This triggers Yea Forums
This triggers Yea Forums
I care about what benefits me directly. Not what benefits the games companies.
Why would you NOT sell it on both?
I don't give a shit how much developers profit, I want the game on Steam.
> if you made more money selling on this thing because of all these external conditions wouldn't you do it
Sure I guess, but let's not pretend epic and steam sell the same
Becasue you'd lose half of the profit you would have by only selling it trough Epic.
This point is meaningless because as a developer you can create your own website and sell keys for 100% of the profit.
Imagine being so low IQ you can't grasp the concept of putting your product up on several stores to attract more consumers and make more money than you ever would if you stupidly made it an exclusive.
Just the fact that no one does Epic exclusives unless they are paid mad dosh to do so already tells you you are retarded and doesn't understand simple business.
But of course this thread will get a billion replies from other morons who don't know what saging is.
The game would sell more on Steam than it would on EGS so I would still pick Steam
depends. if i destroy my reputation with selling on epic store, i might not do it. guess i'm just a fucking retard with no business sense though
Yes, epic has a lot more volume
Oh it's profitable for companies use Epic? Well it's profitable for me to pirate all games. I guess we'll both just do what makes the most amount of sense
>okay but in this specific frame of reference I created to support my argument you would agree with me right?
Imagine being so low IQ you can't grasp the notion of cannibalizing your own sales, plus the fact that Epic heavily incentivises the whole deal with financial injections and guaranteed sales policy...
I'm a customer, not a dev. I don't give a shit how much they make off my purchase. Epic can't keep up their bullshit, money is going to run out. If their store isn't alive and booming in about a year and very close to overtaking Steam they'll be dead because they have nothing to offer.
I bet you that a lot of people won't buy a game if it's not on steam, which makes you loose a lot of customers
I have a game with online Co-Op, steam has a system that lets me use their servers so I don't have to pay for my own.
Epic doesn't.
Regardless, I think you know this already Chang Xiao Lee Chung, but Itchio and Discord offer 10%, which is lower than Epic's cut.
There really is absolutely no reason at all to support Epic (besides the fact that they pay you, which is something they won't be doing forever).
This is incredibly retarded, because it assumes that everyone who uses Steam also uses the Epic Store. In reality, a game will always sell more on Steam and as such will also make significantly more money. Of course, the best way is to sell it on every platform.
You're just assuming they'll sell the same amount of copies on each platform.
Which is not the case, they'd sell more copies on steam if the price is the same.
Epic doesn't have as many users as steam and people clearly actively boycott it as well, I wouldn't sell 1/4 of what I sell on steam overall on epic alone, there's no reason at all to NOT make your game available on all possible digital distribution platforms.
tl;dr you are a brainlet
I would put it on all viable platforms to ensure my audience isn't bound to a single fraction of the whole market.
I'd also work together with third party sellers like GMG, humble store or fanatical.
Steam has multiple times a larger paying userbase than Epic does, so no not really.
If devs want to keep being retarded after Epic stops subsidizing their early exclusives with Fortnite money that's on them, i'll stick with pirating and steam.
First post best post. Reminder, op is s low IQ monkey
>Removing access to a potential 100 million install base because you make 10 cents more per copy on a 1 million install base
sell it on both
hey OP
im making my own store
i'll give you 99% of the sales, that's better than 82%
you can only put it on MY store though
>Implying selling to multiple retailers doesn't improve overall inventory sales.
Multiplatform games sell more than exclusives. And they sell even more if there is time between the platform releases.
>steam ca. 20 million users
>Epic ca. 200 million users
Sure thing gabe.
Reminder I only care about me.
I'd never sell a million copies, but if I did make a game I'd put it on Steam for more exposure.
What happens to the EGS once the Fortnite money runs out?
You forgot the part where epic pays them for lost sales and gives them a big chunk of money upfront.
>fortnite players will buy anything except vbucks
That's including consoles players and people that use it exclusively for Fortnite.
Theyre hoping to have buil..forced a big enough userbase by that time so they can make money with the store.
>So if you guys were selling a game
Literally no-one here is selling any games, we're all consumers.
This whole post is irrelevant.
>Shills just blatantly lying now
Tencent will jump in and "help out". That is until Epic is so deep in the shitter that they can simply buy it out completly from Sweeny. They've done similar shit in the past with other companies and having already ~40% ownership means that Epic is next target list.
give me a single bit of evidence that game sell just as well or more so on epic?
install base is very important
user dont be dumb. Unless your game is fortnite 2, theres no reason to put it in both. There's no exclusive audience in the epic store.
Tencent buys them out for pennies and they get all your data if they haven't already.
>What is Phoenix Point?
Epic also counts all these fucking bot created accounts as users.
For example I have an epic account tied to my email despite never making one and receive spam about it being hacked once in a while.
I am probably counted as an user of the service despite never making an account myself.
Game devs don't get shit. Publishers get the money.
