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phil fish won
>40 legendary titles
April fool's is on Monday, Sega.
I already own the Sega Mega Drive HD Collection SEGA, you should have followed Nintendo's example and pretended your old games are extremely precious and that ROMs don't exist.
oh boy another overpriced and under produced meme emulator
>PlayStation Mini
>Sega Mini
They need to realize no one cares.
I don't think the megadrive has 40 legendary titles. 20 maybe.
Probably gonna be the same shite we've seen in every megadrive collection for the last decade: phantasy star 2-3-4, altered beast, vectorman 1/2, golden axe, gunstar heroes, shining, oasis, etc etc.
they're not inherently bad games but every single collection is the same games, there's no way i'm paying 70 quid when I can get the collection on ps4/xbone/pc for 15 or free if I just fucking emulate. Now, if they said "hey you can also plug in your old games and play them" I'd be on fucking board. But there's no way they could get the licenses to do that shit legitimately. I think one of the @games consoles did that though.
I hope they don't fuck up the rest of the yet unannounced 30 games and fill the library with trash like Sony did with its Pisstation Classic.
I will keep a close eye on this
It won't have s3nk so no deal.
Why can't they do something like the Saturn or Dreamcast? They rerelease their mega drive catalog every second year.
Reminder this has a sd card slot and you can put every megadrive game on it
I haven't seen the list of those games, but I assume they won't be much different from the games that are already on Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Collection. And I have that collection for X360 and PS3. But you know what? Just give me Phantasy Star 2-4 and Shining Force and I will buy this shit.
Why does everyone copy Nintendo?
>Mega Drive
If they don’t have Crusader of Centy on this little bitch than it’s an oof and pass for me.
this was the shit back in the day
i had a game called Daffy duck in hollywood
fun as fuck
wow now i can play all the fantastic sega games like sonic and uh.. UHHH UHHHHHHHHH
Obvious Snoynigger is obvious.
omg omg this is going right on my funko pop shelf! I love old school gamin!
They only win if it's native hardware or, at the least, accurate emulation but we all know it won't be.
>No blast processing
emulators are free and have all the games
Yeah that's it's name everywhere except burgerland
>paying 80 burger bucks for a emulator with a bunch of shovel ware roms loaded on it
>being an amerimutt
Release a Dreamcast version and I'll buy it.
I already have all of the Genesis titles worth owning on Steam.
>mega drive
um....civilized countries call it the Genesis.
no cyborg justice, no buyborg justice
It's already on PS2, PS3, PSP, XB360, PS4, XBone, Switch and Steam. They are releasing the same pack of games over and over again for like 20 years.
Nostalgia is really a powerful tool to make more money.
Everyone already has the Mega Drive games, release the Saturn ones you fucking mongrels.
>People still pay for all these stupid minis
>Meanwhile I can literally download an emulator and 5000 games in 5 minutes
>Ecco the Dauphin
You Frenchy faggots have to ruin the name, too.
Niggadrive sucks only a few good games
Alien solider
Dynamite heady
Vectorman 2
Sonic 2
Sonic 3&K
Gunstar Heroes
Rocket Knight
Castlevania; Bloodlines
Contra; Hard Corps
This is £49 on
What's the difference?
looks nothing like a Mega Drive
The only thing that annoys me about these things is they could easily fit the entire genesis library on them so why only 40? Genesis games range from 500kb to 3mb so at most 40 games is literally only 120mb. I'm sure there's licensing issues with some games or whatever but still it seems like more games should be possible
Yeah fuck you. I can easily think of more than 40 games that would be worthy inclusions.
The device in your image has shit image quality, shit sound, shit controllers and input delay out the ass
The more games they put on, the less they can gauge and piecemeal ship out games later.
If this does well, then comes the second collection, then the third, then the fourth, etc etc. It's more profitable to release different collections (or 'upgrade' collections if it has an sd card slot, which it probably will) than to load all in one. This whole thing is a play to make easy money, do you really thing the raspberry pi and probably 3d printed shell costs anywhere near 80 euros? No, it probably barely costs 15, IF that. licensing or maybe royalties for some games adds on another 15 to 20 euros, and they've got a nearly 100% margin.
>40 of the console's legendary titles
Why is Sonic 1 there then? Or do they mean legendary kusoge?
What makes you think this new one is going to be any different
Third party licenses. Yeah, they wouldn't give out their games for free. Even when they release compilations of their own titles they often piecemeal them.
t. Treyvon Simpson
Why would they need licences to get it to play from the cartridge, it's their console.
>castlevania bloodlines finally gets a rerelease
why the FUCK did it take so long
Because companies will say that sega is stealing from them/not paying them when it's "obviously our game" that people are buying the system to play.
t. Mohammed Ghandi
They're including third party titles here like Castlevania shows. So there will be a few unique additions aside from the usual ones.
