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>freezes updates
What updates?
Artifact had updates at all?
>deep rooted issues
Yeah the issues being that it's a game no one wanted. Thanks for listening to the fans, Valve.
artifact existed?
>high expectations
Did they not see/hear the reaction at the reveal?
I don't play card shit. What went wrong? I thought valve could shit out a turd and it would get lopped up.
What is the issue with this? A complete overhaul and f2p launch can maybe safe the game, updating it for 50 concurrent players can not.
So, they're rebuilding the game from scratch into something that's actually fun to play?
God Fucking Dammit I hate those two fucking little dragons flying all over the place
they wanted people to pay up front before seeing the turd
This will never not be funny
>despite high expectations
the only high expectations were from dota 2 shills or other card game autists that just wanted to be part of that one million tournament that never happened.
How much money do you think Valve have lost from this? God I hope it's a wake up call for them to finally make a game people actually want.
Dota fans are mostly third worlder monkeys from places like Peru, Russia, and Philippines, who only play a small handful of f2p games. Valve thought it would be a good idea to charge a $20 game + money for card packs with no free way of earning cards to this demographic.
Not enough. They're like Disney or Google. They can just throw money at shit and hope something sticks and then shrug it off if nothing does.
The blogpost didn't make it clear if they were giving up on the game or trying to make some ridiculous long-term attempt to reimagine and rerelease it
Legit forgot this existed. People booing its announcement is still hilarious
>deep rooted issues
Make it F2P and give people who bought it their money back in store credit or card packs and you fixed half of the game's problems right there.
Probably nothing. The team was very small, most of the art was 2d and a lot of 3d stuff was either simple or recycled, Garfield was just a regular employee, and it sold in the six digit range on top of having an active market for a month so it grossed millions.
Marketing was also almost entirely done via steam, streamers in the beta, or a one off tournie.
Here's few things that went wrong
>There already existed multitude of "digital card battle games" like Hearthstone and Magic the fucking Gathering. Nobody wanted another one.
>Ontop of the above one, Hearthstone was free while Artifact asked for 20 dollars + tip for extra cards.
>The year long hype for new, in-house game by Valve that fell flatter than a loli with Pectus excavatum (Google it, I dare you) it was revealed not to be an FPS or even an exciting puzzle game
>making a card game in an already saturated market
Why? Why would I play this over MTG, Hearthstone or even Gwent?
Valve's out of touch
Valve's out of time
Gabe's outta his head and I'm not around
>60k peak
>400 current
Just goes to show, pcbros will be literally anything valve shits out. People are acting like Artifact was a failure. Cute. It did just what they wanted, sell a bunch of copies. And how many of those 60k also bought cards?
Everyone praised Valve's shitty "Our desks have wheels" policy where they let people join and leave projects at will.
What happens is no one sticks around for bigger, harder projects, and they all sign up to easy TF2 updates or shitty derivative shit like this Heartstone knock off.
Cause it's a better cardgame.
The problem of course is that it isn't in any way. They're asking money up front in a mostly F2P genre while offering nothing better in return.
Weirdly enough, I bought the game myself right when the game came out, opened my free packs and flipped them all and came out $10 ahead and bought other games, so I mean it's still money "in their system" but I got out of it with more money in the end which comes out of their pockets for game keys heh
Autochess and "Artifact" game mode both killed of the actual Artifact game.
>artifact will STILL get updates before tf2 does
god i fucking hate valve
>He still plays TF2
It's been 12 years user, play something else
Valve could have gotten away with it if the game was good
saturated market didn't kill Artifact, being buy2play and asking players to spend more if they want more cards is what killed it
and being a game that focuses on long matches when everything is moving toward quick, mobile matches
Now whats gonna kill Hearthstone?
Hearthstone will just kill itself eventually like WoW. I don't know anyone who plays it still.
Um I for one would like Artifact 2
What high expectations? People boo'd that shit back when it was revealed on stage.
Theyve openly said they dont wanna make HL3 for a number of reasons. My question is why not fucking let some other dev make it? I sure any studio would leap at the chance too
All they needed to do is making it f2p and add free loots with scrapping system.
three boards MOBA shit
pay for league and cards
I don't want any of that
is what i want, that or fistful of frags 2
theres something beautiful about a crowd literally paid to cheer all groaning at once about something
TF2's engine is held together by tape and shoestrings at this point. Just let it die.
>He doesn't know
user Artifact was never meant to be a gane people actively played and got things out of, it was a scam by Valve to have people buy into the game, get fed up with it, then quit and sell all their cards on the market, which Valve conveniently takes a cut from.
Artifact was nothing more than a glorified Ed, Edd, and Eddy scam meant to con people out of $20 and a little extra off the Market.
