Has your taste in video games changed as you've gotten older? If yes, how so?

Has your taste in video games changed as you've gotten older? If yes, how so?

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I began to hate every game released

Not really.

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Not really, I've always been interested in lots of different games

based & redpilled

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Used to really like FPS, now I mostly avoid it.

Now that's what I call edgy

No actually. I have a lower tolerance for bullshit but my tastes remain the same, largely.

This always gets me despite how fucking stupid it is

No, I did however stop buying games other people told me to play from genres I never cared for, which excludes 99% of modern games.
Couldn't be happier.

More selective, but my exposure to more games means I still have good shit to play.


I'm going through a transitionary period from RPG and strategy to cuhrayzee and fighting games at the moment. I think I've burnt out of the former, I'm utter trash at the latter so exploring new grounds feels right.

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I used to get so excited during the car ride home when I got vidya as a kid. I'd open the case and read the manual and just be super hyped to play. I don't get that joy anymore. I've got bills to pay in the back of my mind instead.

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When I was younger I cared about stories in games. As an adult I started to read books and couldn't care less about story in any game. Nowadays I only care about gameplay

did he really deserve to die in pain at the height of success and rot in the ground at such a young age just because of that tweet?

>Has your taste in video games changed as you've gotten older? If yes, how so?
1) COMPLETELY lost any patience for platformers and generally for platforming in games. I actually finished both the PC versions of Aladdin and Lion King on PC in one sitting when I was a kid. Today, I would not stand playing even a single level of this shit.
2) lost interest in the "cinematic" side of gaming experiences. I remember thinking CoD2 being fucking mindblowing at the time... but fuck me today this shit just bores me. T
3) Lost most of my patience for narrative-only focused games. Again, at one point, I'd find games like Dear Esther actually interesting for what they did with game narrative... today, the novelty has worn off, and they mostly just bore me.
4) I actually gained a taste for management and logistic games, mostly ever since I discovered Factorio. I used to play almost all genres as a kid, safe for Management / Logistics, Fighters and Sports games.
Now, management and logistics are among my favorite genres.

And in general, I am far more picky in what games I devote my time to. I don't think I'll ever waste more than 10 hours on games like AssCreed or Beth RPG's again. It just isn't worth the time.

>I started to read books

So do you now not care about story in movies either? Ya know, since books are the only source of good stories one could possibly ever wish for.

i used to cream myself over open worlds, but its basically throwing money down the sink in the year of our lord 2019. A game needs to have a reliable online mode or its a big turnoff for me personally, other than that as long as its not a card game or a 4X i find myself enojoying pretty much anything

The only people who think so are literal autists who can't empathize with others at all.

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it's weird him being dead, it's like his character is frozen in time within 2007-2013 to me.

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"That tweet" is just a pretext for resetera trannies to hate on him for not bashing GG, someone post the tweet compilation from trannies ecstatic about him dying.

I bought Fable on release (for $80) because of the coverart alone. It ended up being an amazing game and I replayed it several times.

Nowadays I'd never take such a risk.

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I value strategy, tactics and preparation more than reaction speed and memorizing patterns.

You know, I'm not happy that TB died because I actually liked his thoughts on games and I appreciated his push against terrible business practices in video games, but it is highly ironic and just slightly amusing that he died of cancer after telling people to get cancer and die.

Most movies aren't worth watching, no. All they make now is capeshit or shitty remakes. Korea has made some cool shit though

The guy that tweet was directed to said he didn't mind it at all and found it repulsive how people use it as a gotcha for tb literally getting cancer.

Same is true of most books. Seriously, you trying to push this whole "I read books so I don't care for narratives in other media" is fucking pathetic. You are literally trying to convince us that you are a living meme and a joke by this point.

I'm still too young to really notice it. Yet boredom with established genres pushes me into trying genres I wasn't aware of or didn't want to try. 10 years ago I was playing typical FPS like Doom or FEAR and RPG like KotOR action-rpg yeah. Now I'm more into xcom-like games, roguelikes, slashers, VNs or hybrids like Deus Ex\System Shock\VTMB. Like with VTMB I would excuse poor battle mechanics if a game offers better dialogues and quests.
Totally relatable. It's funny like one would prefer sinkint hours into "management and logistics" to "open world" of AssCreed or FarCry.
Movies are OK if they manage to induce impressiveness by work with sound and visuals.

I'm starting to develop a soft spot for walking simulators.

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I can't stand overlong cutsscenes and exposition anymore. Or maybe it really is games that use them wy too often without any possibility to skip them that made me resent them. But just starting up a game and simply playing it without having to sit trough 5 minutes of cutscenes and/or get disrupted every couple minutes trough force camera movments is all I want to play now.

That changes nothing, though. It's still ironic and amusing. I've made fun of his death despite not being happy about it. I'm not defending people who are unironically happy about TB dying, but I have laughed at some of the jokes that have come out of after those tweets.