Literally nothing, it's not even as bas as people say
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Monster World IV
Light Crusader
Beyond Oasis
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Bare Knuckle III
Columns III
Shadow Dancer
Revenge of Shinobi
Thunder Force IV
Kid Chameleon
You fucked up
enjoy your garbage audio emulation
AtGames isn't making it
>Ecco the Dauphan
Was that game all about the French revolution all along? I thought it was about environmentalism and shit
>castlevania bloodlines
that fucking music
inb4 sonic 3 is included but sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles are separated again
Those are kinda second rate, I'm talking killer apps, cream of the crop
game size started to bloat in the CD era you absolute retard
So fucking good
>Mega Drive
>40 legendary titles
>only 40
>a guarantee it isn't going to have S3&K
Fuck this thing and fuck Sega.
More like Mega Drive it up your gaping asshole you fruit!
Japan has the better lineup right now, wonder if that'll stay
just hack it when it comes out and put sonic 3 complete on it
Is there gonna be an SD card/other way to load ROMS onto it?
Japan always has the better lineup. Fuck those stupid nips, shoulda let Russia rape them.
didnt they already do this like 5 years ago
>didn't even post best song
its equally as good
It won't have that cool Ghostbusters game so what's the fucking pooooooooooint
also this
Didn't there collection recently have 80 games on it? These people are such goddamn jews in the industry that it is sickening. This is why I encourage the emulation and pirating scene. Fuck these bastards.
>shit tons of incompatibility issues compared to the super NT
the SG is a fucking disaster. M2 will blow it the fuck out with software alone.
>40 Mega Drive games
>No Master System/Game Gear/ CD games.
Just buy a Mega Sg and hack it.
>super NT
before or after updates?
You couldn't afford it anyways, Pablo.
Fuck off and let the adults talk.
mod it to have it
>SoR 2nd rate
>Story of Thor 2nd rate
>Lightening [sic] Force 2nd rate
>Light Crusader 2nd rate
>Monster World 4 2nd rate
You're talking shit, cause you're an idiot.
Meh who cares fag. This mini is a guaranteed rip off. Just wait until its sound quality is absolute ass and it gets ripped to shreds by the internet.
super NT only had edge case issues in about 4 games at launch. SG has issues in tons of configurations and games. It's a mess. Changing the release date to be earlier was a mistake.
I actually remember liking this package desu, I think most games worked fine except for Sonic and it also had neat hidden things like original Phantasy Star in it.
It also had interviews with Sega employees who worked on Sonic 06 BEFORE it was released. Seeing them being hopeful for the game's release is somewhat heartbreaking, it's easy to forget that behind garbage end product there are always people in the development team who get completely screwed over.
he can "mod" his shitty laptop to have it. Without buying anything.
MW4 demolishes super metroid
I guess it was more difficult balancing configs for master system/game gear/CD/etc games in addition to mega drive
your shitty laptop doesn't have an emulator by M2, who successfully btfo all sega emulator authors at all times.
is every company gonna make a shitty mini console now to get some easy cash
To be fair, this one at least has third party stuff like Bloodlines so it might be interesting.
$230 to play 30 year old games
no thanks
lol at you dumb faggots whk bought this AND a super nt. you bought the same hardware twice and paid $460 for plastic shells
fuck analogue and fuck kevtris for misleading the public into thinking multiple cores would be released for the super nt in order to sell more units then they pull this shit.
Nah, SNES has more configurations per game. The SG was just rushed to market, maybe to beat the genesis mini announcement.
>no CD support
People pay for the shell and the controllers retard.
jesus christ downloaded mednafen already
Phil Fish is a cunt.
Nobody cares about your autistic emulator wars. People just want to play games.
Alisia Dragoon
Battle Mania
Battle Mania 2
Contra Hard Corps
General Chaos
Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike
Langrisser/Langrisser Hikari
Ranger X
Mutant League Hockey/Football
Panorama Cotton
Road Rash /2/3
Shinobi 3
Slap Fight
Super Fantasy Zone
Zero Wing because All Your Base
Most people don't care if the emulator simulates the original system's slowdowns and stupid shit like that.
What else has been announced at Sega Fes?
don't care about most people. Most people are like you, shit eating fortnite players.
Most people don't care about you.
>No Soldiers of Fortune (aka The Chaos Engine)
New Sakura Wars, New Mario & Sonic at the Olympics and that's pretty much it
Sega AGES:Herzog Zwei
PC gamers for some reason really dislike that one of their staple genres, the RTS, was invented on consoles.
nobody cares dude.
SEGA emulatora are already great and free. Miss me with that gay shit.
Not really, where did you get that? Everyone knows that it started on consoles, but it's still better fitted for the PC
PC gamers care, but nobody will ever care about you.
You tell me
Do the genesis controllers connect by USB? I would love to use the controllers for my PC if they're genuine enough.
