Stupid off-brand products in vidya

These always make me laugh.

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Pick your main!

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I like how dr spice looks like a middle schoolers power point presentation. Its so lazily done its not even properly capitalized or abbreviated.

dr piccolo

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Dr. Skipper looks like what I used to do in middle school when I ran out of room on a line of paper

the true drink of a maddu scientisttu

Dr. Chill
Fuck yea, son.

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Dr Becker is actually good

PC when

>Dr. Becker

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Dr Bob sounds like a male gynecologist

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>no Dr. B

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>Dr. Bob
>Open wide, say Ahhh!
Bob no, that's sexual assault.

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Dr.Right, of course.

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Rion is cute, but Sora is cuter. Asuka a shit.

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What game is dis??

Thoughts on tokyo xanadu? Is the vita version missing a lot?

nigger you take that bach

It's shit.

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Whats with nips and dr pepper?

Tokyo Xanadu

Vita version doesn't have the subchapters or the after story, and a couple less playable characters. It's still good but not great, plus 30fps with subnative res.

Ignore this screenshot spamming autist he can't handle other people's opinions and is obsessed with posting the beginning labyrinths over and over

Absolutely seething.

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How significant are those subchapters and after story? Like 5% of the game or 50%?

It's good but they made the mistake of not letting you actually fuck any of the girls.

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If I had to put it in a percentage I'd say about 30%, it fleshes the characters and story out a lot more but the actual dungeons in them aren't anything special

>he didn't get the Shiori ending

what if you mixed all of these in equal parts and drank it?

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It's basically the plot of a high school anime. If that's your thing, it's great.

sounds awesome, thanks user

You don't fuck Shiori either though. She's the one Kou really likes but it's the same as the others.

You won't be saying that one you realize how boring the gameplay is.

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it's not off-brand ys?

Finally, a character I can rate to.

>constantly visiting threads for games you dislike, and hanging around them getting yourself more and more angrier
not to mention this wasn't even strictly a tokyo xanadu thread. imagine going this far out of your way to find image board content you don't like, just to reeeee over it

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In America Dr. Pepper is a religious figure and, alongside McDonalds, considered to be part of the Trinity. Dr. Pepper is the God of education.

The level of irony in this post is truly stunning.

It's better and mechanically more in depth. Ys is garbage.

Well, the rumor is that TX really only happened because Falcom promised shareholders a game in 2015, but Ys VIII was running into development issues and wasn't expected to meet its Septermber 2015 deadline. Falcom tends to release its games around that time since it's the start of their fiscal year. So basically, the original Vita version was scrapped together in like nine months or something, with a bunch of newbie developers helming its creative process. So it's not so much off-brand Ys as it is a rushed hackjob that only happened for business reasons.

On the bright side, though, we got Ys VIII out of it. That's an actually good game, unlike TX.

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Imagine thinking Ys 8 is any good when the PC port literally doesn't work

Dr.Snap is real fuckin aesthetic

If it ain't HEB brand Dr. B I don't want it.

>Ctrl+F "pibb"
>0 results

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it works fine on the switch, and ps4, and vita...

Just play a console version, user.

The Dr.
he's clearly the OP boss character

Enjoy your 30fps slideshow

not true at all, even on the vita, slow down is minimal stock, and non existant with moderate oc.

Ys VIII is 60 fps on PS4. Both base and Pro.

It's literally 30fps on switch and vita, stop talking out of your ass. 60fps on ps4, with drops.

For a game that features asinine of dialogue and world building, it has a surprisingly shitty, insultingly generic plot and world. Like, really really bad, I lost at least 10 IQ just by reading it.
The gameplay is okay and the character designs are somewhat nice, but jesus christ the plot and world drags the whole thing down a lot.

jrpg's are for the most part the same

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>dr. perky
you have my attention now

i'm playing it on the vita right now. it plays fine.

There are no drops on PS4 Pro, ever.

>asinine amount of
for fuck's sake, I don't know why words just disappear from my posts lately.

>30fps with drops is fine

I think one of the most hardcore drinking game is going through a Nu Falcom game's dialogue and taking a shot every time someone giggles at the beginning of a line.

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i'm not some fps whore, like you apparently are, but like i said with moderate oc, it's no where near "30 with drops."

>yfw you're still look like a 14 yo teen
>you still have the same mentality
>But you're 24
I can relate

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>fps whore
You have to be kidding. And whether you like it or jot, the game is objectively 30fps on the vita, and it does drop.

There is a huge difference between fps whores and thinking 30 fps with drops is anything but terrible.

i enjoyed it buts its a mish mash of plot points from trails games put into a modern setting with maybe an interesting tidbit here or there, also normal ending > true ending

You know, I have this crack conspiracy theory that Falcom was trying to make an ARPG Persona knockoff since right after Nayuta, but things just didn't work out and ideas from that game ended up being divvied up between CS1 and TX. Things would make so much sense if this was the case.

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>games of the same genre are for the most part the same

maybe 30fps if you don't over clock. maybe, and jfc, it's a handheld console from almost a decade ago.

>>complaining about a perfectly playable fps.

>a minor software overclock using henkaku will double the framerate to 60