>reads books
>only pertains to hollywood shit

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Plenty of good movies are still being made, if you think it's all just muh superhero movies then you're just not looking. Also like said, most books are trash too. People like to act like books are the be-all end-all story telling medium that can never be matched and that only smart people consume, but most bestsellers are garbage, just like most Hollywood blockbusters are.

Maybe it's not that my tastes have changed, but I mostly play retro video games now. The overwhelming majority of newer releases struggle to keep my attention, especially if they have a billion features and game mechanics that I need to learn.

Also, like , I don't really care about story anymore either. I especially loathe when a game tells huge parts of its story through written documents you find. I can still enjoy stories, but I don't analyze them anymore. I play video games to unwind and I have much more important things to devote my mental energy to than interpreting a video game's story.

Not really. I still just play whatever. I guess I've lost my tolerance for 800 hour RPGs but I never had much of one for them in general. I just had more time to waste so I was willing to try them anyway, I guess? Literally the only RPGs I've ever actually loved were pokemon (as a kid), chrono trigger and persona 4/5.

Cant be bothered to finish games, [spoilers] not even the ones i enjoy[/spoilers]

Yes. I begun to see developers' and publisers' lies easily.

Hey yong

Fuck, I know this feel. Sometimes I close a game I'm enjoying to go do something and as soon as I do I think "yep, never launching that again"

>*ears start bleeding, eyes pop and bones brak*

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Growing up I used to like RPGs like FF3, Crono Trigger, and FF7 because I found the stories interesting. Additionally, "realistic" graphics on modern systems still don't approach movie quality.

Now that I've grown older and been exposed to more types of media that does story-telling a whole lot better, I don't have the patience for RPGs. I much prefer games that just get you into the thick of the action and minimize the amount of breaks from storytelling - GoW 3, Infamous, Doom, etc. As an adult I don't get 3 hours to sit and play a game and if I don't actually get to *play* the game in the 30 minutes and instead listen to some poorly animated, blocky, over-bloomed characters talk to each other, I walk away feeling like I didn't actually get my fix. The result is that I end up skipping over these scenes and the gameplay isn't interesting enough to carry my interest (games like Uncharted 4).

Unfortunately the industry has gone mostly the way of games that emphasize story.

My favorite moment of the current generation of games is in Doom... specifically, when Doom Guy just punches the screen when the game starts to explain lore to you.

no, I still like RPGs FPS and platformers like PoP SoT or BGE.
my taste haven't changed since around 2004, this is probably why I adore Sekiro and not really into DS that much

took you a while, in 00s everyone lied even worse than now

When I was younger I would have never played a 4x game or a city builder, but now I like them. I've always liked RPGs and hated multiplayer though.

I haves gained a far greater appreciation for third person action games.

Not really.

Always been into RTS, RPG, and platformers. Got way burned out on racers after the PS2 though.

Used to play fighters, but kind of stopped bothering since I know I'll always suck at them.

grew tired of the same old shit in competitive multiplayer games.

it started to become more draining than relaxing.

I mostly play coop / pve if I play multiplayer now.

Books are pretty much the be-all-and-all medium in terms of narrative density and complexity, and they have such a vast library of amazing works that even if no game was ever released from now on, you'd still NEVER run out of absolutely amazing works to read.
With that said, if you enjoy and appreciate a good narrative, it will never really matter to you WHAT medium is used to convey it, as long as the medium compliments the particular narrative needs. And all media can support some kinds of narratives to their fullest (even if not every narrative can be equally well conveyed in every medium). Also, you'd also already know that while books are the most dense, you'd know than information density is not by any means the sole parameter of quality of a story.

TLDR: people who ACTUALLY appreciate good literature will not shit on other media. Only people who exclusively care about sounding smug and superior use "I read books" as an excuse to shit on other media.

You speak in memes and sound like a retard. Books have been written for thousands of years and they're superior for a simple reason, they were written by storytellers that perfected their craft. Sony shit and walking simulators can't compare because they have to be as safe as possible to be able to sell anything. Try telling a story like Lolita if it was a cinematic game. It wouldn't work and it would just get banned

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other way around for me, after several years of "serious" Go playing I can't play strategy at all I get bored once I see all the rules or all the building stages, minmaxing just gets boring without an opponent

they should remove stories from movies too then, all you need is pictures

yes, i stopped playing with toys when i finally grew up and got real hobbies instead.

>You speak in memes and sound like a retard
Says the person LITERALLY parroting the "If I wanted a story I would read a book" meme? Really?
Also, you seem to think that Sony's cinematic bullshit and walking sim are literally the end-all of gaming narrative potential, that is how fucking retarded and CLUELESS about the gaming industry you are.
Again, this is pathetic. Grow the fuck up.

>real hobbies
like shitposting on videogame board?

>you seem to think that Sony's cinematic bullshit and walking sim are literally the end-all of gaming narrative potential
I'm using Sony as an example for cinematic games since that's what they make all the time
>If I wanted a story I would read a book" meme?
I already said I'm into movies too. Learn to read.

When I was like 14 - 25 I had kinda dudebro tastes and played lots of Sony games.