>People are acting like Artifact was a failure. Cute. It did just what they wanted, sell a bunch of copies
It absolutely did not do what they wanted it to do. They wanted people to keep playing and to buy the cards, they wanted a low-effort, minimal-cost treadmill that generates money for long periods of time through microtransactions and other post-purchase content sales and it flopped very, very hard.
This wasn't a game to Valve, it was a platform for long-term revenue.
Could players be ignoring the game because it's not F2P and it's an inferior product to what's already available?
Really makes me think
>deep-rooted issues
Thank god they finally realized the game is shit. It's not even the jewish pay structure, the game itself is complete garbage and goes to show that MtG was a fluke for Richard Garfield and the game only got good once he left.
wouldn't be surprised if the three I listed have VR options considering valve just dev'd a VR set desu.
would be a great introduction.
It was a p2w p2p game.
The absolute madman actually did it.
Wait, when the fuck did this come out??
Sorry, these aren't platforms for micropurchases
only if tf3 comes out with inventory porting, it deserves far better than to be forgotten in favour of a shitty moba and a fucking p2p digital card game
Beat saber
Uhhhhhh fuck you got me
It really wasn't, user. You remember how one of Valve's big selling points was that they got Richard Garfield to help work on it? Go look at his track record after he got removed from MTG, it's absolutely filled with crap games that launched only to fail and never be heard of again. Shit, Garfield had already moved on to ANOTHER project before Artifact even hit Alpha.
"hey let's spend years of resources into a cash grab and have nobody play our game for the upcoming years! thats how we make money haha"
dont fucking talk ever again about business holy shit.
It's still a company with a pedigree of extremely successful games, this is the first time Valve has released anything that can be considered an objective failure, backed by one of the most iconic figures in TCG history. It was easy to see the writing on the wall, but it's hard to believe that much talent could produce such a financial disaster.
This is what happens when you charge premium paper prices for a digital card game. Even WotC, notorious jews that they are, had the good sense to adopt a sensible F2P model for Arena. You can't charge people for the game and then only give out cards for cash after every single one of your competitors adopted an F2P grind model. That's insanely arrogant while showing little faith in the actual product, because you don't believe people are going to spend money on cards just to expand their collection at a faster pace anyway.
Idk what made Valve think Artifact was worth paying for when it doesn't do anything noteworthy.
>Get your cocksucker like Slacks to shill your game
wow, at least they got strength enough to admit failure
i don't even enjoy beat saber, if making your own tracks is a hassle and all you do is flail and chop, it's not that grand, fuck there are cheaper games on steam just like beat saber where you can add your own songs
Serious Sam 3 VR Duke Nukem Mod is cool
DOOM 3 BFG VR is very cool
Sword & Sorcery might be cool in the future.
two of those are full games/campaigns in VR, and not just meme music game.
>Theyve openly said they dont wanna make HL3 for a number of reasons
oh yeah, post where they say it ya dumb idiot
Hubris and overrating the popularity of Dota.
Yes, people play the shit out of it and they get a million concurrent players every day, but they only care about Dota for the game, not the characters. It's literally discount Warcraft.
Hearthstone is a walking corpse with Blizzdrone maggots still eating it's flesh
The payment model scared away a lot of people, but I don't think that was the issue. The main thing is that they tried too hard to make a card game for white knucklers. If you're not a 10+ year card game veteran, Artifact is confusing, difficult, and unfun for the first 60 hours of gameplay. It's probably great at high levels of play, but nobody will want to make that climb if the game is miserable starting out. Even Dota is still fun if you're new and you suck at the game.
>Years of resources
They could have made this in a with a team of interns. The most expensive things in Artifact's development were the VA's (lol) and the marketing, which they paid for a week of at release and then stopped, outside of a few articles to build up "hype".
Oh, I just mod beat saber so I don't give a shit.
>Theyve openly said they dont wanna make HL3 for a number of reasons
Yeah, it would cost a lot more than they're willing to spend and wouldn't be easy to monetize with micropurchases, since its a single-player game
I do...
I'm starting to think this was their reasoning all along as well. Now that idea is reinforced by Artifacts p2p p2w failure.
>preordering expansion packs
>giving money to blizzard
This is hella yikes
Its what every pubisher wants to do, online-only, multiplayer-only platforms for micropurchases make more money and cost a LOT less to make than, say, your average single-player game.
