>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
Thanks Epic, fuck Steam
>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
Thanks Epic, fuck Steam
Other urls found in this thread:
So they´re saying this game is a shovelware/asset flip as in how?
>waah steam has too many releases now, my special unique game is getting buried under everyone else's special unique game
>wait, don't go back to how things were 10 years ago, then my game wouldn't be accepted
there's no pleasing these fuckers
>Assault Android Cactus
Game looks fine to me, and it seems to be good. Why would this be a victory for Epic? From what i can tell they rejected a good game, it speaks more against the Epic curation than in favor of it
That games has 1300 reviews and is overwhelmingly positive. I am pretty sure they did really well.
assault android cactus is fantastic
nice troll, fag
>Epic shills ignore the garbage it already has on it
They already have garbage like Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventures on it.
Yeah a game service that rejects good games for no reason while also accepting actually shitty ones
Why the fuck do people want egs to succeed?
I'd sooner buy that Rollercoaster game than this
how on earth did that low effort piece of shit get 95% rating on steam? are the ratings being manipulated through bots? give keys to yourself, raise the rating...
>while also accepting actually shitty ones
Which ones are the shitty ones?
I pick the winners and losers of this industry now. You entitled manbaby "consumers" fucked it up for too long. You don't have a say any more. Better hope you shithead indies have a BIG publisher to attach yourselves to like the old days.
Hang on my buddies over at Team17 have some more literal trash they want to shove onto my store. Nobody's buying their crap but that's ok, I'm writing the reimbursement checks as we speak.
>Which ones are the shitty ones?
The game that's a PC port of a Switch port of an actual shitty mobile game. Apparently that passes Epic's 'quality' standards
"People" don't. Shills, contrarians and trolling anons do
It cant be worse than QD games
Detroid, Heavy Rain
Shitty looking? Are you sure this is not just bouts of censorship because it has girls as their main characters?
The only literal trash Team17 has put out is that Alien Breed series and nuWorms - quit making fucking Worms games.
if we allow a platform to decide what is and isnt good and not allowing people to decide we become pawns. also youre massive faggot eat shit and die
can't wait for all the drama when an Epic employee lets a friends shitty indie game in.
Games I'd sooner play than the one in the OP
That is some heavy projection you got there.
That dev never complained about allowing more games on Steam being a bad thing
>Yea Forums is shitting on assault android cactus
How can anyone hate Smash TV?
I'd sooner play that than the game in the OP which looks like a mess of shitty 3D
Theyre still shit games though
I know you're memeing but even still this post is a good litmus test for the absolute shit state of Yea Forums.
I love Smash TV but that game has style and tight controls
>indie devs shit on steam while embracing epic as their savior
>epic starts rejecting their games anyway
ahahaonono its backfiring already
this did NOT go according to keikaku by the looks of it
Please refrain from posting photos of people who are so unpleasant to look at.
>game in OP is like Smash TV
I am now interested, thanks. I thought this was just more spyware wars/spyware shilling but I might have bumped into a fun game. Is it as over-the-top as Smash TV? Like a video game The Running Man?
Steam already does that with the removal of Rape Day, retard
>no style
I'm now not interested. I just want more Smash TV.
Thought this would happen
People whine about Steam letting in anyone, but the thing about Steam is that its meeting a real demand for a marketplace exactly LIKE Steam
It didn't. Look at the actual number of players, single digit unique MAU. that's absolutely pathetic, and the game wouldn't sell at all on egs, cause it's not selling on steam.
Nothing authoritarian about it. epic is handling their store in a different way to steam, that is, you can't just spend $100 and have your game put up without anyone looking at it. Even if the game's shit (like rollercoaster tycoon) at least it's not just being thrown up without SOME sort of QA. AAC is also just a bad game in general, imbalanced, buggy, crash prone even on console, years after release.
It's just a top down shooter with silly androids but the gameplay is just like smash TV. The combo system they use for points is garbage though
where do you set the bar?how do you set it? especially for games that are new and not imported from other platforms.
if assets flips and babby first RPG makers projects and low effort VN are easy to hate on and definitely under the bar,what about those small-ish, yet good, indie games that just haven't been a massive hit like Slay the spire has been?
his shitty game, which i haven't played, is sitting on 877 overhelmingly positive reviews on steam.that doesn't sound like the rock bottom of indie games at all, how can you decide if it should be in or out?
This Epic vs. Steam fighting is funnier than watching trannies fight women over the Olympics
The Android assault cactus Dev isn't one of the whining indie "devs" he just wanted to expand his sales and audience to as many online stores as possible.
Not interested, I need zaniness in top down shooters or isometric shooters or they're no fun.
Browsing non-popular games on Steam is impossible. There's literally hundreds of new shitty "games" released every single day. If Epic keeps this kind of shit out, it might be the better store and community of the two.
>All these anons who defend the piece of shit EGS that benefits nobody but Epic and the publishers
>All these anons taking the side of the goddamn games media
>Browsing non-popular games on Steam is impossible. There's literally hundreds of new shitty "games" released every single day.
Is the only way you search for new games through the 'new releases' section when Valve gives search options out the whazoo?
Not him, but new games are discovered by wishlisting them, so they get pushed to the popular new games section
It's like I have to do work for Valve to help the few indie games that look decent on Steam
>Epic bigots
>87 on metacritic
How could they.
Steam discoverability is utter bullshit. they need to hire a team of rocket scientists to develop some serious "advanced search" option and impprove the failing tag system. perhaps a way to identify games based on " similar games, similar fanbases". everything they have is shit, in fact they don't have a decent advanced search at all.
samefag and shit taste
Didn't these people shit on Valve for not having enough quality control to prevent trash from filling the store? I suppose once they release THEY are the trash, their tune suddenly changed.
More like epic vs every other online store except Uplay.
Now just remove all the rest of the shitty games from the store and maybe I'll use it.
>Game is just a trash indi game no.112981
>dev triggered that he can't flip assets with this shit
I'm happy that it's not like with Steam where you can't even browse games because of all those shit indi games.
Every game launcher should only have AAA games anyway. Indi games are always a waste of time. For example Undertale was an objectively bad game but because of memes, feels, and stolen music, he got hype from retards. Same with every other indi game. It's always better to either play AAA games or do something else than wasting time with a game which is worse than the competition and has only a meme/feels value.
Based Sergey
Assault Android Cactus is a great game you fucking shitter.
This, I much rather have shitty shovelware assetflip mobile games on the epic store like roller coaster tycoon adventures instead of actually fun and original indie games!
Let's say you released a game today. Would you want to be on the Epic Store, or Steam?
And forget consumer rights. You just want to maximize profits and exposure.
>actually fun and original indie games!
Dont care about the Epic Store but always enjoy seeing entitled indie devs get shit on
There's no assurance a game that's made in this theoretical situation would even be allowed to release on Epic's Store because they're the gatekeepers
>entitled indie devs
So what's that dev said before to show they're 'entitled'?
The market is too big to think you can just trawl through the New Releases tab to find a gem. It's up to the developers themselves to put SOME effort into marketing their games to get it the attention it deserves instead of just shitting it out on Steam and hoping people will naturally find it among the trash.
>So what's that dev said before to show they're 'entitled'?
He thinks Epic must accept his game which only 4 people play right now.
manufactured outrage
op is a shill
use the report function
If the decent indie devs put more effort into their games they'd get on the popular list. I see indieshit on their all the time.
>He thinks Epic must accept his game
The dude outright said he's fine with them rejecting him, he just wanted people to know that explicitly saying 'Epic's store will be great for indie devs!' it's a lie. Also apparently the game is good enough to release on the PSN, XBL, Switch store and Steam but not for Epic's store?
>t. chink bot
+15 yuans
>The dude outright said he's fine with them rejecting him
And added - Epic bad store because of that.
