Release order

>release order
>chronological order
>"whatever looks cooler" order
Which one is you, user?

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release order, always

haruhi order

release order, hopping between newer and older games would be seriously distracting

Release order, unless the first game has aged poorly.

Release order is the way to do it every fucking time.
An exception can be made if it's a series of games with absolutely zero connection to each other, such as Final Fantasy.

Release order, only order.

I want to release inside of Samus until she bears my children

Whatever user recommends order

fucking cringe at your incel ass

Release order, always

I prefer the pecking order

Depends on the series

Release order, because even if devs make a prequel they're making it with the expectation that you've already played the shit that came out beforehand.

release order

Chronological order. Which didn't help when playing, for the first time, the entire MGS series, and realising just how overrated and shit MGS 1 is and how destructive to the franchise MGS 4 was.

Release order. Chronological order is only okay when you're replaying a franchise and want a different perspective on it or want the story to line up in a different way.

That said, I don't really apply this to games without a story or games that have a story I don't care about. Sometimes the first game(s) can have compatibility issues or just not be very good so I might skip them.

This is what stops me from following the release order. I couldn't play the first two SMT games.

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Remember when she was a badass space mercenary?


Me neither, to be honest.

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Why do we pretend that Nintendo hasn't been sexualising Samus since Metroid 1

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Depends on the games. If they're story heavy and connected to each other, then release order. If they're not connected to each other (Final Fantasy) or don't have story then whatever is cooler.

Chronological is good if you want to replay a series to get a good sense of what happened if it's not normally in that order and you want a story refresher. I did that for Metroid. I wouldn't say it's the best choice for a first playthrough of any series though, at least that I know of. Metroid itself is so story light that "whatever looks cooler" order is best for it anyway.

Made for BBC

>Made for BBC

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How the fuck is she supposed to do her job with this fat ass?

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Depends on the games, either :
- release order (ex : for story driven games)
- latest entry (ex : for fighting games, rhythm games, puzzle games)
- whatever I have easy access to (solo games with no story (Mario, Zelda, ...))

I wonder if there's a game series where it's better to play the game in a certain order that's not release or chronological.

For star wars it was, 4-5-2-3-6

She still is.
And there's nothing wrong with that. She can be sexy AND badass at the same time.

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Wait a minute....