I don't like how easily the A.I can be manipulated in the Advance Wars games. When you get the hang of it, every mission becomes a breeze and all the fun is removed.
Sorry if pic is really out of topic but I want to talk about videogames.[/
Post a negative aspect of the last game you've played
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You couldn’t find a picture of Advance Wars, you fucking autistic weeb? Kill yourself.
I fucking hate those weebs with their fapbait pictures. If anyone's ruining the quality of the website, it's them. Not even /pol/tards or redditors are that bad.
Talking about AW and the A.I, one pet peeve of mine is the fucking unfair fog of war mechanic. It doesn't work on the A.I air units
Ace Combat 7
Story don't have any focus.
Binding of Isaac, there's no reason to do Dark Room or Greed mode after getting 100%, and the Void's both unoriginal and unfair
artist is Sky(Freedom)
Today I will remind them
There is none
Most we got (so far) is a pic of the kid getting his dick sucked
might as well post the link user
Here's all his stuff
New Vegas
The shooting is mediocre with most weapons and shotguns can be aids in VATS, plus there are people willing to do any ending other than NCR
may this day be your best day, user
In this case it's better to check Gelbooru cause Danbooru hides shota sex.
Lol fuck off socialist faggot.
Back at 'cha
None of his art is explicit, just implied. The image I'm describing is on there
>Unga bunga democracy es soshulisum
better than letting a smiley faced tamagotchi led by some courier-walk-the-wasteland-fuck take care of the wastes
Needing to charge up your psychic powers before you can use them rooms with multiple enemies with ranged attacks a massive pain in the ass, and your AP meter rising automatically discourages you from really exploring your environment.
Sekiro, the combat game-play is basically a set of QTE's
There's a scant few explicit ones, and they're not there unless you have a gold account. Don't take my word for it, just go have a look at his tag on Gelbooru.
Only the mod packs are good.
Sekiro, the art direction isn't very good
Horrific nigger tier level design in a several areas. Like I can't recall a game that did it worse.