> Also apparently the game is good enough to release on the PSN, XBL, Switch store and Steam but not for Epic's store?
>PlayStation 4
>8 March 2016
>Xbox One
>7 November 2017
How about making new game? Why Epic must accept his game when it is dead already?
I am developing a game in UE4 and Epic Game Store is a no brainer for me, 12% cut vs 30% cut, plus likely to get an even better deal from Epic if I gather up some notoriety before striking a deal with them. On top of that Epic has incredible dev grants (5k-500k no strings attached) and very good support.
If your game is good it doesn't really matter what store you're on for sales, people have no issue downloading another .exe, as much as rabid Valve drones want you to think otherwise.
This, epic doesn't give a shit about quality games. Just games that give their store the most exposure and profit.
>online store deciding what games you can play
No thanks. Keep your orwellian thought control to yourself, shill.
This entire platform is a literal joke
AAC is actually quite fun
I think really really good games are going to rise to the top, but rejecting shitty games helps pretty good games find moderate success, which is important.
>On top of that Epic has incredible dev grants (5k-500k no strings attached)
This is an irrelevant point given that there are no requirements to release on Epic's store to get those grants
>If your game is good it doesn't really matter what store you're on for sales, people have no issue downloading another .exe, as much as rabid Valve drones want you to think otherwise.
Then tell me about the amazing successes of the Windows Store and Bethesda's launcher which was just dropped like a hot shit
>rejected because it was already released on [Not Epic Store (tm)] and because epic couldnt hold a dev hostage
China good
America bad
This kinda cements the idea that epic store is gaining at all is due to visibility and not store profit percentages. The problem is stricter filters exclude new devs, so balancing it is a complicated. Of course, we could back to the old way doing things, but that would mean no dominating platform monopoly... can't have that.
>but rejecting shitty games helps pretty good games find moderate success
There are tons of games that made it big that easily would have been rejected back in the days when Steam curated everything. I doubt we would've seen Slay the Spire or Baba is You get on there
Released on Steam in 2015.
4 currently playing right now.
>Bus Simulator 18 Editor
>Let your imagination run wild! Download the Bus Simulator 18 Mod Kit and create routes, build your own buses, design bus liveries, create new maps and share them with the community via Steam Workshop. We can’t wait to see the buses and cities you’ll create.
Now that's some pathetic Steam droning I tell ya what
>Refuse access to every game that doesn't look like a AAA experience
>Steam wouldn't have gotten Hotline Miami, FTL, Stardew Valley, Slay the Spire, Darkest Dungeon etc.
This is why Valve stopped gatekeeping. If you're shit, you sink to the bottom. If you have any spark of creativity, no matter your budget or aesthetics, you rise to the top. Seriously, Slay the Spire looks fucking awful, but it's a great game that I can guarantee wouldn't have succeeded if Steam didn't let it on their store.
>This is an irrelevant point given that there are no requirements to release on Epic's store to get those grants
The point is that a close relationship with Epic is a lot more beneficial than one with Valve.
>Then tell me about the amazing successes of the Windows Store and Bethesda's launcher which was just dropped like a hot shit
Did not aggressively pursue exclusives and directly attack Valve's market share like Epic does. Nobody is going to move away from the store that has a few thousand of their dollars bound in licenses if they have a choice in the matter.
Hotline Miami had Devolver Digital as a publisher
But I thought Epic was bragging that only 40% of Fortnite players own Steam, and their millions of users of the Epic Game Store from those players means people will use the store. If Epic is to be believed (and they shouldn't), this means there's millions of people who probably never played this game and might be interested in playing it
So basically Ebin launcher is going to have all the AAA garbage since only greedy devs can afford the reputational hit from going exclusive, and are the only ones money hungry enough to fall for the bigger cut? And Steam is going to have all the good indie games?
Epic is also stealing all the kickstarter projects that have been in development for years long before the epic store even existed
Are you kidding? Those would've easily made it on. The qualifier of a shitty game isn't "has good graphics". It's flooding the world with all these shitty unity jokes obviously made for 30 seconds of laughs with not a single idea behind them. Back when things were stricter, that didn't just mean "Have professional looking graphics", it meant actually attempt to make something resembling a game.
the absolute state of Epic chinks
>So basically Ebin launcher is going to have all the AAA garbage since only greedy devs can afford the reputational hit from going exclusive, and are the only ones money hungry enough to fall for the bigger cut? And Steam is going to have all the good indie games?
No to all of that
There will be the occasional indie who got in because they released a successful game on Steam before (and Epic will ignore the actual unknown indie devs). Thank fucking god Hades comes out on GOG and Steam when the game comes out of Early Access
but it's already full of shitty indie games like hello neighbor
Do me a solid and don't be an ignorant fuckup, the reason why Steam got to be a thing was that it standardized the PC games market, unlike the wild west of bullshit it was before where you had to deal with multiple launchers and DRM and websites that were garbage at the time.
You guys all wanna take back control over your investment and all that other noise? good for you, but don't go around just dismissing people as "rabid valve drones" own up to the fact you just want the bigger paycheck and not some struggle between factions like this is the irish war of independence.
>Thank fucking god Hades comes out on GOG and Steam when the game comes out of Early Access
Actually if the contract is like Satisfactory, leaving early access means the 1 year exclusivity starts then.
>Are you kidding? Those would've easily made it on.
You don't seem to remember the days of Steam's curation at all. We have Valve devs outright admitting games that made it big on the storefront wouldn't have been accepted back in the older days (unless the dev somehow would've convinced a publisher to get on board with them). I'm gonna look for the quote now
Why would they deny Cactus? It's actually really good despite the art style.
>Actually if the contract is like Satisfactory, leaving early access means the 1 year exclusivity starts then.
It's not like Satisfactory. Hades comes to everything the moment the game leaves Early Access
Because Epic doesn't actually care about quality, they want marketability of their store
>Steam drone brags about "standardizing the market"
That's a yikes from me
Its a game that sold less than 400 copies on steam and had less than that in peak players.
You think any fucking person cares about this game besides the developers posting his own tweets on v and samefagging? Ops thread should be removed already
>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
Nobody said Epic was trying to moneyhat literal who's bad games. They're going after the most wishlisted games on Steam. Most likely to see Shenmue 3 on that store.
>Its a game that sold less than 400 copies on steam
>Owners: 50,000-100,000
>Also released on the Switch, PS4 and Xbone
>sold less than 400 copies on steam
Pic unrelated?
Why would he call his own game shitty?
If he wanted to shill it to Yea Forums why not dish out some codes and ask people what they think?
Look, games like Saira made it on steam back in the day. It wasn't a matter of having an amazing game, but unlike today, it was a matter of actually trying.
I really don't see what the problem is. I never ever see any of these "shit" games on my steam feed ever unless I go out of my way to look for it. You would have to be a complete fucking idiot to buy any of these games in the first place.
Not steam's fault there is a market for that bullshit.
Borderlands 3 and Shenmue 3 on Epic Store will be the ultimate two-fer Steam dick kick and I can't wait
Why do americans even bother putting lettuce or any vegetable for that matter on their burgers
How do I benefit from them rejecting games?
>And forget consumer rights.
If you want happy and loyal customers you have to think about their rights, so Steam.
>games like Saira made it on steam back in the day.
Saira had a publisher. Independently produced games got fucked hard (which is a huge market these days)
>the reason why Steam got to be a thing was that it standardized the PC games market,
That wasn't a positive, people weren't very happy when even physical games started requiring Steam, me among them.
> the wild west of bullshit
That's what PC gaming is about, if you want standardized single-store shit, go to consoles.
This isn't terribly relevant to EGS vs Steam though, both are DRM platforms that want to control the ecosystem, but you don't really get a choice nowadays if you're a dev.
