>modder has personal drama
>"sorry guys I won't have time to work on anything so I'll be deleting everything because I don't want people asking me about updates"
Modder has personal drama
And? his shit is already on my PC, what's he gonna do about that.
>modder quits due to personal issues
>random user learns everything about the mod structure on his own and continues under new name
>try to download mod on the nexus
>says it requires another mod
>press the link
>The mod you were looking for cannot be found.
>people start using a secondary mod to tweak another
>mod author gets pissy and makes his own mod DRM so nobody can touch his BALANS
Why the fuck don't people just make mod packs?
That happened with that fallout 4 horror overhaul mod. Added new sound effects, more trees, darker nights, new ambient music to creep you out.
Then the 2 modders working on it had a falling out and pulled it from nexus
They can't, They don't own the other mod and the other creator will cry if they make a pack with it
>mod is not open source
looking at you, gta 5 people
>They don't own the other mod and the other creator will cry if they make a pack with it
>implying they can remove a torrent
and dependencies
imagine you download a pack that has FagetModCore v1.2 which makes your game crash after 10 mins of playing, now FagetModCore v1.3 fixes this issue but the mod pack maker didn't update the pack so you have to download new version of the broken mod yourself, which is just extra work
>original modder uploads the source code and gives the mod out into public domain
>download a pack with +100 preconfigured mods
>downloading one extra is an inconvenience
You wouldnt happen to be talking about the mod menu?
My friend recently became legit butt buddies with the creator and wont stfu about it
>Mod apart of Modpack stops getting updated
>Creator goes into retirement
>Mod is eventually removed from modpack becuase it no longer works with everything else and game keeps getting updated
>It fades into obscurity
>Modder suddenly come out of retirement and updates mod
>No longer part of modpack, but still works with everything else
>Modder promises to at the very least keep it updated to work even if no new content being added
It's a good type of feel
>hey guys some russian stole a single texture from my mod so im gonna remove it from the website until this is fixed, even though it will never be fixed because russians just dont care
bonus points if other mods depended on it
>friends make modpacks for minecraft
>everyone ignores permissions
>they make their own tweaks
>absolutely nobody can do anything about it
>modder for fallout 4
>fap to it for a couple months
>fuck my computer
>go to download it again
>its gone due to op's statement
what the FUCK
what mod
This is the best end and it's like it's continuing a legacy in a way
>modder deletes all his shit because trump won
nah, was talking about singleplayer
mod menus are mostly for gta online, not really surprising that anyone related to them are annoying
>find cool mod but it's in french
>find only submod translation project
>also adds some new features
>translation is 100%
>other features are not
>modmaker had drama and disassociates from project
>still not translation available
>author threatens legal action even though he has no grounds to sue
>continuously threaten people for years
>everyone continues to ignores him and nothing ever comes from it
Came here to post this
Not necessarily modding but the MUGEN community pretty much committed every single sin in this thread. Everyone was so stupidly protective of their own illegal sprite rips.
Game / Mod?
why are modders such manchildren?
The worst is when the modder hasn’t updated for months, and you know the mod is dead and so does everyone else, but there are still faggot male cheerleaders that say “just give him time.” Just do the right thing and announce your project is dead and release the source code you swine.
>modder hands over the mod to a new person
>that new person eventually completely changes everything till the mod isn't even recognizable as the original mod
>the new guy originally promised he would not change a thing about the mod
>modders work on massive conversion/overhaul/new map project
>in development for years
>will probably never see the light of day
>all the good stuff they've actually managed to make, like new weapons and armors, will die along with the mod
>that skyrim modder who created a little girl follower called ophelia and got pissed because people kept calling her pedophelia
Absolutely based. How will pedos ever recover?
>some guy on /vg/ makes a mod
>no tripcode
>no name
>post is the bare minimum info needed and a mega link
>the readme explicitly states he will never take any credit for his work and anyone claiming to be the author is lying
>modder only uploads his mods on the steam workshop and throws autistic fits whenever it gets reuploaded in outside sites because people with cracked games will be able to use the mod
>actual game devs don't care about piracy
Nah he's cool im just giving guff
Honestly asking for it naming her that.
the minecraft mod community is an absolute goldmine for shitty mod developers
reminder that one 'popular' minecraft mod developer put literal malware into his mod just purely to stop people from using it with another mod which he didn't like
Sounds pretty based
I remember when he first made the mod menu, he gave me practically unlimited money. I stopped playing soon after because its shit, dunno if I got banned
>be /mcg/
>laugh at mod drama as our guys strip apart mods and reshape them to our will
Nah you didnt get banned, but the money is likely all gone, it's easy to get around that by buying a bunch of protos and selling them back after the money gets cleared
>Modder hid all of his files because Trump won the presidency
Why don't we just mirror the mods?
skyrim dragon combat overhaul
Based and blockpilled
I couldn't believe it when I saw that. How fucking autistic can you get?
