How can americans even compete?

How can americans even compete?

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>all those dark unfunny shitty "lol so hard" edgy games

ez kiddo

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*wins GOTY 2019*

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DMC 5 is one of the most boring games I've played in a while. It's pure button mashing even for an action game, the combos weren't varied enough or actually intricate at all.

Based retard.
What about Nintendo, that makes light hearted and equally fun yet simpler video games? They're also not an American company.

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t. shit player that never touched DMD

By making games that are on the right side of history (and that's a good thing (here's why))

>I-It gets good 50 difficulty mide later
You dmcucks are insufferable

They are you just played DH mode probably spammed orbs the few times you died and didn't learn jack shit or experiment. DMD enemies/bosses are fun as fuck and SoS Vergil was too. I had fun on DH because i was using it as a way to experiment for the most part. If you think you can mash and win go back and not use orbs on DH Vergil and then play above DH kiddo.

Sekiro is the most boring of the 3 its literally a one play style game of posture breaking bosses. I mean if you choose not to the boss fight lasts forever and feels demeaning to people not playing by its rules. Sekiro is a tragic game.

Hello Barry

RE2make is the only good one

>Play DH
>See bosses the basics and Vergil vs Dante is probably the first kinda semi wall if you aren't a orb nigger
>Speed through SoS because its the same with a few pressures takes like a few hours at most
>On DMD with everything you learned and now the challenge with aggressive normal enemies/patterns/bosses with new shit and DT appear.

I mean Sekiro never gets good with its one standard difficulty. Where as with DMC I had fun on DH it was easy SoS was pretty easy too for me atleast.. Then DMD well fun was pretty punishing and shit was doing shit a lot more often with new boss attacks etc. I mean if you're shit its fine be shit at action games and blow linear From shit even DSP can play.

I miss Ninja Gaiden Black/2 though. 2 was alittle easier on warrior/mentor then Black was on hard/very hard but man it was still a blast on MNM.

Looks like more a shitty netflix movie than a game.

Lesbian kike worship simulator 2019

>I mean Sekiro never gets good with its one standard difficulty.
that's some shitty bait you got there

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I don't even know what games American developers are working on this year. It's all Japanese or Euro / Russian stuff. I don't really care about DOOM Eternal personally.

>Resident Evil 2
>Hard on normal
>DMC 5
>Hard on normal

Do you not have hands?

RE2 = nostalgia bait
DMCV = nostalgia bait
kingdom hearts = nostalgia, manchildren bait
cringe list.

Damn when do you get to fight Pluto in Sekiro?


Based OP deleted KH3 trash from the old thread.

>the combos weren't varied enough

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call of duty 20 = nostalgia bait
halo 15 = nostalgia bait
fortnite = nostalgia bait

Do you try to be this retarded or does it just come naturally to you?

>It's pure button mashing
>i play on Human btw