>You guys all wanna take back control over your investment and all that other noise?
What I want is EGS to start eating into Valve's market share so that Valve is forced to in turn match the EGS at least in the cut they take, ideally that would happen well before I'm close to releasing so that I can just release on both stores. Competition is good for everyone, just look at all the free games we're getting via EGS (you can bet Valve will start talking with publishers to have better sales and free weekends, too).
>but don't go around just dismissing people as "rabid valve drones" own up to the fact you just want the bigger paycheck and not some struggle between factions like this is the irish war of independence.
That's literally what Valve drones are doing: you need to download a free fucking .exe and they're acting like it's the end of the world and asking for it to be made illegal. I don't call anyone who has issues with EGS a Valve drone, but someone who acts like having to download a free launcher is the end of PC gaming can't be much else, or a fucking zoomer who doesn't remember how Steam didn't give you much of a choice either.
>gets rejected by Epic
>still shits on Valve for brownie points
what an absolute cuckold
>Assault Android Cactus
>shitty looking
You are being pathetic, Epic shill.
All of theirs
>Not having a black and white view of the world is being a cuckold
Interesting theory
What Sanatana doesn't get is that you have to be "Indie" as SuperGiant Games to be in Epic's radar. No fucking schmo with Game Engine is going to even be considered.
>Buying Gearbox games after ACM/Sega embezzling
Shame about Shenmue 3. Guess I'll have to pirate it.
you're a pathetic loser, cuck
at least own up to it
>you need to download a free fucking .exe and they're acting like it's the end of the world
And I can't buy my games for cheap from places like GreenManGaming, Voidu, Gamesplanet or Fanatical because Epic doesn't do free key generation for devs/publishers (and likely never will). I also can't just plug-n-play for my Switch Pro controller because Epic's platform lacks the controller support. All this competition Epic is bringing to the table sure is great for me!
>>Buying Gearbox games after ACM/Sega embezzling
I hate Gearbox like you and have no attachment to Borderlands unlike retarded normies - but BL3 with Denuvo will push Epic Store into the house of thousands, same with Outer Worlds
This makes it seem like they have a bias against even good indie games.
>Gamestop refuses to sell sexual games? FUCKING FASCIST AUTHORITARIAN SHITS
Borderlands 3 won't be an exclusive. As retarded as Randy is, The Handsome Collection was announced for just Steam, and Randy personally thanked Valve during the reveal stream for that game and Borderlands 3
Buy the games cheap from Humble instead
devs full on damage control ITT. stay salty anime brain rot pedos
Makes sense. Epic's been all over the gaming news, so now they're getting so many submissions they're starting to filter out anything that they don't think is good enough. Too much competition in the indie scene.
fuck off dude, Assault Android Cactus is great. one of the like 10 indie games I've had fun with in the last 5 years
>Buy the games cheap from Humble instead
They'll be the exact same price as Epic's store. They aren't a separate store buying from publishers, they're getting everything from Epic who is their 'partner'
>good indie games
Bringing Handsome Collection to Epic Store would require a lot of work, BL1 and BL2 rely on a lot of Steam features to run, especially after BL1 had to strip out Gamespy
Ah so you're one of those discount store key fags
>assault android cactus
sounds like something out of an indie game name generator
Its their platform they should be free to include or exclude whatever they want from it
Why do you have this fucking thing saved on your PC? Why do you keep posting it here and tormenting me?
That combo system is the most fun and challenging and genuinely unique mechanic in the game bitch
Remember, it is morally right to pirate chink store games since that have a guaranteed minimum sales deal. This ensures that chink money flow back to the west again after we got sold out.
On the other hand buying chink store games is morally wrong towards you and your fellow man, you will reduce or god forbid reverse the moneyflow, making more western money flow into the bugmen's hive which they will use to further their dominance over you and your life through predatory and consumer unfriendly practices.
You deserve rspect, squash that insect!
This, Cactus is a legit twin stick shooter with a small cult following. It's not my thing but it is a "real" game, not an asset flip
>Overwhelmingly Positive
>I have never, ever, EVER heard of it
>I have never ONCE seen it discussed on Yea Forums or anywhere else
Did the timeline shift again, bros? The game supposedly released in 2015, but I know that's not true.
This is where it pays to be knowledgeable about a niche.
Sometimes you can tell a game sucks just by the epic Rddit title.
thanks, now stop posting shitty anime images if you dont mind
ban his ass
Yea Forums only talks about big games
Maybe you should actually participate in vidya discourse instead of just shitposting
>consumer rights
Fill me in on this meme, bros. Both options are DRM riddled garbage. Does EGS have a user license agreement that somehow takes rights away?
Steam is already a platform that won't let you play games you "own" if you delete your account. How much worse can it be? At wkrst, what are eal talking abouy? Healthy competition, pricing wars that benefits consumers and all you need to do is download a free .exe.
I seriously think valve drones are just worried that steam will go away, and their thousands of dollars worth of games won't work anymore...
As a consolefag, all I have to say is:
It's actually great though, and it's thousands of fans adore it for it's unique amd brilliant design
>12% vs 30
that's all the arguments you ever need. anything saying otherwise is a cucked pcbro.
To remind you that this is the kind of people that support Epic.
that shitty game was bundled several times
No, you have no power over me.
This is just viral marketing.
I thought you guys would be pros but I guess this board has gone to shit
>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
It's just so much easier when the publisher removes the option for me to purchase something, that way i don't even have to think about my own subjective tastes and can just spend my money as mr epic sees fit.
>pricing wars that benefits consumers and all you need to do is download a free .exe.
Interesting you claim we'll get better prices when games exclusive to the Epic Game Store aren't sold on third-party sites like GreenManGaming where you actually can get games for cheaper than the standard release price. Also Tim Sweeney himself has said he doesn't believe in having sales on the level of Steam, so good luck with that shit
>it doesn't count
Ffs i love Jim no one triggers Yea Forums's ass as hard as him.
>This is just viral marketing.
For the game? The damned dev himself deleted his tweets because people were giving him shit for it
Jim doesn't support Epic. He doesn't support Steam either.
LOL no one is using your shit ass chink spyware.
Assault Android Cactus was discussed a number of times in indie threads. Not our fault your shiteating face only comes to drama and shitposting threads.
I can understand Epic paying for Phoenix Point, but you think they'd be able to afford Shenmue that got funded for 9 million?
>steam discoverability is bad
10 years ago, you could browse through a list of every single game on steam in a reasonable amount of time, and most everything was high quality.
If Epic decides to emulate that model instead of valve's current deluge of garbage, I could see people being very happy with their store.
This idiot generic indie dev doesn't know what he's talking about.
Its pretty obvious.
Its cool to hate epic games (I dont know why, ask an NPC). Then struggling developer says he got dissed by them.
>It didn't.
Oh no its retarded.
>releasing rollercoaster tycoon adventures
>a fucking mobile port
Fuck off please China
As someone who has actually played that game and find it super fun both singleplayer and local multiplayer I've lost a great deal of faith in epic's store.
>its ok when its about games I dont care for
The moment a game you want is blocked you're gonna change your tune
So the dev makes the tweets for attention, deletes them, and then goes on archive.org to get those tweets back to shill on Yea Forums? Is this what you believe actually happened?
>past 7 days
To be fair steam has issues with bloat and being able to browse for new games. That isn't going to make me install chink spyware any sooner though.
Probably, but snatching up kickstarted games is hated even more than doing it with regular games, because it´s guaranteed that backers will absolutely flip their shit. Phoenix Point was a special case because the devs feared bancruptrcy or some shit, right?
Good. Then we agree that both are shit in the same point.
If I had enough money, all of them.
He wants to sell it on epic and not give it away like Subnautica or Super Meat Boy. I mean if he said he was almost done with a sequel and wanted to make an exclusivity deal plus giveaway there's something to work with there.