>Mods unlock hidden grindy content from the start
>One modder gets mad cause his content is supposed to be super sekrit and cool
>Threatens to hardcode the game to crash with the unlocker loaded.
>Ignoring the fact that the end user can already use cheat engine and edit files, etc.
I swear, some of the modders are huge faggots and expect people to respect their mods like true vanilla content.
Why did he mention Trump??
>modder makes master piece mod
>everyone and their grandma uses it and loves it
>gets in trouble with the law due to questionable items on computer
>modder who makes shitting dick nipples NTR extreme incognito mod wipe the drive after your done mod
>they're a normal member of society
Has there ever been a case of a egotistical cunt getting his shit slapped so hard he rebuked his entire stance?
they're just better at hiding that shit
>modder defends Denuvo to death regardless of evidence like he's on the payroll
Looking at you, Kaldaien.
>Translation project for a game stops getting updated for over a year
>A new group tries to do the translation from scratch
>Old group suddenly shows up and get super mad at it
>New group stops their project and old one goes back to being dead
Why don't modders get payed?
Imagine the higher quality of mods if they got payed. They'll be higher incentive to actually finish the more complex shit.
which mod?
Fuck outta here todd
Because they're unofficial third party modifications on someone else's IP and if they were getting paid it would either be infringement or they would be working for the IP holder and they would be a developer, not a modder.
they can put the classic "buy me a cup of coffee" button and I wouldn't care
but paywalling third party addons is no bueno
PAY MODDERS (ᵃnᵈ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᶜᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ)
>translator for h game is Pakistani living in britain
>Stops working on the project to protest the results of the brexit referendum
>gets hit by van
It's paid you filthy third worlder. Also paying them would lower the bar because people would start making things for profit instead of autistic passion projects
>modder gets cancer
>releases source code
>last post: 4 years ago
Alot of this thread just sounds like the 3ds hacking scene.
>modder flips out about someone modding his mod
>claims it's violating his artistic vision and personal property
the ones that want to get paid already do through donations
>game devs side with the mod modder
One of the few times Bethesda was based.
full post if you wanna read a wall of text
This is an actual thing that happened btw. The game was Magic Protects her Purity. Translator claimed he felt unsafe
The patch is still not finished
if I had a nickle for every time this happened
>"life got in the way, haha."
never ceases to amaze me that you still don't understand what gabe meant when he said money is what has steered the modding community
we could have been getting quality mods for games and content that you can pirate anyway and not just shitty model swaps and half-assed shit from retards
but no
>he never made a mod of his own
what's your excuse, Yea Forums?
>Modder puts DRM on mods
>Modder blacklists IDs on his mods
he just wanted more money user
gabe gives no fucks about games these days
>just throw money at it
>modder is so butthurt over someone on the internet that he specifically excludes them from using the mod via a self-made DRM
There are many faggots on the internet but Kaldaien is certainly among the top 10.
Did you know mods from loverslab (sex mods for elder scrolls gaems) have or had a secret script that checks your players height, and if you try to play as a little girl it crashes the game? This caused a huge scandal years ago and led to the creation of many spin off sites.
>h game
>artist switched projects, never finished, or it's in early access forever
the porn mod community is a whole other beast, the pedo mod controversies are funny to watch unfold
>This happens
>Old mod author comes back and start screeching about his work being stolen even though we haven't heard from him is four years, he's fully credited for creating the basis of the new modders work, and he left his mod in an unfinished state
Sounds like a fanny
>literally says it wasn't because Trump won
Or we can leave mods be so that they remain works of passion rather than opportunities to make money quickly.
> money motivate creators
Popular misbelief, proven to be wrong by the history of Patreon.
Did you even read past that sentence?
twallan was a masterpiece
sims 3 is basically unplayable without nraas
Oh it motivates them, don't you see they are on v0.100012 now instead of v0.100011?
>It's paid you filthy third worlder
Don't get all pedantic with me, BITCH!
>paying them would lower the bar because people would start making things for profit instead of autistic passion projects
Most big "autistic passion projects" never see the light of day. Paying these pieces of shit would give them incentive to finish and smooth it out.
Did you? It clearly says he got doxxed 3 times and decided it wasn't worth it
Patreon has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that money doesn't improve shit and often makes it worse
Anyone here got Kotomors animations, he may be a big autistic jew but his work is good
Can I just say that the rape VATS mod is the best thing ever when you install it on someone's computer who likes playing Fallout.