It's going to cost more than that in all the customers you lose after epic stops paying for your lost sales. Public image is extremely important.
>For example I have an epic account tied to my email despite never making one
This assumes 2 faulty thing, though.
The first is that the exact same number of copies would be sold on epic as on steam. Epic still doesn't have nearly as many active (key word: active) users as steam does. By virtue of this alone, you would sell more copies on steam, which would negate the potential gains made by Epic's policy.
The second is that it negates the very real issue that Epic has drastically fewer features for users. Not only that, Epic's launcher is not concerned with the user experience. No reviews, no returns, and no forums means that the customer has 0 voice. Why would you buy something on Epic when you can't even express dissatisfaction? Why would I spend money on a storefront that won't allow me to get a return if there's an issue?
because, even if it's a rare case, whenever people buy it via Ebin you make extra money.
or just make it cheaper on epic
This is my favourite meme about this honestly.
>its better to use epic store because devs get a bigger cut I wanna support the devs.
Meanwhile in reality the devs for these games get their usual paycheck every month just like usual and the extra profits are lining up the pockets of the publishers stockholders and ceos.
I mean maybe in the case of some indie shit this could be true but eh.
>Retard : hurfdurf pirates is lost sales
>Same retard : hurfdurf you don't lose sales when selling on epic store alone
It's simple, exclusivity is only worth it if you
a) own the store
b) get paid to be exclusive.
That's it.
Stop replying to shill threads you fucking idiots. These people are literally promoting their multi-million dollar investment into an online store platform and you keep bumping these threads and unironically replying.
The same shills will respond to any negative posts with "lmao u valve fanboi" because that is their competition and they want to persuade the retarded users of Yea Forums that they are the cooler guys with the cooler platform.
And to the people actually making these threads: kill yourselves you literal waste of oxygen.
That sounds very sustainable!
That depends on whether Epic can guarantee the same deal for future games.
Signing the deal with Epic is a guaranteed profit from this game, but it creates a lot of bad publicity and might fuck up the sales of my future games if I don't get the same deal.
This post assumes very incorrectly that it would sell the same 1mil units on the Epic Store lol
you cant do that idort
Well yeah. The problem is this benefits the company not the consumer. We all know this money is going straight to upper management too. Maybe Pizza friday will come back once a month for the devs though.
Let's say you just make up stuff like
you sell 42m of copies on epic and you sell 49m on steam
Why does epic exist?
I pirated Metro Exodus and I'm going to do the same with any game I want that is released only on ebic
and probably buy it on steam a year down the road :^)
>Year exclusive on Epic
>To avoid having to sell it cheaper on Steam they release a GOTY edition on Steam for full price
Screenshot this.
Why is he asuming my game will sell nearly as much on Ebin than on Steam?
after release, sale numbers are lower on steam than epic
fucking hell why even live when faggots are so predictable
I'd sell it on whoever offered me more money.
that would be epic, so epic.
steam's too cluttered and if your game doesn't immediately take off, 3 days after release it's going to be pushed off of the front of the store and never seen unless someone explicitly looks for it.
You can get a better cut if you sell Steam keys independently.
yeah i can op said it was my choice
Because Ebin pays for the first million units of yours if you put your game everywhere but on steam. So the calculation is in fact slightly wrong
$60*1000000 =$60000000
$60M-$60M*30% = $42M
Steam ^
$60*5000+$60*1M = $60300000
$60300000-$60300000*18%= $49446000 ~$50M
Ebin ^ assuming you've only sold 5k copies(I'm not even kidding).
Obviously both the cut and the "we pay you for million copies if you say fugg steam" policy aren't sustainable but as for now you're literally a clinical retard to not take that deal. So for instance, Metro sold more through steam preorders than it did on Ebin as far as PC sales went, but Ebin still generated more revenue.
Predatory exclusivity practices aside, I am a consumer, and when I purchase a product, I care about what I get.
"Muh cuts" is a useless argument since it doesn't affect me one bit what the developer gets out of my purchase, I pay 60$ and I get the game, the dev could be getting 100% or 0% (only their salaries) and I wouldn't give a shit.
Also, Epic is Tencent and I absolutely despise the chinese.
What is the opportunity cost of selling exclusively on Epic rather than on Epic and Steam and GoG?
Of course I would choose what's most convenient to me as a developer, just like I would as a customer. If somebody actively inconveniences me for their own gain, then I will protest them.
Now take this (You) and fuck off.
OP here you fags are all retarded.
That pic is an example only. It shows the incentive for developers making thier games Epic exclusive. The literally make millions more.
Epic is new and is still growing, how about in a years time when they have all the features of Steam and more and more devs moving over to them?
Gaben needs to fix his shit or in a couple of years Epic will be the new Steam.
SEETH harder.
Release it on both, but higher price on steam, so your income is the same.
Real answer:
Originally make the game a timed exclusive on Epic. This way you get the majority full-price, day 1 purchases on a platform where you get a bigger cut. Once the timed exclusive runs out, release on Steam, to get the profits you missed by not selling to Steam loyalists.