Over 85 on metacritic is more than enough to justify its place on a curated storefront my dude
>implying it's not just a chinkshill who tries to find a way to defend his master
There are plenty of good games on Steam. You just need to know how to look for them. For example, a curator that recommends games in a certain genre. That way, someone else is wading through the trash for you.
I don't think you get to play the "we're only taking good games" card when you go out of your way to pay for exclusivity for David Cage games
If I want a game that isn't on the epic game store, I can buy it on steam. I don't even fucking use the epic store.
But if they build a new audience of people who don't have a 400 game steam library, and give them a small curated selection, the users will be much happier than if they get a garbage truck dumped on them like steam.
Twinstick indie cactus man is criticizing the business model that put steam on the map in the first place because it's not good for him and his class.
>Detroid, Heavy Rain
assault android cactus is CUTE
Didn't know much about the devs fearing bankruptcy, but i know whatever Epic paid them (over a million or 2?) for their 700k game for excluvity is a small price to pay compared to paying off Shenmue's +6 million funded game with everyone begging for a refund.
Short term - go for exclusivity with Epic since they pay at least $2 mil upfront.
Long term - both, since in this day and age game can give you a steady income, even if after the release window it becomes minuscule.
Good boy points - Steam and then show off how cool you are on Twitter.
Valve current model actually shows games you would be interested in based on past purchases. If youre not buying indie games why the fuck would it show that. I havent bought aaa games in awhile and it barely shows em
Lol yeah ok fag suck another dick homo
rot brain cringe
they are releasing what looks good in the catalog, shiny games with recognizable names.
basically trying to create the illusion of a well curated boutique, as opposed to Steam's free for all open market.
don't expect to find a fresh gem of a game on the Epic Store, but don't expect to find broken turds either, just safe games that look good at a glance and have recognition. basically just games that advertise the store, that legitimize it, and the indie in the OP isn't such a game.
>assualt android cactus
>low effort
spotted the AAA only console gamer
Literal cancer Cowadooty consolebabby, pls leave and stay leave.
Saw this the other day. What kind of game is it?
when there are more 3rd person shooters featuring the ue4 mannequin on steam than there are on epics own store
>not an argument
I knew that people who shilled for epic about steams curation would get bitten in the ass for it. This is too good.
Whether or not the dev for this was an epic shill or not, it sends a message to other indie devs. Epic isn't your friend.
Only after those who don't use UE4 or are already famous like SuperGiantGames.
t. Tim, who paid for the exclusives and now can't get any profits due to pirates :-)
a twin stick shooter, you just progress through the levels, there's isnt much content but if you're a ranking autist you can have fun getting high rank on all maps
>Valve current model actually shows games you would be interested in based on past purchases.
How the fuck is this good for discoverability? I like a large variety of games. My taste in games is "good games". If steam is making it hard for me to find good games because I haven't played a game on steam that they've arbitrarily decided is similar, that fucking sucks.
I've deliberately searched for games that I was interested in and heard about outside of steam, and the page has the little message that says "this doesn't look like a game you would be interested in" and it's like bitch you don't fucking know me. Fuck your algorithm.
based epic
Cool. Thanks.
>people who shilled for epic about steams curation would get bitten in the ass for it.
Do you have a link showing this dev complaining about Steam's lack of curation?
I don't think piratefriends get to pretend they care about the game's welfare.
I don´t think it would be worth it. Shenmue isn´t as well-known and legendary as it was a decade ago, the remasters of 1+2 didn´t exactly fly of the shelves.
Yes, everyone censores those.
kys loser, your game is dogshit
Four sentences nigger, try to get through them. I meant indie devs in general since they've been pushing epics shit the hardest.
>226 all-time peak
>Whether or not the dev for this was an epic shill or not
>Shenmue's +6 million funded game with everyone begging for a refund.
Whos asking for refunds? Fake news. Game is shaping up great. Lan Di looks spot fucking on.
Sorry friend, not me, stay butthurt though.
I always love the implications people are going over to Epic for the bigger cut, and not thje big sack of cash+minimum sale guarantee.
If the cut was the only thing that mattered, itch.io and Discord store would have put Valve out of business years ago.
>Whos asking for refunds?
No one yet until Epic pays Deep Silver for the game's exclusivity which you would see people wanting refunds the same as phoenix point. I agreed on Lan Di.
>Still accepting and buying exclusivity for Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures, a fucking mobile port!
Someone redpill me on the Epic store shitstorm. Why is everyone butthurt about this but not about all the other shitty stores? Do you people work at Valve or what?
It's paying for exclusives and selecting keeping good games out of its store. Also, Chinese bot net.
Is it though? Should they open the flood gates like Valve did?
>Why is everyone butthurt about this but not about all the other shitty stores?
No other stores are paying devs and publishers to actively take their games away from other stores (when Epic had no hand in the development of those games). I can't actually get Phoenix Point on GOG or Steam because of this exclusivity bullshit, there was no benefit to me as a consumer with what Epic is doing
tencent owns a small percentage of epic games stock(as well as a small percentage stock in almost every publicly traded video game company), so schizos think that EGS is a front for the chinese government
except for the quartering of course
Them and their shills are crying about Steam having a "monopoly" on PC gaming, while throwing millions at exclusives and trying to create an actual monopoly on PC gaming.
When? In a year?
That's what most people don't get. If devs wanted a bigger cut of the money then why didn't those two stores get popular for devs and publishers? Maybe they want the largest possible audience?
>Ffs i love Jim
>small percentage
If you are against epic store you are a fucking retard
They are literally fine with paying for my free entertainment, based Tim Sweeney god bless you dumb faggot
they're paying money to influence the demographic via media and influencers
Thanks giant American corporation for deciding for me what I should like or not. Now I can finally shut my brain off for good!
I understand what you were trying to say now. My error. Not a pcfag but i hope that doesnt happen to yall.
This is actually true. I just used the discovery queue and found 1 good game out of 50. Also don't know why visual novels and h-games get a lot of hate, they look infinitely better than the trash most indie devs post.
>they're spending money on marketing
Valve laxes on curation because they wouldn't want to regret on another minecraft situation where they dismissed the game for looking like shit and missed a fucton of revenue. Epic should now better than snubbing potential hits.
this doesnt work for maxing profits
VNs are fine. Fake-japanese porno VNs made by weebs in romania need to stop.
but Randy took the name Gearbox off Gabe who had to settle for Valve after some card game.
>(Now deleted)
lmao butthurt arrogance
>Smash TV
I see this post is from over an hour ago but fuck it. The games you need to be playing are nex machina and furi.
I literally don't even check prices on the Steam storefront anymore because it's full of shovelware. I only buy on third party key sites. My last purchase on Steam was like 2016 and that was some Rocksmith DLC.
It's a really, really shit store (they recently added a search bar!) but they buy exclusives so you have to use it if you want those games.
>We're going to give more money to small developers
>Rejects small developers
>"steam is full of trash this is unacceptable"
>proceeds to play nothing but AAA, console ports or flavor of the month indie games
>Posts a Jewish character from a shitty cartoon
That's a yikes from me, Steam drone.
rejecting games IS bad. Steam's completely open environment is directly responsible for the indie boom Epic is now hoping to capitalize on.
I own the game, it's pretty good. The reason it probably didn't do well is because it's 1) local co-op, which means that people only play it at specific times, and 2) linear with an arcadey score system, which doesn't provide much replayability.
As much as I like the game, I can understand the poor metrics because I myself only play it on the rare occasions when I bring friends over and connect my PC to the TV. It's a niche game.
>Rejects game which was released in 2015 and has 4 players now
they seriously allowed that Croatian jankfest Outward on their store but not this?
They don't have enough money for every single indie games. Quota is a thing.