Why spend anywhere from $20-80 million on a single-player game that will only make money by selling copies of itself when you could take a fraction of that and make something like Hearthstone or Overwatch and have it rake it literal billions while you sit there doing nothing. Micropurchases will eventually kill or change beyond recognition traditional single-player games.
the payment model was great and thought through, you morons never gave the game a chance since it wasnt 1.free to play and 2.you are (you yourself judging by your post) dumb idiots that have no grasp of anything; just stick to playing the latest most shilled br and arguing about that
the game is confusing and difficult? lmao I've never played any moba in my life and have only played mtg when I was 12 years old I fully understood how to play artifact after watching some faggot on twitch play it for about 3 minutes and watching 2 other guide videos on valve's youtube that were about 2 minutes long each, with ALL it's intricacies, how it stands out from other card games and what makes the mechanical process of playing it fun.
you keep reposting the same idiotic thing you overheard like it being pay2win when all the rest of these shitty digital card game devs make money off of lootboxes and dlc expansions and seasons with powercreep up the ass
complaints about randomness are the funnies
you are basically idiots, which is why you don't and can't understand why something can be fun or good, why certain decisions are made and being able to deduce something using logic
and it not being free means you will never even have the chance to find out
I wanted the new hero portrait anduin is gay
At what point did Valve change it's philosophy from single player experiences to p2w MMOs?
only for products produced and distributed by the video game industry, and a few shitty indie devs that want to bandwagon.
Never heard of Artifact before this thread. Where's HL3 you fucking hacks? Or even L4D3 with the Midnight Riders lol. Why make Source 2 if they're not gonna use it?
great post
low iq animal
Why is Nu-Valve so shit bros? ;_;
Anduin is unironically the best hero in the game all of his emotes are BM
>this is the first time Valve has released anything that can be considered an objective failure
There was ricochet
because you're a stupid faggot
Anduin is based but I'd play tyrande if I had her.
>they all sign up to easy TF2 updates
Is this a joke? That game is so neglected.
No, I'm the mayor
That's what I was thinking
People always talk about the pay model but I really think that if the game was good enough people would pay it
But the game is fundamentally fucking broken.
For example Unlike MtG or ANY OTHER fucking tcg, you have no control over where your cards are placed . Or where new creep spawns are placed. Or what your heroes/creeps target every turn.And most ‘mass effect’ ultimates affect the enemy at random.
So there’s very little strategy involved, just placing a card on the board and fucking praying that it does the thing you want if to do. It sucks
No one at Valve works
The cunt devs on twitter even defended this saying they want to raise families & live life
Gabe needs to get off his fat ass & fire everyone, fire some people with talent
*hire some people with talent
Ricohet was kind of a joke side project, Gabe thought this would be the next Hearthstone or Half Life 2 of Card games
I think the harsh truth is that Valve doesn't NEED to work. I guarantee they're sustained on the cut they take from listing games on Steam alone.
Valve isn't about games anymore.
>you have no control over where your cards are placed
you do have control where they're placed
>Or what your heroes/creeps target every turn
you control what they attack every turn by using strategy
>there’s very little strategy involved
I think you're just really stupid
said the virgin neet shitposting all day long that doesnt know anything outside of which way to turn for cold or warm water in the bathroom
>Valve isn't about games anymore.
neither is this board
Everyone look, it's one of the 40 players that still plays Artifact. Tell me friend, how often are you playing against bots?
you know the game is dead on arrival when the crowd goes *sigh*... at the live reveal kek
Fucking seething
Easy tf2 updates?
They can barely do that. It's mostly community driven at this point.
Anything from the actual devs takes 6+ months to release.
>that guy who invested on artifact packs
LMAOing @ his lyfe Assuming he's still alive.
Honestly the game could recover if they make some major gameplay changes and turn it F2P.
It wasn't even a sigh.
It was a disappointed "Awwwh!"
Enjoy your RNG tcg retard
>people here spent hundreds of dollars on this shitty game thinking it was the new buttcoin
>two months later it's already dead
>I wasted 100 bucks on the game and i have to justify my retarded decisions
Calm down Gabe
Market was already saturated with free (sic) digital card games that actually have ways to earn packs (sic) by playing the game. They didn't even include a safety net with have anime tiddies (sic).
Dotards also just wanted new heroes, nonshit patch to the main game, and HL3. They were quick to point out how it's now Valve ripping off Blizzard instead of the other way around.
>mfw I've blown over 3 grand on tf2
>cute elf
>click thumbnail
>its fucking Alphinaud
In your defense the game is like 12 years old, if you averaged it out it's probably a Netflix subscription a year.
At least that was a good game at some point, the other faggot literally threw his money in the garbage
>Artifact is to trading card games what Half-Life 2 was to single-player action games
Something you abandon immediately afterwards?
No, they just started shutting it down
>have over $700 worth of unusuals
>mfw too jewish to sell them for keys or on the steam market
If some retard will drop 10k on a burning flames killer exclusive, then I want cash for my shit
Nothing really interesting. Some retards said they were "investing" in Artifact to make back later. Guess they were expecting it to be the next MtG.
>tfw this is my biggest disappointment
I just want Hearthstone to die already
Wasn't there also a guy that spent all of his money on computer equipment to become a big Artifact streamer?