Unironically this mentality is a source of all evil these days.
Quality of everything drops because people don't value their money.
Yeah but he says "I didn't take down my mods because trump won, but I took them down because he won"
>reading comprehension
Fuck off, slimeball!
How about, consider this.
The company of the game in question hires the modder, and THEY pay them, 8nstead of advocating E-begging. Valve did this for Dota 2, and it's still one of the most played games today
Well argued, election refugee
Thank you.
>we could have been getting quality mods for games and content that you can pirate anyway and not just shitty model swaps and half-assed shit from retards
but no
Imagine being this much of a naive capitalist-idealist cocksucker
No, these asset flips and model swaps you bitch about would become even more rampant from people looking to make a quick buck. I can already see the bullshit now, "convenience packs" which are popular mods already bundled together so you dont have to install them individually
Lolicon used to be allowed on Loverslab, until governments around the world started criminalizing it and many websites pussied out and banned it, LL included.
Ashal stated that Sexlab block and general site ban was for legal purposes rather than moral.
I actually have a strong suspicion he is a lolicon himself, he used to hang around loli-related topics back when they were allowed.
>try to play as a midget
>hypermoral faggot ruins my midget porn
Actual retard
His post literally reads "it's not because trump won, but because trump won". He's just playing the semantics game like an absolute fucking neanderthal cave-skull
>His post literally reads "it's not because trump won, but because trump won".
It literally doesn't
"I didn't suck dick BECAUSE I was gay, it was a RESULT of being gay"
>needing mods to make the game more fun
this is what happens when you play a westcuck game LMAO
What does it do?
you'd become rich enough to pay the modder to shut up
The difference is that sucking dick is inherently gay for a man. Stick to food analogies
java is shit
no modern games are worth modding
Modder tries to take down the finished product even though he barely worked on it, or demand money even though its free
Has nothing to do with it dipshit, fact is if you're doing something as a result of something, that is the cause and your action is the effect, you've done your action BECAUSE of the cause.
I know you're upset this faggot is getting roasted because he thinks Trump was gonna re enact right wing death squads and honestly politics in general is fucking boring to listen to, but people being disingenuous is also mind rapingly disgusting
It literally does you fucking numbskull
high precision rape
>Creator of the game slowly turns buttfuck insane and starts refusing to add highly requested scenes and characters into his game
>Fans take over the game the second he bails from it and add everything he refused to add, revamp multiple systems, and add so many characters and scenes that it's now considered the official version
Too many of these man. I remember a jurassic park overhaul for crysis that got a cease and desist. :L
>game translation ongoing and at 90% done
>translator disappear
Let's hope the same shit isn't going to happen in Phantasy Star 2 I
>Dawn of War Ultimate Apocalypse
>not once, but fucking TWICE
Truly based individual. Doesn't care about recognition, just the merit of his work.
It literally doesn't
>Has nothing to do with it dipshit,
IT has everything to do with it
> fact is if you're doing something as a result of something, that is the cause and your action is the effect, you've done your action BECAUSE of the cause.
He literally tells you the EXACT REASON why he took it down in the post. Learn to read.
>I know you're upset this faggot is getting roasted because he thinks Trump was gonna re enact right wing death squads
he LITERALLY never said that
>people being disingenuous is also mind rapingly disgusting
The irony
Wat game
What game?
>minecraft modders
>throw autistic fits because "their work" was being uploaded into mod packs
>the only reason they were mad is because they would lose ad.fly money for the individual downloads
>they especially hated technic
>users could compile their own modpacks
>they cried that you needed permission
>you didn't
>they were creating derivative works for a paid product
>they had no real ownership of their code or anything they created
>one modder put code in (forestry?) that if it detected it was installed in a technic subfolder it would spawn block deleting bees then corrupt the save
>one furry modder put a backdoor in the mod and then cried that he was being persecuted when people called him out
>FTB started becoming the "official" place to download and distribute mods with "authorised" packs
>the website was awful
>the packs were garbage
>the months of cronying from suck up shills and hot white tears from modders was just delicious
Flowerchild and Covertjaguar were the most autistic and funniest.
>Modder becomes popular, mod becomes one of the top 5
>Modder instantly becomes egotistical and aggressive to the point of retardation
Here's lookin' at you, MEIOU&Taxes
rotarycraft or industrialcraft? There have been a lot of these kinda faggots. The OG redpower creator was a total cunt about it all and fucked off and turned her mods into a standalone game that hasn't made any progress over the past 5 years.