How are a buch of games that don't sell responsible for an indie boom? Most of the good indie games are made from people who were already in the industry and could get their games on steam anyways.
Outward has 1,200+ steam reviews now
>jankfest Outward
let me guess -- you also think that sekiro is "literally impossible"?
>implying I have anything better to do on a Saturday morning except shitpost on Yea Forums until hunger kicks in
Thanks, friendo.
Loaded is good game. So is Project Overkill, but I'm in the minority on that one.
This is good bait
Nex Machina yes on sale, Furi no.
>dont have taste
>dont think
>lay back
>let the big corporation make all the decisions for you
Sure is getting a little Chinese in here.
>who were already in the industry and could get their games on steam anyways.
Weird got devs at Valve have said a game like Slay the Spire wouldn't have gotten onto Steam back when they curated. Also fucking Minecraft is a nice example too
>"Yeah, sorry... we're not interested. Your game just isn't AAA enough. How about you get back to us in a year or something?"
I see nothing wrong with this. The gaming community needs an actual strong and disciplined curator, to prevent shovelware from flooding the place. Epic doesn't bend to a simple $100 bill like Steam does, they still have integrity.
Assault Android Cactus is nothing special, but it's better than a lot of other indie games due to having multiplayer. Epic's QA team is evidently fucking retarded.
I hate Epic because of two reasons. The first thing that separates Epic from other stores is that they enforce exclusivity on third party titles. Secondly chinks.
>its okay when chinks do it!
those tencent corporate drones will pay, I NEED my night-in-the-woods-likes to survive my depression
nope, I fucking love that game. unironically my favorite in the past 5 years. there's a difference between clunky, 2004 era combat vs sekiro, lol i don't even know why you made such a comparison
Yes. You sure are doing a great job at making everybody who takes up on your offer losers while the ones sticking with Steam remain the winners.
I mean, you sure do pick the losers
Who are you quoting?
because like sekiro, having success in outwards is 90% item/skill usage and planning instead of ATTACK THEN ROLL ad infinitum like dark souls
its a short single player game that released in 2015 tho
>muh hunger in minecraft
based soi faggot nigger kill yourself fbi nigger less content good more content bad
>muh alpha gameplay
kill yourself faggot no one cares agent faggot
And this is Epic doesn't want it.
lmao this kid can't even beat minecraft, a children's game
>muh mod launcher
ok faggot test me faggot nigger ill kill you if yiu say about fuck beta nigger launchers again faggot
test me faggot whiteoid nigger
They're arbitrarily picking games to put on the store, along with pathologically paying off publishers to make their imminent releases Epic Store exclusives.
>muh rng
kill yourself faggot migger no one cares nigger faggot randomness isnt faggot die kill yourself take your meds niggerboy
he said good indie games
>They're arbitrarily picking games to put on the store,
Like Steam used to
>along with pathologically paying off publishers to make their imminent releases Epic Store exclusives.
Damn that evil one man Shakedown Hawaii publisher for accepting the deal!
I don't understand why the dev is so fixated on steam when there's a plethora of platforms on the PC he can release his game on BESIDES steam.
If that's not enough pay youtubers or streamers to promote your game.
He can also work with sites like gmg to distribute his keys yet he actively chooses to whine about his game not getting enough attention and not selling enough on steam.
I know it's hard for zoomer souls to understand a boss like the ender dragon that can't be beat by dodging and attacking for 30 minutes
>he actively chooses to whine about his game not getting enough attention and not selling enough on steam.
That's what you took away from those tweets?
>small percentage
Since when it 40+% considered small?
Indie devs
>work on their game
>finish it
>release it on Steam
>sells nothing because it gets overshadowed by shitty asset flip memegames anime tiddies and rape simulators
Wow, fuck Steam i am going to join Epic now they even give me a better cut!
>show Epic my game
>they refuse to sell it on their store because in their eyes it doesn't piss people off or gives others reasons to enter their store
>sell nothing
I guess because Steam once did a shitty thing, it's now okay to do it now 15 years after the fact? Valve learned that it was bad, and improved. And it's pretty obvious that Shakedown Hawaii was the one they picked arbitrarily, and not Metro Exodus, or any of the games that were available to pre-order, only to be pulled days before release and made Epic Store exclusives.
>consumers now will never know what pc gaming was like before steam or any of these services
I really hope this industry crashes and burns. There's nowhere to go but down.
Except Epic doesn't allow games on their store to also be sold on Steam, that's the whole gist of the issue. Not that people only want games to be Steam exclusive.
Lmao right when I thought Epic couldn't get any more based, they kill fortnite and shit on indie shovelware.
Thank you chinks!
Make shitty game in 2015.
Release it everywhere.
Go in 2019 to Epic and offer them same game.
Just make a new one faggot.
The first problem can be remedied or prevented altogether either by contacting a publisher that'll take care of the marketing for you, or doing the marketing yourself to garner attention to the game. Marketing is a big part of game making, and if you actually want your game to sell you need to have that front covered.
Why would you turn down money?,
I dont get it. You're not paying for grunt work like trucks and deliveries.
It's all digital.
only if they want extra money from the exclusivity deal. bloodlines 2 proves that you can sell on epic AND steam.
Epic fell for the meme where people who complained about Steam used the fact that Steam has a lot of games as a con against Steam.
>pc gaming was like before steam or any of these services
No matter how much you complain the late 90s era of PC gaming was never going to come back, and PC gaming right now is arguably better than the shit state it was in during the mid-to-late 2000s
That's an exception to the rule, not the other way around. The simple fact stands, if they want to sell more, put the game on more stores, no matter the brand.
>The EGS protects consumers!
>Turns out to be literal malware.
>The EGS will protect indie devs!
>Turns out to be nothing but AAA games.
>The EGS will defend modders!
>Turns out that not only do modders sign away their creations to the EGS, but the EGS takes all of the revenue from paid mods and gives none to modders.
>The EGS will let consumers decide!
>Turns out that consumers choose Steam, so Tencent starts paying devs to put games on EGS and take them off of Steam.
>The EGS won't engage in censorship!
>Turns out to be an operation run entirely by the Chinese Communist Party to increase Tencent's revenues from the West.
>The EGS will have cheaper prices!
>Turns out that Tencent takes a smaller percentage of revenues but wants higher total revenues, so the actual 30% Valve takes turns out to be less than Tencent's 10-20% because the game's price is higher on EGS than on Steam.
>The EGS isn't trying to enforce a monopoly!
>Turns out Tencent is paying devs not to put their games on markets other than the EGS.
>The EGS offers more features to devs!
>Turns out EGS offers nothing except cash for putting up with their bullshit and until recently didn't even have a search feature in its store.
I'm honestly flabbergasted by this. It's like the TORtanic all over again, literally everything they do turns out to be hilarious shit.
>Why would you turn down money?
implying there's any to be made
>we don't want an older indie game on our store
>pays out of their pocket to swipe a new Kickstarter indie from Steam and GOG
It's hilarious how more and more blatantly scummy they look.
>buy game on store
>install game
Wow such good old days, it's not like people weren't getting scammed then either.
typical ang*Oid
Alien Breed is not bad.
It's not good either but it kills a few hours.
>>sells nothing because it gets overshadowed by shitty asset flip memegames anime tiddies and rape simulators
Give a press copy to someone influential like PDP or some Streaming Thot if necessary. Get competitive or get walked on.
>implying there's any to be made
Clearly Nintendo saw there as potential money to be made since they released Assault Android Cactus+ on the Switch 22 days ago
You can't expect retard autist cherry-pickers to realize how marketing helps a game not sell only 300 copies.
And it might actually sell on the Switch because they'll buy any piece of shit
This game already on PC.
Nindrones will by anything.
>This game already on PC.
