Why aren’t you playing the greatest puzzle game since Portal?

why aren’t you playing the greatest puzzle game since Portal?

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Baba is... ME?!?!

It's so hard, it's boring.

Because I will never spend money on an indie game.

Cause I'm dumb

I've already completed everything user

Already beat it in a couple of hours.

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Mom said it's my turn to be Baba now

Sell me on this game, user.If I enjoy Zachtronic games then will I like this?

Yes. It's basically Shenzhen 2.

okay, I'm stuck already

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Because I'd have to update to firmware 7 on my piracy switch and I'm not buying it either.

That's like getting the early bad ending in disgaea and claiming you beat it.

door is key I guess

Cross the "is" to make two sentences.

Thanks. Getting it then.

>Baba is you
Then... who was Owen?

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If there's open and shut objects on the same tile, they disappear.

I still beat all the levels. It's not actually a bad ending, just really early.

Think of a numpad. Key 8, key 4, open 6, push 2, is 5. Then make Door is Key and gtfo. How the hell did you get stuck on this wtf.

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that ones easy. wait till you get to first crab appearance

The game is interesting and well designed for sure but honestly it's not very challenging for someone with an IQ of 130 or greater such as myself.
As far as the entire puzzle genre is concerned it's only somewhere in the middle in terms of difficulty
So the foundation is there but it would be nice if they added some more complex and precise levels to the game.

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That one is easy. Fuck the second crab level though

genuinely too dumb to figure it out

Then you didn't beat all the levels


I'm too stupid for serious puzzle games

You know you can go back and beat the levels after you get the ending... right?

Because i'm retarded and i gave up on the thirld world.

Because user is poor.

christ user you're gonna have a bad time later on


173 / 11 / 2 here, the remaining levels are confusing the hell out of me

I really wish I heard about this game earlier, discussion is dead.

Should I buy this game?

>there are people who didnt get the 4th bonus

I'm glad I got the game when I did so I could participate in discussion.

>level requires word overlap

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It's in my counter, but that's because the Switch version is bugged. How are you supposed to collect A Prize Well Earned normally?

Am I missing something really obvious here?

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not rock is push

I didn't know I could do that. Neat.

I'm too dumb.

AN is PO