It's usually met with delusions about how it doesn't really count and insistence that a game that came years later instead invented it. Despite it not inventing it.
Shining force 1 and 2 were also great.
They already had a ton of these over the years, and every gen gets multiple Genesis collections. It's hard to get excited.
That may be so, but RTS on PC is hundreds of times better and more equipped for the job. Analog sticks don't cut it.
Who gives a shit about what some random person thinks? Why do you even feel the need to complain about it here when nobody has brought it up?
I want it I want it I want it
How’s that PS Classic that doesn’t even have Fifa, tony hawk, nor six axis?
Good fucking luck. Your best bet is to get that bigbox or launchbox or whatever if you're a lazy shithead when it comes to emulation. I mean, I understand, I loved the Saturn and have a hard drive with the library right on my desk and am going to transfer it to a dedicated emulation rig I set up on a 50" tv here in a bit but you can't expect much when it comes to the Saturn.
Fifa? Why the fuck would fifa ever be a deciding factor?
Aladdin was way too good although a tad short
Reminds me back in 2008 Sony almost got it’s pants sued off for attempting to steal Nintendon’t
Apparently they never let that copyright expire
New Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games?
Oh I love those games
>40 games
>Castlevania: Bloodlines
>M2 emulating
>Yuzo Koshiro composing menu music
They actually fucking did. They just need to include Sonic 3 for a fucking change to really drive the point home.
Seethe more, your own fault for buying it
its now been 19 years without an ecco sequel
>it won't have sonic 3 and knuckles
who cares
That's great and all but when we getting the Mega Saturn?
That’s because PC players have 1 legit buyer to 200 pirates
When you can go on Pirate Bay and see your 2 1/2 year work project has near 8 Million pirated downloads to 785k paid you’d stop caring about PC players too
8 million people who simply wouldn't have played your game if they couldn't pirate it. Nothing was lost.
Incorrect. If they couldnt pirate they would have paid for it.
>Sega Saturn
my nigga
Real talk: all those Raspberry Pi SNES and Megadrive cases worth it? I see them on Ali all the time.
they just released official usb cons bro
saturns coming soon
Title list?
God damn thats a big controller
Now a whole new generation can experience the garbage that is Sega consoles.
>the vastly inferior 3-Button Controller instead of 6
>the same games we've gotten from countless compilations and Bloodlines
I don't think companies understand why Nintendo was successful in the mini console thing and why others fail or will get mediocre sales in comparison. Nintendo did or had the following in their favor:
>a trendsetter in the sense of making an actually high quality emulation box
>accurate as fuck controllers that are also compatible with other consoles
>actually sought after games in each collection instead of shovelware or straight up mediocrity
>artificial scarcity + Nintendo + scalpers = skyrocketed demand
>accurate emulation with a few bells and whistles like savestates instead of just being yet another ROM dump in a box
>releasing said products at the height of the retro craze
>no prior history of releasing crappy compilations like SEGA has thanks to AtGames
>many of the games released on each mini had never been re-released like Secret of Mana, Earthbound or released period like StarFox 2
Basically, I expect this thing to succeed, but not nearly on the same level as Nintendo. SEGA still has a tarnished reputation in the hardware aspect thanks to AtGames' shitty products, their franchises aren't as acclaimed as Nintendo's, it's piss easy to emulate GEN/MD games, and nearly every game on the thing has already been released on previous compilations. Nobody fucking cares about the 30ish games that have been released for the umpteenth time. It's going to take at least half the library of this thing being Bloodlines level of good to make people truly give a shit.
>785k paid
That means they made millions made from legit purchasers. What kind of stupid business doesn't care about that?
i didn't buy that shit. i would have if more cores were released like the og nt
1st, 8 million downloads doesn't mean 8 million different people.
2nd, You're wrong retard, your game sucks.
incorrect you dumbfuck most of them would have never played it or just used someone elses copy they dont have money for it in the first place you stupid ass bitch
In reality you probably gained more sales from pirates because some people downloaded it, liked it and bought it.
You would have LESS sales if no one could pirate it so kiss my giant fat ass you loser bitch
>I already have all of the Genesis titles worth owning on Steam.
>not playing on original SEGA hardware Mega mini
>paying for games he owned since 1972
>paying for games that have been perfected on personal computers since 1983 and free to download since
>manly tears plays his saturn mini
>Nobody fucking cares about the 30ish games that have been released for the umpteenth time.
What everybody said when the Mini NES was announced and yet the sheep will buy it. REgardless of how pointless and repetitive the whole fuckign concept is, Sega is literally doing everything right this time when it comes to the developers and content volume.
And hell, if takes Sega to do Konami's fucking job work for them and release Bloodlines in 2019, I'm all up for it.
Still whiter than you pajeet
Have you ever known Konami to pass up the chance to milk one of its popular back catalog titles?