Now, the older I get, the more I realize Nintendo was the true ludo all along

>I'm using Sony as an example for cinematic games since that's what they make all the time
That is like judging literature based on YA novels and Self-Help books, you moron. And using that as an argument for how literature can't produce narratives worth shit. It... yeah, I already said the word twice.

>I already said I'm into movies too. Learn to read.
Are you actually clinically retarded? Also, that point straight up contradict your previous one.

loved open world games as a kid. I wanted long games cuz I couldnt get much. Now im old and work and go to gradschool and prefer indies and drop in drop out multiplayer games. sucks.

I think you're arguing against 2 different people that you think are the same person. I don't think that's the guy who said all movies are capeshit.

What the fuck are you yapping about? Are you the drooling mong that claimed that games can't have engaging stories if you read books? If so, no, I'm talking to the right cretin.

Stop wasting my time and actually read my posts before you post again

t.has only started to read books recently

Very kek for a Yea Forumsfag, kys

My love for base building rts grew, and my depression from a lack of recent entries along with it.

I'm neither of those two but you're clearly confusing 2 (now 3) different people, you absolute fucking retard. I'm just pointing out this fact and you're being a fucking insufferable idiot. Go kill yourself, mongoloid.

When i finally got a proper job at 23, I just brought every big game release, but all it did was make me jaded.

Now I just play WoW (soon classic) with some friends now and then and 1 or 2 new games a year. I no longer feel any excitement or hype for a new game, I don't know why but I think job workloads/stress just killed my soul.

My biggest wish is to see a return of RTS games.

He's right, you know. Get some reading comprehension, it'll do you good.

I cannot stand cinematic shit in games when I would out up with them years ago. Losing control to animations, cutscenes disguised as gameplay.

What the fuck?
So you replied to an entirely random post, by no means making it clear you are a different person, continuing his argument and then insulting others that they assume they are discussing with a single guy? What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

Read them fine, you are still a fucking idiot.

Bet you like bringing your books everywhere and telling random people what superior books you read, too.

>actually proud that he read something as popular as Lolita
>compares to "cinematic" games as if "cinematic" is narrative-driven when it's the exact opposite

Absolute genius user

I'm only insulting you because you're insulting me you fucking braindead dense moron. I was just pointing out that you're confusing 2 people, I didn't even support their argument or yours, you fucking incredible retard. Literally fucking off yourself, you're a waste of oxygen.

Modern art is a fucking joke

Quite honestly, I get much more engaged with a good film than a good book. There are plenty of quality writers who can produce a good script. I don't like reading several paragraphs describing a setting only so I can try to visualize it in my head when a good film can convey that message instantly through proper camera angles, lighting, costumes, etc.

If books are your cup of tea then great, but there are other forms of media that tell a good story.

Having said that, vidya isn't one of them. The quality writers will migrate to film because it's more lucrative, and despite advances in technology the visuals and animations in vidya don't hold a candle to movie quality.

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Nope, I played FPS and RTS when i was a kid (age of empires 2, battlefield 1942)
And now I play FPS and MOBA since RTS is dead as fuck

I didn't say I was proud, Lolita is one of the most famous books which is why I used it as an example.

I've gotten increasingly committed to the stuff I really like, and don't have patience for playing the popular new thing just because everyone else is. I practically never play multiplayer with my friends anymore because of this.

I've started to notice most of AAA titles are made by greedy, soulless people who only want to make more money who see us only as consumer whores.

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A lot of bookfags literally only read to feel smug about their medium of choice. There are still tons of people who are literally in the "lol TV? no thanks I'll read a book like the intellectual I am" teenager mentality. I like a good book too but I don't see it as a more valuable or engaging medium than cinema. Both mediums have produced amazing and amazingly shitty works.

Personally, I'd love to see more companies like Motion Twin making games. Companies that are structured the way they are aren't going to grow into the kind of soulless, greedy monoliths you see dominating the industry today.

I no longer play western games.

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>John bains ironic cancer diagnosis truly was Shakespearean.

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When I was young I used to play a lot of FPSs , RPGs and multiplayer games.
Then around 2006 I got sucked into console games and enjoyed those for about 10 years. I would scoop up every game that was remotely interesting for the 360 and PS3.
Nowadays, with a kid and another on the way, I try to focus only on the games I really want to play, which eliminates about 98% of the current titles. I can't see myself buying another Ubisoft or EA game, ever. My Xbox sits underneath the TV unplugged and neglected.
In a way I have gone back to how I was before my time playing consoles. Also, I've got no interest in the next gen systems at all because I know that I will never have the time to sit down in front of a TV for hours in a full house.

In high school and college, I use to play open-world games for hours on end and preferred them over games with linear campaigns. But now that I'm a wage slave I tend to avoid these kinds of games because of how much time I'd need to sink into them.

10 years ago I probably woudn't be able to put hundreds of hours into disgaea games

Now I only enjoy 90's and 90's inspired FPS and survival horror games (which you could count number of those released after 2004 on fingers of one hand).

Have you tried INFRA? It has puzzles, it's pretty good

Pete, you know what to do