It literally does
Imagine attempting to defend semantics that are this fucking bad, literally all he did was change to a synonym and tried to pass it off as not meaning the same thing
I don't believe that anyone can be this idiotic
Corruption of Champions (a porn game), where the main theme of the game is doing fucked up shit and being corrupted but the creator thought anything harsher than anal was too fucked up to be put in the game.
>he LITERALLY never said that
Yes, I know, the implication was that this faggot was asshurt about Trump for retarded reasons, retarded enough to stop doing his own hobby.
Wasn't afraid of doxxing until Trump got elected huh?
>mod meant to enhance the visuals
>turns into a memetacular exercise in madness where nothing seems to fit the original game
Dis fat cock!
The creator seems to endorse created content for the game and even will implement it himself for you if it's well done enough and he even laid out instructions on how to create content and write scenes including accounting for variables
Is the version on the site/forum that i played not the one you're talking about?
>Wasn't afraid of doxxing until Trump got elected huh?
There have been multiple shootings after he got elected, too, so maybe he was on to something
>mod adds fursuit to the developers character in multiplayer
looking at you, reika
>modder fakes his death
How is TiTs and CoC2 coming along has the autistic fanbase ruined those as well or are they worth looking into?
8ch's revamped mod
>felt unsafe
>literally a protected minority in a dystopian neoliberal shithole
how can a person have a persecution complex this big?
Is that something i should ask for a link for or would it be relativelt easy to find whenever?
Also what kind of stuff does it add?
>a minority feeling unsafe somewhere
gee, I wonder why is that. We all know minorities actually have more right than the majority because we're fucking watching echo chamber youtube videos
>modder makes sure his mod won’t work on pirated copies of the game
I know it isn't exactly related to mods, but recall a experience similar to the giant autism some modders hd with Sonic 2 HD, the first attempt.
>programmer makes engine
>lets team use it for epeen
>after a while has a giant case of the tism because the staff after getting plenty of art assets for the level autistically screeches any time anyone tried to dare look at his 'perfect' coding
>as such holds the project hostage for 2 fucking years at least, forcing the entire thing to closed source private shit because OH NO SOMEONE ON THE FORUMS MIGHT GET INTO THE TEAM AND LOOK AT MY SNOWFLEK CODING
>even fucking throws away most art people on forums make that was quality for his own shitty art because MUH ENGINE, MUH RULES OR YOU CAN JUST GET SOMEONE ELSE TO GET YOU ONE...OH WAIT, YOU HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO GIVE YOU AN ENGINE :^)
>this faggot then has the fucking nads to PUT DRM IN THE ALPHA TEST THAT GETS LOGGED AS A VIRUS, if anyone even dared try to use debugging on it because MUH CODE CAN'T BE SEEN BY ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE WAAAAHHHHH
>people got sick of his autism and madlads broke his DRM easily to look inside
>some of the biggest spaghetti to ever exist code-wise that was pure garbage for an 'engine'
>he gets chased off after realizing this is the 5th time he has done this shit to other sanic game project teams
>game is all but canned due to this and also burnout the team has by then
If lOst somehow is still around, bully that asshole for pulling that shit. Also funnily enough, not only did literally everyone else besides him on the team move on to bigger and better things, they originally were going to use Taxma's engine as well had he given permission. And likely Taxman then would have done Sonic 2 HD instead of the path he took leading to Sonic Mania. Funny how things go like that.
>artist just stops making content out of the blue
Programmers are just monkeys with a screwdriver -- buncha damn weirdos.
I could program with my dick out.
>artist suddenly disappears after natural disaster
I wonder what happened.
>Game released
>Modify the content to your liking
>Mod released
>Others modify the content to their liking
I don't know how they manage to avoid having a very obvious conversation with themselves about it, that's for sure.
seething discord tranny
>modder adds 1 or 2 really cool new features or fixes via mod
>And 983729 fucking stupid ones that fuck with difficulty and balance
>No way to separate them because they're a fucking dickhead
Fucking Steel Faith Overhaul. Fuck you Steel Faith.
>'Well you were asking for it by making your descriptions so crazy, by playing with your trolls before blocking them, by being a polarizing figure in the community, in general
Sounds like he was using his mod page as a salt mine, and couldn't handle what he was dishing out when it was served back to him. So yes, he was acting like a by the books libcuck.
Is thew new S2hd project the same team?
>modder has personal drama
>said drama make him change the artstyle and aestethic of the game drastically
So he stopped working on a translation at home, so he could start... moving?
>Try to do Thing A, which in any other game, mod or reality itself results in Thing B
>Instead it results in Thing 0x00000c critical error
>Modder replies to bug report "You shouldn't be doing Thing A and expecting Thing B. You're a fucking idiot for expecting an obvious result. This is not a bug."