And Epic claims a minority of their users actually have Steam
Switch allows anything and everything. Your argument doesnt really work here.
>Switch allows anything and everything.
But that's not actually true
Epic made the claim that only 40% of their users don't use Steam. Not the other way around.
I do not see a reason for company to promote dead game which was released in 2015 on PC already.
Yeah it is. There´s a shit ton of shovelware on there. Of course it´s not too bad since there are gems on there but as always 95% of the library is shit.
My mistake. Still, with the millions upon millions of users Epic likes to claim they have on their store, that's a large quantity of people who would have never played the game
Should have said that it isnt on Steam though...yet but still it´s pretty bad..
What an original opinion, I'm sure nobody else is skeptical of Epic's store
Yeah it's not true, they only allow shitty games.
* Steam level oops
It's a game launcher, it's scanning your computer for games you absolute moron
>Baba is you
>and more
nice bait faggot
How good is the gameplay? From the screenshots it looks like a 2d zelda clone with mechs. That's not going to cut it
Was sincerely hoping I'd never have to see this image again.
>it's scanning your computer for games you absolute moron
>Scanning your entire computer when the program should know where it installed your games to
Oh you bought Epic's bullshit that they've been selling to you about supporting indies. "Indies" to Epic is Supergiant Games or Devlover Digital. Not a faggot with who uses Unity or GameMaker.
reading comprehension is at an all time low
Under such circumstances, the following games would be banned from the platform:
>Risk of Rain
>Dwarf Fortress
>La Mulana
>Cave Story
>Yume Nikki
But fuck those indie fags am i rite fellow Yea Forumspedes?
Shakedown Hawaii is a single dev self published game
It's a twinstick shmup where you need to survive waves of enemies and fight bosses. pretty fast paced and allows 4 player coop which makes it a pretty fun partygame for an evening or two. which is why noone talks about it since you need friends and a big TV to have fun with it. It honestly would have been better on consoles from the getgo because of this.
You can sell those games on literally any other store, and its not like there's a shortage.
It's embarrassing how the Epic Store is getting treated exactly how Steam was when it was first released. People have no memory and are content to repeat history over and over again
>Epic is good because it can compete with Steam.
>Letting this game compete with other games? Fuck that, ban it completely!
Defend this, Pooh
This is you
Yes, you can actually beat Minecraft. Defeat the ender dragon.
So? It's on Steam as well.
i uploaded a vid of some gameplay a long while back. recording software didn't jive with my mobo's audio defaults, so i dubbed weeb shit over it.
People didn't just suddenly decide they liked steam overnight you stupid cunt, yeah they didn't like them at first but then they got where they are by adding features, fostering goodwill with the community and sales etc.
Everything epic has done so far has just been them trying to strong arm their way into the industry so of course people people are going to be hostile right back.
He's just being polite you braindead cuck
>make shitty game
>no one wants to buy it
Damn, this christcuck is FURIOUS.
I love this dude.
>exclusivity is freedom
Beacuse steam didn't give you anything back then and it was just a shitty DRM, it's still a shitty DRM but at least it also has many convinient things in it.
Steam did many shitty things to gaming in general such as more focus on digital games but it also made it so anyone can make it, if your product is good then it will probably get a chance to shine, meaning we get many great games that would never make it if it wasn't for steam.
Epic on the other hand starts out like steam, just a shitty DRM but instead of having some hopes and promises of improvement it's just an absolute fucking cancer being proud of being a fucking cancer.
>Only AAA garbage allowed
>Literally paying for exclusivity beacuse we need another fucking exclusive shit as if the ones we already have weren't enough
>Pay for exclusivity and then claim they're making competition with steam instead of releasing on both platforms
>Took them multiple months to make a fucking search function
And the worst part is the whole talk about smaller cut for the store, why would I give a fuck about it as the consumer? Oh great, now publisher that have been fucking me in the ass with each game release get to continue fucking me in the ass but this time they get even more rewarded by it!
I wouldn't even mind Epic if it wasn't this whole exlusive bullshit, just fucking release games on both platforms you cunts and make it an actual competition.
tiananmen square massacre
>It's a game launcher, it's scanning your computer for games you absolute moron
>scanning everything
>makes copies of steam files
Sure thing chang.
>impossible puzzle game for super autists
>shittiest metroidvania released in the last decade
>literally what
So yeah,. just shit
Games without a budget should be relegated to internet game sites or mobile stores.
If you have a basically monopoly player like Steam, there's no option but to strongarm your way into the market. You don't get there by offering the same service because people have no incentive to move away from Steam, when their entire collection is there. I can't believe everyone is so content to have the laziest game developer in the industry controlling the entire digital distribution landscape on PC.
Nah, he's a lying cunt who can't keep his stories straight.
>456515319 (You)
Try harder next time.
>Devolver Digital
Hotline Miami is what really put them on the map.
If games are released on both platforms, why would anyone ever buy it on Epic? Nobody is going to voluntarily split their game collection when they can have it entirely on one platform. It's OK to be a monopoly when Valve does it apparently.
>edgy juvenile anti-Chinese racism
Tencent doesn't even have a majority stake in Epic, they don't control the company, all decisions are still made in the US. Posting 'tiananmen square massacre' makes you look like you're mentally under 13 years old
>monopoly player like Steam
How many does Steam fulfill again?
Can you make it less obvious with the bait though?
Does Epic Games not have a PR department? If they do, how have they not fucking strangled this guy yet? he just makes Epic look worse and worse everytime he opens his stupid mouth.
Sure it does
>sell on one market only
>lose sales from those who don't want to switch
>sell on both markets
>get extra revenue from people who refuse to touch the other market
>It's OK to be a monopoly when Valve does it apparently.
When did Valve pay publishers for exclusivity on their platform, preventing it from being released elsewhere? Also if Valve were a 'monopoly' then GOG, Origin and UPlay would never have been able to be a thing
The game ain't bad and the dev himself said his game didn't get rejected, the email he got only said epic already picked their game lineup for the next few quarters but they'd like to hear back from the dev later.
You are all fucking stupid.
>entitled manbaby
Nah Sweeney wouldn't use that kind of language, he's not of that camp.
He's the boss. He can do wahtever he wants.
>deja vu
>If they do, how have they not fucking strangled this guy yet?
Because he outright owns the controlling share of Epic Games
He along with John Carmack basically invented modern 3d games, shows some respect
Epic shills like to use the pay cut percentage as a way to deflect from their attempt to lock down the PC market. Makes it easier for them to look good. The truth is, it's the big amount of money being thrown around. It's all part of Epic trying to build up a userbase.
That's dumb though.
>Sorry devs, we're booked by an arbitrary number of submissions. Try again in a year so so, lol.
Good, these low quality dogshit titles make all indies look bad.
The game is really good. The only problem is it is local co-op only and the game is most fun as a co-op game. If it had online multiplayer the game would have exploded. It is an arcade twin stick shooter with solid boss fights.
>shows some respect
>Show respect to someone that outright said customers don't matter
Tim's the kind of guy I can imagine just fired his whole PR team because "Wow, making Epic Games look good? Whya re we paying people to do that, I can do it myself."
It's been going about as well as expected.
>But Epic is better for the developer!
Whats bigger
200 - 12% fees
4000 - 30% fees
>epic already picked their game lineup for the next few quarters
That's fucking moronic. So if I dev announces the release date for their game a few months from release they can't actually release it on Epic's store because all the games for that period of time have already been picked? That's some genuine NES-era shit
Epic already has a fair amount of shitty games on the store:
you guys think my game will be able to make it to the epic store?
>It's OK to be a monopoly when Valve does it apparently.
How about they deliver a good fucking product then if they actually want a fucking competition.
Steam doesn't have monopoly, it's used as frequently as it is beacuse it's the best product currently and has been for years, how about you start an actual competition then instead of bribing people.
