>always save twice just to make sure
>decide that I'm just being paranoid and stop
>save file corrupts
Always save twice just to make sure
It's MYA-NEE you fake imouto
>39 hours into persona 4
>save file corrupted
Is this actually porn or some ecchi shit?
This show would be better with a male MYA ONICHAN
No, it's wholesome yuri CGDCT and "that" gif is just (really well done) fanart
mya-nee is pure.
How do i get lolis to come to me?
>Wholesome Yuri
Drown, degenerate.
doesn't have the same ring to it I'm affraid so basically you and your taste are both gay.
Killyourself, newfag.
based, where's the tabasco
You first, newfag. Stay in your containment board.
He's right. Yuri is trash
Get a load of this retard
Yea Forums is and has always been /u/'s greatest ally.
Sasuga newfigs.
I haven’t seen it but doesn’t she want to eff a little girl or something?
Yes, she is based and wants to fuck the little girls
Yes. She's just like Yea Forums, but an actual girl.
Okay but is there and uncensored version of this
Playing persona 3?
Neo Yea Forums dont like lolis anymore.
Thats a Yea Forums and Yea Forums thing now
>Neo Yea Forums dont like lolis anymore.
Probably one of the reasons why I barely ever go there anymore.