>Closes bug report, no one else ever brings it up because they're sycophantic cocksuckers that praise everything the modder does, including bugs or corrupting their saves
>JRPG comes out that the dev likes so much he changes the half-decent Hotline Miami clone he was making into a wannabe emulation of that game instead
>Modder just works on their mod and ignore autistic community drama
>Another modder tries to involve them in the drama
>They just ignore it
This happened to a famous h artist who made the hentai game "succubus quest" and was working on a sequel. He was believed dead in the Fukushima disaster.
A few years ago he resurfaced out if the blue with a sequel called "succubus Rhapsody" which was received critical acclaim
It was like the second coming of Jesus Christ
some lewd shit that dc and thekite made together
every single noticeable OoT romhack project ever.
fuck you zeth and whatever other faggots worked on these things. fuck you and your teenager-tier e drama
This happened with Mosha/Masha too except no one cared
Who is that?
>artist moves to twitter and deletes all of their other accounts
>he comes back and apologies for leaving just as out of the blue
>he disappear again a couple months after that
>modder makes it so his mod detects if a certain other mod is being used and crashes the game if so
Remember Midnight Animal?
>tfw I didn't delete outfit mods when I was getting rid of fallout 4 so I still have shit like the synth healthcare division mod
>modder suddenly changes their name, and effectively deletes all previous works off of the internet
>modder gets arrested
Whoah what the fuck, I love succubus quest.
I see some artists doing that recently
>Rimworld modder goes crazy and replaces all sprites in their mod with feminist symbols and breaks saves
>Different Rimworld modder(s?) crash the game if they detect Rimjobworld running
Oh, and I found a screenshot of the first incident affecting a save game on google if you didn't believe me.
>Mod fucks up all your saves
>Even your vanilla saves
>Even your vanilla saves that are stored in a completely different folder away from all other game files
To this day I still have no idea how he managed it...
The fuck?
How do I know you didn't just edit that yourself?
>modder gets butthurt and deletes all of his shit
>upload copies without his permission
By googling "rimworld feminist modder" and reading the meltdown.
How do I know that you didn't just make that thread?
How do you know I'm real?
This guy is such a crybaby lol
Based retard
Icecream? I love icecream!
>"I never thought Trump would win. When I saw the number of people who actually voted for him, I vomited. This is not an exaggeration, I actually threw up on the sidewalk in front of the bar I was watching the results at while the hispanic cooks swore openly about him inside. Granted, had some drinks in me, but the sheer number of people who heard everything he said and said 'sure, why not' made me physically ill. That is why I quit."
Hey, fuck you, asshole -- I'm asking the questions here!
And You:
That's amazing, thanks for the read.
my sides
I'm glad that faggot left.
His mods were subpar AT BEST.
The next two sentences, he mentions people that threaten others
That the status quo of people in the free software community as a whole. They LOVE having something to hold over people's heads because it makes them feel important. They are always hostile as fuck and then whine why don't more people use their garbage software. No wonder it's infested with trannies left and right since it's a bunch of mentally ill retards.
Who's gonna pay?
>Modder just makes mod with absolutely no bullshit.
Thanks, Thorium
What was the obliviongate drama? I can't remember what started it except for that the guy made it so oblivion gates would just pop up absolutely *everywhere* until he stopped having a meltdown.
>modder/indie lewd game dev has to leave for personal reasons
>hands off development to someone else
>it gets better
You have to be pretty fucking autistic to even try to make a mod let alone upload it, so it's no surprise that shit like this happens so often.
Not that I am not thankful but don't go around screeching at people for not kissing your ass enough.
>hates bullying, open racism and sexism
>proceeds to mention single moms and straight white males in a majorly negative connotation
I know I keep seeing it but it's still mind-boggling
its really neat that unironic use of "nazi" is a real life retard filter
Mehrunes Dagon?
we don't discuss this here
still fucking pissed
Hearty kek
I don't understand why being called a racist is a bad thing?
>*says controversial statistics/observable facts*
>"that's racist!"
Like, why do people love ignorance and lies so much?
Especially godfags.
>modder and his small team make what is arguably the best single-player experience for the game, with stiff competition to boot
>releases what is basically episodic content
>two out of a planned 6 episodes done going upwards of 15 hours of gameplay
>creator gets hired in the industry to work on vidya
>last mod episode released 6 years ago
>last update given 3 years ago
mike used to be such a cute boy
now all he has is his fun and charming personality
>dev of indie porn game is making good progress
>Furries find out about it and show up donating massive amounts of their parents money to get furshit added
>Dev doesn't like furshit but feels compelled to add it becuase his biggest donors want it
>Loses interest in the project and dissappears
W-what game?