Also about the Massacre I just posted it beacuse it's a funny meme to me even though it obviously won't work, however that doesn't change the fact that chinks are literally subhuman.
>outright said customers don't matter
but he didn't say that you brainlet
Make indie game.
Need to make money soon to recoup costs.
Epic response is they're full for now and to resubmit in a few months.
Risk being rejected again for the same reason and risk not making any sales for over a year.
Eh I wouldnt call gorogoa shitty though...but sure.
>Yea Forums loves bad games now
What a time we live in.
He literally didn't even say that. There's no direct quotes in that article. If you read the source the article is badly paraphrasing, there's nothing like that in there. Here's the actual source: mcvuk.com
damn, mcdonalds getting sneed
>scanning everything
alright genius, please tell us how you plan to have a program figure out what games you have installed without scanning your entire computer
why does epic need to know what games i have instaled OUTSIDE of the epic store?
>figure out what games you have installed
Why the fuck does it need to know what games I've installed that weren't installed by the EGS itself?
Why do they need to know what games I have installed? And why do they make copies of steamfiles containing friends, library and wishlist?
Anything to own Epic in the minds of a Steam drone
Curation by the store is bad. Period. Steam has Curators to recommend games. That's the entire point of that system and it works GREAT if people would just try it. Anyone should be able to make their games available on a platform. The more choices, the better. Give the users tools to promote the ones they feel deserve promoting. Everyone wins. The store saves manpower, and power itself is restored to the people actually playing the games.
It's so weird how Epic seems to be actively trying to kill itself at every turn. The only thing they've done worth any credit was giving the developers a bigger cut -- but that has nothing to do with consumers.
Assault Android Cactus is actually fantastic. One of the best twin stick shooters out there.
So why did they remove Rape Day, steam drone? Or even Hatred back in the day before they restored it?
>b-be sure to download our epic games launcher which installs itself automatically if you have windows 10! we're not suspicious at all
Keep in mind Epic has all the internal statistics from Steam users on who is playing what, how often, with who, etc etc. They are actively stealing this data and using it to decide what to let on their store.
The absolute fucking corruption and underhandedness over there is insane.
Rejecting a game from their store with single-digit concurrent players will surely kill Epic store user
It's more about connections if you're not the hottest shit ever.
If you're in with the indie clique they'll get you right in there.
If you wanna have contrarian politics or don't want to socialize with your peers then this is what awaits you.
>sell 100 copies at a 12% cut or 1000 copies at 30% cut
>plus likely to get an even better deal from Epic if I gather up some notoriety before striking a deal with them
>actually thinking some nobody is going to get epic's exclusive shekels
It's public information you fucking idiot steamcharts.com
>absolute fucking corruption
hurr durr
Making a good game probably helps too. But first and foremost it's a huge conspiracy against gamers and we need to rise up, of course.
thats completely fair, but if that is what you want it's time use GOG.
Ebin doesn't offer anything that others haven't already done better.
Steam never really carried AO games before Hatred.
As for Rape Day, Valve from the beginning said they still have to comply with laws and since it's in so many countries they likely found it to be illegal in enough of them to warrant it's removal. And I haven't played it, but is it a real game or is it some poorly designed garbage designed from the ground up to be troll bait?
Who said I was defending Steam? Who said I was a PC gamer? All I said is curation is bad. And Steam bans about 20 games a month. Everyone knows that. But they also get over 2,000 submissions for new games PER DAY. And they let them all in. Which is the right thing to do.
The developer eats the loss if they don't sell because they have to pay Steam an upfront fee just to host the game. Which makes the developer also part of curation. If they don't think it will sell, they don't pay to host it. Which is thousands of dollars per month, by the way. Look it up.
this and OP's post just prove Epic is going to stop trying forcing their retarded store a year from now and rethink things if it doesn't work out
just have to wait these slimy chinks and shills out, honestly all the games they've offered so far have been awful
>dev sells $60 game and gets 70% on Steam
>dev sells $60 game and gets 88% on epic
>This benefits consumers!
It's not a real game. Just a shock-click-baity low-budget VN that thrived only because of idiots who write blogs and don't understand the game would have disappeared instantly if they hadn't promoted it with with their own click-bait-outrage.
outed yourself as the sniveling sick faggot that you are twittertranny
Where is he shitting on valve?
No, it's not. Steam's API blocked all that data last year. And 2 weeks ago Epic was caught stealing it from Steam's directory structure on user computers. This is not obscure news. Both stories made huge headlines. Try to keep up.
as far as it goes he is only picking loser
TotalBiscuit covered it
This game is really good though. Especially with the ranking system. If you don't like it, you're a literal shitter.
Never played an adventure game before user?
Remember goy developers will decide who wins, Unless you are a indie who's under the radar then fuck off.
I don't know what you're referring to but its standard practice in any industry to try to be in good standing with people who are most likely to help you.
Some rando indie developer doesn't deserve any sympathy when they refused to do so. Period.
This dodging isn't because he hates the truth, it's because he's trying to stay inside antitrust laws. The "we're just competing, exclusives mean more customers" is a dead giveaway.
Epic is a business. They want to sell games. They made a business decision not to sell this uninspired banality because they don't think it will make much money and in the process it bloats up their store. Even as a conspiracy the idea that Epic will lose money to serve some imaginary clique of evil devs is retarded.
>smash the monopoly! Because uh.. Competition! And it's a good thing!
Why can't you faggots ever actually offer tangible consumer benefits to epic forcing their way in? Tell me how things are going to improve 5 years from now.
Where does this guy get the idea that publishers are going to drop game prices because of the lower cut? If they were that concerned about money they'd just take the smaller cut and keep charging the same amount.
It causes one to think if Undertale were made today if it would be rejected by the Epic store. The game is visually unimpressive but had an enormous cultural impact due to its humor, storytelling, and soundtrack.
Good, sick and tired of all these unity walking sims and VNs
Why do you keep buying them? What actual harm is caused by them simply existing in the store somewhere?
>if you're not majority shareholder you don't have any say in the companies' decisio-
If I'm going to pay the same amount of money for the game, I'd still want the publisher/dev to get more than paying an exorbitant gamer tithe to gaben.
There's a shitton of great indie games on Steam but Yea Forums likes sucking that triple-A cock.
Much more to indie games than that user.
The discovery issue is one of the biggest issues in gaming.
If Epic is going to actually take on the problem by actively curating content I might actually start looking over their library.
Is Tim an idiot? No matter how much share you have you can't influence that company. Tencent and Epic are fucking schlomos.
>twitter sucks
>...I'll use it anyways
>paying an exorbitant gamer tithe to gaben.
Yeah, fuckin' Steam doing nothing if we ignore Proton, constantly updated controller support, free key generation for publishers/devs and the new multiplayer API they're putting out soon that can be used for both Steam and non-Steam games. Also why is Steam the only entity called out as 'greedy' for taking their 30%, and not Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft or GOG?
If it were they surley wouldn't have to scan your pc for steam files and make copies of it but couldd simply access that freely available data.
>people think publishers will start suddenly lowering their prices thanks to epic generous cut
the one and only reason to go with epic is to maximize your profits, if you start making your games $10 cheaper than they initially were then whats the point? metro was only lowered because of the controversy
SIT DOWN goy, you ain't getting shit
This "war" is senseless and braindead like people who care for it, stop spamming this garbage ass threads
>says he's impartial to it to avoid controversy
>he's not one of us so he must be one of them
Never stops being funny.
Good, we don't need shitty looking games on our Epic Store. Epic should decide what we play.
They're all greedy. Epic too I'm sure. But as long as Epic charges devs less then I'm all for using that. Business is not about who has the purest heart. We can't know and it doesn't matter. In the end it's the cost that matters.
