just enough to loosen up a little and have fun. It depends how much you can take.
Alcohol is literally liquid confidence
This country is dogshit and I'm not in London.
sounds like she needs a fucking hobby
What is this image supposed to show? These women look better than 95% of others.
No I haven't been taking pictures and it isn't nice to name and shame. I'm not going to pretend I'm the best looking guy in the world but some of these women are humongous and just compensate by slapping on makeup. The few I swiped right on are stunners though.
Life doesn't always go the way you'd like it to. My age range is set to 24-31. I'm not going to date a fucking 20 year old.
Her hobby is music, she's a Yea Forumstant.
That's about it though.
How much would you pay for said feeder?
>80% of the userbase is pathetic losers who've been here for far too long
user, the other 20% are still pathetic losers, they're just newfags. Doesn't make them any less virgin than you are.
You're nearby though. I can tell. Go and have a hot barth and forget all about it.
>having an orgasm will change your entire ego and identity
jerk off
>b-b-but it has to be with a woman
acquire an education and stop desperately trying to fit in with groupthink when no one knows who you are and no one cares who you are.
>girls will actually dance with you out of nowhere
They really won't
Imagine the poor lamb living its entire life in captivity in a cold steel pen, reared and primed for slaughter and transformed into thin, greasy slices of delicious kebab meat that is greedily and slavishly devoured and consumed by a chubby, drunk little slut out on her hen-night sparing no thought to the innocent little creature whose entire existence inevitably lead it to being processed into fat on her thighs and ass while the rest is shat out into a puke-encrusted toilet and flushed away into the sewers.
A terrible fate to be sure.
>hmm why do poor people look freakish and ugly??
>never actually had good sex so he deluded himself
I'm nowhere near London mate. This country is a dump. Don't know what la la land countryside town your living in but trust me the shit will hit you too in the next 5 years.
Imagine writing this lol
it's like all matter in nature keeps circulating or something.
based and sexpilled
Get outdoors
Holy ugly
How is incel "not" real though ? If you're ugly you will never have sex, therefore the involuntary part makes sense.
The hardest nut I ever busted was balls deep in my best friends asshole. I would rather jerk off with hundreds of random things to put my dick in or with my death grip and random japanese jerk off assistence while I drool and stare at the most depraved horrific fetishistic content no self respecting woman would ever participate in with me.
Jerking off to insane shit > muh dick warm n wet
People always want to feel power over others. That's why Yea Forums obsesses over 12% of the American population day in and out.
this is a really good photograph, maybe it's because of the composition.
Power you say?
>If you're ugly you will never have sex
maybe lower your standards and accept equally ugly sex partners.
Based and dare I say it redpilled.
>people look ugly when they're crying
>people pull faces when they're drunk out of their mind and inhaling cockroach-food
My mind is blown.
Ugly women don't want ugly men. Your sentence doesn't make sense.
>being gay
Even worse than incels honestly.
>lower your standards
he posted it again
this is weird to me because I live in slavland and most males are far uglier than females yet they still get laid.
Don't be mean
only pussy
Are they in line to have their phones fixed?
I don't want to sound like a technophobic boomer but smartphones really are a plague.
I couldn't.
The whole point is for me to get fatter and lazier while being pampered and taken care of.
Yeah... I am gonna have to agree that this post is /kino/
yeah, i love eating hot pockets instead of getting these shitpost threads deleted, threads should only be deleted when they violate my core values of anime tiddies
It literally says in Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlahem from Syria which was Hellenistic Greek back then.
> in b4 Greeks aren't white