I hope it's not the one I think it is.
>dev of indie porn game is making good progress
>gets his house fucked by a typhoon
So even though paid mods are a shit idea the modding communities response to that saying "modding is about loving the games and coming together sharing content for free" is hypocritical nonsense? Are modders just a bunch of autistic petty retards?
I've never RELEASED a mod.
No it's real, he's been presiding for like 3 years now. Read a newspaper once in a white.
>he ignores them
>they destroy his reputation
Good fuck pedos
This is what happened with the owner of the famous WoW TBC private server, I literally just hit level 65 on my warlock and he deleted the server.
>It was not even a porn game to begin with
It's happen to a few games, and not just porn ones.
>modder goes to a gun auction in south africa and never comes back
>modder works on mod for 15 years
>nobody gives a fuck once it's out
I thought he was just done with it. TiTs I'd better anyway
far cry 2 dylan's mod
Fukashima was the nuclear plant that killed literally 0 people. The tsunami killed thousands.
What mod?
holy fuck good things do happen.
Im gonna download that shit right now
literally /gsg/ minus hpm guy
>TiTs is better
ghost recon heroes unleashed
it's pretty fucking amazing too
too dumb to learn how to code or model.
I made some modifications to maps in Halo CE that added AI fights
does messing with values in red alert 2 and dead island 1 count?
I remember in RA2 you could actually do some mutant enemies that didn't otherwise exist, or at least I don't think so
Maybe if there was an actual sense of quality control instead of shitty concoction mixed up in less than a week
mutant units*
TiTs = modded CoC >>>>>>>>> CoC
how can you even play that without the game becoming a slideshow anyway
tesla dogs*
>modder drowns in a pool
>modder is usually punctual
>new files are taking forever
>eventually come out
>"sorry guys, was fasting for ramadan"
>Modder makes mod without drama
>Keeps making more mods, each improving in quality
>Eventually launches full-conversion mods
>Somehow resists all incentive to become a megajew who harvests "donations" on patreon
If you know anyone who fits this bill, hit me up dog.
was it possible?
I fucking hate the navigation in CoC. It is so boring and tedious to do anything. And TiTs has so many better characters it's not even a contest.
>modder quits and removes everything because he wasn't getting enough donations
>Modder insists mods should remain free
>starts a campaign to support this fact
>Nexus tries to jump on the band wagon and supports paid mods
>Modder decides the community she loves no longer exists and stops modding
Fuck you Nexus for running off Jokerine
looking at you, Cybershell.
>modpacks don’t exist because faggy modders complained that they weren’t getting credit
I swear I want to like modding communities and appreciate the work they do but why the cuck are they always hyper autists, divas, and drama queens? The Skyrim modding community is such cancer
>Modder stop project halfway though
>Sorry guys got a new job and don't have time to work on the project
>spends 16 hours a day on the modding website forums talking about politics in the off-topic section
holy shit what was this man thinking
Actually I did make a 'mod' once and it was complete shit. It was a portrait pack for Pillars of Eternity. Over 200 people downloaded it for some fucking reason.
I also made a few soundbanks for Worms a few years ago but I forgot where I uploaded it.
Why do they even care about credit that much anyway, I literally don't know the name of the creator of 99% of the mods I've downloaded
>Modder makes really cool weapon mods
>you wonder why his name is DOOMBased
>Check his mods
>Is an MF DOOM fan and made a mask
>Have fun
>Modder had tons of cool joke mods, joke weapons, etc. that he showed off on his Youtube channel
>Gets scared that he's "addicted to the internet" so he completely torches years and years of content
>modder spends hundreds of hours working on different projects
>privates all his mods as a protest to the 2016 elections
>has a total fucking meltdown when trump wins and deletes all his stuff
>modder makes extremely lewd mods
>their family finds out about their fetishes
That's why, even if you pack everything neatly it can still somehow end up with everything completely fucked
this is why i hate furfags, among other things.
>that modder who's working on a mod for 5+ years
>it's still not finished
> modder makes some cool shit and shows off screenshots
> never uploads it
My dawg, I did the same thing. RA2 had a lot of Tiberian Sun leftovers so you could easily add the NOD and GDI units. Plus you could make any of the units garrison not just the basic troops so that was pretty rad to mess around with.
I know I made my own mod to mess around with. Never released it but it made playing the campaign a bit more fun with extra stuff that I made myself.
>modder gets tired of people who try to contact him privately and ignores them because 95% of said people can't follow simple installing instructions and nag him for "how to drag n drop this ????????"
that guy is me
sorry if you weren't one of those brainlets but should have wrote a comment instead
Compiling mods for beth games results in more long-term pain than manually installing each by each.
