"difficult" games you found incredibly easy

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I don't know, I fucking suck at vidya and can't even play Baldur's Gate 2 on easy.

>the paid shill campaign ends
>Hollow Shit's threads start dying without reaching 10 replies
All fields.

I haven't seen Hollow Knight called a difficult game as a whole.
The last few challenges of the main game are hard but quite reasonable and radiant godmaster DLC certainly is difficult. I doubt you found these incredible easy.

You realize Hollow Knight was made by three fucking people right?
It's easy to imagine publishers with endlessly pockets like Ubisoft having shills, but if you think the vast majority of indie devs can afford "pad shills" you are absolutely fucking retarded.

>the first game sold over 2 million copies $15 each
>can't afford paid shills for the sequel because "muh 3 people"

HK is a decently challenging game, not "omg how the fuck can I beat this boss!?" hard really.

there's nothing to discuss with no more updates for the first game and info on the 2nd game being on a drip feed with everything shown being discussed ad nauseam . Things will pick up if we get another trailer

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You know there´s an expression call word of mouth right? If a good game is decently marketed then yeah it´s gonna take off.

Also the game was originally from a kickstarter so it got some traction already from backers.

played the game for 20 minutes and gave up

honestly Sekiro is literally twice as difficult as HK except for some of the very late game bosses

What makes you think a couple of aussies can afford shills? Its a genuinely good game and people like to talk about it.

Baldur's Gate is easy IF you know what you're doing. The problem is that for new players that's an unreasonable think to ask.

No shit the game is made by the masters of Dark Souls. No one is denying that.

so sekiro is easy?

I know Im late but the combat and movement in Silksong looks awesome. Her attacks are so much more interesting. It looks like theres even a parry in the trailer

How can Bill Gates afford anything, he's just a single amerifat? Number of people doesn't determine the amount of welath, you moron. HK sold for $30kk, and even if a third went to Gabe's pocket, $20kk is mor ethen enough for third world shills like you working for $2 an hour.


If you tanked in other souls games you will struggle, but if you have any sense of timing you can go full Sonic with a Katana.

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You are mentally ill. Get help


So what you are saying is the game is so shit half the players didn't even bother finishing the tutorial?

damn. And Kombat in that game is a breeze.

Nah more like falseflag.

well she had it in the first game so it'd be odd if she couldn't do it in this game. My question is if she'll be as strong out the gate as she was in HK but that would make the starting levels a breeze

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lol that shit happens with every game. Some people just dont even bother. So you´re implying souls games are bad as well?

>Everyone who likes a game and wants to talk about it with other people who like the game is a shill >:(

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So you never went to the white palace then did you?
Never finished the pantheons?

Stop sucking this game's dick, it's been two years, it's above average at best, "omg so pretty and melancholic" doesn't make a game a masterpiece worth talking about every fucking day

Never understood the whine. The control is perfectly responsive and fluid, and the game is very permissive with the lack of instant death shit like pits/spikes/lava or having boss one-shooting you.

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Eh it´s good though.

Post that radiant pantheon list, faggot.

How hard is HK compared to 4bsc Dead Cells? I'm about to start HK now since I finished platinum on DC.

HK is eaier than DC for sure. Well at least if we dont include the Godmaster boss rush DLC.

I didn't play dead cells but hk is pretty easy stuff until very late game, and the godmaster dlc extra content poses a challenge.

90% of Hollow Knight is relatively simple, you'll occasionally run into some bosses who take a few tries or charm tweaking but that's pretty standard for the genre. There's a handful of challenges that can be a real motherfucker though.

And Hornet 1 isn't even difficult

base game isn't hard but if you're saying stuff like path of pain (especially the final section) nightmare king grimm or grey prince zote is easy you're a contrarian negroid

Megaman in general. I mean yeah, the Gate fight exists and maybe Aztec Falcon and Phoenix Magnion will stomp you once or twice, but outside of that there's nothing to justify the amount of HOLY SHIT SO HARD reactions people seem to have.

Anyone having troubles with a completely non-random boss like NKG must be a low IQ shitter. Overhyped QTE for babies. Zote is only "hard" because he has literally unavoidable combinations of attacks that randomly instakill you on higher levels. It's not truly hard if it's luck-based instead of skill-based.

Excuse me, Sir, but this is a Hollow Knight shill thread. I understand you night have been misguided by the OP, but please take your good games elsewhere.

case in point

>a low IQ shitter
case in point

Pantheon is the only difficult part of the game.

Well, not "incredibly" easy but I had an easier time beating DMD and Master Ninja than most.
But I can't even beat Bayonetta on Hard. I don't fucking get it.

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You have to remember most people are babbies who either haven't played classic games in years or never played them at all. If you have a decent amount of experience with classic Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, etc. Hollow Knight will feel like a breeze. I still think it's a good game but it was their first major project and it shows in the balance (magic for instance being stupidly OP for most all of the base game, and the early game being really damn slow, platforming being babby mode until white palace).
You have to remember that they never finished an extra "hard mode" because the Zote goal wasn't met and they're turning Hornet DLC into a whole new game. The best they can do is just inflate damage and decrease health, and make no death and speedrun modes. I would love to explore Hollownest in a proper NG+ with changed up AI and fights, and possibly more platforming tools or a new character, but I'll take a whole new game over that instead.

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