If Valve wants to provide these services that's fine too, but then I think it's a lot fairer to provide them a la carte. I mean, why should a single player game effectively subsidise mp games by paying for the infrastructure it doesn't use?
Based on Epic's road map it will take months for them to give their store all of Steam's features. Maybe even longer than that. But once it does and if they can keep getting AAA releases, then it might be a good place for PC gamers that only want AAA and bigger game releases.
>But as long as Epic charges devs less then I'm all for using that.
You're the consumer, not the fucking dev
>epic rejects game because its from 2015 and literally no one is still playing it
nothing wrong here.
have you ever tried clicking this button?
Yea Forums has Verified posters too?
Like I said, all things being equal (i.e. the cost to me), I'd rather see the money going to the dev than gaben.
>and literally no one is still playing it
It released on Switch 22 days ago
That actually happened with GoG. The dev liked the idea of having a no-DRM version of the game, but GoG rejected it. Instead, for a couple of years the DRM-free version was hosted on the Undertale's own website. I believe Humble Bundle hosts it now though.
Epic doesn't seem like it will have Steam level sales. And what if you like buying from key sites or game bundles? Epic doesn't currently offer those.
Firstly, that doesn't auto-populate from scanning your whole computer, it populates from what's in your programs list. You need to add in the location yourself otherwise. Secondly, the Epic Game Store doesn't even have that functionality
Luckily I don't have a gaben or epic tattoo on my arm like it sounds you might. I can just buy from wherever it's cheaper on a game to game basis.
Being a goto storefront isn't how monopolies work. They don't make the product or choose the price. The only reason their on top is because others are irrelevant since it's only needed for 1 specific product.
What a stupid developer for thinking we buy games nobody plays. Epic is smart to realize that only the popular games are good enough for the store.
>the Epic Store is getting treated exactly how Steam was when it was first released
the epic store is fucking nothing like steam when it was released. I was forced to use steam if I wanted updates for counter-strike and I had to deal with steam being down more often than it wasn't. it was a total shitshow and I fucking hated steam and still do not like steam but I'm forced to use it for some things
Didn't you use do be pro-free speech?
What happened?
>I can just buy from wherever it's cheaper on a game to game basis.
Except for those Epic Game Store exclusives where it's the only goddamn place to buy the game And the Humble Bundle 'partnership' is effectively just lip service since they'll just sell games the same price as the Epic Game Store since they aren't working with publishers, but Epic themselves
I never had problems with Steam even in the early days.
>that doesn't auto-populate from scanning your whole computer, it populates from what's in your programs list
it scans your computer. click the button and watch the programs pop in. I can find things in the list which I installed myself and know there are no registry entries or anything so I know it simply scanned my pc for executables. go on and try it out.
I'm saying I like cheap prices. And your response was saying that I love Steam.
And you didn't address the issue of key and bundles. Those are the cheapest places to buy 99% of the time.
game was popular when it released. now its not. having it would just bloat the store because no one would buy it.
switch isn't pc. nintendies will play any garbage because thats all they have access to.
you clearly never used steam in the early days
Epic Store is based because it remove all the trash plaguing other game stores. We don't have to worry about being scammed like on Steam because Epic makes sure we only get good games.
Okay, so why does it do that when the Epic Game Store has zero functionality to add in non-EGS games? And why does it save data from your Steam files and pack them up to the EGS section without your permission?
>All time is still 215
This is after the developer shilled it on NeoGAF. The super-chibi style does it no favors.
Name ONE (1) advantage of censorship
Protip: you can't
I'm not interested in this type of time wasting discussion.
>Epic makes sure we only get good games
Great games like Roller Coaster Tycoon Adventures, as port of a shitty mobile game
Hotline Miami is what put Devolver Digital on the map.
you gave it permission when you installed their software on your computer
I'm sure the 15 year-old that drew this felt very smart at the time.
They are professionals and I'm pretty sure they know more about video game development than you'll ever know.
Just accept the fact that we are in good hands with the Epic Store. We can be sure that every time we click the purchase button we are in for a quality Epic experience.
>someone created this image thinking he made a smart argument
Interesting you aren't actually justifying a reason for the program to be doing what it's doing
>Yea Forums shitting on Assault Android Cactus
fuck you guys
Their masterminds are busy carefully calculating which games to add and which games to offload to inferior quality game stores like Steam.
>They are professionals
All professional means is you get paid to do what you do. You can still suck at your job.
Your entire post reads like you work for Epic's PR department.
>customers pay same price
>dev gets more money
>dev has more money to invest in updates or new games
>someone thought an image was meant to be an argument
That actually looks like fun.
>someone admitted to not having an argument
>someone thinks there's an argument happening
you don'T EVEN know what those words mean
inb4 hurr publishers steal all that money
valve drones are embarrasing
fuck if I know it is a video game launcher/DRM it might be doing some drm bullshit or they've built an anti-cheat service on top of the client you're giving a storefront access to your computer overall it's just not going to be a safe thing to do no matter which company you go with
you sound pretty fucking new to PCs t b h. do you have any idea how many executables are on your disks and how long it would take to scan your filesystem through the hundreds or thousands of GBs worth of entries on them? i just tried it and it's showing me like 50 programs and finished the search in seconds. it didn't find my game folders that were copied over the network without running an installer.
Exactly. Way to kick yourself in the balls, lol
It specifically needs to scan my Steam folder and save files from it to determine I'm not cheating?
that's because it's scanning particular areas of your computer not the entire thing. it really doesn't take that long to poll program files /(86) and only look for .exe files.
if it is anti-cheat doing it, then anti-cheat needs to be hooked in almost as much as anti-virus software so yeah it scans whatever it deems necessary. I doubt that's what it's doing though maybe there's integration for multiplayer titles or some shit and the epic launcher has an api for it there could really be any number of reasons really
>Russian hacker pissed that Steam stopped his website (SteamSpy) from showing sales data
>Goes to work at Epic
>So he can scan Steams files under Epic's legal team
Embarrassing yourself further by projecting isn't going to help
>if i inb4 it, that means the argument doesn't exist!
Who the fuck cares about this? It's not like Valve or Epic are forcing you to exclude yourself from one service or the other. At the end of the day it should be up to the store's owner to decide what they will and won't sell.
>he's still going
Are you into self-humiliation?
that argument isn't a valid argument. publishers cuts shouldn't increase. they should still get the same proportion. they may try to get greedy and up their cut a bit while still letting the devs have a bit of that extra money, but competition should rule that out.
not to mention that most indies self publish
4 of those aren't on the Epic Store, pirate. But nice try.
Nobody said anything about evil. Just like with the steam store well before greenlight, talking to the right people is more important than imaginary justices or BUT STEAM LET ME DO IT whining.
shut up and buy my game
Ahh, indie games with publishers.
So- not indie.
>publishers cuts shouldn't increase
Oh, well if user says they shouldn't, they wont.
>they may try to get greedy and up their cut
I've got news for you, kiddo. They will. Developers are contracted by publishers, meaning they get X dollars to make a game. This dev/pub profit split you've imagined isn't the standard.
This proves how wrong Jim was. Games that aren't even bad will get dumped along with the shovelware and fuck over honest developers.
That theory would hold up a lot better if you could actually launch Steam or Non-Epic games off of it.
>valve dismissed Minecraft because it looked like shit
fuck you
>Why should I believe that racist transphobe?
>until recently didn't even have a search feature in its store
>wah why isn't there a search feature five games is too much to browse through
I buy from both, whichever is cheaper. Believe it or not clicking another icon and waiting 4 seconds for the launcher to load isn't that much of a hassle
Super low effort 'games' on steam are clogging up shit. Every time I go to the anime category and see 'hentai puzzles' 'hentai girls' 'hentai love' for like 2$ it's just completely retarded. Agreed. The ugly should be sterilized.