It was entirely possible to make dogs run around and shoot lightning at shit and all you needed to do was change one line in the rules.ini as far as I remember.
I'm a modder, too.
Except I make good mods, unlike your uninspired, piece of fucking shit...!
I hate you...
>Modeler throws a shit fit and removed everything because someone used his model for porn
Why does this happen so often?
>modder spends his time making a shitty card game inside of the mod instead of improving said mod
>releases years late and is complete dogshit
>Modder works on mod for five years
>Almost finished
>Says it's coming out in the next few weeks
>Dissappears without a trace and takes down all mods
True. Also, there are legit people who just download the files and don't even read the text, even if it's attachment to a bottom of the post.
Stalker Gunslinger mod NEVER EVER
As long as nothing is paygated I see no problem, rich kids can fund him staying at home from work to work on the shit I like, I don't have to pay.
>doing it for free
>waaah why aren't I getting paid for FREE mod distribution
>not doing it because it's f*n
>Modeller promises their amazing new character in the works will be publicly available to everyone
>It's half the reason most people even follow them
>Releases the model
>"Nah, it's private use for very specific people now"
>Model is never fucking used because about three people have access to it and they move on to other assets
I'm convinced MMD/SFM modelers are nothing but flakey autists
Happens a lot with SFM smut it seems.
Of fucking course It's Skyrim
Never fucking ever
PlanetMojo you piece of shit I'm still fucking mad.
>they especially hated technic
>have been using technic for as long as i've been using mods without knowing this
feels good to own shitheads while being unaware
right? unless that same person has been releasing various mods for a year. basically people want to attention whore from making 1 or 2 popular mods instead of realizing making easy cash is futile and you have to put in dumb amounts of hard work for years until you break the wall into easy money and start drowning in it doing nothing.
I used to be a modder. I made dangling horse dicks and balls.
The problem was Skyrim isn't capable of those kinda physics (it wouldn't been until Fallout 4 that the ability was implemented into the engine). So I had to painstakingly animate the cock and balls in conjunction with Skyrim's pre-made animations. Also I done some gyroscoping to make it look natural.
>Modder who was in a buddy clique with the moderators was SO MUCH of a faggot that the moderators had no choice but to step in and ban him
>Moderators have to give a long ass excuse for why they let him get away with it repeatedly
I swear these people are the real racists
Second cumming*
i pumped out the first nude mod for senran ev along with instructions on how do it with the help of it being similar to sv and someone else writing how they did a nude mod for that. some people were concerned that the instructions didnt come out first but i was basically teaching myself while making it and writing it down as i went. it all turned out well in end because i helped spur creation of some decent nude mods made by competent people while teaching a bit about hex editing magic
> dd
Lpl, I remember this asshat got kicked out pretty much out of everywhere.
okay, I'm in the mood for shadenfruede, which mod?
I've made a mod for Stellaris, mostly just for myself, but then released it because fuck it, why not.
I lost all desire to play Stellaris the very next day and have never touched it since. People are still commenting on that mod. Oh well.
i know there was a couple minecraft mods and a couple skyrim mods that would do that. only the autism of modding those 2 games can cause it. cant remember which mods though
Dunno if this counds but when I was a kid I used to host modded Halo CE lobbies. I just used some tool to change weapon parameters, like turning the assault rifle into an automatic shotgun that fired a spread of plasma rifle blasts, or making the Scorpion shoot five rounds at once, but with huge projectile gravity so you had to use it like artillery.
I've made loli patches, does it count?
Literally me except I left my mod available for the fuckwits to figure out hehe good luck with that fuckers I didn't comment any of my code. What's that? I'm a hack who can't program for shit? Well gee golly whiz, it should be easy to """"fix""""" my mod then. Oh what's that? It's been several years and you STILL can't make heads or tails of what I wrote? Heh nothing pesonal, end user.
same with homebrew modders and speedrunners, all the same camp
>anything harsher than anal
wasn't that the game where furries ran about fucking each other with spider infested dicks?
Fuck, this is the main problem of Simcity 4 modding. Thousands of building that have dependencies from different groups and they're fucking butthurt whenever somebody brings up a modpack as a topic.
Actually I have but I mostly just make my own unreleased ones now because I got tired of dealing with literal retards and all sorts of drama.