>spent around $1k over the years on stupid hats
>sharked/scammed for over $2.5k worth
>cashed out
Thanks to all the easy targets out there, now sitting on a huge library of games bought during sales and recouped my initial investment.
Are there anime tiddies in Artifact? Just asking.
I am so happy this flopped. What the fuck were they thinking. They fired half life 3 and countless potential other games for this. They have hundreds of gaming professionals and they did one card game in almost 10 years
>What the fuck were they thinking
"We want the digital TCG money (and more esports money)".
You're still out of money, a shitty steam library of games you will never play is not an asset
>steam machine
>No real games in years
>epic store raping them
>Just fell for the vr meme
What went wrong for Valve?
But they still employ hundreds of game developers I think.... For what??
It wasn’t Left 4 Dead 3
They are out of touch, just a shop now.
Any cards one should invest in if they actually manage to save this mess? i've never played the game but just playing with the idea.
There is no point in doing hl3 with the original team gone. Who cares. I would settle for ANY real game
Team was the only real videogame platform for far too long, when competition came they didn't know how to respond, hell they may not have realized they had to respond until far too late
10000% more than Lawbreakers and Battleborn combined
Out of touch with the customer, completely living in their tech bubble.
Its how google new console was made.
>1998: Half-Life
>1999: Team Fortress, Half-Life Opposing Force
>2000: Counter-Strike, Ricochet
>2001: Blue Shift
>2003: Day of Defeat
>2004: Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Condition Zero, Counter-Strike Source
>2005: Day of Defeat Source
>2006: Half-Life 2 Episode One
>2007: Half-Life 2 Episode Two, Portal, Team Fortress 2
>2008: Left 4 Dead
>2009: Left 4 Dead 2
>2010: Alien Swarm
>2011: Portal 2
>2012: Counter-Strike Global Offensive
>2013: Dota 2
>2018: Artifact
worth the weight
Who the fuck thought that this is good idea?
Alien Swarm, Opposing force, Blue Shift, CS GO and L4D1 wasnt made by Valve.
So the list is even smaller
>inventory porting
that will never happen because they want you to buy new things and not keep the old ones.
Go back to playing your f2p games mutt like fortnite and shit
I mean if we get down to technicalities Portal wasn't either since Valve just hired the team after seeing their project, but when people hear Opposing Force, CS and L4d1 they'll still always think of Valve
right on user
you sure told him off
Imagine being this fucking upset over a shitty card game no one wanted.
>I mean if we get down to technicalities Portal wasn't either since Valve just hired the team after seeing their project, but when people hear Opposing Force, CS and L4d1 they'll still always think of Valve
They hired them but the work was still done in house at valve with some people helping.
Those other projects were done by other studios with valve only acting as a publisher.
In last 8 years valve made portal 2 and dota 2 only inouse, and now Artifact.
Making you wonder what exactly are people there doding.
If we're going to be full "technicalities", Dota 2 isn't a Valve game.
Its not technicalities you retard.
Publisher and Developer are 2 different entities.
Valve published those games, didnt develop them.
Dota 2 was dveloped by valve, CS GO or L4D1 wasnt.
So porting Dota to a new engine makes it a game developed by Valve but porting CS to a new engine doesn't? Are you retarded?
Got one for Pokemon Colosseum, user?
Garfield did Netrunner and Keyforge which is also pretty good. MtG's just the first of its kind, so the popularity overshadowed the rest
>valvekeks still blaming Richard Garfield for this failure
Remember me?
>So porting Dota to a new engine makes it a game developed by Valve but porting CS to a new engine doesn't? Are you retarded?
What the fuck you on about.
Dota 2 was made from scratch by Valve, it wasnt ported, and even if it would be the porting job would still be done by Valve.
CSGO is a new game too you shit for brains, one made by Hidden Path studios.
is shitting yourself a coping mechanism you dumb frogposter
>in charge of the whole project
>not to be blamed
What? Its 100% on him and other leads.
The game is a failure on every design level, marketing and pricing is one thing, but another is the fact the game is now good, dosnt look interesting and did not listen to any feedback form testers.
Valve we used to know is dead.
At least EA is back with Apex.
because all the feedback testers were choking on valve's dick. all they wanted to do was be released from hearthstone's shitty feedback loop and valve was hosting 10k tournaments in a beta consisting of about 200 people.
>WOW 90% winrates for good players, such a high skill cap!
actually the game is massively ridden with shit tier RNG and it was just good card game players beating up in retarded dota personalities and journalists
its an illusion of choice, far too much of the game is dictated by creep spawns and arrow RNG that you cannot make meaningful decisions, only commit to a line of play and hope the dice roll in your favor.
the game is fucking trash and i was hyped for it from march of 2018, good riddance to that garbage and thank god i made enough money off of my initial 5 tickets to get my investment back and some.