Why do you all suck steam dick so much?
It's just a store.
Wouldn't you rather download it from the dev site?
But Epic probably won't move as many copies as Steam does because it's a weaker platform that many long-standing game consumers won't even install.
Seriously why do we need these faggot ass clients. Just sell Skyrim TI-86 Remastered direct from as an .exe with an auto updater and be done with it.
If Epic paid me 50 mill for exclusive for a year, I'd go for it, then release an Ultimate edition on Steam for 25% of the price after said year.
Get rekt chink-faggots!
What do I care how much money the dev makes?
PC-kiddies are fucking retarded.
>they make millions more
You don't know what opportunity cost is. The only reason Epic is actually enticing is because Epic pays for the first million copies for the exclusivity deal, regardless of sales. Metro Exodus could have sold 50,000 copies, but Epic paid the publisher for 1,000,000. This is why Phoenix Point was put on Epic. The steam cut is 20% if you have sales in the 1,000,000+ mark, but a lot of developers aren't very confident of hitting that. That is why Epic is attracting these games.
yeah, i wish more devs did that
Why do timed exclusives always end up being a year? the first few weeks of games are usually the vast majority of sales.
Devs don't make money from sales anyway, unless it's indie.
>the point of games is purely to make money upfront and nothing else
You wouldnt sell as many copies on Epic
Nah, I like the convenience of having all my games in one place. Makes it easier to browse through my shit and decide what I want to play.
It's all on your fucking computer retard just make a folder with the executables.
I made my own front-end back in the day. Good old "windows.h".
Games that sold well on Epic store:
Still waiting on this list to ever fill.
Epicdrones dont realize that 99% of the users exclusively play fortnite and dont give a fuck about any other game on the platform
nigga just download both like for real hahaha
gaben doesn't allow this. If you release your game on steam it has to be at the same price as on other stores.
>still thinking anyone praises gabe after the paid mods fiasco
update your shitposting
Yeah I probably would sell on EPIC
It's all fine and dandy until the consumers no longer consume your products because of your decision.
Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with pirating Epic exclusives. Epic has said they cover the costs of any lost sales. So you can pirate guilt-free.
im a gamedev and our games going to be on steam because it has better support, people on steam allready have libraries full of 100s of steam games and its overall a way better platform.
The extra 12% loss is worth it when you sell more games.
Yes but I'll never buy a game on Epic so that won't be the full million
Clearly the best solution is to sell the game on steam:
decide a price you want.
add the steam fee (so when the fee is taken off, you get the price you wanted).
now sell steam keys on your own site (You get 100% of the profit from your site), but have a sale that happens to last forever and is at the price you wanted.
>implying it sells the same amount on Epic as it would on Steam
To think this was started as a joke about how PC users are elitist.
Now people take it serious. Funny how the meaning of something can change if a lot of people decide to change it.
what a pile of bs , i care about myself if they decide to be a pain in the ass to make extra money well then have fun and good bye , there's other games for me to play .
based, you are redpilled as me...
Who cares if Exodus or BL3 or Outer Worlds is Epic Exclusive? I got tons of games to play on Steam and big ass backlog to complete.
I don't give a fuck
I'm a consumer, and they're not cutting their prices to sell it to me
so I'll buy on the platform that has reviews and comments and all my other games
fuck china and fuck game publishers
>Lets just say your game sells 1 mil on each store
>Preemptively hiding the biggest hole in his argument by assuming from the start it sells the same amount, thus making his numbers look better
How retarded does one have to be to fall for this shit
>people are replying to this with copes
>creating a plausible scenario for the sake of being fair in the face of variables we couldn’t possibly get rn
No shit retard, this isn’t some argument, he posed a question. I doubt any game has exactly the same amount of copies on different platforms down to the single digits that we know about. The entire point of what he asked was to find out why a developer would want to make less money ASSUMING they sold the same. Dumbass. It isn’t a hole if it’s a proposition. If you don’t want to partake say you’re not comfortable with assuming that and move on. There’s no hole trying to be covered idiot, he spelled it out for you. He showed you the hole.
in this scenario, your mother wasn't ever a whore. anything can be possible when you just make sht up
Exactly, I don’t get why you’re upset about it. Clearly the question wasn’t meant to be realistic but, showcasing the percentages. The entire point was showing the difference in cut but you’re to fanboy hellbent on sucking Gabe’s dick to realize that, you’re obtuse to it or retarded.
I said I'd pirate any EGS exclusive but that's probably a lie; I have a ton of games in my Steam backlog to last me until next year anyway.
Doesn't really; my game would sell considerably less on Epic.
Yeah, 82>70. Bravo, you fucking retard.
The one thing he coincidentally forgets to mention is that it won't quite sell the same amount. 82% of 500,000 isn't better than 70% of 2 million.
The point is kinda moot when it can only work in a convenient made-up scenario
it's simple. staggered releases.