>modder creates a mod that casualizes the mechanics of a game for the sake of cool factor
>and destroys balancing
>sequel of the said game takes inspiration from the mod and uses it to create said sequel
It got removed because people complained
>Based glory days of Half-Life modding where mod turnaround was fast due to simpler assets
>No patreon or paywalls. Passion projects
>Modding drama was a fraction compared to today and more importantly: before the era of twitter and heavy-everyone-on-social media bullshit
>Mods had small install size and not 50GB of bloat
>Many HalfLife modders went on to make full games/studios, would still interact with fans
What game
>fan project in development for years
>hear nothing about it for a few months, assume that it's dead
>update video out of nowhere
>"our art team has been very busy lately, here's some concept art for shit we're never actually going to develop"
It got removed because it was too weird for the community that is constantly begging for watersports and snuff to get added to the game. The worst thing in the base game (as far as I remember) is a single scene where worms infest your dick, and the game gives it barely any content and gives you so many chances to get rid of it or avoid it that it might as well not exists.
>pumped out the first nude mod
Woaw... I don't think you responded to the right person.
I'm not a pervert.
star citizen in a nutshell
>DD productions
oh sweet jesus, shitters like him are why I think that moderators should be friendless, impartial NEETs.
I've made plenty of mods for personal use. The only time I released something was a translated version of a nip game.
>game company hires modder
>he disappears from the face of the earth and never makes anything again
You speak nip?
>and never makes anything again
I'm pretty sure he makes a shit in the toilet, user
>Modder creates a way to modify a game.
>Sometimes does not work.
>Lol, you must have a pirated version.
Do modders dream of modded sheep?
Minecraft's Better Than Wolves is pretty notorious for this.
>DDProductions83 has worked on and shared some amazing mods in this community, made some great friends, shared his knowledge and experience and helped many other members in this community with their issues
god damn, dark, how much bullshit do you sniff on a daily basis? darren was a dick, his mods are shit, and you should never have allowed him to get away with it at all, let alone for as long as he did.
I've made a bunch of mods github.com
>Modders loses all files and can't finish mod
>Unfinished mod is still good
>Still no SA beta mod
Many have researched and tried but they always give up "because they have a life", I would do it myself if i knew how and what they know.
post mount and blade time bandit
>every mod is hidden behind either an adfly, straight up payment, or other absolute retardation like "join my forum and become an active member of the community"
I fucking hate modding 2k wrestling games
>modder makes a mod
>Only work on pirated versions
What game and mod?
name 300 mods that do this
>Modder falls off the face of the earth for over a year.
>Modder comes back for a couple of months, then disappears again.
>modder makes mod that installs malware if it detects a pirated copy of the game
>modder gets fucking banned
name 10 mods
It takes severe autism to make a mod, so it's no wonder that so many modders throw autistic tantrums.
There was a HOI4 modder with a German Armed Forces overhaul that did this because he was from Christchurch.
Dont understand how making a graphical overhaul caused a guy to shoot up a place
what game
how do i not age as badly as him
Currently working on one for HOI4
Oh fuck, what was that one mod that deleted your game if it detected a pirated copy? It wasn't Minecraft, it happened a couple of years ago or so, and the creator was a huge antipiracy dweeb who got BTFO when people found out what he did
It was Nier Automata
>modder is Australian
Once had a idea to make a Lisa The Painful full conversion mod for Godhand but didn't have any idea how I'd go about doing that, even if I did, Don't think any voice would do Brad justice if I did get ahold some cheap voice actors
You are not entitled to any of his work.
He can delete everything if he wants to.
Brutal Doom, most probably.
> ITT: Modnigger
Obviously not, but it's a dick move.
Yep, and I'm entitled to reupload everything he deleted under my own name.
Every Fallout 1/2 in NV mod
Because passion, not profit, is what produces truly great works.
>search for essential/amazing mods
>find list detailing amazing sounding mod
>this file has been hidden by its creator
>this file is currently under moderator approval
Am i just desensitized by this place or is all the shit he's saying in the reference posts super tame
Yeah like The Godfather. Not like everyone involved in it was only in it to get paid
>modder puts in back door so they have admin privileges on any server running the mod
>freaks out and takes everything down when they're called out for it
>nobody ever tries to make a similar mod again and the entire genre is left barren
fuck you and the high horse you rode in on craze
>Download mod
>Requires another mod to work
>Download that mod
>That mod requires two other mods
Fucking skyrim, 50 fucking mods installed just to get the one you want to work
>mod you want requires three other mods
>each of those three has two more requirements
>two requirements in the stack conflict with another mod's requirement just enough to break everything if you gently bump it
FUCK skyrim loverslab modding holy shit
>Download a mod.
>ReadMe is nothing but "Thanks for downloading :)"
>Mod Author gets mad at the 2016 election results
>Removes all his mods
lmao forgot about that